The Pottstown-Area Lacrosse Association for Youth (P
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The Boyertown Optimist Lacrosse Teams (B.O.L.T.) cordially invite you to participate in their annual 2012 End Of Season Boy’s Lacrosse Tournament! June 9th and June 10th What a great way to end the 2012 season! The B.O.L.T. organization is proud to continue the tradition of hosting the 17TH tournament to promote Lacrosse, Teamwork, Friendship and a whole lot of FUN!
Saturday June 9, 2012 (9:00am ‘til dark) for Grades 1/2(u9), 3/4(u11) and 7/8(u15) Sunday, June 10, 2012 (9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) for Grades 3/4(u11) 5/6(u13) and 7/8(u15) Place: Boyertown Area Senior High School Depending on number of teams, we will run grades 3/4 & 7/8 on both days. Teams are based on age and grade. As in the past, we try to support teams of similar ability. We are playing for the fun of the game, friendly competition, and the exposure - not a championship. As always, it is our hope that players, coaches, and parents find the event to be an enjoyable experience as we promote and support the tremendous growth of boy’s youth lacrosse in our area. Tournament Format: Using a Central Clock, all 3/4 and 5/6 games will be two (2) 15-minute running time halves, with a 5- minute break between halves. All 7/8 games will be two (2) 20-minute running time halves, with a 5- minute break between halves. Guaranteed three games. A round robin format will be used. Tournament Registration Fee (per team): $225.00 Team Fee + $12.00 per player. The registration form is attached. Each player registered on a team will receive a tournament t-shirt, one round @ speed shoot, plus a chance to win prizes. To register your team(s): First, Register on-line (preferred) at or email your registration request, including name, phone number, email address, organization, team level, and number of players to: [email protected] Be sure the title of your e-mail is BOLT 2012 EOS TOURNAMENT – CLUB NAME GRADE (i.e. BOLT 2012 EOS TOURNAMENT – COLLEGEVILLE 3/4) Second, mail your $225.00 deposit, as soon as possible (NO LATER THAN - Thursday, May 10 th). Third, mail your completed Registration Form along with Payment of remaining balance (NO LATER THAN - Thursday, May 17 th ). Please mail to: to B.O.L.T., c/o Mark Palladino, 129 Robin Drive, Barto, PA 19504 Please make all checks payable to: “Boyertown Optimist” Your email response indicates your intention to participate. The deposit will secure your team a place in the tournament. First come, first paid, first served! Don’t delay - spots fill up fast!
Questions??? Contact Mark Palladino @ (610) 754-9250 Refreshments will be sold
If severe weather conditions force us to completely cancel the tournament, each team will receive a refund of their fee, minus the cost for each t-shirt for each registered player. We reserve the right to make reasonable arrangements to accommodate the tournament if severe weather conditions do not allow use of our outdoor facility and we can move forward with an indoor format. We reserve the right to retain the deposit from a team if that team defaults on their registration commitment. 2012 End Of Season Boy’s Lacrosse Tournament! June 9th and June 10th hosted by: B.O.L.T. (Boyertown Optimist Lacrosse Teams) TEAM REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF CLUB: ______
TEAM LEVEL: Grade 1/2 3/4 5/6-A 5/6-B 7/8-A 7/8-B (Please circle one) 3/4 & 7/8 TEAMS … Indicate your preference for either Saturday or Sunday. 1st ______2nd ______(If there are enough teams to fill two days, we will put you with your first choice if possible. We will make the decision by the end of May on your play day.) LIST OF PLAYERS: (shirt sizes = YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, XL, XXL, XXXL) Player’s Name & shirt size Player’s # Player’s Name & shirt size Player’s # 1.______12. ______2.______13. ______3.______14. ______4.______15. ______5.______16.______6. ______17.______7. ______18.______8.______19.______9.______20.______10.______21.______11.______22.______(Minimum 14 players, maximum 22 players)
_____ Players @ $12.00 each = $______(Payment enclosed) / _____ $225.00 Deposit (Received)
HEAD COACH Name: ______(T-shirt Size ____) HEAD COACH e-mail: ______HEAD COACH cell: ______
ASSISTANT COACH Name: ______(Shirt Size:____) Assistant COACH e-mail: ______Assistant COACH cell: ______
Up to 2 coaches for each team will receive a Tournament T-shirt Questions??? Contact Mark Palladino @ (610) 754-9250 Email: [email protected] ---- Registration Form & Final Payment are due ASAP; No Later Than Thursday, May 17th ---- If severe weather conditions force us to completely cancel the tournament, each team will receive a refund of their fee, minus the cost for each t-shirt for each registered player. We reserve the right to make reasonable arrangements to accommodate the tournament if severe weather conditions do not allow use of our outdoor facility and we can move forward with an indoor format. We reserve the right to retain the deposit from a team if that team defaults on their registration commitment. First Step:
To Request the Registration of Your Team into the Tournament, please email the following Information to: [email protected]
Name: Telephone #: Email Address: Organization/Club: Team Level: Approximate # of Players: