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Scot Ghere-Science Ridgeview Jr./Sr. High School Robert Riggins- Technology Summer 2007 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC 20540 USA, Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-4614
During this learning experience, students will integrate skills learned in both Science and Technology to complete a unit about bridge types and bridge construction.
Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension
Overview Back to Navigation Bar Objectives Students will: identify and distinguish Beam-bridges, Arch bridges, and Suspension bridges explain the components of a Beam-type bridge produce and design a computer-generated replica of a Beam-type bridge produce a working model of a Beam-type bridge
Recommended time frame 4 weeks Grade level 7th Grade Curriculum fit Science, Math, and Technology Materials Handouts PowerPoint Bridge Builder website Bridge Building Supplies: *Toothpicks
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University *Straws *Spaghetti *String *Glue *Tape
Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar Science: GOAL 11: Understand the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conduct experiments and solve problems. 11.B Know and apply the concepts, principles and processes of technological design. 11.B.3c Select the most appropriate design and build a prototype or simulation. 11.B.3d Test the prototype using available materials, instruments and technology and record the data. 11.B.3e Evaluate the test results based on established criteria, note sources of error and recommend improvements. GOAL 12: Understand the fundamental concepts, principles and interconnections of the life, physical and earth/space sciences. 12.D Know and apply concepts that describe force and motion and the principles that explain them. 12.D.3b Explain the factors that affect the gravitational forces on objects (e.g., changes in mass, distance). GOAL 13: Understand the relationships among science, technology and society in historical and contemporary contexts. 13.A Know and apply the accepted practices of science. 13.A.3c Explain what is similar and different about observational and experimental investigations.
Math: GOAL 9: Use geometric methods to analyze, categorize and draw conclusions about points, lines, planes and space. 9.A Demonstrate and apply geometric concepts involving points, lines, planes and space. 9.A.3a Draw or construct two- and three- dimensional geometric figures including prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones. 9.A.3c Use concepts of symmetry, congruency, similarity, scale, perspective, and angles to describe and analyze two- and three-dimensional shapes found in practical applications An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University 9.C Construct convincing arguments and proofs to solve problems. 9.C.3b Develop and solve problems using geometric relationships and models, with and without the use of technology.
NETS: Standard 3.a Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. 3.a.7. Create multimedia presentation, with assistance, using text, graphics, music, animations and transitions 3.a.8. Insert/import an image from clipart, CD, or the Internet to enhance a document Standard 3.b Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. 3.b.1. Use technology resources to plan/design, construct and/or demonstrate a project with other students Standard 4.b Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. 4.b.2. Use a range of publishing, design, and presentation tools to create products that effectively communicate knowledge Standard 5.a Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. 5.a.1. Locate, review, and summarize information on the Internet using developmentally appropriate search engines
Procedures Back to Navigation Bar Day One: Students will view introductory Power Point on bridges. Students read and discuss a handout on the history of bridge development and the three basic bridge types.
Day Two: Students will continue reading and discussing the handout.
Day Three: The students will finish reading and discussing the handout.
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Day Four-Eight: Introduce the Non-linear PowerPoint project. Students will research, using the Library of Congress. Students will analyze the Library of Congress photos using the analysis tool. Students will compose a PowerPoint of a specific beam type bridge.
Day Nine-Ten: The students will design a beam bridge using Bridge Builder software. They will print a final copy of their bridge design to be used as a blueprint for their project.
Day Eleven-Fifteen: Construct beam bridge models using the Bridge Project handout.
Day Sixteen-Nineteen: Evaluation: Presentation of Non-linear PowerPoint, the computer-generated model, and student bridge projects. Students will test bridges using weights.
Day Twenty: Follow-up/Extension
Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar There will be an evaluation of the non-linear PowerPoint presentation using a rubric. There will be an evaluation of the model of the beam bridge produced by the student using a rubric. Extension Back to Navigation Bar Follow-up: Students will independently reflect on these questions: 1. What was the most interesting part of the project? 2. What was the most difficult phase of the bridge building? 3. Did your bridge meet your expectations? If the bridge fails: 4. Why do you think your bridge eventually failed? 5. If you were given one class period to “enhance” your bridge, what would you do to it? An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University 6. What is the most important aspect in regards to the bridge building: design, construction, or materials? Why?
