Richard Baldwin: Mid 30S, Vice President of Accounting
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The Rivalry By: Sarine A. McKenzie
CHARACTERS: Richard Baldwin: Mid 30s, Vice President of Accounting Charlotte Brooks: Late 20s, Corporate Tax Accountant for Simmons & Co. Sporting Goods Abraham Simmons: Mid-late 30s, Vice President of Sales, son of Charles Simmons Charles Simmons: Late 50s-early 60s, CEO of Simmons & Co. Sporting Goods, father to Abraham Simmons 2
(Scene opens in Richard’s office, RICHARD is sitting at his desk, flipping through a stack of papers. His office consists of one large desk, with three chairs: Richard’s chair on one side, and two chairs on the other side. There is a file cabinet and bookcase in the office, as well as various objects atop the desk, such as a computer, paper files, a telephone, and a pen/pencil holder. There is a knock at the door.)
RICHARD Come in. (CHARLOTTE enters, smiling nervously. Richard looks up from stack of papers.) You must be Ms. Brooks. Charlotte Brooks?
CHARLOTTE (Nodding slowly) Y-yes.
RICHARD (Standing, holding out hand.) Welcome, Ms. Brooks. I'm Richard Baldwin, Vice President in charge of Accounts. Nice to meet you.
CHARLOTTE (Walks over, shakes his hand. Takes a seat.) Thank you, Mr. Baldwin.
RICHARD (Sitting down, returns to papers on desk.) So, you'll be doing our taxes this year?
RICHARD I see you have some experience. You've worked for a few businesses within the city?
CHARLOTTE Yes sir. 3 The Rivalry
RICHARD And how did that go?
CHARLOTTE Extremely well, actually. The businesses were all quite impressed with my work.
RICHARD how can I be sure that you'll do a good job here? Why shouldn't I send for another employee from this firm you're representing?
CHARLOTTE (Leaning forward) Because I will be the best accountant you'll ever have. I don't believe in deadlines because I'm always ahead of them. And the word "mistake" isn't associated with me. (Smiles smugly.)
RICHARD (Nodding head, impressed.) We're a very fast-paced company, Ms. Brooks. Simply saying you're a good accountant can't ensure that my income tax statements will be top-notch and on time. Will you be able to keep up with us?
CHARLOTTE I wouldn't be here if I didn't think so. I'm easily the best corporate tax accountant my firm has. I can—and will—handle this job, Mr. Baldwin.
RICHARD (Looking at Charlotte, unconvinced.) Tell you what, Ms. Brooks. This job is yours if you can show me in one month's time that you belong here. Until then, you'll be on a very tight leash—that means no screw-ups or you're gone. Got it?
CHARLOTTE (Smiling broadly. Stands, holding out hand.) You won't be disappointed, Mr. Baldwin.
RICHARD (Stands, shakes her hand. Smiles slightly.) I hope not. 4
(End scene.)
(Scene opens in Charles' office. Charles' office is similar to that of Richard's office; there is a large desk, with Charles' chair on one side and two chairs on the other. A computer, files, and other miscellaneous office objects are atop the desk, such as a pencil holder and telephone. In the office, there is also a large bookcase and several file cabinets. CHARLES is sitting in his chair, conversing with his son ABRAHAM, who is also head of a department within the company.)
CHARLES (Relaxed, leaned back in chair.) Abraham, what do you think of this place?
ABRAHAM Well, we’ve had a long record of amazing sales, and we’re looking pretty good in the stock market, so I’d have to say that this place isn’t so shabby. (Smiles contently)
CHARLES Why thank you, Abraham. I was actually looking for a different answer from you, though.
ABRAHAM What do you mean?
CHARLES I wanted to hear you to say something along the lines of “And I can’t wait to be the head of this company.” (Abraham looks surprised)
ABRAHAM Well, of course! I just never thought you’d offer me that position.
CHARLES Nonsense! You’re my son, and this is what fathers do—they hand down their belongings! In this case, it’s a very large belonging, but I think you’ve earned it. 5 The Rivalry (Abraham looks unconvinced.) What’s the matter?
ABRAHAM There’s a catch, I can feel it.
