A Note from the 7th Grade Team

Dear Parents and/or Guardians:

Welcome to our 7th grade community of learners!

The 7th grade program offers our students a rich variety of topics and activities presented in challenging ways. We hope each of our students will have a successful and satisfying year.

In order to maintain a classroom environment that is conducive to learning, we ask our students to abide by a list of expectations and rules. A copy of the Behavior Code is attached as well as the consequences for inappropriate behavior.

Please review the attached Behavior Code. After reviewing it with your child, sign and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher by Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Thank you for your support.

Sincerely, The 7th Grade Team Behavior Code

It is expected that you will respect the learning environment by conducting yourself accordingly. Simply put, we ask that your conduct is such that you do not cause anyone else or yourself to lose an opportunity to learn. In addition to following the school rules as stated in the student planner, students should follow the expectations and rules listed below.

Expectations and Rules:

1. Arrive on time for your classes. 2. Be prepared for class with notebook, pen/pencil, textbook, and other required materials. 3. Treat your teachers and fellow students with respect. The use of rude, abusive, vulgar, or threatening language and/or gestures indicates lack of respect and will not be tolerated. 4. Listen to directions. Ask questions if you do not understand an assignment. 5. Cooperate with your group. 6. Get on task and stay on task. 7. Do not bring gum or food into the classroom. 8. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 9. Do your homework assignments. Schedule time for completing them each day. (See work expectations) 10. Take care of school property—no vandalism. Do not write or carve on your desk or other school property. Treat computers with care. Take special care of text and reference books. Clean up after yourself. 11. Use the pencil sharpener during non-instructional time. 12. Only one student may sign out to the bathroom at a time. A visit to the bathroom should only take place during non- instructional time 13. Use your locker only during scheduled times or with a locker pass from your teacher.

School Work Expectations

1. Students are responsible for work missed during a pull out activity (i.e. field trip, guidance, music, etc.). Pull out activities DO NOT impact due dates for assignments. Students must see their teacher if a class is missed for a pull out lesson. 2. Students are expected to check teacher websites during an absence. Students are responsible for work missed during an absence upon their return. Students must meet with their teacher within 24 hours of returning to make arrangements. 3. Formative assessments (i.e. homework assignments) will not be accepted late for credit. (See number 1 & 2) 4. Summative assessments (i.e. long term projects) will be accepted after the due date with a grade deduction of 10% for each day the assignment is late. After the 4th day, the assignment will become a zero that cannot be made up. (See number 1 & 2) 5. Quizzes and tests must be made up after an absence. Students are to see or email their teachers within 2 days of returning from an absence to arrange to make up their quiz or test and any other missed work. If by the second day, the student has not met with the teacher, the teacher will give the student the quiz or test during class time. 6. Students who have printer issues are to either go to the library before 8:30 to print, or email their teacher and meet with the teacher before homeroom to print their work. No work should be printed during homeroom. Take pride in yourself and your work. Strive to do your best.

We have read the Behavior Code printed above.

Student’s signature: ______

Parent’s signature: ______

RETURN TO YOUR HOMEROOM TEACHER BY 9/14/16 Consequences of Inappropriate Behavior

st  1 occasion: The student will receive a verbal warning.

nd  2 occasion: Teachers may try various alternative interventions that are appropriate to the infraction. For example, the student’s seat may be moved or the parent may be contacted.

rd  3 occasion: A disruptive student will receive a teacher detention.

 After the first teacher detention, a disruptive student may receive a negative comment on the quarterly report card regarding behavior and each subsequent occasion will result in an administrative referral.

 In addition, any student who receives an administrative referral for inappropriate behavior as documented by the teachers/administration may not be eligible for participation in class trips and special events throughout the year. SAMPLE DETENTION NOTICE

I make every attempt to maintain a classroom environment that encourages learning in a positive, caring atmosphere.

______has been given a 15 minute detention for inappropriate behavior in class.

The reason for this detention is one or more of the following.  Prolonged talking to classmates during the lesson  Calling out  Inappropriate comment/behavior during a lesson  Lack of cooperation during group work  Missing homework or failure to make up an assignment  Failure to return item that needed to be signed  Other: ______

The detention is scheduled for ______(date).

 Before school (beginning at 8:15am)  Lunch detention (beginning at 12:15pm)  After school (beginning at 2:55pm)

Thank you.

Sincerely, Teacher Name

Parent/guardian’s signature: ______
