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8 December 2007
FROM: AFROTC/DET/158/CC University of South Florida BEH 236 Tampa FL 33620-8250
SUBJECT: Mission Directive - Academic Year (AY) 2007-2008
1. General Information:
a. This mission directive provides you an explanation of the cadet corps mission and the policies you will follow to accomplish the mission. As Cadet Commander, you are responsible for the 158th Cadet Wing. This responsibility includes proper organization of the corps, maintaining a training program as outlined in AFROTCI 36-2017, The College Program, and assuring discipline and a high esprit de corps. This is a vital and challenging assignment. I cannot over-emphasize its importance in maintaining a viable cadet corps and our overall officer- commissioning program. The validity of the cadet leadership opportunities you are tasked to develop will largely determine the success of the Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) training program. You must provide military training experiences that will improve each cadet’s ability to perform as a future Air Force officer while, at the same time, maintaining a properly functioning corps. The outcome of LLAB is a reflection of your leadership skills. Thus, you must constantly plan, organize, control, direct, supervise, and evaluate the LLAB program to ensure it meets the established objectives and goals.
b. This mission directive applies to AY 2007/2008. A supplemental directive may be provided for the Spring semester if necessary. Key dates for you to keep in mind are printed in bold face.
c. How To Use This Mission Directive. LLAB provides an environment where cadets can practice and develop officer skills. To that end, the process involved with course objective presentation is as important as the end result. Your duty as cadet corps commander is to meet the requirements I outline in this Mission Directive. You will have adequate freedom to exercise your leadership and management skills and the cadre will permit wide latitude in allowing the cadet corps to plan and conduct this training program. The Commandant of Cadets (COC) will ensure all corps training is cadet centered.
d. Cadet Wing Commander Tasking. I expect you and your successor to exercise command within the policy limits established by me and Air Force ROTC directives. Your immediate supervisor is the COC. You will report to him for guidance concerning your duties and the operation of the cadet corps. He will evaluate your performance as cadet commander. Each cadet wing commander is required to:
(1) Plan, direct, supervise, staff, and evaluate cadet corps activities that support all LLAB objectives.
(2) Propose and implement a cadet organizational structure to include a cadet wing organizational chart, written job descriptions for all Professional Officer Course (POC) cadet positions, and a Unit Manning Document (UMD) IAW AFROTCI 36-2017.
(3) Publish an Operations Plan (OPLAN) each semester and Operations Orders (OPORDs) each week IAW AFROTCI 36-2017 for the LLAB program using the LISTSERV and our world-wide web page.
(4) Ensure all cadets understand the purpose of LLAB. In addition to giving cadets an opportunity to practice their leadership and followership skills, LLAB is a vehicle to help individual cadets answer the question “Is the Air Force really right for me?”
e. The AFOATS Training Manual (ATM) T-700 is the primary basis to define the professional relationships of mutual respect I expect to see among cadets within our cadet corps. It is essential each subordinate develops respect for his/her supervisor/trainer as a leader instead of just acknowledging the supervisor’s/trainer’s position within corps. With this in mind, I expect you to adhere to the principles found within the ATM. I will not tolerate any physical discipline, sexual harassment, hazing, discrimination, abuse of authority, or other forms of maltreatment. Cadet supervisors and trainers must: set the example, avoid sarcasm, avoid using profanity/cursing/vulgarity, provide consistent direction/correction, not use inappropriate training, and know the applicable instructions. Mutual respect must be a fundamental part of everything we do in our detachment training. Having said that, I do not advocate a relaxed program. There is value in stress and rigor. We must develop cadets fully prepared to become Air Force officers.
f. Academics must be a top priority for our cadets. As the Cadet Wing Commander, you must place a strong emphasis on academic performance and ensure that cadets experience a proper balance of AFROTC-related activities that don’t interfere with academic success. You should be prepared to relieve individual cadets from their AFROTC responsibilities, for academic reasons, based on guidance from the COC.