CHARLES (Chuckles) You know me too well. There is a small catch.
ABRAHAM (Anxiously) What is it?
CHARLES You’ll be competing with Richard Baldwin for the position. (Abraham is taken aback.) It’s only fair, Abraham.
ABRAHAM That isn’t a small catch, Pop. Richard is really good at his job—i-if you give him your job…I’ll quit.
CHARLES Don’t be brash, Abraham.
ABRHAM I mean it! I can’t work under him…besides, you said it yourself that this job should be handed down to me!
CHARLES I have to give him a chance, Abraham. He’s really proved himself in this company. He’s done great work— (Interrupted by Richard entering the office. Abraham and Charles look to him.)
RICHARD (To Charles) You wanted to speak with me? 6
CHARLES (Waving him over and pointing to seat next to Abraham) Yes, yes. Come on in and take a seat, we have a lot to discuss.
RICHARD (Walking over, takes a seat, acknowledging Abraham with a nod.) What about?
CHARLES About the future of this business. You see, I was just speaking to Abraham a minute ago about this, and I thought it would be fair if I brought my second-favorite Vice President into the discussion as well. (Abraham makes a small scowl at the words “second-favorite.”)
RICHARD So how do I fit into this?
CHARLES I’m looking for someone to take my place in the company. I would give this position to my son here— (Smiles at Abraham, who has a smug expression on his face) —But I noticed that you are also quite a hard worker, and I think you should be given the opportunity as well.
RICHARD (In awe, looks at Abraham, then back to Charles.) That sounds wonderful! Th-thank you so much Mr. Simmons! Are you sure?
CHARLES Completely positive. I’ll give you both two-weeks time to come up with your very best presentation that establishes why you should be head of this company. At the end of the two weeks, we’ll have a meeting, and we’ll see who is better fit for the job. (Abraham and Richard glance at each other.) How does that sound?
RICHARD Sounds great! Thank you, Mr. Simmons. (Shakes Charles’ then Abraham’s hand. Stands, begins to exit office.) Oh! Quick question? 7 The Rivalry
CHARLES Of course.
RICHARD There will have to be someone to take over my job, right?
CHARLES Confidence—I like it, Richard! (To Abraham, chuckling) He’s already looking for his replacement!
RICHARD (Chuckles) Oh no, not like that. I just want to make sure someone good takes my place, that's all.
CHARLES If we're ever able to find someone as good as you, Richard. (Smiling broadly.)
RICHARD Of course. Thank you, sir. (Exits.)
ABRAHAM (Annoyed) What was that all about?
CHARLES (Indifferent) What?
ABRAHAM All that chuckling and smiling like he's your favorite person in the world! If that's the case, should I even waste my time trying to compete with him?
CHARLES You wouldn't be wasting your time, it's a fair and friendly competition! You're both equally talented and qualified, now it all comes down to who can truly prove that they belong in my position. 8
ABRAHAM Why did you bring me in here to talk about this if you've already made up your mind? (Exits office, Charles sighs.)
(End scene.)
(Scene opens in Charlotte’s office space: a small cubicle office with one desk, which has many files/papers atop it, a telephone, an accounting calculator, a computer, a small file cabinet, a small trash can beside the desk, and a chair, where Charlotte sits and is typing on her computer.)
CHARLOTTE (Typing suddenly stops, Charlotte has a confused expression on her face. Muttering to herself.) That can’t be right. (Searches through pile of files atop desk, pulls one out and begins scanning through it.) How can that be?
RICHARD (Enters Charlotte’s office space, holding two cups of coffee. Upbeat) Good afternoon, Ms. Brooks. (Charlotte is still focused on file.) MS. BROOKS?
CHARLOTTE (Slightly startled, turns to face Richard.) Huh? Oh, I’m very sorry, Mr. Baldwin.
RICHARD That’s quite alright, I just wanted to check on you…see how everything’s going. (Charlotte glances at the file.) And I brought coffee.
CHARLOTTE 9 The Rivalry (Annoyed tone) Thank you, Mr. Baldwin. (Takes coffee, setting it on her desk, and goes back to the file.)
RICHARD Is…everything okay?
