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8:00 P.M. August 16, 16

The second meeting of the month was held in the Town Hall meeting room with John Kline, Frank Ruehr, Jr., Nancy Vines, from hear on out will be address as the BOT, and Fiscal Officer, Jill Corbett present. Chairperson, John Kline called the meeting to order. The pledge of allegiance was led by Karen Schutz.

Others present – Jim Corbett, Karen Schutz, Jo Gobble, Greg Benner, Greg DeVos, Carol DeVos, Marilyn Brown, Mike Brown, Peg Nagle and Chuck Casalicchio.

Copies of the minutes from the August 6, 2016 Regular meeting were made available for those present.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to dispense with the reading of the Regular Meeting minutes from the August 6, 2016 meeting and to approve the minutes as written. Motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion carried.

Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer presented the BOT correspondence as follows:

OTA Legislative Alert was presented.

A letter from Brad Cromes, Portage County Treasurer with an official noted that the township will be receiving a tax payment from the estate of Howard Quadder in the amount of $840.00.

The Portage County General Health District 2nd. quarter report was provided the BOT to review.

The Mantua-Shalersville Chamber of Commerce sent an email for the DMRC’s Quilt Show, September 24 from 105 at the Hilltop Christian Church in Mantua.

Greg DeVos spoke on the ongoing problem with the backed up water in the the Harper Ditch. He spoke with Ed Wilkes from the EPA, Mark Gornceski from the Army Corp of Engineers, Adam Greenslave from the Ohio Turnpike, The Portage County Engineer Dept., The Portage County Water and Soil Dept. Also , the Surveyor and Bioilogist from the Shelly Co. The BOT will continue to monitor this problem.

Jim Corbett, Road Supervisor needs gasoline for the storage tanks at the garage. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend $800.00. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim requested to have his Spraying of Chemicals License renewal fee to be paid. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend $35.00. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim requested funds for signage in Red Fox. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend $400.00. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim had a request from the Portage County Sheriff Department to widen their drive on Coit Rd. The township has a used pipe and extra grindings. The BOT agreed to have the road crew widen the drive.

Jim informed the BOT that he and Jill will be on vacation with August 26th thru September 3rd. and September 13-18th. This does not conflict with township meetings.

Greg Benner, Zoning Inspector spoke on the complaint against Beaver Steven James on Weaver Rd. for the junk in their yard. A letter was sent after the last meeting. Greg heard from the lady that lived there, and was assured that the problem was cleaned up. After taking a drive to look it seemed to that the problem was worse. He will follow up with a call and a visit to try to remedy the problem.

Sheriff Alex Baldwin from the Health District State of Ohio wanted to know how many active and inactive junk yards we have in our township. The only active one is Turnpike Salvage on St. Rt. 303.

Greg asked that two Zoning Forms be added to the website. The Citizen Complaint Form, and the Zoning Permit Form. Jill will contact our website manager, Josh Johnston to have these forms added.

Nancy Vines received a letter of complaint for property at Whintrop and Notle in Aurora East for junk cars. Greg will send him a letter and see how it goes.

Jack Khol Realty contacted Greg with a client that would like to buy the property on the Zisk property on St. Rt. 44. They have 50 exotic birds that are caged and outside. After checking with our zoning book, we don’t permit any caged exotic animals in township. Greg let the realitor know and hasn’t heard anything more.

Nancy Vines let Greg know as well that she received a call from Ken Arens that his niebor has complained about his mulching company.

John Kline sweared in Greg as our newly hired Zoning Inspector. This was needed for Greg to be bonded with OTARMA.

Jo Gobble asked if Senator Eklund reported anything new in the flooding in Aurora East. Nancy has not heard of anything new. SHALERSVILLE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Regular

8:00 P.M. August 16, 16

Peg Nagle let the BOT know that Kinko Auctioneers will be conducting an auction at her property on Streeter Rd. September 24.

Karen Schutz and BOT spoke about the bids that have been received for the ADA compliance at the Shalersville School. John Kline will contact these two Architecturural Companies that it will be a few months before we will be making a decision.

Chuck Casalicchio asked what the theme of the Portage County Fair is this year, “Be Part of the Team in 2016”.