g. Excessive involvement in training activities can have a detrimental effect on a cadet’s academic performance. Ensure all LLAB objectives, including required physical training, are presented within the 5-hour weekly limit for GMC, 6-hour limit for POC per AFROTCI 36-2017. Exceptions to this policy are the required parade, retreat or reveille, awards ceremony, and formal dinner, which may be conducted in addition to the scheduled weekly LLAB. All other training must be voluntary. Ensure no undue pressure is exerted for participation in voluntary activities. Refer to AFROTCI 36-2017 for a full description of time and activity restrictions. h. The primary directives and publications that you and your staff will use in formulating plans and devising programs for the LLAB are:
(1) AFMAN 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies
(2) AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel
(3) AFROTCIOATSI 36-2005, AFROTC Recruiting Program
(4) AFROTCI 36-2006, AFROTC Cadets and Applicants Testing
(5) AFOATSI 36-2007, AFOATS Fitness Program
(6) AFROTCI 36-2008, AFROTC CadetSenior Uniforms and Insignia
(7) AFROTCI 36-2010, AFROTC Field Training Program
(8) AFROTCI 36-2011, Administration of Senior Air Force ROTC Cadets
(9) AFROTCI 36-2012, AFROTC Professional Development Training and Special Programs
(10) AFROTCI 36-2013, AFROTC POC Allocation and Categorization Management
(11) AFOATSI 36-2014, AFROTC Enrollment and Relation with Host Nonhost Instructions, Crosstown, and Consortium Institutions
(12) AFROTCI 36-2015, AFROTC Contract Cadet Disenrollment
(13) AFROTCI 36-2017, AFROTC College Program
(14) AFOATSI 36-2018, AFROTC Special Actions Program
(15) AFROTCI 36-2019, AFROTC Scholarship Programs
(16) AFROTCI 36-2020, AFROTC Cadet Awards and Decorations Program
(17) AFROTCI 36-2022, AFROTC Administration of the Airman Education and Commissioning Program
(18) AFOATSI 35-101, AFOATS Public Affairs Program
(19) AFOATSI 36-101, AFOATS Awards and Unit Recognition Program
(20) AFOATS Training Manual (ATM) T-700
(21) AFROTC Leadership Laboratory Cadet Instructor’s Guide (T-508) i. Safety Program: You must implement a safety program keeping safety at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Safety must always be a priority because it impacts everything we do. Unsafe acts and conditions jeopardize mission accomplishment at all levels because they prevent our people from concentrating on academics and training to become Air Force officers.
j. Tobacco Use: As in the Air Force, tobacco use, whether smoking or smokeless type, is discouraged among cadets. The impact of tobacco on the health and welfare of people is detrimental to Air Force readiness, and costs the Department of Defense an incredible $1.3 billion annually in direct medical expenses and lost productivity. Therefore, cadets in uniform will not use tobacco products, whether smoking or smokeless type.
k. Cadet Alcohol Policy: You will comply with the AFROTC Cadet Alcohol Policy guidelines. For example, contract cadets who purchase alcohol for minors, directly facilitate consumption of alcohol by minors, possess or consume alcohol while underage will be investigated for disenrollment. Also, non-contract cadets could be released from the AFROTC program.
l. Body Art: The AF policy on body art (e.g. piercing and tattoos) as outlined in AFI 36- 2903 (Dress and Personal Appearance Air Force Personnel) applies to AFROTC cadets.
2. Mission
a. The Cadet Wing Commander will ensure that the cadet corps accomplishes its mission throughout the entire semester. This mission is to provide training to develop the cadets’ leadership abilities, which will enable them to perform effectively as officers when they enter the Air Force. In the Initial Military Training (IMT), training emphasizes the life and work of Air Force officers and military customs and courtesies. Additionally, field training preparation will have a significant amount of allotted leadership lab time to ensure we prepare our cadets for their upcoming Field Training Encampment. In the Professional Officer Course (POC), emphasis is placed on a variety of command and staff experiences in advanced leadership situations, key to proper management and leadership techniques.
b. Normally, cadets are classified as AS100, 200, 300, and 400 students, corresponding to the academic course in which they are enrolled. Though this classification system works well for most LLAB students, it may not apply in all situations. Therefore, it is more practical to classify and assign LLAB cadets according to where they are with respect to field training attendance and commissioning. For this reason, the LLAB objectives are broken down using the following categories:
Initial Military Training (IMT) – Cadets who are part of the GMC but are not scheduled to attend field training, normally AS100 cadets. Field Training Prep (FTP) – Cadets scheduled to attend field training in the upcoming year, normally AS200 or AS500 cadets. Intermediate Cadet Leaders (ICL) – Cadets who have satisfactorily completed field training, but are not scheduled to commission in the upcoming year; normally AS300 cadets Senior Cadet Leaders (SCL) – Cadets who have satisfactorily completed field training and are scheduled to be commissioned in the upcoming year (have normally completed at least one term of ICL); normally AS400 cadets. Extended Cadet Leaders (ECL) – Cadets who have satisfactorily completed field training, at least 2 years of LLAB and all AS academic requirements but still have 1 - 2 academic terms remaining; normally known as AS700 or AS800 cadets.