CHARLOTTE Mmm…not completely.
CHARLOTTE Mr. Baldwin, I wanted to figure it out myself, because you warned me not to have any screw-ups, but I can’t seem to find the connection between our company and this account.
RICHARD (Chuckling nonchalantly) Oh, I’m sure it’s just a mistake in the system.
CHARLOTTE Mm…I don’t think so Mr. Baldwin. Every transaction that I’m finding is a dead-end. The files say that payments were made, but I’m not finding any records of services and goods provided to— (Squinting at file) "Markson Consulting." Who exactly is that?
RICHARD (Shrugging) Consulting firm. Someone must've forgotten to enter it. Don't worry--this kind of thing happens all the time.
CHARLOTTE (Concerned) How can this kind of thing happen all the time? (Shaking head) I tried calling them a few times to sort this out, but the number provided doesn't work. 10
RICHARD Well that's because Markson Consulting went out of business a few months back. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, though. I can take care of the rest. (Holds out hand, beckoning for the file.)
CHARLOTTE (Unconvinced.) Alright, Mr. Baldwin. Sorry for the inconvenience. (Reluctantly hands Richard the file.)
RICHARD Oh, there's really no inconvenience at all—really. (Turns to exit) Oh...Charlotte!
CHARLOTTE Yes, Mr. Baldwin?
RICHARD (Charismatically) You're doing a fantastic job so far. I think you're becoming a great fit here. I think you'll be doing our taxes from now on. (Smiles, exiting.)
CHARLOTTE I highly doubt that. (Glances at coffee, picking it up and tossing it in the trashcan. Abraham enters and sees her doing this. Charlotte returns to computer, muttering.)
ABRAHAM Excuse me?
CHARLOTTE (Turns around, surprised by Abraham.) Yes?
ABRAHAM Have you seen Richard Baldwin? 11 The Rivalry
CHARLOTTE He actually just left, I'm not sure where he was going, though.
ABRAHAM Thanks. (Turns to leave) Is...everything okay?
CHARLOTTE (Frowning slightly) Define "okay." (Abraham laughs) I've had the weirdest day so far.
ABRAHAM You and me both. (Charlotte nods.) Sorry, I'm Abraham. Abraham Simmons. (Holds out hand.)
CHARLOTTE (Amazed, shaking hand.) Simmons? You're the CEO's son, aren't you? (Abraham nods humbly. Charlotte jokes playfully) So I assume you're going to be taking his place?
ABRAHAM I'm actually not so sure about that anymore.
ABRAHAM My father has me competing against your boss for his position. (Charlotte shakes her head.) What?
I think it's better if I don't say anything at all, since I've just starting working here and everything...but you've got a pretty shady competitor.
ABRAHAM What makes you say that? Richard's a pretty sound guy.
CHARLOTTE I-I don't know, it just seems like he's hiding something.
ABRAHAM Like what?
CHARLOTTE (Leans toward him, whispering) Like the secret behind this weird account we're paying.
ABRAHAM What account? I can tell you if there's anthing weird going on with them.
CHARLOTTE "Markson Counsulting?" Does that ring any bells?
ABRAHAM I've been Vice President of Sales for a long time, and I know for a fact that we've never done any business with any company named "Markson Consulting."
CHARLOTTE I had a feeling...Mr. Baldwin was acting kind of weird, and he kept trying to put it off like it was nothing. But then again, it could be just that—nothing.
ABRAHAM Hmm…if it really was about “consulting,” there would be no reason to hide it. Consultants usually just inform us of decreases in our sales and issues with cash flow, but we haven’t had any problems recently. Thanks for telling me about this..?
CHARLOTTE Charlotte. Charlotte Brooks.
ABRAHAM 13 The Rivalry Ms. Brooks. Thank you, and keep me in the loop if you find any more weird activity in the system.
CHARLOTTE Of course. I will. (Abraham nods, exits office space.)
(End Scene.)
SCENE 4 (Scene opens in Richard's office, Richard is sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. He looks uneasy. The "Markson Consulting" file rests atop his desk.)
RICHARD I hope she didn't suspect anything. I usually don't have any problems with the accountants— (Interrupted by a knock at the door. Richard, startled, stuffs file into nearby file cabinet.) C-Come in!
