Bastrop, Louisiana
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Bastrop, Louisiana
August 4, 2015
The Morehouse Parish School Board met in regular session August 4, 2015 at 5:30 P. M. at the Bastrop City Hall Council Chambers with the following members present: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy, and Rose Thompson. Absent: None.
Karen Diel, President, called the meeting to order and Mr. Hixon led the prayer. A moment of silence was observed for the following who died recently: Sammie Disepany, retired teacher Alfred Twymon, retired teacher
A student from Bastrop High School, led the pledge of allegiance.
The next item on the agenda was approval of the agenda. Dr. Noflin reported that an amended agenda would need to be adopted to add the personnel report to the agenda. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, and the following roll call vote the agenda was amended.
Yeas: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy, Rose Thompson Nays: None Absent: None
On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls, the agenda was unanimously approved as amended.
On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, minutes were unanimously approved of the Regular School Board meeting held on July 2, 2015, the School Board Retreat held on July 23, 2015, and the Special School Board meeting held on July 28, 2015.
The next item on the agenda was Recognitions and Awards. Dr. Noflin introduced new hires to the school system.
The following communication to the board were presented: A. 2014-2015 ACT 12th Grade Results – Ms. Yeldell stated that the ACT scores for high school seniors in the district showed growth from 17.4 for the 2013-2014 to 18 for the 2014-2015 school year. B. End-of-Course Tests Comparison Report - Ms. Yeldell stated that this is a five year comparison and stated that the district had an increase of one percent comparing year 1 to year 5. C. JROTC Leadership and Academic Championship Round in Washington D.C. - Col. Jeselink and team members presented an overview of the trip to Washington D.C. It was stated that team from Bastrop High School placed 24th out of the 1,300 schools competing. 2
D. Parents of students affected by rezoning were notified during the week of July 27-31 E. Dr. Noflin provided the Board members with various updates.
Mr. Hixon presented the following report from the Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee met on July 28, 2015 and recommends the following:
1) Ms. Flowers presented information regarding ways to balance the budget for 2015-2016. She stated that the projected deficit for the 2015-2016 budget is approximately $1.1 million. She stated that the Board approved to spend a portion of the fund balance at the end of the 2014- 2015 year in the amount of $380,000. When this amount is factored in, the projected deficit would be approximately $1.5 million. Ms. Flowers presented the following deficit reduction plan totaling $690,195 in reductions: a) Closing BLA b) Hi-Set Teacher (21st Century can pick up this position) c) Cost of Election d) Vehicles/Equipment e) 20% reduction in General Fund Travel f) 10% Reduction in Materials, Supplies and Technology Supplies g) 5% reduction in Superintendent’s salary h) Health Insurance costs for Retirees i) Unemployment insurance costs j) Retirements
The committee recommends the deficit reduction plan as presented.
Madame President, I so move. Mr. Melton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
2) Ms. Flowers presented the Financial Statements for General Fund and Lunch Fund for the month of June, 2015. Ms. Flowers stated that the statements are incomplete because end of year posting has not been completed. Once these are complete the finalized statements will be presented to the Board. The committee recommends the approval of the report as presented.
Madame President, I so move. Mr. Rawls seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
3) Mr. Melton requested that an item be added to the agenda to discuss cost savings by closing Pine Grove Elementary. Ms. Flowers stated that it is almost impossible to accurately project the savings due to information that would be needed to make this estimate which would include attendance zones for those students. This information would be needed to calculate transportation costs and staffing. She stated that based on national averages the cost savings when closing schools is approximately $500,000.
Madame President, this is a report only and requires no action.
4) Mr. Melton requested a report regarding enrollment at Pine Grove Elementary. Mr. Davenport presented information regarding the total number of black/white students enrolled 3
at Pine Grove Elementary in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Mr. Davenport presented information regarding the number of student enrollment at Pine Grove Elementary pertaining to those students that attended Pine Grove Elementary due to special assignment in 2013- 2014 and 2014-2015.
