Spring Park Primary School

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Spring Park Primary School


Year: 2 Date: Theme: The Great Lead Subject: DT Outcome: Race/DT Parental Involvement: Decorating Spring 2 Race Booklet Vehicles

Learning Challenge: Activity and Differentiation Success Criteria and BLP

Starter: Show the children some vehicles (pictures and vehicles). 1. LC: Can you investigate What is the same about all the vehicles? I can say what a chasis is vehicles? What is different about them? How could we sort them into groups? I can say what a axles is What are the different parts of a vehicle called? In what different I can say where the wheels and body ways can they move? Which features enable them to do this? are Discuss with the children the similarities and differences between I can label accurately the vehicles. With the children, make a list of features that all the I can sort vehicles into categories vehicles have. Talk to the children about how they can use existing I can locate different parts of a car vehicles, to give them ideas for their own models. Main: Ask the children to investigate a collection of toy vehicles. Get them to sort the vehicles in different ways. Chn to complete page 1 BLP- Noticing, absorption and of booklet – what they know about moving vehicles. distilling Then show chn http://www.ngfl- cymru.org.uk/vtc/wheels_axles/eng/Introduction/default.htm (PART 2 & 3) Focus on the different parts of a vehicle. Ask the children to make a sketch of one of the vehicles and label the parts paying attention to chassis, axles, wheels & body. LA/SEN: Chn to complete shared writing onto page 1 of booklet – then to look at pictures of vehicles and draw and label one on pg 2 of booklet using words – supported by T/TA MA: As above working with TA – using key vocab through discussion. HA: As above - unsupported Plenary: Review the features that all vehicles share. Review parts of the vehicle, especially wheels, axles, chassis. Tell the chn we will be designing and making our own moving vehicles this week and we want to find out Who will win the great race? 2. LC: Can you design your Starter: Explain that the children will be making their own vehicle in I can say how we will be successful vehicle that will win the the next lesson in order to race them at the end of the week – Who I can say what will make a good vehicle race? will win the great race? Ask chn how will they make a good vehicle? What does it need? Use talk partners – feedback. What design I can say what shape my car will be features will your vehicle need to be well made? How will you rate I can say size my car will be your finished vehicle against these criteria? Tell chn that you are I can say what materials I will use going write success criteria for how we can assess what a ‘good’ I can say how I am going to join my moving vehicle is – remembering they there vehicle will be in a race materials at the end of the week. Write success criteria as a class – to refer back to throughout week. Main: Discuss with the children what features their finished vehicles BLP Imagining, reasoning, planning will need to have. Encourage the children to think about: Appearance, Construction, Durability, Moving parts, Finish, Size, Purpose Show the children design criteria from the booklet. Use this to record some of their suggestions so that you model how to complete the sheet. MIXED ABILITY: Chn to design their own vehicle (page 3) and choose body of vehicle that matches purpose – remind chn of previous lesson when we looked at all different vehicles – remind chn that they purpose is to win the race! Chn to complete design page 3 of booklet. Plenary: Share designs with class from mixed abilities – chn to talk through there deign. (select boxes ready for axel lesson) 3. LC: Can you attach your Attaching axles and wheels I know what an axel is wheels to an axle safely? Starter: Show the children a picture of the underside of a lorry. I can say how to join materials Focus their attention on the wheels and axle. Explain that they are I can use a saw safely going to learn how to make wheels and attach them to vehicles. I can use reasoning skills to say which Ask some children how they think wheels are made. Show the wheels I think will be best children a technique for joining wheels. Demonstrate how to use a saw safely. Which wheels do you think are best and why? What risks are there in this activity? What BLP- Reasoning, making links, precautions will you take to work safely? noticing http://www.ngfl- cymru.org.uk/vtc/wheels_axles/eng/Introduction/default.htm (PART 1) Main: Chn to decide how they are going to attach axle and wheels. Chn to make axles according to body size (boxes selected in design lesson). Teacher to work with group at a time to show how to saw wood and make their axis for their wheels. Show chn different ways of attaching wheels to axles – plasticine, rubber washers, triangle card, straw LA/SEN: Chn to cut axle to size – chn to record how they did this on page 4 of DT booklet (through discussion as a group T/TA to assist completing pg 4) MA: Chn to cut axle to size – chn to record how they did this on page 4 of DT booklet HA: Chn to cut axle to size – chn to record how they did this on page 4 of DT booklet Plenary: Take feedback from chn on how what went well with task – use talk partners. 4. LC: Can you make your Making a chassis (frames and boxes) I can choose appropriate materials for vehicle using your Starter: Remind the children what they have learnt so far in the unit my design design? about joining wheels and axles, cutting wood and making a chassis. I can use appropriate tools for the Explain that they are going to make their vehicle in this lesson and materials I’m using outline the time they will have available. Remind them about their I know how to use my tool safely design criteria. Review and reinforce important skills such as sawing. Emphasise safety points such as adults only should use the glue gun, on request from children. Making links, noticing, reasoning Main: Children to make own chassis according to shape of body – attach axle and chassis and then body. Mixed Abilities: Less confident children are closely supervised. Plenary: What were the problems? How did you overcome them? What precautions did you take to work safely? 5. LC: Can you finish off Starter: Show chn various examples of cars made by children – I can use my success criteria against your vehicle? what do you need to use to cover your vehicle? Make a class list. my vehicle to see if I’ve been successful Discuss painting on smooth surface – will there be a problem? What would be easier? I can check my design against my Main: Chn to cover their vehicles – using different techniques. vehicle and check if everything has (Page 5 needs to be completed) been included Plenary: Discuss what went well and what you could do better next time? I can make amendments after evaluating my vehicle

