GSG Meeting March 12, 2013 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Ashurst A109 Meet-me line: 928-523-6629

7:00 p.m.-7:05 p.m. Announcements and roll call, Michael and Mia -All elections have at least 1 person running -We are now an official NAU Facebook page -Perhaps visit from Eva at the next meeting  Still waiting to hear back from Art Farmer  Nomination period ends tomorrow  All GSG positions are filled except CAL and one Extended Campuses position

7:05 p.m.-7:10 p.m. Travel funding presentation, Lisa Maroni A part of the Clinton Global Initiative-studied in Dubai- flying to where they host the event- Acting as an outreach person. St. Louis Montana- Working with NAU Dining to pilot a re-usable container program

7:10 p.m.-7:15 p.m. Graduate College, Ramona UGC is working on the dismissal policy. It is now up for a vote. Up until now, there has been no consistent dismissal policy. GPA standards not standardized. Voting to have a disqualification status that will place an account on hold. The student will then need to contact their advisor in order to get one more chance. Should be a more streamline process. Adam-will move the university to more equitable treatment of students and protect the university. Students may still appeal and then this appeal process will move forward prior to the disqualification process.

7:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. LAD recap., Jason and Katie Research funding- discussed student loan forgiveness and forgiveness programs. Exploring the idea of students possibly claiming bankruptcy. Fair access- Decrease time to publish if funded by tax-payer research grants NIH and 11 other agencies. Push towards open-education resources. Right to research- immigration reform for international students. Little was said on the Dream Act although it was briefly mentioned. Jason and Katie both urge GSG to participate next year. We should invite one or both of the librarians to discuss open access or even a representative from the Bookstore. Amy or Jill? 7:30 p.m.-7:35 p.m. ASA lawsuit  Are we going to take a position? 10 voted yes to take a stance. In the meantime, officers will gather pertinent information about the case and distribute it to all officers and representatives in order to vote next meeting.

7:35p.m.-8:00 p.m. Constituency meeting reports: Tabled for next meeting