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Plaintiffii (Insert Name)
[First] Defendant (Insert Name)
[Second Defendant] (Insert Name)
(This Form is not required where a party discloses documents by producing them under Rule 217)
The following is a list of the documents directly relevant to the allegations or matters in question in this proceeding which are in the possession or control of the [plaintiff (or as the case may be)] and is served in compliance with the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules, Chapter 7, Part 1. [(or the order dated (date)]
1. The documents are listed in the Schedule. Subject to Rule 216, you may request copies of documents. So far as copies have not been provided to you with this list, or previously, you may require inspection of the original documents under Rule 215.
(If applicable) It is inconvenient to deliver copies of the documents marked with an asterisk (*) in the Schedule. You may inspect them at (place) at the following time(s): (list times).
2. (If applicable) The [plaintiff (or as the case may be)] objects to produce the documents listed in Part 2 of the Schedule on the ground of privilege.
Part 1
Description of Document Person Who Made Document Date (if any)
______LIST OF DOCUMENTS Name: Filed on Behalf of the Plaintiff(s) Address: Form 19, Version 2 Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 Phone No: Rule 214 Fax No: Part 2 – Documents for which privilege is claimed
Description of Document Person Who Made Document Date (if any)
Alternative applicable where documents are electronically managed (as where there are more than 500 disclosable documents), unless the parties otherwise agree in writing, or the Court otherwise orders.iii
Part 1
Document Document Title** # Author #Author #Recipient #Recipient Date ID Type (Surname Organisation Organization Initials)
Part 2 – Documents for which privilege is claimed Document Document Title** # Author #Author #Recipient #Recipient Date ID Type (Surname Organisation Organization Initials)
**Optional field #If multiple parties separate with a semicolon “;”
Signed: Description: (disclosing party or Dates: solicitor of signatory)
______LIST OF DOCUMENTS Name: Filed on Behalf of the Plaintiff(s) Address: Form 19, Version 2 Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 Phone No: Rule 214 Fax No: i . For an application in the District Court or a Magistrates Court, substitute “District Court” or “Magistrates Courts” respectively. ii . If the matter was commenced by way of Originating Application the heading should read “Applicant” in lieu of “Plaintiff” and “Respondent” in lieu of “Defendant”. iii Refer to Disclosure Protocol: electronic management of documents on courts web page,