Minutes for the AGM of the Loretto Abbey Catholic School Parent Council FINAL Date: Monday, September 21st, 2015. Attendance: Quorum: Yes* M. Sofi Mondesir*(Chair) Absent Coreen Chisholm* (Member) Andy MacCulloch*(Member) Lynn Lancefield*(Vice-Chair) Absent Paola DeCiantis* (Secretary) Lucy Nati* (Member) Absent Mary Giannantonio* (Treasurer) Fulvia Manarin* (Member) Sister Sheila (Parish Designate) Absent Maureen Leon*(Member) Anita Bartolini (Principal) Paul Dodd Anyta Kyriakou (VP) Lori Jepson Josie Pannozzo (VP) Howard Cappadocia (T. Rep) Absent Pina Strafella Miriam Jeganathan Karen Hughes Elizabeth Cerqueira Patrick Belton Gabriela Moya Alessandro Madrid Davinder Valeri Tina Campione Margaret O’Rourke Richard Dong Jenny Hay (Pupadich) Ellen Lowden Miline Foster Kathleen Murphy Monica Testa-Zanin Lori Clements

Agenda Discussion Action Welcome Meeting start time: 7:09 p.m. Opening Prayer -Welcome and opening prayer by Anita Bartolini(Principal) for Sister Sheila – usually present but absent today -introduced herself, and VP’s: Anyta Kyriakou, Josie Pannozzo -Regrets-Sofi Mondesir, Andy MacCulloch -Lynn Lancefield(Vice-Chair) will Chair meeting for Sofi Mondesir -thanked 2014-15 Parent Council; asked Council to introduce themselves (Executive and Members-at-Large) Introduction -Lynn welcomed everyone and introduced herself and the head table : Anyta Kyriakou, Josie Pannozzo, Anita Bartolini, Paola DeCiantis, Mary Giannantonio -explanation of Council make-up – 9 members (4 Executive, others-Members- at-Large); noted: Lucy Nati and Andy MacCulloch not present. Carm Mazzilli outgoing Annual Report -read former Chair’s (Sofi Mondesir) Annual Report attached -addition to Annual Report: Father-Daughter BBQ was brought back this year; lead by Andy MacCulloch; hugely successful -new name/amendment for Council this year to CPSC (Catholic School Parent Council) -Principal Anita Bartolini noted: copy of Constitution not on school website yet but will be worked on; Agenda and Minutes are on website Review of Nomination Vice-principals Anyta Kyriakou and Josie Pannozzo reviewed non-parent Names members of Council-Anita Bartolini(Principal), Howard Cappadocia(Teacher Rep), Sister Sheila(Pastoral Rep); Non-teacher school employee Rep still Nominations and Voting needed; Community Rep to be named; Student Rep from Student Council of New Council -VP’s read names of nominations received thus far : Patrick Belton, Elizabeth Cerqueira, Lynn Lancefield, Andy MacCulloch, Mary Giannantonio, Paola DeCiantis, Coreen Chisholm, Fulvia Manarin, Natalie Dodd; additional name- Richard Dong -explanation why 9 members not 10 this year?; required for voting reasons; needs to be an odd number -every Nominee gave an introduction and reason for seeking election -ballots were prepared by VP’s Principal’s Report-Anita - presented Pastoral poster for 2015-16; title-“Harmonizing our Faith through Bartolini Family, Parish and School-Together with One Voice” -informed parents of other ways to get involved: OAPCE (1st meeting Sept. 28th Agenda Discussion Action 7pm @CEC); CPIC(2 meetings-Oct 5th @Cardinal Carter,Oct. 20th @CEC) -Staffing changes: Angela Sena on maternity leave, Jimmy Dagher to replace; Erminia Tonelli on medical leave until January-no replacement yet Nominations and Voting -ballots handed out; all in attendance voted of New Council -VP’s calculated votes Principal’s report - -other ways to be involved as parent volunteer at School were noted-monthly Attached: (continued) CSPC meetings, Friends of Loretto, LAMPO, Building Committee Principal’s -important dates – see attached Principal Notes Notes -gave Facilities update; still incomplete: Foundation/Water issues; Heating/Boiler System- Building Committee will address at meeting in early October -noted-good start to the new year; first Mass tomorrow, Camp White Pines trip for grade 9 students at end of month -all other announcements – see attached Principal Notes Voting of New Council -Elected names/new Council announced: Minutes (continued) Patrick Belton, Elizabeth Cerqueira, Lynn Lancefield, Andy MacCulloch, Mary approved and Giannantonio, Paola DeCiantis, Coreen Chisholm, Fulvia Manarin, Richard passed Dong -Executive Council voting took place -New Executive announced: Lynn Lancefield-Chair, Paola DeCiantis-Vice- Chair, Elizabeth Cerqueira-Secretary, Mary Giannantonio-Treasurer; -Members-at-Large announced: Coreen Chisholm, Fulvia Manarin, Andy MacCulloch, Patrick Belton, Richard Dong CSPC Meetings List of dates announced – October 26, 2015(changed from Oct 19th due to Election), November 23, 2015, January 18, 2016, February 22, 2016, April 18, 2016 and May 16, 2016. -All meetings on Mondays in the School Learning Commons Questions/Comments/ None General Discussion Adjournment Closing prayer by Anita Bartolini

Meeting adjourned: 8:07 p.m. Submitted by: P. DeCiantis (Secretary)