If cadets do not fit into the above classification, cadet assignment will be made based on what will benefit the cadet.
c. The LLAB course objectives are found in the AFROTC Leadership Laboratory Cadet Instructor’s Guide (T-508). These objectives establish the outcome that each cadet should achieve in LLAB. You must ensure that all LLAB Lesson Objectives are presented over the period of the academic year. Although it is not mandatory for each cadet to master every lesson objective, it is mandatory for each lesson objective to be presented. Safety remains the number one concern when planning LLAB activities. If in doubt about the risk involved in an activity, consult with the COC. In addition to these written objectives, you must remember that each activity should contribute to the ultimate goal: to provide qualified commissioned officers for professional service in the United States Air Force. The LLAB course objectives from the new AFROTC Leadership Laboratory Cadet Instructor’s Guide are as follows:
# LLAB LESSON OBJECTIVES IMT FTP ICL SCL ECL 1 Know the Air Force and AFROTC grade structure and insignia. X 2 Know the Air Force and AFROTC Chain of Command. X 3 Know the AFROTC Honor Code. X 4 Apply proper courtesies and procedures associated with the United States flag. X 5 Apply individual and flight drill positions. X 6 Apply basic individual and flight drill movements. X 7 Apply effective followership and teamwork skills. X X 8 Know the environment of an Air Force Officer. X X Apply correct guidon procedures during cadet drill & ceremonies practice and official 9 functions. X 10 Apply the principles of advanced individual and flight drill movements in LLAB. X 11 Apply the skills needed to be an effective flight commander. X 12 Know road guard procedures. X 13 Apply proper individual drill evaluation (IDE) procedures. X 14 Know proper dorm maintenance procedures and requirements. X 15 Know the mental, physical and administrative requirements of Field Training (FT). X 16 Apply proper open ranks inspection procedures. X 17 Know key personnel parade procedures. X 18 Know Field Training (FT) military decorum. X 19 Apply learned information during esprit de corps activities. X X X X X 20 Comprehend the principles of the AFOATS Training Manual (ATM). X X X X X 21 Apply leadership and followership skills through a cadet mentor program. X X X X X 22 Know the principles of Air Force Health and Wellness. X X X X X 23 Apply proper Air Force customs and courtesies. X X X X X 24 Apply proper Air Force dress and grooming standards. X X X X X 25 Know the proper procedures and history behind the Air Force Dining-In/Out. X X X X X Comprehend how to effectively execute all functions associated with the reveille (flag- 26 raising) ceremony, retreat ceremony, and parade. X X X X X 27 Apply the AFROTC Awards and Decorations program in a formal awards ceremony. X X X X X Apply leadership and management skills in supervising the cadet corps or through advanced 28 leadership experiences. X X X 29 Apply proper feedback and performance evaluation skills. X X X 30 Comprehend topics of importance to cadets about to enter active duty. X 31 Apply leadership, management and problem-solving skills in special projects/positions X 32 Comprehend issues and topics given in a Commander’s Call environment X X X X X 33 Physical Training (PT) X X X X X
d. All AS 700 and AS800, Extended Cadet Leaders, will attend and participate in LLABs and meet all physical fitness attendance and assessment requirements. Not meeting the attendance requirements for LLab or for PT will result in LLab failure and jeopardize a cadet’s Air Force commission.