The Shalersville Township and The Shalersville Historical Society will celebrate Portage County by having a potluck dinner September 25, 2016.

Nancy Vines asked if the No Engine Brake signs are put it. The letter has been sent to the ODOT in Columbus and they will be the one to put them up.

Nancy attended the Regional Planning meeting and they are looking for the neighboring communities to share equipment, and parks. This is something we already do.

Nancy spoke of the communities coming together to address the drug abuse epidemic. The following dates and places are set up for the Community Awareness: Heroin & Opioid Epidemic. Wednesday, August 31 from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Crestwood Intermediate School, 11260 Bowen Rd., Mantua. Saturday, September 24 from 10am-noon at the Hiram’s Rosser Municipal Building, 11617 Garfield Rd., Hiram and Saturaday, October 22 from 10-noon at the Shalersville Town Hall, 9090 St. Rt. 44, Shalersville.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. read the letter from the Ohio Department of Natural Resourse (ODNR) stating that Ballentine Sand & Gravel LLC. would like to expand an existing operation. The BOT receieved a copy of the email sent from Michael Marozzi to the Commissioners wanting the Ballentine Sand and Gravel LLC to help with the resurfacing of the roads prior to expanding his operation. The BOT have always supported the sand and gravel business in our community and Ballentine is a very small operation. We also received a drafted letter from the Portage County Board of Commissioners requesting Mr. Ballentine as well to improve the roads before the expansion of his operation. The drafted letter had the three names of our trustees included in this letter. After discussion Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to not support the Commissioners and Mr. Marozzi on this issue and to have their names removed from the letter. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.

The BOT also received an email from the the Portage County Board of Commissioners to the trustees and Mr. Marozzi, Portage County Engineer. This was requesting assistance in paving Nanway Boulevard. They have lost $400,000 in funding. The BOT decided not to support the commissioners on this issue. As a township we have also lost funding from both State and Local Goverments. It would also be illegal to use township funds for a private drive. John Kline made a motion to not support Portage County Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Frank was in contact with the PC Health Dept. and the Sheriff Dept. over the abandom house at the corner and Polly and Bodner in Red Fox.

Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer presented the BOT of the Offical Certificate of Estimated Resources. The total amount of all funds is $1,212,535.00. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to accept this. The motion was seconded by John Klin. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jill ask the BOT for a motion to reallocate $3,000.00 from the contingencies to site improvements for the new parking lot at the Shalersville Town Hall. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made the motion to transfer $3,000.00 The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion carried.

Jill asked the BOT for a motion to reallocate $200.00 for advertising from the contingencie fund. Frank made a motion to transfer $200.00. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Jim Corbett informed the BOT that they will need to replace guardrail on both sides of Ellimen Rd. Jill will check on what company replaced the guardrail on Coit Rd.

Jim inquired about selling the fire damaged mower. The BOT will contact Chris Meduri to see if we can sell or would we have to ask for bids.

Jill requested a motion to purchase an office chair. Frank made a motion to spend up to $250.00 to purchase a chair. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to pay the bills. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion carried. SHALERSVILLE TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Regular

8:00 P.M. August 16, 16

Checks were written.

Ohio Public Utilities Commission $ 25.00 21299 John R. Benjamin $ 1,460.71 21300 Clyde J. Corbett $ 1,569.18 $ 21301 Gregory S. DeVos 143.53 21302 Lawrence L. Ruggles $ 28.75 21303 Ohio Edison $ 2,191.88 21304 Visa $ 69.95 $ 21305 Waste Management 446.29 21306 Mantua Auto Parts $ 31.98 $ 21307 Cintas Corportation 168.04 21308 Mantua Hardware Lawn & Garden $ 47.52 $ 21309 Ballentine Sand & Gravel 533.48 21310 Marlboro Supply $ 1,975.05 $ 21311 Mnicipal Signs & Sales, Inc. 417.26 $ 21312 Sam's Club 149.53 21313 Ohio Insurance Service Agency $ 3,092.17 21314 Dix Communications $ 17.40 $ 21315 Portage Portable Toilets Inc. 180.00 Total $ 12,547.72

There being no further business Chairperson, John Kline directed the meeting to adjourn at 9:57p.m.

______John Kline, Trustee Chairperson Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer

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