BLP- Making links, reasoning, noticing 6. LC: Can you cover your Starter: Show class car manufacturers logos. See which ones they I can design an appropriate logo vehicle and design a recognise. Explain they are going to make a logo to decorate their I can say what colour the logo will be logo? vehicle as a technique for finishing it. Show class how to use create I can say the features of vehicles a simple logo using initials of name. Remind class of everything that I can choose appropriate features to they have learnt so far. Look a design sheet. make my vehicle look more realistic Main: Show the children some pictures of vehicles – discuss additional features for adding realism to their vehicles. What type of BLP- Planning, noticing, reasoning vehicle have you made? What special features should it have? How will you make your vehicle look more realistic? Can you add any working parts? Discuss finishing touches like: door handles, exhausts, stickers for lights etc. Reproduce LOGO on a sticky label. Chn to decide how they will cover their vehicle – discuss the surface they are attaching to (smooth – not easy to paint on) Mixed ability: Chn to design logo on paper - Chn to cover their vehicle. 7. LC: Can you evaluate your Evaluation I can use my success criteria against final vehicle? Starter: Remind class of the design criteria. Show enlarged copy of my vehicle to see if I’ve been successful evaluation sheet. Talk through sections asking questions, What do you like best about your vehicle? Why was this? I can check my design against my How well did you meet the agreed design criteria? Did you make vehicle and check if everything has any changes to your original design? been included Why was this? How could you improve your vehicle? Main: Children to complete evalutaion sheets page 7 in booklets. I can use two stars and a wish- I can Plenary: Qu’s – What advice would you give to other children say two things that have worked well making vehicles? and one thing that could be improved How could you display your work to show others? upon

BLP- Reasoning, noticing, questioning 8. LC: Who will win the great THE GREAT RACE- I can say if my vehicle has achieved its race? Chn to race their final vehicles – take photos for displays. criteria I can use something that I designed and made I know the purpose of my model

I can participate fairly I can work together as part of a team BLP- Collaboration and empathy E-Safety Starter I begin to understand the concept of the Communication & Collaboration 1.Play Tennis game- Communication Internet using Endless Forest 1.Do I know the difference 2. Ch to work with a partner on mind map- What do you know about Resources. between communicating via communication? How people communicate with other people? I can send suitable and purposeful email and online in a discussion emails, developing awareness of forum? Main appropriate language to use. http://www.learn-ict.org.uk/resources/intsafety/ks2_endless.htm - I know that passwords help to keep 2. Am I aware of the different Endless Forest Introduction to the Internet information safe and secure and that forms of online communication they should not be shared (email, forums, instant Mixed ability groups I can contribute to a class discussion messaging and social t’s Learning – Use of School Learning Platform- forum on My GFL- forum. networking sites) and find out FORUM Year 2, children to work with a partner to write messages about their associated risks? on Forum Year 2 using Fronter plantform

Plenary-How can you stay safe online? Make a class poster BLP-Making Links, Noticing, Reasoning Homework- ch to make a poster – Stay Safe Online

Geography Planning to be send by F. Scott I know what a Fairtrade.

L.C. What is a Fairtrade? What is a Fairtrade? Why is it important? BLP-Making Links, Noticing, How can we help to promote Fairtrade? Reasoning

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