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Rainy River District School Board

Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

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Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan


For the purposes of this plan, a major incident or threat of school violence is defined as a situation involving an armed individual posing immediate threat to life (i.e. has a gun, knife, explosives, etc.).

When a “Major Incident or Threat of School Violence Occurs”

Although every effort is made to ensure a safe school environment, staff and students need to be aware of the possibility that a major incident or threat of school violence can occur at any time or in any location within a school.

If you observe a major incident or threat of school violence, DO NOT CONFRONT THE SUSPECT.

It is critical to notify the office immediately. As well, if it is safe to do so without danger to yourself or others, obtain the following details for your report to the office:

 location and number of suspects;  suspect moving or stationary;  identity;  description of physical appearance (clothing, build, etc.);  description of weapons;  possible motive or threats made; and  any known injuries and location of casualties.

Note: Bomb threats are not covered under these procedures.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

When Office Staff are Notified of Major Incident or Threat of School Violence

When a major incident or threat of school violence is reported, staff in the office need to keep the flow of information going, obtaining as much detail about the incident as possible from the initial observer. A priority at this point is to confirm a major incident or threat of school violence is occurring. After confirming that a major incident or threat of school violence has occurred, immediately implement the School Lockdown Response Plan. Focus on maintaining calm.


When notified of a major incident or threat of school violence activating Lockdown, calling 911, and notifying the Principal or designate should happen as closely together as possible. Responding personnel will have to use individual judgement as to what they can and should do first, keeping in mind that their primary role is taking care of students and staff at risk.


Plans should emphasize the importance of locking down as quickly as possible. At the first indication of a major incident or threat of school violence, notification must go to the office and the Lockdown commenced immediately.

The person receiving the report of major incident or threat of school violence initiates the Lockdown procedure as follows:

 activate all public address (PA) systems (inside and outside); and

 announce clearly and calmly on public address (PA) system:

 “Your Attention please: We have an emergency situation – initiate immediate lockdown”. Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest safe area now. Follow all lockdown procedures.

Repeat: The school is now in a lockdown. Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest safe area now.” Follow all lockdown procedures.”

Upon hearing the Lockdown announcement, staff will immediately initiate lockdown procedures.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan


If you hear the Fire Alarm: (During a School Lockdown)

In the event that a fire alarm is activated once a lockdown has been called, staff and students will not respond as they normally would to a fire alarm, but shall remain in lockdown, if it is safe to do so. Staff and students must always be aware of other dangers such as fire, and be prepared to respond accordingly to the most serious threat in order to ensure their own safety.

Procedures for staff and students to follow:

1. Remain in lockdown (if safe to do so). 2. Determine the most immediate threat (through continued observation/communication) 3. Continue to observe areas around openings (ie. doors) for presence of smoke (if necessary, seal off openings with tape, clothing etc. to prevent smoke from entering the room). 4. Determine second means of egress. 5. Remain in place until:

a) Lockdown has been lifted b) You have been instructed by emergency services to evacuate the building c) Potential exists to be overcome by smoke and/or fire at which time you can utilize your second means of egress to evacuate the building

Plans “Procedures” to end a Lockdown

Lockdown is in effect until:  Cancelled by the principal or designate.  Upon direction from police “All Clear” announcement.  Room to room visit from police/school administrator, with identification.  Process to ensure occupants know that “All Clear” is authentic.

CALL 911

The person receiving notification of major incident or threat of school violence calls 911 or requests someone to immediately call 911. If you are the only one in the office, you should initiate Lockdown before calling 911. A call to 911 will initiate assistance from police services, as well as fire and ambulance services if required.

When you call 911, provide the following information:

- identify yourself, the school name, and full address; - describe situation (provide all known information); - identify whether anyone is injured and the severity of the injuries;

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

- stay on the line and continue to provide information as requested by the emergency operator; - explain safe approach (routes/entrance) for police and advise police where they will be met; and - begin to document times and events relating to the incident.

