Warum Schnell Und Effizient Studieren
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My present situation
Reflecting and analysing your present situation can be a good way to get started with formulating your goals.
What am I proud of?
In which fields am I successful?
What things motivate me?
What do I regret?
In which fields do I feel restricted?
Who / What encourages me?
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ What are my strengths?
Interes Activity Ability Examples t Research
Problem solving
Process control
Decision making
Operating / Follow-up
Developing ideas
Developing visions
Project management
Listening to others
Presenting (orally or written) Negotiating
Training others
Moderating / chairing
Installation / Assembly
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Personal Mastery is a method of self-perception and personality development. The following key words should be used as your root idea: Everyone has their own qualifications but these are not always available when actually needed People with a high competence in personal mastery constantly enhance their skill to reach their set goals Everyone has to find out again and again what is really important for themselves
1. Personal goal setting Which professional goals do I want to reach? (position, salary, recognition, status, interesting tasks) Why? How do I define personal success?
2. Values Which values have I acquired so far in my life? Are my presumptions advantageous or unfavourable for these goals?
3.Skills What do I see as my personal skills?
4. Way of working How do I work? Which habits or patterns would I like to break?
5. Appearance How do I want to be perceived by others and does my appearance fit?
6. Communication / relationships Which network have I built? Which new contacts do I want to make?
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Job interviews
Preparation of your answers
. Have a look at the list of standard questions. Choose two questions you hope you will never be asked during a job interview. ______
. Prepare answers to those questions and include examples from your CV / re- sume: ______
Practising these answers: . Arbeit in Gruppen von zwei bis drei Personen. Interviewen Sie sich gegenseitig und verwenden Sie dabei die vorbereiteten Fragen. . Work in groups of two or three. Ask each other the questions which have been prepared. . Try to simulate a real job interview with additional questions. . Give feedback in the following order: employer, external observer and job applic- ant . Write down all questions and optimal answers . Change roles to give everyone the opportunity to ask and answer questions
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Defining my position
How do you rate yourself?
To rate particular characteristics of your personality, use the following scale from 0 to 5 (very distinctive) 4 (distinctive) 3 (partly) 2 (not very distinctive) 1 (weakly distinctive)
Please tick every characteristic depending on how distinctive you think it is:
Group of characteristics 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sensitivity Ability to listen to others Ability to socialise Open-mindedness Team orientation Ability to cooperate Flexibility Willingness to compromise Diplomacy Negotiation skills Ability to integrate into a group Potential to convince others Extroversion Assertiveness Ability to motivate yourself and others Ability to express yourself orally Ability to express yourself on paper Rhetorical ability Capacity for teamwork Ability to adapt Social skills Communication skills Group of characteristics 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Determination Self-confidence Sense of responsibility Critical faculties Self-restraint Reliability Tolerance Courageousness Willingness to take on responsibility
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Group of characteristics 3 0 1 2 3 4 5
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Risk-taking Decision-making ability Safety consciousness Willingness to delegate Ability to delegate Resilience Stress tolerance Enjoyment of life Flexibility Ability to represent (your future company) Group of characteristics 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 Willingness to work / motivation Energy Managerial skills Initiative Independence Assertiveness Self-reliance Ambition Determination Stamina Frustration tolerance Success orientation Vitality Motivation Idealism Willingness to identify with your company / institution Assertiveness Group of characteristics 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Autonomy Independence Sense of responsibility Self discipline Patience Sense of duty Loyalty Group of characteristics 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 Analytical thinking Conceptual planning Methodical approach to tasks Deductive / combinational thinking Efficient labour organisation Decision-making ability Resilience Group of characteristics 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 Awareness of cost-benefit Entrepreneurial thinking Ability to work systematically Ability to define targets
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Work efficiency Physical fitness Wellbeing / physique Mental health Self control
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Evaluation
Which characteristics have you ticked (5) or (4) in the particular groups of characterist- ics – which ones have you ticked (0)?
Group of characteristics 1: Personality / communication skills / social competence ______
Group of characteristics 2: Self-reliance ______
Group of characteristics 3: Decision making ______
Group of characteristics 4: Achievement motivation ______
Group of characteristics 5: Self-control / activity potential ______
Group of characteristics 6: Systematic and goal-oriented thinking and acting ______
Group of characteristics 7: Important general characteristics ______
After completing this exercise you will have analysed three to five characteristics which describe your abilities, strengths and weaknesses appropriately.
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Feedback on your Curriculum Vitae
Criterion Commentary Structure, clarity
Relevance to the job
Success: Can you feel positive effects?
Are skills and responsibility clearly noticeable?
Qualifications and further educa- tion: are your qualifications relev- ant for your job? Are “further skills” fruitful addi- tional assets?
Is the CV presented in an inter- esting and convincing way?
Clear and concise style?
Appealing design?
CONTACT-AS e.V. Intensivtraining „Meine Bewerbung“ Comparison of the job advertisement with your own profile?
1. Which requirements are mentioned in the job ad? 2. Write the requirements in the first column. Start with the requirement that is the most important for the company and so on. 3. Is it clear if the requirement is indispensable or just desirable? 4. Which one(s) of your qualification(s)/experiences meet this requirement the most? 5. How far do you think your qualifications meet the job requirements (in percent)? 6. If your rating is only 60-70 percent, applying for the job does not seem promising
Match btw. qualifica- Indispensable or Requirement according to the job ad How do I meet the requirements ? tion and requirement desirable requirement (+, , -)
Hft Stuttgart/ / Prof. Dr. D. Lohaus