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar
Image Description Citation Permanent URL Railroad bridge across Wood engraving in the Hudson River at Harper's Weekly, i-bin/query/i? Albany, New York. Mar. 17, 1866, after pp/PPALL:@field(NU photograph by MBER+@band(cph+3a Churchill & 05151)) Dennison. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62- 1328 Suspension Bridge Suspension Bridge [Cincinnati]. [Cincinnati]. Grand i-bin/query/i? March. (Music cover). pp/PPALL:@field(NU Lithograph by MBER+@band(cph+3a Strobridge & Co., 10556)) 1867. Reproduction numbers: LC- USZ62-7924 The great East River The great East River suspension bridge suspension bridge, i-bin/query/i? connecting the cities pp/PPALL:@field(NU of New York & MBER+@band(cph+3b Brooklyn. Lithograph 51283)) by Currier & Ives, 1877. Reproduction number: LC-USZC2- 3409 Manhattan tower, Manhattan tower, New York and New York and gi-bin/query/r? Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. pp/ils:@filreq(@field(N Photograph by Geo. UMBER+@band(cph+3 P. Hall & Sons, 1893. a07972)) Reproduction +@field(COLLID+cphx number: LC-USZ62- )) 4614
Railroad Bridge over Railroad Bridge over the Wissahickon, near the Wissahickon, near i-bin/query/i? Manayunk. Manayunk. pp/PPALL:@field(NU Lithograph by Charles MBER+@band(cph+3b Fenderich. 52163)) Reproduction
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University number: LC-USZC4- 414 Parade of horses on Parade of horses on Speedway / Speedway, American gi-bin/query/r? American Mutoscope & ammem/papr:@field(N Mutoscope Biograph Co.; UMBER+@band(lcmp0 and 02+m2b44933)) 8July1903; H33282. Biograph Company. Library of Congress Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division c.mbrsmi/lcmp002. m2b44933
Opening the Opening the Williamsbur Williamsburg Bridge gi-bin/query/r? g Bridge / American Mutoscope ammem/papr:@field(N American & Biograph Co.; UMBER+@band(lcmp0 Mutoscope 11Feb1904; H42039. 02+m2b06704)) and Biograph Library of Congress Company. Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division c.mbrsmi/lcmp002. m2b06704
New Brooklyn to New Brooklyn to New New York York via Brooklyn gi-bin/query/r? via Brooklyn Bridge, no. 2 Thomas ammem/papr:@field(N Bridge, no. A. Edison; UMBER+@band(edmp 2 / Thomas 22Sep1899; 61218. +1734)) A. Edison, Inc. ; Library of Congress producer, Broadcasting and James Recorded Sound White? Division, c.mbrsmi/ edmp .173 4
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University The Millennium ARUP Group Ltd. Bridge The illenniumBridge/indept Millennium h/video.html Bridge 27 June 2007 m/Millenniu mBridge/ind epth/ ml
The Tacoma Department of Narrows Engineering uk/research/nonlinear/ta Bridge Mathematics, University coma/tacoma.html#mpe Disaster, of Bristol, g University Walk, Bristol November BS8 1TR, UK - Tel: +44 1940 (0)117 928 9734 June 27, 2007 http://www.enm.bris.a
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Beam Bridge Rubric
Building A Structure : Beam Bridge Project
Teacher Name: Mr. Ghere
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 students can use Appropriate materials Appropriate materials Appropriate materials Inappropriate toothpicks,straws,sp were selected and were selected and were selected. materials were aghetti,string,glue,an creatively modified in there was an attempt selected and d tape ways that made them at creative contributed to a even better. modification to make product that them even better. performed poorly. Bridge must support Structure functions Structure functions Structure functions Fatal flaws in function a 2 KG weight at extraordinarily well, well, holding up under pretty well, but with complete failure both end and in the holding up under typical stresses. deteriorates under under typical mid-point of the atypical stresses. typical stresses. stresses. bridge.
Dimensions All dimensions are One dimension is not Two dimensions not Three dimensions not met met met met
bridge blueprint Plan is neat with Plan is neat with Plan provides clear Plan does not show clear measurements clear measurements measurements and measurements and labeling for all and labeling for most labeling for most clearly or is components. components. components. otherwise inadequately labeled.
Scientific Knowledge Explanations by all Explanations by all Explanations by Explanations by group members group members most group members several members of indicate a clear and indicate a relatively indicate relatively the group do not accurate accurate accurate illustrate much understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of scientific principles scientific principles scientific principles scientific principles Construction - Care Great care taken in Constuction was Construction Construction appears Taken construction process careful and accurate accurately followed careless or so that the structure for the most part, but the plans, but 3-4 haphazard. Many is neat, attractive and 1-2 details could have details could have details need follows plans been refined for a been refined for a refinement for a accurately. more attractive more attractive strong or attractive Information Gathering Accurate information Accurate information Accurate information Information taken taken from several taken from a couple taken from a couple from only one source sources in a of sources in a of sources but not and/or information not systematic manner. systematic manner. systematically. accurate.
Date Created: Jun 27, 2007 01:53 pm (CDT)
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University PowerPoint Rubric
Powerpoint Appearance and Content : Non-linear Bridge PowerPoint
Teacher Name: Mr. Riggins
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Text - Font Choice & Font formats (e.g., Font formats have Font formating has Font formatting Formatting color, bold, italic) been carefully been carefully makes it very difficult have been carefully planned to enhance planned to to read the material. planned to enhance readability. complement the readability and content. It may be a content. little hard to read. Buttons and Links All buttons and links Most (99-90%) Many (89-75%) of the Fewer than 75% of Work Correctly work correctly. buttons and links buttons and links the buttons work work correctly work correctly. correctly.
Buttons - Navigation Buttons are Buttons are Buttons are Buttons are not appropriately labeled appropriately labeled. appropriately labeled. adequately labeled and all similar Most similar buttons Placement of buttons and placement of buttons (e.g., Back, (e.g., Back, Home, apears random from buttons appears Home, Next,etc.) Next, etc.) appear in card to card. random from card to appear in the same the same place on card. Background Background does not Background does not Background does not Background makes it detract from text or detract from text or detract from text or difficult to see text or other graphics. other graphics. other graphics. competes with other Choice of background Choice of background graphics on the page. is consistent from is consistent from card to card and is card to card. Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics are attractive (size and not attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND colors) and support support the do not seem to detract from the the theme/content of theme/content of the support the content of the the presentation. presentation. theme/content of the presentation. presentation.
Date Created: Jun 27, 2007 03:04 pm (CDT)
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Handouts Back to Navigation Bar
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Bridge Construction Criteria
The students will build a bridge. They will work in pairs. Their bridge must follow this criterion:
Their bridge must span 48 cm Minimum clearance of 15 cm Must be a minimum of 6 cm wide Bridge must allow a boat to pass under which is 12 cm. by 10 cm Bridge must support a 2 kg weight at both ends and in the mid-point
Students can use the following materials:
Toothpicks Straws Dry spaghetti String Glue Tape
A contest will be held to see whose bridge holds the most weight in proportion to the weight of the students’ bridge.
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University