The information that is being documented will greatly assist police services during their response to this incident.

If you haven’t already done so, notify the principal/vice-principal of the situation and provide all known information about the incident.


Lockdown describes the steps that school staff members take to ensure the safety and security of school occupants during a major incident or threat of school violence”. These steps are outlined below. Every attempt should be made to respond quickly and calmly.

Inside School Building

During the lockdown phase, staff will focus on taking care of students and ensuring they are directed out of harm’s way. It is recommended that, before locking a door, staff should gather everyone in the immediate vicinity into their classroom or other secure area, but only if it is safe to do so. To implement the lockdown phase, staff direct students to the closest secure area, remain with the students, and, if possible, lock doors to the area. Assess whether anyone is injured and the severity of injuries. Take appropriate measures to assist the injured without jeopardizing the safety of yourself or others.

Lockdown Procedures within Classrooms and Portables

 Students are to move away from doors and windows  Turn off lights;  Close blinds;  Beware of sight lines  If there is a window in the classroom door, consider covering window;  Take cover if available (get behind something solid);  Remain absolutely quiet  Individuals are to contact the office ONLY with vital information regarding incident.  Cell phones are not to be used by staff or students unless communicating vital emergency information (excessive cell phone use in other violent incidents has shut down access to vital communication lines).  Staff takes attendance in class and completes an attendance report.

Staff, students and any other occupants are to remain in the secure location until notified by appropriate personnel on what actions to take.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Lockdown Procedures within Library, Cafeteria and Other Open Areas

Depending on the individual school plan and the situation (location and actions of the suspect) consideration must be given to the controlled evacuation of students to identified secure areas. See Individual School Plan section for details relating to your school.

Outside School Building

Not all students and staff will be inside the building when a major incident or threat of school violence occurs. If you are outside the building, follow the steps outlined below:

1. DO NOT ENTER SCHOOL. Move as far away from the school as possible. Proceed to identified area if possible (see Individual School Plan section). Staff monitor that students remain in the identified area. Staff takes attendance.

2. “Proceed immediately to off-site evacuation location.”

3. “Remain at site until advised by administration or police”

“Neighbouring schools may not be the best location for off-site evacuation locations as they too may lock down once they become aware of an incident at a nearby school.”


A Command Post is the focal point for command and control of the situation. This is where the police will direct the overall response to the incident and where the principal will work closely with the police providing required support.

School administration should identify a minimum of three locations, two within the school and one location off-site.

In determining command post locations, consider the following points:

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

 Safety;

 Security;

 access to good communication links (public address (PA) system, phone, fax); and

 washrooms.

The following supplies are recommended for your main command post location:

 school floor plans;

 contact lists;

 major incident or threat of school violence Emergency Response Quick Reference;

 student and staff lists, bus lists;

 flip charts;

 markers, pens, paper;

 megaphone;

 first aid kit;

 caution tape;

 portable stretcher (if possible);

 telephone directory;

 current year book; and

 access to student and staff timetables.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan


While it is important to maintain consistency across the Board in terms of emergency response (for example Lockdown is to be used universally), it is vital that each school addresses their unique open areas (cafeteria, gymnasium, library, etc.) and off-site evacuation areas.

Insert individual school plans below:

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Local Lockdown Plan for Open Areas i.e. cafeterias, libraries, gymnasiums, foyers

 The signal is “Your Attention please – we have an emergency situation – initiate immediate lockdown”. Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest safe area now. Follow all lockdown procedures. Repeat: “Your Attention please – we have an emergency situation – initiate immediate lockdown”. Stay in your classroom or go to the nearest safe area now. Follow all lockdown procedures.”

 Explain to students that this is a drill and that they are to take this seriously.

 Ensure that you can lock your door immediately. Either keep your keys on you or keep your door locked (but opened) throughout the day and close/lock it immediately upon hearing the signal.

 Move the students to the far corner of the room, away from the door. This also applies to the computer lab. Turn out all lights. Please ensure that you students remain quiet and calm during a lockdown drill.

