Karla’S In-Class Writing Questions, PSY100, Fall 07:

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Karla’S In-Class Writing Questions, PSY100, Fall 07:

PSY 100 Fall 07, in-class writing prompts:

1. Birthday: event in history of Psychology. What happened on your birthday? They looked at the website before class. I used this to say Happy Birthday to people all semester.

2. Watch “Sexual Identity Gone Awry.” Using complete sentences, answer these questions (about ½ to 1 page): 1. What do you think this case suggests about the role of nature and nurture in shaping gender identity? 2. What is your opinion about the course of action that is being taken in this case?

3. Pick an issue where you disagree with someone. Write about YOUR perceptual set (what predisposes you to come to your belief) and THEIR perceptual set (what predisposes them). Consider experiences, religious background, cultural and societal factors, personality, etc.

4. Watch the video on Devin Moore (the teen that killed three people – had a hx of playing violent video games – told police later that “life is like a video game – we all gotta die sometime”) – observational learning. Questions: 1. Do you agree with the psychologist in the video about the contribution of video games to Devin’s violent acts? Why or why not? and 2. What other behavioral principles might have been at work here?

5. You are advising a friend who is having trouble remembering what she’s studying in college. Using info from class/text, what would you tell her to do differently?

6. Critique the early studies on sexual behavior (Kinsey and Masters & Johnson). What about the methodology leads you to believe or question the results? What could have been done differently in order to increase the validity of those studies?

7. After hearing the students’ choice lecture on Romance and Long-Term Relationships: What did you hear in this lecture that was new, and what questions are you left with about this topic?

8. You are Skinner. Write a note to Freud, telling him how and why you disagree with his theory. (Do this in such a way that clearly indicates you understand both theories!)

9. Watch the video of the girl with OCD looking in the mirror and breaking her teeth, etc. Now describe whether you think her B is “disordered,” and if so, what makes it so.

10. Describe two experiences you had over break which illustrate two concepts you have learned this semester in PSY100. Make sure to describe them in such a way that demonstrates you’ve learned them in class – don’t be too general! (I gave them several examples – conditioning principles, thresholds, defense mechanisms, locus of control, spotlight effect.) 11. After having watched the OCD treatment video out of class (on the tool kit): You are a psychologist. Using the same basic type of treatment as the psychologist in the video, describe how you would treat a man with a spider phobia.

12. Watched the long version of the updated Milgram video (includes McDonalds). They are members of an ethics committee. Would they approve continued research, such as the recent version of Milgram’s experiments? Why or why not?

In-Class Writing Assignments

1. A researcher is interested in synesthesia, a condition where two or more senses become crossed which can result in hearing colors, seeing flavors, tasting sounds, etc. After considerable searching, the researcher has found a synesthesiate (someone who has synesthesia) and has spent many hours talking with this fascinating individual. The researcher has learned that the person developed synesthesia after ingesting a chemical. a. What type of study was conducted? b. If we wanted to determine if this chemical causes synesthesia what type of research study would we need to do and what two things separate this type of research from all others?

2. Last week I noticed that my cats (Hanz & Franz) were very energetic and were literally climbing the walls. I also noticed that someone left a cup of coffee out on the table. I concluded that the caffeine was making my cats crazy. Was this an experiment? If not, how would you do an experiment to test my conclusion?

3. Many students want to develop better study habits. During the lecture on memory we talked about many principles that could be used as study aids. Describe your current study habits and explain how you could use at least 2 of the principles talked about to improve them.

4. Recall a time when you were very young. Perhaps it was a holiday or a birthday party. Briefly describe your memory. Explain how you could check to determine if this is a false memory. Apply this test to your memory. Based on the evidence from this examination, do you think your memory is real or false.

5. Philosophers and scientists have wondered for many years whether genetics or environmental factors have more influence on our behaviors. Which do you think is more influential and why.

6. A criminal has committed a crime. The defense attorney has called on psychologist B.F. Skinner who emphasizes that human behaviors are the product of the environment. The prosecution has called on psychologist David Buss who emphasizes that evolution and genetics are mostly responsible for our behaviors. Which of these psychologists do you agree with and why.

7. Summarize today’s lecture.

8. Summarize the movie shown in class. A good summary should be: a. Significantly shorter than the original material. b. An accurate representation of the major points in the original material. c. In your own words.

9. Imagine that you want your parents to buy you a new $3,500 laptop for your birthday. Explain how you could use foot-in-the-door or door-in-the-face to increase the probability that you will get what you want.

10. There is an emergency situation that you are involved in. Applying your knowledge of the bystander effect, what steps should you take to make certain that you receive help?

11. In class we watched a video about obedience to authority in a McDonalds. The manager and her fiancé have both received harsh punishments. The decision to punish them so severely involved several social psychological principles. Define three of the following: false uniqueness, the fundamental attribution error, normative influence or informational influence. Explain how the three concepts you defined may have influenced a jury decision. Would you have punished this couple severely? Why or why not.

12. Describe the process of neural communication as a message moves from one neuron, across the synapse and causes the next neuron continue sending the message.

13. Explain how the graph shown (figure 33.1) supports both genetic and environmental influences on intelligence.

14. Recall a time when you did something wrong. Imagine that you were caught and will be judged. Fortunately, you get to decide who will judge you. The only information you are given is which of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development each person is in. Which stage of moral development would you choose as your Judge and why?

15. Imagine that everyone in the world had to have the same stage of moral development (as defined by Kohlberg). You have been given the task of deciding which stage of moral development everyone will have. Which would you choose and why? 16. Recall a dream that you have had, a friend has had, or you saw in a movie. Use two of the three theories about dreams (psychoanalytic, information processing and activation synthesis) to analyze this dream.

