Muchea Cattle Report 27Th June, 2016

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Muchea Cattle Report 27Th June, 2016


Landmark reports 1704 cattle sold at Muchea, Monday 27th June, which included 107 in the calf sale. Pastoral numbers were well down due to widespread rain and local trade and cow supplies increased. All grain assisted lines were firm to dearer and the few export pastoral steers offered were fully firm. Only odd lines of local store steers and heifers were available with values firm. Light weight pastoral heifers were mixed in quality and values were barely equal. Heavy bulls for slaughter were equal, with those suitable for live export also equal. Best heavy local cows were slightly dearer for special lots with all other categories, including pastoral drafts, fully firm.

REP SALES – Cattle

Koobabbie & Co - Corrow 5 S/HORN G/ASSIST STRS 423kg@328c/kg =$1387.00 2 S/HORN G/ASSIST STRS 447kg@336c/kg =$1502.00 1 ANGUS COW 670kg@252c/kg =$1688.00

IG & LM Richards – Dowerin 8 ANG G/ASSIST STRS 491kg@350c/kg =$1719.00 8 ANG G/ASSIST HFRS 460kg@328c/kg =$1509.00

JJ & CD Bowron – Bonnie Rock 5 M/G G/ASSIST HFRS 403kg@342c/kg =$1378.00 3 ANG G/ASSIST HFRS 424kg@352c/kg =$1493.00

Senghoo Watercarrin Beef P/L – Corrigin 8 D/MSTR STEERS 366kg@346c/kg =$1266.00 12 D/MSTR STEERS 359kg@344c/kg =$1235.00

Coolawanyah Pastoral Co – Tom Price 3 SANTA X STEERS 546kg@304c/kg =$1660.00 3 SANTA X STEERS 482kg@312c/kg =$1504.00 10 SANTA X STEERS 432kg@314c/kg =$1357.00 Davis River Partnership – Nullagine 4 BRAH X STEERS 281kg@344c/kg =$967.00 15 BRAH X HEIFERS 226kg@272c/kg =$615.00

PG Spencer – Gingin 4 LIMO X HEIFERS 324kg@334c/kg =$1082.00 5 ANGUS HEIFERS 268kg@346c/kg =$927.00

Waddi Park Farming Co – Bolgart 5 M/GREY HEIFERS 222kg@376c/kg =$835.00 2 M/GREY COWS 665kg@278c/kg =$1849.00

Haseley Stud – Toodyay 13 D/MSTR COWS 468kg@258c/kg =$1207.00

Newburn Grazing Co – Keysbrook 2 M/GREY COWS 526kg@250c/kg =$1315.00 1 LIMO X COW 688kg@280c/kg =$1926.00

AG & EA Bain – Walkaway 1 ANGUS BULL 986kg@270c/kg =$2662.00

Clearview Nominees – North Dandalup 3 CHAROLAIS COWS 459kg@302c/kg =$1386.00 MUCHEA CATTLE REPORT

Date: 27th June, 2016 Total Yarded: 1704 Live Weight: 1597 Landmark Yarding: 872 MARKET TONE FROM LAST WEEK C/KG LIVEWEIGHT

Up Equal Down Values this week c/kg liveweight Local Export Steers NY Local Medium/Light Steers NY Local Heavy Heifers NY Local Medium/Light Heifers NY Local Store Steers 320-360 Local Store Heifers = 310-352 Pastoral Export Steers = 250-308 Pastoral Store Steers = 270-332 Pastoral Heavy Heifers NY Pastoral Light/Medium Heifers = 180-300

Grain Finished Steers = 315-355 Grain Finished Heifers = 280-340

Vealer Steers NY Vealer Heifers NY

Local Heavy Cows = 250-278 Local Medium/Light Cows = 220-250 Pastoral Heavy Cows = 238-265 Pastoral Medium/Light Cows = 175-262

Q Local Heavy Bulls = 230-270 Local Medium Bulls = 320-360 Local Light Bulls 350-380 Pastoral Heavy Bulls = 210-260 Pastoral Medium Bulls = 280-350 Pastoral Light Bulls 30-40 330-360

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