 Janitorial staff are to proceed to the nearest safe area.

 Staff in the staffroom are to shut/lock the door. If you are in the staffroom and do not have a key, proceed immediately to the nearest classroom.

 If your students are out of the classroom (e.g., washroom), they are to go to the nearest classroom immediately. If students from other classes report to your classroom, please “make a record that they are in your classroom”

 If in the gym, lock the gym doors. Have the students sit along the northeast wall which is as out of sight as possible.

 If you’re in the library, lock the door move the students to the north far corner and have students sit on the floor, behind the shelves so that they are not in view.

 If you’re in the kindergarten rooms, ensure both doors are locked (including the SK entrance), and move students to a place in the room, away from the view of the door.

 Do not use the intercom system unless there is an emergency.

 Should the fire alarm sound during a lockdown, do not evacuate the building unless:

 You have first hand knowledge that there is a fire in the building.

 You have been advised by the Administration, Police or Fire Department to evacuate the building.

 Upon hearing “Announcement by school administrator or room to room visit from police or school administrator with some sort of an identification process to ensure that occupants of room know that whoever is giving the all clear is authentic” resume class as normal.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Off-site Evacuation Location

The principal or designate assigns staff to supervise students and take attendance. Students may be released to parents/guardians. Student departures must be documented by staff. A police officer will be assigned to this area to communicate information to staff, students and families.

Follow the schools evacuation plan.


Orientation for new teachers should include mandatory lockdown training. Schools should establish a method to conduct lockdown review training for all staff, during each school year. Where possible, it is advantageous to have police and emergencies services partners present during training, and to assist with the training of staff and students. Information for parents may include newsletters, school or board websites or an invitation to an evening session on lockdown plans. Fire and EMS should be invited to training sessions.

People can be expected to respond properly under stressful and emergent circumstances when properly trained.


Once police arrive on the scene, they have ultimate command of the incident. Staff, students and other occupants must provide full co-operation and follow police direction.

Police will control access to the school and designated off-site locations. Police will assign an officer to the off-site evacuation location to communicate information to staff, students and families. Police will direct families arriving on- site to pre-designated, off-site evacuation locations where they can receive information.

Principal’s Role with Police

The principal remains primarily responsible for the safety of students and staff.

The principal or designate will meet police on arrival and describe the situation.

Administration and staff cooperate with police to make appropriate decisions.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Staff/Student Responsibilities in Assisting Police

Crime Scene Staff, students and other occupants need to be aware that any site(s) may contain crime scene evidence. Avoid unnecessarily tampering with or disturbing evidence. To the extent possible, leave all objects exactly as they are in order to protect the crime scene for law enforcement investigations. Discourage others from disturbing potential evidence. Keep the area isolated.

Media Response

Police set up a media relations centre outside incident area. Police representatives handle media relations regarding the incident and police response.

 Board representatives handle media relations regarding Board related concerns.

It is strongly advisable that media personnel from police and school boards share media releases prior to the release being sent to the media, so that both police and school officials are aware of what the other agency is saying. A spirit of cooperation is highly recommended in terms of police and school officials working closely on media issues. Coordinated and consistent messaging from all partners is essential in maintaining public confidence.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan


Schools will maintain an up-to-date (reviewed twice a year) emergency contact list and include it in the Violent Incident Emergency Response Quick Reference. This document will be made available at the identified command posts.

Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance) 911

Evacuation Site

Board Office Rainy River DSB 522 Second Street East 807-274-9855

Bus Company Iron Range Atikokan Ray Dianne 597-3317 (w) 274-8757 597-7639 (cell)

Hospital – Fort Frances 274-3266

Hospital – Atikokan 597-4215

Other numbers

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan



Ensure that you are familiar with the Lockdown/Hold and Secure procedure for your school.

Ensure that a copy of the Lockdown/Hold and Secure procedure has been included with your supply teacher information


Remain calm and reassure students that the emergency is under control.