3. Organization:
a. You will organize the cadet corps according to the provisions of AFROTCI 36-2017.
b. Establish a complete organizational chart and unit manning document (UMD) and review all job descriptions. Submit them for COC approval no later than 1 7 5 Aug 0 7 6 for the fall semester and 1 4 5 Dec 0 7 6 for the spring semester.
c. The cadet corps organizational structure as well as cadet positions and grades will reflect the actual functions of the corps, and be designed to further the attainment of Leadership Laboratory goals.
d. The UMD authorizes the positions that may be manned within the wing. It also establishes the maximum grade and current staffing for each of the authorized positions. In accordance with AFROCTI 36-2017, every officer grade above cadet first lieutenant must have a specific position authorized. You must prepare a new UMD each time an organizational change affects the positions or the grades authorized. Ensure you comply with AFROTCI 36-2017 in computing grade authorizations.
e. You will update the Cadet Wing Chain of Command Board in an expeditious manner. This task should be completed not later than 03 Sep 0 7 5 for the fall semester and 3 0 1 Jan 0 8 7 for the spring semester.
4. Functions for Cadet Positions: a. It is your responsibility to ensure that all cadets appointed to positions of responsibility are fully aware of their functions and responsibilities. Each cadet must have a thorough knowledge of appropriate Air Force and AFROTC instructions.
b. Written job descriptions have been established for each position in the cadet wing. Review the cadet job descriptions and update as required. Submit updated job descriptions to the COC by 1 5 7 Aug 0 7 6 for the fall semester and 1 5 4 Dec 0 7 6 for the spring semester.
5. Appointments and Promotions:
a. You are responsible for selecting your staff officers and commanders. Ensure each POC cadet has the opportunity to fill a leadership position at least once before completion of the POC. Cadets will be assigned new positions every semester, unless an earlier change is needed. Provide the COC with an updated cadet position roster reflecting all positions held by each cadet with the proposed UMD on 1 7 5 Aug 0 7 6 for the fall semester and 1 4 5 Dec 0 7 6 for the spring semester. The COC must approve your selections.
b. In some cases, it may be desirable for staff officers and commanders to select the members of his/her immediate staff and his/her next level of subordinate commanders. These appointments will be subject to your approval and the approval of the COC. You and your immediate staff must keep in mind that a cadet’s academic performance is paramount in determining job position.
c. Consider rotating sophomore cadets through flight positions throughout the term to ensure each cadet is provided an adequate opportunity to lead and supervise other GMC cadets.
d. Completed POC cadets (AS 700s) will remain an active part of the cadet corps and will support you in accomplishing your mission. These cadets will be authorized to wear the rank of cadet lieutenant colonel. Completed cadets must wear their uniform on Thursdays, 0800 - 1700 while on campus. You will notify completed cadets to attend the appropriate LLABs and Physical Fitness Program events to accomplish the following:
(1) Mandatory POC inspections
(2) PFT and weight checks
(3) Change of Command
(4) Combat Dining In (Fall) and Dining Out (Spring)
6. Command, Coordination and Control:
a. Experience has proven that efficient command is comprised of:
(1) Effective coordination between all staff sections (2) Appropriate level of authority and responsibility for each position
(3) Trust
(4) Supervision, performance feedback, and follow-up actions
(5) Effective communications
(6) Strategic planning
(7) Empowerment and teamwork
b. Make every subordinate commander and staff officer aware of his/her authority and responsibility. Personally ensure each subordinate commander is prepared to brief the PAS, COC, Wing Staff and any other distinguished visitor on the mission of the cadet wing and his/her exact responsibilities, duties, and limits of authority at any time after WEEK ONE of the semester.
c. In your AS 300 year, you had the opportunity to observe and participate in various Continuous Improvement Process Projects. You should review the findings of these projects to determine if any of the proposed results/solutions can be implemented within the cadet corps. Be sure to obtain approval through the COC before actually implementing any new programs.
d. Evaluate all cadet programs and procedures to ensure the corps chain of command is being effectively used. Constantly seek ways to improve corps operations by soliciting inputs from all levels of your command, including IMTs. The corps should be organized so all normal problems can be resolved within this structure.
e. You will establish procedures along with cadet performance feedback to identify and help correct performance deficiencies among individual cadets. Experience has shown that most discipline/behavioral problems, if dealt with properly and at an early stage, can be corrected within your realm of authority. Cadets experiencing persistent problems should be counseled at progressively higher levels in the cadet chain of command. Document all actions staff members take to resolve the conflict, including verbal and written counseling. The COC and I will counsel cadets on matters not resolved by the cadet chain of command. Ensure widest dissemination of your counseling policy.