ABRAHAM (Enters, smirking.) Hello, Richard.
RICHARD (Refined) Good afternoon, Abraham.
ABRAHAM (Taking a seat) So, that was quite the interesting conference we had this morning, don't you agree?
RICHARD It certainly was. I'll be looking forward to the outcome of our presentations.
ABRAHAM (Frowning) Look, I'm going to get straight to the point. I want you to tell Charles that you're not fit for his position. 14
RICHARD So you can become my new boss? No, no, no, Abraham. You must've misread my politeness back in our meeting. I'm not going to step down. I will fight for this position, and I will win.
ABRAHAM You seem so sure of yourself, Richard. What makes you honestly think that my father will choose you over his own son to succeed him?
RICHARD His attitude back there had me quite convinced of just that.
ABRAHAM (Standing abrubtly) You're not going to take this position away from me. I have earned the right to be this company's CEO.
RICHARD (Standing slowly, walking towards exit.) You can keep telling yourself that, but you and I, as well as any other employee here, can tell you that you're false. (Gestures toward exit.) This was a wonderful talk we've had, Abraham. I look forward to two weeks from now.
ABRAHAM (Walking to exit, stopping to face Richard.) As do I, Richard. When I become CEO, I'll see to it that you're demoted. You don't deserve the position you have now—you’re secretive and way too strict on your employees! This company needs a leader who they can confide in, and you’re not that leader.
RICHARD This company needs someone who isn’t lenient and inconsistent like yourself, Abraham. So what if I’m tough on my workers…they do a great job and they meet deadlines. You can’t complain about that if they never do! And what are you talking about…I’m not secretive!
ABRAHAM (Crosses arms) 15 The Rivalry I suppose you’re right…you wouldn’t hide anything from this company, would you?
RICHARD I have no reason to.
ABRAHAM Good! So you’ll be able to tell me about the Markson account?
RICHARD (Artificial confidence) There’s nothing to tell.
ABRAHAM Really? Nothing at all?
RICHARD (Shrugs) How often do you come up here to ask me about companies that have gone out of business?
ABRAHAM I suppose you’re right. It’s a rare occurrence. Sorry to have bothered you. (Smirks) See you around, Richard. (Richard glares at him, Abraham exits.)
(End scene.)
(Scene opens in Charles' office; two weeks have passed. Richard is standing next to a large board covered in data charts and records, finishing his presentation. Charles is sitting at his desk, listening intently.)
RICHARD (Confidently) So that is why I believe—to the fullest extent—that I can run this company. 16
CHARLES (Claps slowly, grinning.) Bravo, Richard! I have to say, you really impressed me with your presentation. Come take a seat. (Richard walks over, takes a seat. Charles dials a number on his office telephone.) Hello, can you send Abraham in? Thank you. (Smiles at Richard. A few moments later, Abraham enters.)
ABRAHAM You sent for me?
CHARLES (To Abraham) I have, come sit.
ABRAHAM (Sitting, smirking at Richard.) Have you made a decision?
CHARLES I certainly have, and I have chosen Richard to take up my position. (Abraham drops his head, exhales loudly. Charles frowns slightly.) While both of you were tremendous candidates, I was able to see that Richard was simply better-fit for the position. I hope you can understand, Abraham.
ABRAHAM (Looking up slowly at Charles, angered) No, I can't. I can't see how you can possibly believe that a thief is better-fit for the position of CEO of this company! (Richard looks at Charles, stunned)
CHARLES (Taken aback) Abraham! Richard hasn't stolen anything, and if you're referring to this position, then I am ashamed of you. Richard's presentation was surprisingly better than yours; he has brilliant ideas to develop and promote this company…your ideas were…mediocre. 17 The Rivalry ABRAHAM (Scoffs, muttering) Mediocre? (To Richard) Because I wasn’t getting help from Markson Consulting?
CHARLES (Richard turns to Abraham, wary. Charles is bewildered.) Who?
ABRAHAM (Sighs) Pop, Richard has been embezzling money. He has at least one false account he’s been using.
