Name: ______Date: ______Hour: ______The Trojan War Directions: Mark it up: Show your confusions, analyze it (contributing factors, how did it happen, why it happened) and associate it (what does it remind you of, how does it connect to other topics/issues/events).

The Apple of Discord Paris. On the tenth day, Menelaus left for a The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage funeral. Not suspecting a thing, Menelaus left. between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus Helen then eloped with Paris and sailed for Troy and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of with much of Menelaus' wealth. discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet at its In Troy, Helen and Paris were married. This height, throwing a golden apple into the middle of occurred around 1200 B.C. (Wood, 16). the revelers. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whoever was the fairest. Little did she know how much strife she would actually create. Greek Armament Menelaus, however, was outraged to find that Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each reached for the Paris had taken Helen. Menelaus then called upon apple. Zeus proclaimed that Paris, prince of Troy all of Helen's old suitors, as all of the suitors had and the most beautiful man alive, would act as the made an oath long ago that they would all back judge. Hera promised him power, Athena Helen's husband to defend her honor. promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world. Many of the suitors did not wish to go to war. Odysseus had married Paris chose and had a newborn Aphrodite. son. He did not want She to leave them to go to promised such a far away place him that to fight a war in which Helen, wife he had no stake. of Odysseus pretended to Menelaus, be insane. He was would be his found plowing his wife. fields with salt. To Aphrodite uncover his trick, knew that officials placed Helen had Odysseus’ son, whom already Giovanni Tiepolo, The Procession of the Trojan Horse into Troy (1760). he loved with all his chosen a Courtesy National Gallery, London heart, in front of the husband and plow. If Odysseus was happily married but she wanted to keep her plowed over his son, he was truly insane. If promise to Paris so she came up with a plan. Odysseus avoided his son, then he would be First she told Paris to go to Sparta where he caught feigning insanity! Of course he stopped would meet the woman promised to him. When the plow before running over his son and agreed he arrived, Menelaus welcomed Paris as a guest to go to war. in his palace and a celebration immediately ensued. Menelaus asked Paris to stay as long as Achilles, though not one of the previous suitors, he wanted and Paris agreed. During his first was sought after because a seer had stated that week, Aphrodite made Helen fall in love with Troy would not be taken unless Achilles would The Trojan Horse fight. Upon completing these tasks, the Greeks were still seeking to gain entrance into Troy. The Finding Troy clever Odysseus ordered a large wooden horse to Finding Troy proved difficult. The Greeks were be built. Its insides were to be hollow so that under the impression that Helen had been taken soldiers could hide within. by the Teuthranians (Teucrians), and though they denied the allegations, the Greeks laid siege to the Once the statue had been built, a number of the city. The Greeks ultimately prevailed, but Greek warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed suffered heavy casualties. At the end of this war inside. The rest of the Greek fleet sailed away, so they were still without Helen. With no where else as to deceive the Trojans. to turn, the Greeks returned home but were soon told how to get to Troy. One man was left behind. When the Trojans came to marvel at the huge creation, he pretended to be The War angry with the Greeks, stating that they had The first nine years of the war consisted of both deserted him. He assured the Trojans that the war in Troy and war against the neighboring wooden horse was safe and would bring luck to regions. The Greeks realized that Troy was being the Trojans. The Trojans celebrated what they supplied by its neighbors, so the Greeks were sent thought was their victory, and dragged the to defeat these areas. wooden horse into Troy.

As well as That destroying the night, Trojan after most economy, of Troy these battles was let the Greeks asleep or gather a large in a amount of drunken resources and stupor the other spoils of Greek war, including warriors women. The came out Greeks won from the many battles. horse, and However, the they Greeks could not break down the walls of Troy. Achilles was slaughtered killed by Paris. the Trojans.

The Greeks were told Troy would not fall unless: After the War Menelaus, who had been determined to kill his  Pyrrhus, Achilles' son, must fight in the war. faithless wife, was soon taken by Helen's beauty  The bow and arrows of Hercules must be used and seductiveness and allowed her to live. The surviving Trojan women were divided among the  Remains of Pelops, a famous hero, must be brought to Troy. Greek men along with the other plunder. The Greeks then set sail for home, which, for some,  A statue of Athena, was stolen from Troy proved as difficult and took as much time as the Trojan War itself (e.g., Odysseus).

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Works Cited: " T h e T r o j a n W a r . " M o r t a l W o m e n o f t h e T r o j a n W a r . S t a n d f o r d , n . d . W e b . 2 0 A p r 2 0 1 1 .

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K o s h a k , R i c h a r d . " H o w t h e T r o j a n W a r B e g a n . " U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w M e x i c o , n . d . W e b . 5 / 7 / 9 8 .

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