Madame President, this is a report only and requires no action.
Madame President, this concludes my report.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss proposed school improvement plan. Mr. Hixon requested that this item be added to the agenda. He said that there are drastic measures that need to be made to improve the educational facilities in Morehouse Parish. Mr. Hixon presented a proposed school improvement plan for the Morehouse Parish School District that included the following: A. Information regarding the annual operating budget B. Issues that must be addressed C. Solution by reducing the total number of schools D. Possible options for consolidation of schools E. Land options F. Unused school property.
Discussion followed which included financial concerns and possible federal grants and loans available for building projects for poverty school districts. After discussion, no action was taken.
The next item on the agenda was to consider rejecting all bids for purchase of buses due to advertising error. Ms. Flowers stated that there was an error in advertisement for bids. She stated that the bids were advertised in the official journal, but was not placed on the online bidding website which is an auditing requirement. Ms. Flowers stated that one bid was received and recommended that this bid be rejected and that the staff be granted permission to re-advertise for bids. She stated that this would be a fifteen day bidding process which would allow sufficient time to bring a recommendation to award bids at the September Board Meeting. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Daniels seconded to reject bid and re-advertise for bids. The motion passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to consider policy revisions for a 1st Reading. The following policies were approved for a 1st Reading based on the following action: 1. Travel Policy – D-10 a. Employee Travel Policy – Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Hixon seconded the approval of this policy for a 1st Reading. This motion passed unanimously. b. Travel Policy for Morehouse Parish School Board - Ms. Kennedy moved, and Mr. Melton seconded the approval of this policy for a 1st Reading. The motion failed based on the following roll call vote:
Yeas: Louis Melton, Chastity Kennedy Nays: Karen Diel, Chip Rawls, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Rose Thompson Absent: None 4
2. Student Privacy Policy-H-24 – Mr. Katz presented background information regarding recent legislation passed that necessitated the development of the policy revision and recommended the approval of the policy for a 1st Reading. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Hixon seconded the approval of the policy for a 1st Reading. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Katz stated that until the Student Privacy Policy can be approved for a 2nd Reading, the Board would need to adopt Policy H-24 as an interim practice in order for the district to be in compliance with legislation. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, the Board unanimously adopted the policy as an interim practice as presented by Mr. Katz.
On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, the following Property Sales Policy revision was unanimously approved for a 2nd Reading:
By law the Board may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of at a public sale, any school site, building facility or personal property which is not used and, in the judgment of the Board, is not needed in the operation of any school or schools within its jurisdiction. Any such sale, lease or disposal of such school property shall be on such terms and conditions and for such consideration as the Board shall prescribe. Any such sale shall be in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana law, including La. R.S. 41:892 as it may be amended from time to time. The sale of used cafeteria furniture and equipment will be made known through advertisement in the Board's official journal the time and place of the sale. A minimum fair price will be placed on each item. Sealed bids will be received on each item to be opened at specified date. In regard to technology surplus items, the technology department, through the school board, shall apply trade-in allowances on equipment to be replaced against the purchase of new or updated equipment whenever possible as deemed necessary by the technology department. The Board may vote to dispose of technology equipment by advertising same for sale after determining that the item in no longer needed in the operation of the schools as recommended by the technology department. The Board shall advertise for the highest price. At the request of the technology department, a minimum price shall be fixed. The notice of the Board’s action and proposed sale shall be published at least once fifteen days prior to the date of the sale in the official journal of the Board. The sale shall be made to the person with the highest bid. All funds received from the sale of technology surplus equipment shall be deposited into the appropriate technology account. If reasonable attempts through bidding to dispose of items are unsuccessful, the the technology department is authorized to arrange for their disposal in accordance with applicable governmental regulations.