CHARLES (Slaps hand on desk) Abraham Simmons! I can't fathom why you would even suggest such a horrendous thing—have you lost your mind?
ABRAHAM It's true! Look at him! (Pointing to Richard) He's shaking! Charlotte told me a few weeks back, and I decided to take a look myself. He set up a fake client account. We have no idea how long this has been going on.
CHARLES (Disbelief, looks to Richard) This can't be true, Richard.
RICHARD (Sighs, looking to Charles) Yes. I had some help from an old friend, Leonard Markson. He’s a successful business owner who’s been giving me some very valuable insight, and I’ve been paying him for it. I send the money to the account, and he sends me half. (Abraham looks accomplished. Richard glances at him.) I haven’t been the only one taking money, Mr. Simmons. 18
CHARLES Is someone else in on this too? (Richard nods) Well, who? (Richard looks at Abraham, Abraham looks away) Abraham?
ABRAHAM (Hiding nervousness) Yeah, Pop?
CHARLES You’ve confronted me with this issue of someone else’s embezzlement, but you’ve been hiding your own?
ABRAHAM It’s not like that, Pop—
RICHARD —No, it is like that, Mr. Simmons. All of those “big sales” that he makes all the time are really just instances where he overcharged clients and underreported the amount. He takes the rest!
CHARLES (Glaring at Richard and Abraham.) Abraham…Get this "Charlotte" person in here—now. (Pushes phone to Abraham.)
ABRAHAM (Nods quickly, dialing) Hello, can you send Charlotte Brooks from the Accounting Department to Mr. Simmons office, please? Thank you. (Hangs up phone. A few moments later, there is a knock on the door.)
CHARLES Come in. (Charlotte enters hesitantly.) Are you Charlotte Brooks? (Charlotte looks at Richard and Abraham, then back to Charles. Nods slowly) 19 The Rivalry Come here please. (Charlotte walks over to the desk) Ms. Brooks, I’m aware that you have found traces of embezzlement within this company. More specifically, within your region of expertise?
CHARLOTTE Yes, I have.
CHARLES (Sarcastically) Please, Ms. Brooks. Enlighten us with your findings.
CHARLOTTE Mr. Simmons…So far, I have found four false accounts belonging to this company: “Markson Consulting,” “Reginald Advisory,” “Harper & Wilson Management Consulting,” and “Bernard Financial Consulting.” None of the companies are real, and from what I’ve seen in the files, over $45,000 has been accumulated from all four accounts. (Charles gasps) The records show that some of these transactions began back in 2003. (Richard rubs the back of his neck) I found other things too. (Abraham looks at Charlotte suddenly) Mr. Abraham Simmons has also been embezzling money.
CHARLES (Rubs his temples, exhaling loudly) Are you sure?
CHARLOTTE Positive. There were at least seven cases of overcharged rates and under-reported sales.
ABRAHAM Listen, Pop—
CHARLES —How could you? Both of you! How could you possibly do something like this to the company? To me? (Disappointed) 20
I trusted you both enough to offer you my position. Now I realize that neither of you can even be trusted. (Shaking his head) Richard, Abraham…you both are finished working for me. You’re both fired— effective immediately. (Richard and Abraham are taken aback)
RICHARD Mr. Simmons! Please—
CHARLES —I assume you’ll be asking about that “better worker” who will being replacing you.
RICHARD No, I wasn’t going to be asking that at all, I—
CHARLES You’ll look right at her on your way out of here.
RICHARD (Glancing at Charlotte, in disbelief) Charlotte? Charlotte is going to be taking my job? (Charlotte looks surprised)
CHARLES I don’t see why not. As long as she doesn’t steal money from me, I’m okay with her taking your place. How does that sound, Ms. Brooks?
CHARLOTTE (In awe) That sounds…great. A-are you sure, Mr. Simmons?
CHARLES Can you handle the job?
CHARLOTTE Of course, Sir.
CHARLES 21 The Rivalry Then the job is yours. Thank you for your honesty today, Ms. Brooks. Now…I need to find someone to fill the position of VP of Sales. (Abraham grimaces) Abraham! You used to work here, do you have any recommendations?
(End of scene.)
(End of Act One.)