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ILP RFP FY2013-14
Bidders Conference Questions & Answers
Revision to RFP Specifications, Terms & Conditions and Attachment 1 Response Package
List of Bidders Conference Attendees ILP RFP FY2013-14
Bidders Conference Questions and Answers
February 22, 2013 – Hayward, CA February 25, 2013 – Oakland, CA
1. Q: What is the required database that will need to be utilized? A: This will be created with the Agency’s PERU (Planning, Evaluation & Research Unit).
2. Q: What will be the provider’s responsibility for the NYTD (National Youth In Transition Database)? A: No responsibility, the State pulls names from CWS/CMS & contacts the youth. However, the County may ask the provider to remind the youth of the survey.
3. Q: Is the Ansell-Casey the only possible assessment tool the county will accept? A: Yes. For the 1st year of the contract.
4. Q: Can it be done at the beginning & end of each year instead of the semester? A: No. The assessment must be given at the end of each semester so that the provider is able to accurately assess the needs of each youth. The County believes that nine months is too long to assess the youth for many reasons: The youth may leave the program, move to another county, may only attend for a short period of time, etc.
5. Q: What is the responsibility of the provider of covering costs for an Alameda County youth who is placed in another county and attending ILSP there? A: Their county of dependency is responsible for the cost.
6. Q: a. You shared that the majority of ILSP Youth are ages 16, 17, 18, and the provider should demonstrate capacity to serve 500 Youth, is the expectation also that ILSP will serve NMDs 19-21 who remain in care? A: YES. ILP RFP FY2013-14
Q: b. And, if so wouldn’t the total number expected to have capacity to serve be greater than 500? A: The contract is for one year with the possibility of two additional years, therefore for the first year, the County doesn’t expect that the numbers will exceed 500.
Q: c. And do you have outcome requirements for NMDs? A: The outcome requirements are the same. NMDs need to be prepared to transition from foster care.
7. Q: a. Beyond using “Making Proud Choices” what are the requirements of the curriculum? A: Please read pages 8&9 of the RFP.
Q: b. Must it be an evidence based curriculum? A: YES
8. Q: Will the County provide training on the Ansell-Casey Life Skills Questionnaire/Assessment? A: No. This should be a part of your agency’s requirement to assess the needs of each young person entering the program.
9. Q: Can certain class requirements be waived for older youth who have completed the general curriculum to encourage more participation in internships, jobs, or other outside organizations? A: Since this will be a new curriculum, the first year should be new for youth, however if the contract is extended, the County supports innovative and creative youth development models/curriculum.
10. Q: Can youth in Title IV-E Waiver Education & Employment Programs be a part of this program? A: The only youth eligible to participate in ILSP are those who are dependents/ward of the Court from Juvenile Probation and Foster Care. The age requirement is that they must be a dependent/ward on their 16th birthday. There are also youth who have been adopted or legal guardianship status that are eligible to participate.
11. Q: Permanency is an important focus/outcome for ILSP. Will the ILSP provider coordinate permanency services with the County’s Permanency Unit? A: No. This is a County led and the CWW’s responsibility to coordinate these efforts. However, making permanency & lifelong connections as a part of your curriculum would support the young person. ILP RFP FY2013-14
12. Q: Currently youth receive an incentive (financial) for participation in ILSP classes. Is that a requirement moving forward? YES. If so, must funding for the incentive come from $700K? A: No, the County incurs these costs.
13. Q: A copy of curriculum planning guide for one is required, what is this? A course outline, syllabus? Or the curriculum for each course? A: Each prospective provider must offer in detail describing each course, objective, goals etc.
14. Q: Do we budget dollars for the Making Proud Choices curriculum? A: No, the County received a grant to implement this program; you need only to include this in your annual curriculum.
15. Q: Are these 10 Sessions of Making Proud Choices in addition to 12-14 classes required? A: Yes. The ILSP calendar runs similar to Oakland public schools’ calendar. It begins in September, usually right after the Labor Day Holiday and end usually in the second week of December, right before the ILSP Holiday Party. The second semester begins after the New Year and ends somewhere around the last two weeks in May.
16. Q: Please confirm that ACSSA will transfer their current caseload of 360 youth to the contractor? A: YES, the County wants to continue services with little or no interruption for our participants.
17. Q: Given the bidder awarded, how would transition look like? Would there be any overlapping? A: The County hopes to award a new contract in May 2013. There will not be any overlapping.
