Department of Educational Studies
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Department of Educational Studies Faculty Meeting, Friday, October 10, 2008 Room 233
Present: Ann Duncan; Becky Cox; Betty Cox; Virginia Esch; Robert Erk; Robert Hartshorn; Beverly Hearn; Jeffery Hewitt; Patricia Hewitt; Sandra Murray; James Petty; Beth Quick; Michael Spaulding; Gwendolyn M. Tomlin; Cherry Watts; Crystal Whitlow; Guests: Staci Fuqua; Karen Greenockle
I. Call to Order:
Dr. Beth Quick called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of Minutes
Motion: Move for approval of Minutes from September 26, 2008 faculty meeting.
Move: Dr. Robert Erk Second: Dr. Sandra Murray Vote: Carried
III. Greetings, Celebrations, Accomplishments:
1. Crystal Whitlow has a new grandson.
2. Cherry Watts & Crystal Whitlow have been invited to present at the International Child and Adolescent Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Dr. Watts will also be presenting at the NSSA Fall Professional Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
3. Patricia Hewitt will be presenting at the NSTA Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. She will also be presenting at the NSSA Fall Professional Development Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
4. Patricia Hewitt’s daughter recently married.
5. Becky Cox’s granddaughter is sixth in her class of 340.
6. Dr. Beverly Hearn has been asked to present at the TESOL International Conference (19 % acceptance rate).
IV. Announcements A. Spring Textbook Orders – Submit electronically immediately. See Tarica for handout that explains how to accomplish this. Text book orders are due by October 13. Off campus sites order their own books. SPED 300/500 sections must use same textbook.
B, Spring 2009 Schedule – Final draft submitted to Dean’s office today; Review and confirm with Beth Quick. The Dean has been given the draft of spring 2009 schedule. There will be some changes in the enrollment and the number of sections offered. If there are not enough graduate classes contact Staci Fuqua. She will make a list of names to determine if another section is needed.
C. NCATE – Drafts from each Standards Committee were due to Michael Poore on October 1. Michael will schedule a called meeting very soon with the Standards Committee.
D. Continuing Budget concerns: Dean Hall will continue to meet with Department Chairs trying to maintain budget. Our Dept had an empty position (Reggie High) that we had to let go to cut budget for Ed Studies Department. We will continue a hiring freeze. Dr. Quick gave the faculty good news that the Department had received money back from the Grants indirect funds.
E. Organization & Efficiency Task Force - Faculty Forum scheduled October 16 at 3:15 p.m.
Dr. Robert Hartshorn stated the UTM still had to cut 1.8 million dollars from the budget. He asked faculty to submit any ideas on the appropriate form for the task force.
V. Old Business: None
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Committee Reports
i. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee :
Patricia Hewitt presented committee’s recommendations for the Undergraduate Curriculum changes. Motion was made to accept in total all the changes. See attachment I Motion: Patricia Hewitt Second: Betty Cox Vote: approved
ii. Graduate Curriculum Committee
Sandra Murray presented Graduate Committee recommendation changes for the EDAS Program to faculty. These changes are mandated by the State of Tennessee. A motion was made to accept in total all changes. See attachment 2
Motion: Betty Cox Second: Robert Erk Vote: approved
iii. Others: None
B. Faculty Senate Report:
Dr. Esch stated that Faculty Senate did approve the use of satisfactory and unsatisfactory grades for midterm progress reports. Dr. Hartshorn stated that the University would begin using Gmail by next fall.
C. Education Student Services Report (Michael Poore and Jennifer Cook):
We now have Teacher Education interviews at all Campus sites. There are 20 students in Parsons already. We have over 100 student teachers for spring semester. Dr. Quick asked faculty to help with student teacher supervision because we could not hire any more adjunct instructors. On October 31 at 9:00 a.m. Michael Poore will meet with faculty to discuss registration and advising.
D. Comprehensive Exams (scheduled for Oct. 25, 2009)
i. Rubric must be developed and utilized to score all exams; exams will be administered on campus for all programs and scored by departmental faculty.
Dr. Beth Quick stated that a rubric must be developed and implemented. An exit survey must also be created and administered. These need to be in place before the Comprehensive Examination. Dr. Quick suggested we have two groups, (1) Rubrics Scoring group. (2) Survey Exit Interview group. Dr. Duncan and Dr Betty Cox volunteered to serve on Survey Exit interview group. Exit survey will be administered at comprehensive exam. ii. Comprehensive exams – catalog changes effective fall 2009: See Attachment 3
a. Dr. Quick presented all the catalog changes for SPED program effective fall 2009. Motion was made to accept all changes for Special Education catalog changes.
Motion: Sandra Murray Second: Patricia Hewitt Vote: Approved
b. Dr. Quick presented all catalog changes for TCED, EDFN; EDST programs. Motion to accept all changes for these three programs for catalog fall 2009.
Motion: Sandra Murray Second: Dr. Ann Duncan Vote: Approved
c. Dr. Quick recommended catalog change to Advanced Teaching program.
Motion was made to accept recommended change to advances teaching program.
Motion: Patricia Hewitt Second: Ann Duncan Vote: Approved
d. Dr. Quick recommended catalog changes for Comprehensive Examination. (Advanced Teaching; Educational Leadership; Interdisciplinary; Non- Licensure options) Motion was made to accept recommended changes for the catalog changes for the Comprehensive Examinations.
Motion: Sandy Murray Second: Ann Duncan Vote: Approved
VII. Miscellaneous: None
VIII. Motion was made to adjourn by Dr Ann Duncan, seconded by Dr. Patricia Hewitt.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Remaining Faculty Meeting Dates:
Friday, November 14 (9:00 am)