Cultural Diversity Programing Lens

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Cultural Diversity Programing Lens

Cultural Diversity Programming Lens: General Framework

Main question: How is the programme (including project proposals, policies, laws and practices) respecting and safeguarding cultural diversity in general and the principles of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in particular? Main topics Reference Key questions Sub-topics UDCD: 4,5,6,7,8,9 Ratification and implementation of international instruments promoting: Does the programme take into consideration existing national  Right not to be discriminated on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, MLA: 2, 4, 12, 13, laws and priorities as well as internationally-agreed human political or other opinion, ethnicity (including indigenous and minority groups), 15, 16, 18 rights related to culture? national or social origin, property, birth or other status, HIV/AIDS status, and 1. International rights disabilities1 and national laws  Freedom of expression, thought, religion, media pluralism, and multilingualism  Right to quality education and to choose the kind of education for your children  Right to participate freely in the cultural life of the community

Existence and enforcement of national laws and policies on:  Culture  Intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright, patents, trademarks)  Socially-marginalized and minority groups  Mobility, specifically artists’ mobility  Creating conditions conducive to the production and dissemination of diversified cultural goods and services

2. Access and inclusion UDCD: 2, 6, 8, 9 How will the programme increase (or decrease) opportunities  Physical, economical, legal and social accessibility to the programme itself of all for access of persons and/or groups from diverse cultural  Improvement of access to education; domestic and international markets; art, scientific MLA: 3, 10, 16, 17 backgrounds to the programme itself and to resources, and technological knowledge services, and means of expression and dissemination?  Inclusion of persons or groups from diverse cultural backgrounds: ethnicity, religion, social group, sex, age, etc. (with special focus on obstacles to this inclusion) How will the programme increase (or decrease) benefits for  Content of materials linguistically and culturally-appropriate for all target groups inclusion of persons and/or groups from diverse cultural  Programme materials and methods adapted to various levels of literacy (including backgrounds in society and/or in the programme itself? using drawings and/or audio in the programme)

3. Participation of all UDCD: 2 How will the programme increase (or decrease) opportunities  Participation of stakeholders and interest groups from diverse backgrounds – for participation of persons and/or groups from diverse especially the primary beneficiaries – in all phases of the programme: research, needs MLA: 3, 19 cultural backgrounds in all phases of the programme and in assessment, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation phase: society as a whole? 1. Host communities, all government levels, public and private sectors, civil society, research institutions, and domestic and international experts 2. Ethnicity, religion, social group, sex, age, etc. (with special focus on obstacles to this participation)  Programme focus includes participation aimed at sustainability, empowerment, and capacity-building

4. Linguistic diversity UDCD: 5, 6 How will the programme increase (or decrease) linguistic  Expression in the greatest number of languages with special focus on diversity?  Cultural creation in the greatest number of languages the Mother tongue MLA: 5, 6, 10

1 Examples are taken from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, December 1948). See also definitions. How will the programme increase (or decrease) access to  Dissemination of programme outputs and information in the greatest number of resources and services in people’s mother tongue? languages  Content and materials for both formal and informal education and relevant information are created or translated in mother tongue  Programme documents in languages understood by all stakeholders

5. Safeguarding cultural UDCD: 7 How will the programme encourage (or discourage)  Programme activities include: and natural heritage safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural and natural 1. Identification, documentation, archiving (including display) of tangible and MLA: 5, 13, 14 heritage? intangible assets 2. Preservation, conservation, and protection 3. Restoration and revitalization  Use of performing arts and other cultural expressions for educational purposes in and out of the community  Monitoring mechanisms on the use of cultural and natural resources through the programme

6. Promotion of cultural UDCD: 8, 9, 10 How will the programme support (or hinder) the development  Use of crafts, performing arts, and other art forms as income-generating activities industries and cultural of cultural industries?  Improvement of the production, dissemination, and exchange of diversified cultural goods and services MLA: 12, 15, 16, products and services 17  Programmes fostering creativity and diversity through recognition and protection of artists and authors’ rights and cultural works  Support in the emergence and consolidation of cultural industries and markets

7. Promotion of the UDCD: 1, 12 How will the programme recognize, affirm, and promote the  Project activities include: awareness-raising, advocacy, and research positive value and positive value and benefits of a culturally-diverse society?  Educational and informational components to strengthen appreciation and respect of benefits of a culturally- MLA: 2, 7, 18 cultural diversity diverse society

8. Interactions between UDCD: 7 How will the programme increase (or decrease) the  Incorporation of traditional and modern pedagogies, methods, and knowledge modern science and opportunities to foster exchange and synergies between  Exchanges and cooperation between traditional and modern experts and practitioners traditional knowledge MLA: 3, 8, 14 modern science and local knowledge?  Protection of traditional knowledge

9. Dialogue and UDCD: 7, 10, 11, How will the programme reinforce (or hinder) cooperation at  Promotion of intergenerational and intercultural dialogue cooperation 12 local, national, and international level and increase (or  Development of links between marginalized groups and technical experts, public and decrease) opportunities for exchange and dialogue? private sectors, civil society, research institutions, organizations and businesses MLA: 2, 3, 9, 10,  Cooperation and exchanges in the development of necessary infrastructures and skills 11, 17, 19 (ex. technological/technical transfer)  Measures to counter the digital divide

10. Others

UDCD = UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Paris, 2 November 2001. MLA = Main Lines of an Action Plan for the Implementation of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity

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