On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, the following policy Compensation Guidelines Policy revision was approved for a 2ndReading: 5
COMPENSATION GUIDELINES (Substitute Teachers/Bus Drivers)
IV. USubstitute Teachers Substitute teacher shall be paid at the following daily rates: Non-Degree: $55.00 per day College Degree: $65.00 per day Certified Teacher: $75.00 per day
Approved Long Term (starting with 21st day): College Degree: $100.00 per day Non-Degree: $75.00 per day Certified in Education: $125.00 per day
VII. Other Substitutes
Support personnel substitutes will be paid a daily sum for days actually worked, which shall be not less than minimum wage for the actual hours worked per day. COE workers will be paid on an hourly basis at the rate of the minimum wage allowed per hour. Substitute bus drivers will be paid $55.00 per day which exceeds required 65% of the daily base pay reimbursement from the state. The 65% figure will be derived by dividing the State Base Pay for school bus drivers by 180 days.
The next item on the agenda was Public Comments. Ms. Rhonda Johnson requested to address the Board regarding school uniforms. She stated that the uniforms should be an option because of the expense for parents.
The Superintendent requested Board Members provide Future Agenda Items.
Dr. Noflin presented the following Personnel Report:
New Hires: Location Position Person Replacing BHS Teacher-Science Kenneth Jones Adam Jaspers BHS Teacher-ELA Samantha Mann Andrea McConnell BHS Teacher-SS Alexander Washington Christopher Robinson BHS Teacher-SPED Kelly Copeland Rachel Thurber BHS Teacher-ELA Hunter Harris Jessica Day BHS ACT Prep Adrian Burnett Charita Seller BHS Teacher-Math Maneesh Kumar William Smith 6
BHS Teacher-Science Justin McMiller Felton McGhee BHS Instructional Facilitator Mitzi Quinn New-Half BHS Teacher-Social Studies Michael Winston Joey Toncrey Central Office Coordinator Katherine McCrary Debbie Polk Central Office Coordinator Windy Coleman Linda Odom Cherry Ridge Secretary Latecia King Teresa Gibson Cherry Ridge Teacher-K Kristy Rainwater Tanyonicka Black Cherry Ridge Teacher-1st LaPashen Robinson Audrey Ricks Cherry Ridge Teacher-K Stephanie Rawls Angie McAlpin Cherry Ridge Teacher-1st Samantha Jester Shelly Brown Cherry Ridge Early Interventionist Courtney Johnson Patricia Kinney Cherry Ridge Instructional Facilitator Amy Nason Windy Coleman Cherry Ridge Teacher-K Cassandra Shaw New–Enrollment Delta Teacher-SPED Foslesshia Winston Randy Green Delta Teacher-Math Sylvester Lewis Long Term Sub Delta Teacher-2nd Heather Uptigrove Pennie Brown Delta Teacher-2nd Pricilla Deanes Starlena Brandon Delta Teacher-3rd Tanyonika Black Monica Barber Delta Assistant Principal Alton McGee Helen Smith Delta Secretary Emma Brandon Linda Bruce Fresh Start Para Professional Carl Bershell Sharette Flynn H. V. Adams Teacher-1st Angelia Quebodeaux Kaitlin Streeter H. V. Adams Teacher-2nd Yolanda Harris Addey Gregg MJH Teacher-ELA Keyonta Benjamin William Duchesne MJH Teacher-ELA Adaryll Moore LaDonna Senter MJH Teacher-Journey to Careers LaDasha McGee Michael Ward MJH ISS Darryl Gordon Darrius Cooper MJH Teacher-Science Marion Gallien Barbara Gombossey MJH Teacher-History Michael Smith Michael Sustrunk MJH Teacher-Successmaker Pamela Campbell Johnnye Girtman Oak Hill Teacher-3rd Sarah Hutchenson Shada Tanksley Oak Hill Teacher-5th Sandra Ann Boyd Hollie Files Oak Hill Teacher-4th Crystal Wright Holley Farrar Oak Hill Teacher-5th Jenina Bass Rachal Balsamo Oak Hill Teacher-SPED Tameka Winston Sandra Adams Oak Hill Teacher-5th Sacorya Williams Landry Young Pine Grove Teacher-4th Stephanie Thomas Shadonna Bethea Pine Grove Principal Karmen Murry Kara Maslin SPED Teacher-SPED-Adaptive PE Angie Culpepper Jessica Pylant Transportation Bus Aide Virlee Anderson Vacancy Transportation Secretary Nancy Lowery Pamela McKinney 7