7. Operation of the Cadet Corps:
a. You will publish an Operations Plan (OPLAN) for Leadership Laboratory training. The plan will follow AFROTCI 36-2017 guidelines. The plan will ensure all LLAB objectives are presented. The plan will also balance indoor and outdoor activities with appropriate subject matter scheduled for each period. The fall OPLAN shall include a schedule of training for the current semester and list the objectives covered in the spring semester OPLAN. In addition, you will prepare a planning chart showing the timeline of goals and milestones leading up to every LLAB and significant cadet corps events scheduled during the academic year. These events include, but are not limited to: commissioning ceremonies, awards ceremonies, Army/Air Force ROTC field day, campus parades, Dining-out, change-of-command parades, new cadet orientation, base visits, and drill competition. Submit your final OPLAN to the COC prior to 1 5 7 Aug 0 6 7 for the fall semester and 1 4 5 Dec 0 6 7 for the spring semester. Develop the following in conjunction with the operations plan:
(1) A course outline for the GMCs and POCs, including the current academic term and a calendar of events to support the course outline.
(2) A syllabus of instruction to assure a timely logical flow that supports course objectives.
(3) A weekly operations order to ensure LLAB objectives are presented. Submit the operations order for approval to the COC Tuesday the week prior to LLab to allow time for coordination and posting of the order NLT one week prior to the event. In the operations orders, include all items required by AFROTCI 36-2017.
b. Attendance at all LLAB periods and physical training sessions by all cadets is mandatory. Record unexcused absences on the attendance sheet. Subordinate commanders must counsel and document unexcused absences. Cadets must attend at least 80 percent of LLABs and 80 percent of physical training sessions in order to pass LLAB; this requirement stands whether the absences were excused or not. The OPLAN must contain procedures for tracking attendance. For each LLAB, the attendance roster must indicate one of the following: present, absent excused, absent unexcused, tardy, or present at the alternate LLab. Create a memorandum to document a cadet’s absence from each LLAB.
c. You will develop a system that ensures requirements for all cadets are met and tracked on a weekly basis. In addition you must ensure training hours and cadet attendance records for are kept current and accurate. Forward a report of the week’s training activities to the COC by COB each Friday. The report should include up-to-date attendance for LLab and the Physical Fitness Training, LLAB lesson objectives presented by AS year and concurrently enrolled cadets, as well as status reports from each cadet functional area.
d. In general, LLAB lesson plans must permit freshmen cadets to learn about certain aspects of the life and work of an Air Force officer. Lesson plans must also permit cadets the chance to gain an insight into the opportunities, benefits and challenges available to Air Force officers (information they will need in deciding their place in the Air Force). Freshmen cadets should be afforded the opportunity to continue to develop an awareness of the need for cooperation and teamwork in organized group efforts. They should be introduced to the need for and value of drill as a leadership training device as well as drill terminology and command.
e. Sophomore cadets must be provided with opportunities to command a flight, exercise effective continuity, and commit to a thorough physical training program. They should receive additional instruction about customs and courtesies of the Air Force.
f. Concurrently Enrolled Cadets: You must have a plan to present and track the presentation of both sets of LLAB objectives for concurrently enrolled cadets. Generally, concurrently enrolled cadets will attend 6-week field training encampments; however, cadets who successfully complete concurrent enrollments and are selected for 4-week encampments must complete, to a satisfactory level, all of the training events on the AS 100/200 training records prior to attending Field Training. All training for concurrently enrolled cadets must be tracked and documented.
g. Junior and senior cadets will participate in a variety of advanced leadership experiences. Some of these will be associated with the management of GMC leadership laboratory. Others will be related to the planning, organizing and managing of cadet corps sponsored activities. Still others will involve communications, including interviews, guidance, motivation and performance of other cadets. Special projects will be applicable to our local needs. All POC cadets are required to participate in initiatives to improve the mission of the cadet corps. You must ensure training hours, tracking of the presentation of LLAB objectives, and cadet attendance records for these POC cadets are kept current and accurate.