18. To meet the minimum requirements:
Q: a. Does the contractor have to have 3 years of program delivery utilizing curriculum that incorporates the Making Proud Choices curriculum? A: No
Q: b. Or must the contractor have 3 years of program delivery utilizing “evidenced based curriculum” and, if awarded the contract, must be able to incorporate the Making Proud Choices curriculum into the existing curriculum? A: YES
Q: c. Or, must the contractor have 3 years of program delivery utilizing ILP RFP FY2013-14
“evidenced based curriculum” and, in order to apply must incorporate the Making Proud Choices curriculum into the year long curriculum outline? A: YES
19. Q: What are the roles, responsibilities and relationships of the following groups vis a vis the contractor and each other? A: The 675 Hegenberger ILSP Program which includes all the listed partners was created to be a One Stop Shop Hub for Foster Care & Probation Youth Services. Partners listed are expected to meet regularly and collaborate when necessary regarding the needs of specific young people. The Alameda County ILP Coordinator conducts a monthly ILP Partners Meeting where all participating agencies send representatives to provide updates and share information. Additionally, Foster Youth Alliance (FYA) is housed on site as well, and they too provide monthly meetings with approximately 40 agencies that serve foster & probation youth. These meetings are usually centered around Federal, State and County Law Changes that affect the foster & probation youth, Agency Updates and Trainings, agencies that are members of FYA can attend free.
a. ILSP Program Staff: This is usually the staff that are responsible for the Life Skills Classes b. Youth Advocate Program (YAP): The YAP is a part of the ILP Partners Meeting. They also assist with Planning ILSP Events, e.g. Holiday Party, Graduation, etc. c. ILSP employment contractors: The provider is asked to provide classroom time for employment agencies to speak to participants. d. Fred Finch Youth Center (FFYC): They provider on-site clinical services to applicable youth. Their offices are on site, but they mostly see clients in the community. e. Beyond Emancipation (B:E): Provides after care case management services to emancipated young people. They also collaborate with the County by providing certain services for in care youth, e.g. TLCs & Education Assessments for ILSP Youth participants. f. Community providers: There will be various community partners, but these agreements should be discussed with the County prior to agreeing to any services. g. Child Welfare Workers (CWW) that have the responsibility of providing overall case management of the court case for qualified youth: CWW staff are primarily responsible for all dependent youth and NMDs, therefore collaboration is a must. The provider needs to make sure that CWW is aware of any challenges, needs, or incidents by life skills participants. There are also two units of approximately 12 CWWs and 2 Supervisors that participate in ILS Events; one supervisor is the ILSP Event Coordinator. The provider will coordinate these events in conjunction with ILSP CWW Staff. ILP RFP FY2013-14
h. Deputy Probation Officers (DPO) that have the responsibility of providing overall case management of the court case for qualified youth: The DPO has the same role as the CWW for probation youth.
20. Q: In the Prior Experience section of the response packet, Question 3, second sentence, what is meant by: Include oversight and evaluation of the project? A: The question requests the bidder detail past experience incorporating oversight and evaluation activities and strategies in meeting performance standards and accountability required in the bidder’s past project.
21. Q: In the ADMINISTRATION/ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY section of the response packet, Question 1, should the locations described be the same as those listed in the RFP (the ILSP office – 675 Hegenberger, Suite 100 in Oakland & Chabot College campus in Hayward)? A: YES, if the provider wants to expand locations, they must incur all costs associated with the site.
22. Q: In the services/activities listed on the table on page 9 of the RFP Specifications, Terms and Conditions, what is meant by the following services/activities? A: It is expected that the provider use social media to update ILP Participants, it will be the responsibility of the provider to keep these areas updated.
a. Internet: There is an on-site computer lab for youth, the provider is expected to keep computers repaired & upgraded. b. ILSP Website: The provider is expected to keep the website updated and makes improvements as deemed necessary. c. Teen 411: This is a website that lists services and resources for youth. d. California Youth Connection Leadership (CYC): CYC is the Alameda County Advocacy group comprised of current and former foster youth that meet at 675 Hegenberger. They have monthly meetings to discuss law changes that directly impact foster youth. They also have several trips to conferences and trips to Sacramento that may include meetings with senators, house of representatives and rallies. CYC has a small budget which is a part of the $700K that is used for food, transportation, conference fees, etc. There is also an adult supporter that is responsible for this chapter that is housed at Hegenberger as well.
