Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

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Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

Date ______Name ______Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

1. A male kangaroo is called a:

a) buck b) doe

2. “Dontia” means ______.

3. The big land mass, that possibly was broken apart by the Flood, was known as


4. What does the “macro” in the word “macropod” mean?

a) two b) big c) small d) foot

5. Who does the word for “koala” come from?

a) Native Americans b) Asians c) Greeks d) Aborigines

6. What animal does a Tasmanian devil act like? ______

7. Name two characteristics of an opposum that’s “playing dead.”

1) ______

2) ______

8. Which of these creatures is most likely to be a pest?

a) wombat b) possum c) bandicoot d) bettong

9. What is the big difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby? Date ______Name ______Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

10. About how long did it take the numerous species of rock wallabies to come about?

a) 50 years b) 100 years c) 500 years d) 1000 years

11. A group of kangaroos is called a:

a) mob b) pod c) clan d) buck

12. Little trails of land that connect continents together are called


13. When kangaroos hop, what changes with their speed?


14. A pouch is known as a:

a) womb b) marsupium c) placenta d) potoroo

15. What do kangaroos do to keep cool?


16. Pap contains ______that aids in digestion.

17. How fast can kangaroos go?

a) 40 mph b) 50 mph c) 60 mph d) 70 mph Date ______Name ______Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

18. Kangaroos are the size of ______when born.

a) baby birds b) mice c) rice d) a fist

19. What special feature do rock wallabies have on their feet to help prevent slipping while on rocks?


20. Name an animal that has extra skin between its front and back legs:


21. How many species of wombats are there?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

22. What creature digs its entire life?

a) bilby b) Tasmanian tiger c) wombat d) marsupial mole

23. If it smells bad, a Tasmanian devil is probably:

a) scared b) angry c) relaxed d) happy

24. “Ther” refers to:

a) being small b) flying things c) living things d) wild animals Date ______Name ______Apologia Zoology 3: Lesson 5 Test

True or False – Write T for true and F for false for the following statements

______25. Eucalyptus leaves provide a lot of energy.

______26. Kangaroo stomachs are split into chambers.

______27. A Virginia opossum can be found in California.

______28. Several marsupials need minimal water.

______29. Possums can have prehensile tails.

______30. A kangaroos ligaments act like springs.

______31. Kangaroos can offer different-aged babies different nutrients at the same time.

______32. Most marsupials live in Asia.

______33. Once a joey leaves the pouch it no longer needs to nurse.

______34. Kangaroos prefer to be alone.

______35. Eucalyptus leaves can be poisonous to certain creatures.

Bonus: What does the word koala mean? ______

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