h. You will establish a cadet performance feedback and evaluation system. Submit a copy of each cadet’s performance feedback worksheet (PFW) to the COC for review by the following dates:
(1) Initial Feedback (beginning of each term): 1 4 5 Sep 0 6 7 (Fall) and 2 3 5 Jan 0 7 8 (Spring) (2) Midterm POC feedback (midpoint each term): 1 3 9 Oct 0 6 7 (Fall) and 8 7 Mar 0 7 8 (Spring) (3) Midterm GMC feedback (end of fall term): 1 6 7 Nov 0 6 7 (4) POC OPR (end of each term): 5 6 Dec 0 7 6 (Fall) and 24 23 Apr 0 7 8 (Spring) (5) Final GMC feedback (end of spring term): 2 6 4 Apr 0 7 8 (Spring)
i. AFOATSI 36-2007, AFOATS Fitness Program, lists minimum and maximum weight standards and includes body fat standards. You will develop a comprehensive physical fitness program for the corps to ensure cadets are properly developing a lifestyle of physical fitness. Under the supervision of detachment cadre, cadets should be weighed no later than the second week of the semester. Detachment cadre will perform a body fat measurement on cadets who exceed their maximum allowable weight. Cadets who exceed their allowable body fat are not authorized to wear an AFROTC uniform; they will wear conservative civilian attire and will continue to attend LLAB.
j. A high level of physical fitness is imperative to success as an Air Force officer as well as success of our AS 200 cadets who plan to attend Field Training. You will develop a Physical Fitness Training (PFT) program. The time for the program are 0600 Tuesday and Friday at USF, 0700 Monday at CCC and St Leo and Wednesday at UT beginning the week after the first LLAB. All cadets are expected to attend two PT sessions per week; ThursdayFriday is mandato- ry for all. A cadre member will attend each PFT session. Cadet exercise sessions without a cadre member present do not qualify as PMT and are not PFT sessions. AFROTC is only obli- gated to arrange medical treatment for cadets injured during PMT. Ensure cadets are informed of Air Force and AFROTC standards on conditioning and appearance. k. Ensure all cadets get email accounts NLT the second week of school each semester. This will be the primary way communication is distributed, so they need e-mail to access the LISTSERV for the detachment. See Mrs. Faulk for details on the LISTSERV.
8. Administration:
a. Your staff will be responsible for originating, word processing, posting all administrative items to the LISTSERV and detachment web page, and reproducing all plans, operating instructions, regulations, orders, and letters necessary for corps operations. The copier in the cadre office may be used for single copies. With 2-weeks notice, the cadre can arrange for reproductions of larger documents. Ensure you issue a cadet policy governing administrative practices.
b. Your staff will review all applicable operating instructions and job descriptions. This task is an excellent opportunity to implement quality and corps improvement initiatives. Your staff should examine their duties and look for ways to improve, revise, or delete, as necessary. One last reminder, each staff is responsible for their own area. Maximum involvement--including the GMC--will make this successful.
c. You are responsible for updating the Detachment 158 Cadet Handbook. Review, revise, and/or improve the current guide to reflect current AFROTC instructions and policies. If a new handbook is required, you must submit the guide to the COC for review and post it on the detachment web page.
d. Each Wing Commander will leave a historical file (audit trail) for the new Wing staff. This includes but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Wing Commander notebook, containing copies of all orders, letters, and other correspondence issued during the semester.
(2) Continuity (guideline) folders for each department, containing up-to-date information on items such as how to perform assigned tasks, lessons learned, and areas requiring continued improvement.
e. At the end of the semester ( 7 5 Dec 0 7 6 for Fall and 30 25 Apr 0 7 8 for Spring), you and your staff shall prepare a report for me on the significant accomplishments of your organization as well as proposals for improvements during the following semester.
f. Your official designation is 158th AFROTC Cadet Wing. Use this designation in all official correspondence.
9. Cadet Evaluation:
a. Cadet evaluation plays two primary roles in LLAB. First, evaluations can be used as a basis for the COC to assign a pass/fail grade for LLAB. Second, evaluations serve as a basis for promotions and recognition of superior performance. Notify the COC if any cadet is making marginal or unsatisfactory progress.
b. Each cadet will be evaluated and given a LLAB grade of SAT/UNSAT by the COC. Cadets must attend 80% of the scheduled LLABs to pass. Additionally, cadet training records will be maintained. The COC will rely on these records’ content, observations of the cadre, and observations of your staff to evaluate each cadet.
c. Physical Fitness Test (PFT): Attempting the PFT is mandatory each term (see AFROTCI 36-2017 for medically-related exceptions) and is one of the three requirements to receive a passing grade for LLAB. Only cadets with clear, documented medical profiles presented to Det personnel prior to the event will be excused from the official PFT.
