I. Welcome & Call to Order - General Announcements
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SBS-SAC to meet 11/6/14 MINUTES 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Marshall Building Room 340
I. Welcome & Call to Order - General Announcements
Started at 9:01 a.m UA SAC general meeting was held on November 4. This meeting included an hour of professional development with a presentation from Loretta Pedraza, Human Resources Consultant. Loretta gave a presentation on developing effective resumes and cover letters, tips for business writing, and best practices forjob interviews. Some of this may also apply to students to aid in their job search. Melanie Tornquist stepped down as UA SAC President and Sherrie Hill is the new president. Asya will send information on the next UA SAC speaker series. (After our meeting, it was learned that the next general meeting will be held on December 2, 3-5pm, in the Campus Rec North Conference Room.) The Never Settle strategic plan does not currently include mention of staff and AP. Barbara Bryson, VP of strategic planning and analysis, is working on Never Settle 1.1 to include staff and AP in the strategic plan. UA APAC – Jared Burton was not able to attend. No update was given on APAC.
II. Spring retreat update from committee chair Shayna Walker
Shayna said she and her committee members arrived at a date of April 15 for the staff/ap retreat. It was noted that UA Services Awards are on April 16. She said there would be a game and fun activities as well as many items to be raffled and one or two large door prizes. They have invited a speaker, someone whose talk will be more interactive. It will be held in the Student Union and be catered for an estimated 100 staff members. More fun, more interactive, one speaker. (Information that became available after the meeting is that the retreat will be held on April 22, and the Student Union is not an option as nothing is available that day. More to come). It was pointed out that the last retreat had approximately 80 guests. The venue cost $400, the audio/visual was $75, and the catering was $1,100 for a total cost of $1575. The group figured that if we keep the estimated guests to 100 it could be done with a budget of $1900 and that all we have to pay for is the room and the food. The treasurer will become involved when it’s time to reserve a space for the retreat. III. Budget update from treasurer Lupita Cruz
Treasurer Lupita Cruz said the current balance is $2,960. We spent $1196.58 on reimbursements for the Crossroads Conference in May and other awards; we spent $77.85 on potluck supplies and snacks; there was a $691.50 charge for a room, but she wasn’t sure what this was for. There was some confusion if our $3,000 budget was for a calendar year or fiscal year. There was a question about whether we should approach Francisco and ask to make the receipt of funds from the dean’s office a fiscal year receipt rather than the current calendar year receipt. Lupita said she would ask Francisco (Pedroza). Discussion ensued on whether we could earmark the $1900 needed for the retreat for next calendar year, if in fact we have a calendar year budget. It was reiterated that the dean’s office will pay for the staff gift at the staff appreciation luncheon. (After our meeting, it was clarified from Francisco that our budget is a Fiscal Year budget and we have $2,960 for the rest of this Fiscal Year.) The next Crossroads Conference is scheduled for May 20 and everyone was encouraged to register as soon as registration becomes available because last year it filled quickly. It’s for 200-plus participants. It was indicated that Vin Del Casino and Andrew Comrie would be speakers at the event. The council’s understanding is that we have $3000 to use for an annual staff retreat as well as professional development awards. The understanding is that if we use all the money and have more needs to reimburse staff/ap for workshops and professional development, we could seek funds from the dean’s office. The question came up, “What is considered ‘professional development,’” and the answer was that it’s broad, but it can be anything that helps staff/ap do their current job better and/or prepare for things to come.