23. Q: Will the County provide Making Proud Choices curriculum and the training? A: Yes, the County will provide the training and the trainers. The provider only needs to make room for the 10 Week, 75 min. curriculum in their annual curriculum.
24. Q: Is there additional funding for start-up costs? ILP RFP FY2013-14
A: No.
25. Q: Is rent covered by the contractor or by Alameda County? A: Alameda County will cover the rent.
26. Q: Is there a percentage match requirement? A: No.
27. Q: Should staffing be included when calculated unit cost per class or staffing and should all be in administration budget? A: Yes.
28. Q: Does each bullet under each of the service areas on page 9 of the RFP Specifications need to be included or are these provided as examples? A: All of the bullets are required.
29. Q: For leverage funds, can other federal funding be used? A: No.
30. Q: Can two or more providers partner and potentially be awarded the contract? A: Yes.
31. Q: Will the winner of the bid be expected to move into and deliver services from the Hegenberger and Chabot sites? A: Yes.
32. Q: Can you have more than two locations for classroom sites? And do we have to minimally use the two locations described in the RFP? A: You can have more than two locations in the Oakland site. The site in South/Central County is negotiable.
33. Q: Given that this is a federal contract is there a cap on indirect rate? A: No.
34. Q: Is it the expectation that we run workshops during the summer months? A: No, workshops usually happen during the academic school year. Fall Orientation usually takes place in mid-August for new and returning ILSP students.
35. Q: Can the 10 sessions of Making Proud Choices be included into the overall sessions that are expected to happen? A: See the answer in Question #15.
36. Q: Do full services need to be delivered 7/01/13, or is there a ramp up period? A: Full services usually begin during the academic school year, please see the ILP RFP FY2013-14
answer in Question #15.
37. Q: Where is the list of the evidence based program curriculum that you recommend? We are not able to find anything listed in the RFP. What is the existing curriculum that is currently used at ILP? A: The County will not be supplying a list of curriculums. It is up to each potential contractor to research this and submit with their proposal. The current curriculum has been developed and revised over a period of 20 years; therefore there is no one specific modality used. ILP RFP FY2013-14
Revisions to RFP Specifications, Terms & Conditions and Attachment 1- Response Package pages 8-9
Exhibit B – Bid Form / Budget
Under Part I: Administration/Financial/Project Management, Administrative Costs
Remove the line items for Rent and Utilities
Under Part III: Special Events
Clarification: Line item Transportation – Transportation will cover Bus and BART passes for youth.
Revisions to Attachment 1 Response Package
Page 2, RFP Pre-Screening Response Checklist
11. Exhibit B Bid Form (Project Budget) – six seven pages are allowed
Cost shall be submitted on Exhibit Basis. No alterations or changes of any kind are permitted. Bid responses that do not comply will be subject to rejection in total. The cost quoted below shall include all taxes and all other charges and is the cost the County will pay. (Two pages are allowed)
Additionally - Attach a line-item detail explanation for each budgeted line item listed in the budget. (Four (4) pages are allowed)
BUDGET DETAIL ILSP LEVERAGED TOTAL (7-01-13 – 6-30-14) FUNDS* PART I: ADMINISTRATION/ FINANCIAL/PROJECT MANAGEMENT Staff Salaries: (list staff and # of FTE% for each position)
Subtotal: Staff Benefits:
Subtotal: Subcontracts:
Staff Benefits:
Subtotal: Administrative Costs: Travel Training Recruitment/Advertising Office supplies Telephone/Communications Insurance Equipment Audit Printing Subtotal: Indirect Costs: TOTAL *Describe your plan for leveraging financial and programmatic resources. Please provide the details on all sources of additional leveraged funds, including: 1) Name of source of organization; 2) Point of Contact; 3) Telephone # and e-mail address; and 4) Date when, and length of time leveraged financial and programmatic resources are available. (One page is allowed).
Applicant must attach letters of verification of committed, leveraged resources that are of an amount or value of $5,000 or more. ILP RFP FY2013-14
EXHIBIT B - Page 2 of 2
PART II Cost per class No. of No. of Total CLASSROOM sessions Youth per TRAINING class Computer Training SAT Training Financial Aid Workshops
PART III: SPECIAL ILSP LEVERAGED FUNDS TOTAL EVENTS (7-01-13 – 6-30-14) College Tours Holiday Party(ies) Career Night Graduation Student Gift Cards Entertainment Student Food Transportation (Bus & BART Passes for youth) Decorations Rental (equipment, facilities)
Part I - Administration $ Part II - Classroom Training $ Part III – Special Events $ TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET $
A. All projected costs for the ILP program should cover the 12-month period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. ILP RFP FY2013-14
RFP Pre-screening Response Checklist
RFP Pre-screening Requirements: Bidders shall provide all of the below noted Bid documentation and exhibits. Any material deviation from these requirements may be cause for rejection of the proposal, as determined at the County’s sole discretion. Please verify each item below that it is correctly submitted as per the RFP specifications and check ( ) its corresponding Check Box and sign below.
