IFMA Executive Committee Meeting

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IFMA Executive Committee Meeting

Meeting Minutes IFMA Executive Committee Meeting Meeting of March 8, 2011

Attendees: Jim Zirbel Matt Darga Ron Rowe Nathan Hanson Dani Michels Chuck Fox Cheryl John Desens Patty Sweitzer Barb Milan Weisensel

Item #1: Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:39 a.m. at Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.

Item #2 Officer Reports  Secretary (Mike Schwartz) Not in attendance (sick) no report

 Treasurer (Cheryl Weisensel) Student fee reduction fee sent to IFMA headquarters. No sponsorship funds received this past month only lunch payment transactions. Total assets ok at this time, were doing very well.

 VP (Dani Michels) Strategic planning on track - great team of people in place. Four meetings have been planned from March to April. First strategic planning meeting we will discuss the annual survey. Received various feed back from committee members which Dani will condense and talk about the suggestions at the 1st meeting. Annual survey to be rolled out by the 21st. will allow for a one week response time and will still offer the $50.00 drawing winner. Will official close the survey in 2 weeks. After the final strategic planning meeting Dani and Mike will put together the final blueprint for the Madison Chapter 2011/2012 year.

 Immediate Past President (Matt Darga) Nomination ballet for Chapter officers will be communicated to membership by April

 Talent Scout (Karyn Biller) no report

 President (Jim Zirbel) Pikes Peak Chapter Annual awards??? Skills USA convention is scheduled for April 12/13th in the WI Dells. Jim needs 5 to 6 volunteers to man a booth during this convention. We also need to schedule interviews with facility managers to complete the video. This video will run at the booth and continually loop for approximately 6 minutes. We need to be able to summarize how the booth did via metrics; # of registrants, MATC, Internships, student lunch guests. Since the $500.00 booth fee was not budgeted for a motion was made by Matt Darga and a 2nd by Dani Michels to fund the booth using monies from the community service funds. Jim will schedule a meeting with Larry and Tom from New School to finalize this event. Jim will send notice out to the chapter membership advertising the event and also will schedule volunteers to man the booth.  Lunch Bunch (Rob Kritz & Jim Burke) No report

 Member Squad (Roberta Montague & Brian Hoffman) Dani represented the group and said the upcoming event will be held at WID. They would like to charge us $125.00 for the room and there also would be a charge for food. Cheryl indicated budget dollars remaining for membership committee at $704.00 and PR committee $422.00 total of $1126.00. Also discuss only offering 3 door prizes. PR will do a press release and notify newsletter and skills USA. The event is scheduled for April 28th. (Cheryl mentioned Union South will be opened for a after membership event get together)

 Show and Go (Ron Rowe & Jon Schneider) Finalizing speaker for luncheon – Dean Health Care Safety Director will speak to the group. The tour will be the new Dean Health facility in Janesville.

 Board of Education (Patty Sweitzer & Kyle Roux) The Milwaukee chapter communicated Tri-Chapter event date of May 12th. They have only reached out to Madison for past history documentation which was provided to them. They have asked for no other assistance. They also mentioned a CFM exam review class to be held the 10th and 11th. No other communications were sent with the exception of a proforma from Mark Sekula for the CFM class instructor fees. Jim Zirbel asked this to be sent to him. (Patty sent 3-8-11 at 10:08 am) Also, mentioned was the request for the Madison chapter to possibly line up a bus to take to the Milwaukee event. Patty will not be able to attend the event so therefore can not plan a bus. Also coordinating a lunch and learn regarding lighting changes in the workplace.

 Sponsorship Task Force (Barb Milan & Lorelle Michlitz) Shred it event March 16th at C.Coakley - $4.00 a bag. The committee is hoping to raise at least $1,000.00 for sponsorship. The sponsorship drive is at $11,500.00. They are $5,500.00 away from their goal. They plan on sending another blast out after the shred it event and place some phone calls. The sponsorship event is planned for May 17th from 12-1:30 p.m. at the Coliseum Bar. This event will take the place of the monthly luncheon at the Sheraton. The event will be in the 2nd floor space and this space will be free. They would have a $9.95 per person taco bar and offer wii tournaments on several of the flat screen TV’s as entertainment. Jim Zirbel will cancel the Sheraton lunch plans for May and resume the lunch plans for April.

 News Crew (Vicky Statz & Jennifer Hardebeck) No report

 IFMA 2.0 (Dick Pearson & Nathan Hanson) Web site is cool! The site has the ability to have lunch sign up and take payments on line. Currently working on restricted site information (membership information and scholarship) all the frame work is done and the site is customizable. Mike Schwartz, Nate, Jim and COW will have access to update the site and will be trained to do so. Jim mentioned the ability for directors and co-directors of committee teams to have access too update pages, but they need to look into this further. The program allows for 50 meg of on line storage.  New School (Larry Barton & Tom Riffle) Jim, Larry and Tom to meet to have a new school synergies meeting

 Team PR (Angela Brzowski & John Desens) Awards event needs to be planned the questions need to be answered - time of day, speaker, awards and how many, how much to charge; joint venture with others, cocktails, how long; where to hold event. It was mentioned that the annual survey should include these questions. Once we have answers we can create a budget. Student scholarships could be awarded at this time. The team plans on meeting the 2nd Friday of every month. (Dani, Nate, John and Angela) Angela and John ware working with member squad on their event, Westpahl supporting the cause providing project manager for tour. In Business magazine approached team PR and wanted to sell Madison IFMA advertising space. Proposal received is pricey! It was decided not to pursue at this time. Also, will be doing a press release for the Shred it event.

 Birdie Brigade (Kim Keister & Paula Roberts) No report

 Community Crew (Chuck Fox) February 21st Project night at the river was held. Doug Sutter from Buchman construction expressed interest in co-directing community crew with Chuck. The event was a success! Doug provided labor and materials for the baseboard, Julie and others painted. The team is currently planning the final out reach project for May/June time frame. It was suggested to possible do a project for DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) Dani will find out what needs to be done and Chuck will coordinate event.

 Old Business None

 New Business Awards of excellence nomination needs to be submitted to International by June 6, 2011.

Matt Darga motioned to approve last month’s minute minutes and Nate Hanson second.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. with a motion by Matt Darga and a second by Nate with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted:

Patty Sweitzer Co-Director of the Board of Education sitting in for a sick Mike Schwartz

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