IV. Award applications for 2014
Help spread the word in your units. Co-chairs will send an email about this to all staff. There is a ceiling of $250 per recipient unless there is money still available, in which case if someone who spent more than $250 on a class, books, workshops, etc., he/she could receive additional funds. There is no hard deadline to apply, but applicants will have to prove that they completed the course/workshop before funds can be approved/disbursed. Discussion ensued about applicants having to wait until they completed a course to ensure that the money isn’t awarded and the applicant at some point drops the class or doesn’t complete the workshop. This is a common practice and a majority agreed we should follow it. Questions came up about staff updates on RCM2. There was discussion about how business managers received some information but it’s a very large and complex topic. There was information in the latest Lo Que Pasa and everyone was encouraged to take a look. Apparently there is a video about RCM2 and how the UA foresees everything happening. There was talk about eight peer universities and how they use this model. Discussion centered on some concern about the details of RCM2 and how staff/ap would be brought up to speed on updates and changes. There were questions and discussion about the iCourse fee as well as Online University and how they’re two different things. Everyone seems aware that the iCourse fee has been implemented for Spring 2015.
V. Vote and move forward with fall project (adopt-a-family? Something else?); Training/development next steps
A vote was taken to do Adopt A Family again this year and Shayna and Margaret will work on this. An email will be sent to all staff/ap with details of the family and their wish list. The email will also include where to take the items and a deadline to get all items turned in. It was noted that last year the donated items took over most of Margaret’s office in MAS and we will probably need a different place to store items until they can be delivered. Under the discussion about training and development, the survey showed that most people wanted excel and access training, as well as adobe creative suite, UAccess analytics, drupal, grant writing, and administrative procedures. A suggestion was made that a subcommittee be formed to best address training and development opportunities and processes. Elena volunteered to chair that committee, Ricky and one other rep volunteered to join. A suggestion was made to set up excel beginning, intermediate and advanced sessions for SBS staff/ap only and everyone seemed interested. More to come.
VI. Brief recap of Oct. 2 meeting
Issues were brought up regarding the minutes and a breakdown in the review/approval process. The minutes had been changed after they were sent out to the committee, but before they were approved by the co-chairs. There was discussion about what should be included in our minutes, including how detailed they should be, and how we share them publicly on the SBS website. Information was shared on how other UA committees such as UA SAC and APAC share and write their minutes. We have decided to table this issue until the December meeting where this will be an agenda item. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Next meeting is December 4, 9-10 a.m. in Marshall 34
SBS SAC 6- Representatives AY 4- No 2014-15 Sep 2-Oct v Dept Name NetID Snack/Drink Advising Monica Barrera mbarrera X Am. Indian Studies Anne M. Jones amjones X X Anthropology Catherine Lehman cml drink 12/4 X CMES Megan Young myoung X X X Communication Nancy Kelly nmkelly X X X Economics Stephanie English Pearmain Pearmain rosiejohnso Freedom Center Rosie Johnson n X X Darcy Roman- GWS Felix roman snack 11/6 X X X Geog & Dev Amanda Percy amandab X X Gov't / Public Pol Angela Hackett ahackett drink 10/2 X X X History Vicki Parker vrparker X X Journalism Elena Stauffer ecstauff Sept. 4 X X X Judaic Studies John Winchester winches X Latin Am Studies Robert James rbjames X Linguistics Shayna Walker shaynaw X X X Late Med/Ref Studies Luise Betterton bettertm X Mex/Am Studies Margaret Yrun mcyrun snack 10/2 X X X Mariam MENAS Hawatmeh marianh X Philosophy Sandra Kimball skimball snack 12/4 X X X SBSRI SIRLS Ricky Salazar ricar22 X X X SIROW Courtney Waters cwaters X X Sociology Heidi Hopkins hhopkins X X X Fm The S/West Center Lupita Cruz lmaldona drink 11/16 X Emg X SBS Tech Dave Thompsen thompsen X X X
additional attendees Asya Roberts asya UA SAC X X X Elizabeth Cordova elizabec Geog X Jared Burton burtonj APAC X Paloma Boykin boykin1 Advis X Geraldine Fragoso gfragoso SIRLS X Debbie Jackson debbiej Phil X Kris Hogeboom hogeboom SIRLS X Kate Harrison kateh Jour X X Tina Mendoza trm COMM X