Item 1. One (1) original proposal marked “Original” plus five (5) copies of the proposal. 2. The “original” bid response must be signed in BLUE ink with an authorized signature. 3. The “original” bid response is to be either loose-leaf or in a three (3)-ring binder, not bound. 4. Proposals must be printed, on white 8 ½” by 11” paper. The font must be at least 12-point type in “Times New Roman” or equivalent font. Lines shall be single-spaced. Margins must be 1-inch from the top, bottom, left and right. 5. Table of Contents: Bid responses shall include a table of contents listing the individual sections of the quotation/proposal and their corresponding page numbers. Tabs should separate each of the individual sections. 6. Bidders must also submit an electronic copy of their signed proposal. The electronic copy must be a single file, scanned image of the original hard copy with all appropriate signatures, and must be on disk or USB flash drive and enclosed with the sealed hardcopy of the bid. Response Format: Check Boxes
Response Package: Item 1. Proposal Checklist – signed. 2. Signed Cover Letter: Includes Federal Tax ID#, Organization Structure & Location. – signed. 3. Agency Summary Sheet – one page is allowed. 4. Agency Description – two pages are allowed. 5. Prior Experience – ten pages are allowed. 6. Cost Efficiency/Fiscal Management – three pages are allowed. 7. Administrative/Organizational Capacity – ten pages are allowed. 8. Service Flow Chart – two pages are allowed. 9. Projected Staff – two pages & up to six employee classifications are allowed. 10. Exhibit A: Bid Acknowledgement – signed. 11. Exhibit B Bid Form (Project Budget) – seven pages are allowed 12. Exhibit D-1: References – one page is allowed. 13. Exhibit H: Alameda County Vendor First Source Agreement Vendor Info.–signed. 14. Exhibit N: Debarment & Suspension Certificate – signed. 15. Exhibit O: The Iran Contracting Act (ICA) of 2010 – signed. Our agency certifies that all above requested information have been completed for the RFP.
Agency Name:
Signature: ______Print Name: ______Date: ______ILP RFP FY2013-14
NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE # E-MAIL Bidders Conference – Friday, February 22, 2013, 1:00pm – 4:00pm 1. Brown, Rory Youth Uprising 510-777-9909 [email protected] x105 2. Carino, Ron Soulciety 510-676-7367 [email protected] 3. Castaneda, Kim Volunteers of America 925-228-0200 [email protected] 4. Dorham-Kelly, Youth Uprising 510-777-9909 [email protected] Carole x132 5. Durham, Kate Beyond Emancipation 510-667-7692 [email protected] 6. Earl, Tamara Foster A Dream 925-228-0200 [email protected] 7. Ghevondyan, Beyond Emancipation 510-667-7687 [email protected] Lusine 8. Horner, Aaron Soulciety 510-453-3884 [email protected] 9. McCracken, Rick Beyond Emancipation 510-655-5785 [email protected] 10. Sanford, Jourdan Foster A Dream 925-228-0200 Same as Kim Castaneda Bidders Conference – Monday, February 25, 2013, 9:00am – 12:00pm 1. Benigno, Anthony Harmony Clinic 415-335-9492 [email protected] 2. Clark, Michele Youth Employment 510-533-3447 [email protected] Partnership 3. Daniels, Roger Fred Finch 510-485-5243 [email protected] 4. Durham, Kate Beyond Emancipation 510-667-7692 [email protected] 5. Ghevondyan, Beyond Emancipation 510-667-7687 [email protected] Lusine 6. Goldware, Sara Beyond Emancipation 510-667-7683 [email protected] 7. Jemerson, Robert Robert Jemerson 510-978-7492 [email protected] 8. Jemerson, Ruth Robert Jemerson Co. 510-667-7696 9. Leonard, Josh Bay Area Youth 510-727-9401 [email protected] Center 10. Saxton, Christy First Place for Youth 510-272-0979 [email protected]