Transfers: Former Position New Location Person Location BHS Teacher-PE Fresh Start Max Watters BLA Teacher to Diagnostician Central Office Amanda Hough Cherry Ridge Paraprofessional H. V. Adams Fannie Atkins Cherry Ridge Teacher-Kindergarten Delta Tanyonicka Black Cherry Ridge Teacher-SPED to Teacher-1st Cherry Ridge Mary Johns Cherry Ridge Teacher-1st to Teacher-SPED Delta Denise Doles Delta Paraprofessional H. V. Adams Shadonna Bonner Fresh Start Paraprofessional-SPED Pine Grove Rhonda Malone H. V. Adams Teacher- PE BHS Korea Davis H. V. Adams Teacher-SPED PG/CR Sharivia Wyatt H. V. Adams Teacher-SPED-Hearing Impaired Cherry Ridge Jamie Johnson H. V. Adams Paraprofessional Cherry Ridge Linda Washington H. V. Adams Regular Teacher to EI Teacher Cherry Ridge Courtney Johnson Magnet Coordinator Central Office Kathy McCrary MJH Teacher-PE/Coach BHS Michael Sistrunk MJH Librarian Delta Johnnye Girtman Oak Hill Teacher-PE H. V. Adams Stephanie Braquet Oak Hill Teacher-SPED Fresh Start Sandra Adams Pine Grove Teacher 4th Delta Shadonna Bethea Pine Grove Coordinator Central Office Wendy Coleman Pine Grove Paraprofessional to Teacher Cherry Ridge Phyllis Lewis Cherry Ridge Teacher-PK H. V. Adams Rita Moore
Written Notice of Terminations:
School Position Name Delta Bookkeeper Luwanda Davis Student Services Center Custodian Joel Evans
Resignations: Christopher Bayless, teacher, Bastrop High, effective 5/22/2015 Carey Todd Briley, teacher, Pine Grove Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Pennie Brown, teacher, Delta Magnet School, effective 6/26/2015 Hollie Files, teacher, Oak Hill Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Billie French, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/22/2015 Emily Gregory, teacher, Morehouse Jr. High, effective 5/22/2015 Mary Helen Hall, teacher, H. V. Adams Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Kentywa Jones, custodian, H. V. Adams Elementary, effective 7/14/2015 Kara Masling, principal, Pine Grove Elementary, effective 6/26/2015 8
Angela McAlpin, teacher, Cherry Ridge Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Marla McIntyre, bus driver, effective 5/22/2015 Krystal Merrick, part time custodian, Morehouse Jr. High, effective 7/16/2015 John Navarro, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/22/2015 Keidra Pleasant, teacher, Oak Hill Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Charita Sellers, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/22/2015 Essie Smith, teacher, Morehouse Magnet School, effective 5/22/2015 William Smith, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/22/2015 Shada Tanksley, teacher, Oak Hill Elementary, effective 5/22/2015 Hilrie Toncrey, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/22/2015 Landyn Young, teacher, Oak Hill Elementary, effective 5/22/2015
Retirements: Loressa Benton, secretary, Suspension School, effective 6/13/2015 Pamela Benton, librarian, Delta Magnet School, effective 5/23/2015 Steve Busby, teacher, Bastrop High School, effective 5/23/2015 Jamie Sharpton, instructional tech and med. facilitator, effective 12/13/2015 Canary Tanzy, paraprofessional, H. V. Adams Elementary, effective 5/23/2015
On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Thompson, the personnel actions taken by the Superintendent of Schools and stated on and/or attached to the agenda of August 4, 2015 were unanimously ratified.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Karen Diel, President
George Noflin, Secretary