10. Mission Support: You are responsible for implementing an aggressive internal information program to keep cadets informed about Air Force and AFROTC activities, and other items of interest or importance. Detachment personnel will give the responsible cadet assistance to carry out these duties. At a minimum, you must ensure the following are accomplished:
a. A cadet newsletter and the submission of articles on corps activities for publication in local and Air Force news media. The Detachment PA Officer will review and approve all articles. The cadet corps is responsible for submitting one article per month during the semester to The Leader magazine. Photos are a vital component to any AFROTC article; ensure adequate photos are obtained for this purpose.
b. Develop and maintain a calendar of events for the Cadet Corps. Ensure the initial calendar is completed NLT 25 12 Ju l n 0 7 5.
11. Staff Meetings and Detachment Coordination:
a. Conduct weekly staff meetings to coordinate and critique training within the Cadet Wing. Normally, the COC, subordinate commanders, and key staff members will attend this meeting. You or your designated representative will brief the COC on corps activities to include the past week’s happenings and plans for the upcoming week. Post written minutes of staff meetings to the LISTSERV via email and on the Operations Board NLT the following LLab. These minutes will include lists of those attending and those absent from the meetings as well as the items discussed at the meetings.
b. You or a representative from your group staff will attend the first half of the Cadre staff meeting Mondays at 1400 in BEH (sSubject to change). You will be expected to update staff on significant events and cadet corps issues.
12. Other Activities:
a. AFROTCI 36-2017 specifies a difference between PMT and non-PMT activities. The AFROTC Detachment 158th Cadet Wing and Color Guard are described by AFOATSI 36-2017 as part of AFROTC’s PMT program. You must ensure cadet participation in these organizations reflects favorably on the Air Force and the University of South Florida. All AFROTC extracurricular functions should support the Leadership Laboratory program. I encourage you to foster strong cooperation between the cadet corps and these organizations.
b. CW/CC is responsible for planning a fall and spring base visit. Coordinate with the cadre PA officer and be prepared to brief your plan to the COC by 2 4 1 Sep 0 7 6 (fall) and 2 1 Feb 0 7 8 (spring).
c. You are to plan, organize and direct an effective, well-publicized Honor Flight Program that will encompass the entire semester. The Honor Flight criteria must be published by Week 2 of the semester.
d. Cadet Recruiting: You must build an active and viable recruiting program that complements the detachment program to recruit quality cadets. The cadet recruiting officer must meet with cadre unit admissions officer at the start of the semester to review previous efforts and implement a plan for the upcoming year.
e. If, as a group, cadets elect to participate in campus and community service involvement, you must ensure: 1) Cadets understand these activities are strictly voluntary and they participate as university students, 2) These activities do not conflict or compete with our LLAB training objectives, 3) The cadet corps as a whole does not become overextended due to a wide variety of special activities.
(1) You will designate a member of your staff as the central point of contact for coordinating all cadet corps activities that require approval/coordination through the University’s Student Activities office.
(2) You must coordinate with the Commandant of Cadets prior to scheduling or canceling these activities.
Note: You must ensure all cadets understand their responsibility to maintain the professional behavior we expect from an AFROTC cadet. Although participating as university students, they can still be identified as Air Force ROTC cadets. As such, AFROTC cadets have the responsibility at all times to favorably represent Air Force ROTC on campus and in the community. I expect cadets to display the level of maturity and judgment we expect of officer candidates. Cadets who fail to respect the cadet Honor Code and or who show an unacceptable adjustment to the military environment will be dismissed or disenrolled from the cadet corps.
Note: The Honor Code is as follows: “We will not lie, steal or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does.”
13. Conclusion:
The ROTC program requires a great deal of planning, dedication, teamwork, and focus on results to produce a quality program. What you learn will help prepare each cadet for future success as an Air Force officer. I’m confident you will do an outstanding job. You and your staff are leaders of the cadet wing—so take charge and lead! Make your program achieve the ultimate goal—training the future leaders of the Air Force. Don’t hesitate to delegate—you cannot do it all yourself. Also, feel free to ask for assistance. Be positive, stay focused, and do your very best; you will look back and be proud of your accomplishments. I know you and your staff will excel!
SIGNED//BEW//1512 JulyMay 076