17. We discussed three theories about dreams (psychoanalytic, information processing and activation synthesis). Choose two of these theories and show what their similarities and differences are. Which of these theories do you most agree with and why?

18. If you had to lose a sense for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?

19. Compare and contrast Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and psychoanalytic theory. Compare and contrast should include: a. How are they similar? b. How are they different?

20. Some psychologists have attempted to draw comparisons to psychoanalytic theory and the Big-5 (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism). Synthesize these theories and explain how psychoanalytic theory and the Big 5 are really explaining the same phenomena.

21. Although most commonly applied to environmental issues, social traps can also be applied to a number of other areas. Imagine that while you are home over the holidays, and are eating your 7th plateful of dinner, you hear a relative talking about how his company is embezzling millions from the state government by overbilling their work. Pick one type of social trap and explain how it can be applied to this situation.

22. (after viewing Skinner Interview video) In the video Skinner claims that free will does not exist. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why do you agree/disagree? Provide evidence to support your argument. a. Alternative Prompts i. If you agree, how do you explain individual differences? ii. If you disagree, how do you explain that psychologists can predict behavior accurately about 80% of the time.

23. Your roommate reports an experience of déjà vu (having experienced the same thing before). Your roommate concludes that there is something paranormal occurring. Explain to them how one of the following contributes to déjà vu: Serial Position Effect, Context Effects, or the Misinformation Effect. In class essay #2 prompts. With each question, be sure to read and integrate information from the appropriate module.

1. When your best friend hears that you are taking a psychology course, she asserts that psychology is simply common sense. Explain why your awareness of both the limits of everyday reasoning and the methods of psychological research would lead you to disagree with your friend's assertion. (Module 2)

2. Because he has difficulty falling asleep at night, Professor Hogan doesn't go to bed until very late. Before he retires, he tries to wear himself out by running around the block several times. Then he treats himself to a beer and perhaps a pizza while preparing his lecture for the next day's early morning classes. What specific advice would you give the professor to help him fall asleep? (Module 18)

3. A good friend of yours hopes that hypnosis will improve his memory and help him study longer and more effectively. He worries, however, that he might not be easily hypnotized. Your mother hopes that hypnosis will help relieve her arthritis pain but fears that under hypnosis she might do something embarrassing. Discuss the extent to which the hopes and fears of your friend and your mother are realistic. Where appropriate, use research evidence to support your conclusions. (Module 19)

PSY 100 In-Class Essay 3 Prompts

For each essay, you need to incorporate information from the appropriate module in addition to any material covered in class.

1. After returning from a shopping trip with his mother, little Tommy reported, “I goed to the store and eated candy.” Describe why this occurrence is inconsistent with Skinner's ideas of language acquisition and how it supports Chomsky's ideas. Then, discuss how Skinner's theory applies in some situations, providing at least one example. (Module 30)

2. A newspaper editorialist argues that the use of DSM-IV diagnostic labels is destructively antidemocratic, because it enables an elite corps of mental health professionals to subtly control the values and life-styles of the rest of society, and that the disadvantages of diagnosis far outweigh any potential benefits. First give reasons supporting this argument, then defend the continued use of diagnostic labels. Finally, outline your own position. (Module 47)

3. A guest on a TV talk show claims that “major depressive disorder is not a psychological problem; it's a disease that can be medically treated.” Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this claim. Be sure to incorporate your understanding of the biopsychosocial perspective in psychology. (Module 50) Mini-writing • Take out a HALF sheet of paper • Put your full name, the section in which you are enrolled (3 or 4), your EID and the date on it • Tell me the 3 different methods of getting extra credit listed in the syllabus. Mini-writing • Take out a HALF sheet of paper • Put your full name, the section in which you are enrolled (3 or 4), your EID and the date on it • Was the study in the video ethical? Why or why not? • (based on video of people receiving placebo instead of morphine after wisdom tooth extraction) Mini-writing • What are the possible risks and benefits of the study shown in this video? • Based on the risks and benefits, do you think the study is ethical? • (Based on a study in Iceland that uses medical information from everyone in the country without explicit permission, finds genetic contributions to illnesses… and gives the results to insurance companies) Mini-writing • On a half-sheet of paper, write your name, EID, the date, and your section (3 or 4). • Based on module 5 (the brain), use 1/4 page to address any or all of the following:

• Is there anything you were surprised to learn, or that was new to you? • Is there anything you feel you don’t completely understand? • Is there anything about which you’d like to learn more? • Automatic full credit if you can name three parts of the brain and what they do Mini-writing • Think of an example of classical conditioning in your life (either in your past or speculated). • Describe the situation. Be sure to identify the US, UR, NS, CS, and CR Mini-writing • On a half-sheet of paper, write your name, section, EID, and the date • Imagine that you have a friend who’s having difficulty with the concept of Negative Reinforcement. Write a paragraph to them helping them understand the concept better. Use whatever you think will best help them (a general description, examples of NR, examples of what’s NOT NR, etc.).

Mini-writing • Imagine that you are a health-care worker who is meeting with the family of Frank, who was recently diagnosed with implicit memory loss. Write a paragraph explaining to them what they can expect from Frank in the coming months, and helping them to understand how this is different from the “Amnesia” they’ve always heard about (i.e. explicit amnesia). • You may use your notes.

Mini-Writing Write: FULL NAME, EID, DATE, SECTION How could you use information from the memory modules and lectures in your life? (You may focus on how to study for tests if you like) You may use your notes. miniwriting • Explain why the correct answer to the previous clicker question is correct. • You may use your notes • Don’t forget name, date, section, and EID

miniwriting • Summarize the key points from the video • You may use your notes • (Scientific American catnap video)

Mini-writing • Name, EID, date, section • Take a position: Does/can the concept of addiction apply to things like playing videogames or gambling? • Support your position.

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