If you are in the school:

Direct students in hallways to seek shelter in the nearest classroom.

Support staff (e.g., custodial staff) will report to a previously designated location if it is safe to do so or to the nearest safe location.

Close classroom door, turn out the lights, and cover windows or openings, if possible (consider making pre-made coverings that can be easily accessed in your classroom).

Move students away from windows and doors. Instruct students to remain silent.

Face away from glass and doors where possible and away from open or exposed situations.

Turn off all electronic devises, including radios, televisions, and cell phones, where appropriate to do so. However, if you have vital information or need to report a medical emergency, CALL 911 directly.

Do not call the office for general information.

Take attendance.

Do not open doors or allow anyone outside of the classroom until the principal/designate or police personnel gives an all-clear signal.

If you are in an outdoor area:

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Return to the school, if it is safe to do so.

If it is not safe to return to the school, proceed to the designated evacuation site and take attendance. Call the Board Office to report on the group of students that you have with you.

If it is not safe to proceed to the evacuation site, direct students to take cover.


Outdoor activities should be cancelled and staff/students should return to the school.

If it is not safe to return to the school, proceed to the designated evacuation site and take attendance.


You will receive direction from the principal/police personnel if an evacuation is required.

Do not leave your area unless you are told to do so by the principal/designate or police personnel.


Refer any media inquiries to the official spokesperson.



Take all drills seriously. They could save your life.




If you’re out of your classroom, go immediately to the nearest classroom or safe area, if it is safe to do so.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

Turn off all electronic devices including ringers on cell phones. However, if you have vital information or need to report a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 directly.

Remember that the school will notify your parents.

Make sure that you tell a staff member any important and pertinent information.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan



Review school and Board plans and policies/procedures annually.

Ensure that each school has a Lockdown/Hold and Secure plan that is in compliance with the Board’s Lockdown/Hold and Secure procedure (i.e., a minimum of two lockdown drills per year).

Review dates of drills with Principal.

Ensure that trustee for the school is notified in advance of drills held in conjunction with Ontario Provincial Police, Fort Frances.

Provide Family of Schools principals with contact phone numbers.


Coordinate communications between school and Board (Director, Trustee for the school, Chair of the Board, Communications Department, and others as required).

Notify Employee Health Services (for notification of Joint Health and Safety Committee).


Debrief with police and emergency personnel.

Debrief with school administrative team.

Arrange for support personnel, as necessary (e.g. Tragic Events Response Team/Compassionate Care Team).

Send a crisis report to the Director as soon as is reasonably possible.

Coordinate parent and media communications with the Communications Departments of the Board and Police Service.

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan


(To be completed by Principal/Designate)

Walkabout for Safety – Lockdown Considerations completed (see checklist).

Two (2) lockdown drills scheduled (minimum).

Provisions made for staff training regarding school-specific lockdown procedures. Date: Click here to enter a date. (usually before the end of September)

Staff has reviewed school’s lockdown procedures with students.

School-specific plan addresses those areas of the school that are unique to the setting (e.g., open areas, cafeteria, portables).

Necessary revisions to physical plant have been made to address special needs of students/staff new to the school.


Date: Click here to enter a date.


Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan We are currently

conducting a


Please do not enter

the school during the


Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan Name of School:

We are currently in


Shelter in Place – Shelter in Place is a response to an external situation which may or may not be related to the school (e.g., environmental or weather related situation in the neighbourhood). Staff and students move freely within the school. The external doors are locked and monitored.

Please call the school at

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14 Rainy River District School Board School Lockdown Response Plan

We are currently in


Hold and Secure – Hold and Secure is a response to an ongoing situation inside or outside the school, when it is desirable to secure the school. In this situation staff and students will remain in classrooms or will report to the closest classroom/secure location until such time as the situation is resolved. Classroom doors are locked however, classroom activities continue. External doors are locked and monitored.

Please call the school at

Ref 7.23 Superintendent

Rev. October 14

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