Introduced by the Council President at the Request of the Mayor s2

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Introduced by the Council President at the Request of the Mayor s2

1Introduced by the Council President at the request of the Mayor: 2 3



25 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville: 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS 27Section: Subject: Page: 28Part I. City of Jacksonville...... 5 29 Section 1.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 5 30 Section 1.2 Restricted Application of Revenues to Fund 31 Appropriations...... 5

1 2 1 Section 1.3 Special Provisions...... 6 2 (a) Public Service Grants...... 6 3 (b) Departmental Capital Outlay...... 7 4 (c) Carryovers...... 8 5 (d) Federal Public Service Grants...... 8 6 (e) State and Federal Grant Program...... 8 7 Section 1.4 Employees Authorized; Allocation...... 9 8 Section 1.5 Temporary Employee Hours; Allocation...... 10 9 Section 1.6 Projection of Forecasted General Fund Revenues and 10 Expenditures...... 10 11 Section 1.7 All Years Budget City Banking Fund...... 10 12 Section 1.8 Capital Improvement Budget...... 11 13Part II. JEA...... 11 14 Section 2.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 11 15 Section 2.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 12 16 Section 2.3 Fuel Recovery Charge...... 13 17Part III. Water Sewer Expansion Authority (WSEA)...... 13 18 Section 3.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 13 19 Section 3.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 14 20 Section 3.3 Function of WSEA...... 14 21Part IV. Jacksonville Aviation Authority...... 15 22 Section 4.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 15 23 Section 4.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 15 24Part V. Jacksonville Port Authority...... 16 25 Section 5.1 Estimated Revenues: Appropriations...... 16 26 Section 5.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 16 27Part VI. Jacksonville Transportation Authority...... 17 28 Section 6.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 17 29 Section 6.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 17 30Part VII. Police and Fire Pension Fund...... 18 31 Section 7.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 18

1 3 1 Section 7.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 18 2Part VIII. Downtown Vision Business Improvement District...... 19 3 Section 8.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations...... 19 4 Section 8.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers...... 19 5 Section 8.3 Approval of Non-ad valorem Assessment...... 20 6 Section 8.4 Annual Public Hearing with Jacksonville Economic 7 Development Commission...... 20 8Part IX. General Provisions...... 20 9 Section 9.1 Budget Restrictions...... 20 10 Section 9.2 Capital Projects...... 20 11 Section 9.3 Auto Allowance Restriction...... 21 12 Section 9.4 Pension Contributions...... 21 13PART X. Waivers...... 21 14 Section 10.1 Jacksonville Children’s Commission, Waiver of 15 Section 51.102, Ordinance Code...... 21 16 Section 10.2 Emergency Reserve Policy and Fund, Waiver of Section 17 106.107, Ordinance Code...... 21 18 Section 10.3 Unit Cost Measures, Waiver of Section 106.219, 19 Ordinance Code...... 22 20 Section 10.4 Chapter 126, Ordinance Code Waiver in regard to the 21 SMG Management Contract and providing for 22 utilization by SMG of the SMG Management Procurement 23 Policies...... 22 24Part XI. Miscellaneous Provisions...... 23 25 Section 11.1 Jacksonville Children’s Commission Comprehensive 26 Budget Transfer Powers...... 23 27 Section 11.2 Public Works Charge Back Limitations...... 24 28 Section 11.3 Food and Beverage appropriation pursuant to Section 29 106.203(b), Ordinance Code...... 24 30Part XII. Jacksonville Journey...... 24 31 Section 12.1 Jacksonville Journey Oversight Committee Created...24

1 4 1 Section 12.2 Jacksonville Journey, Summary of Appropriations....25 2 Section 12.3 Transfers prohibited...... 26 3 Section 12.4 Sub fund and appropriations lapse...... 26 4 Section 12.5 Sweep of unencumbered balances...... 26 5 Section 12.6 Children’s Commission and Public Service Grant 6 Appropriations...... 26 7 Section 12.7 Mayoral reports...... 26 8 Section 12.8 Neighborhood Action Plans...... 26 9Part XIII. Schedules Incorporated, Severability, Effective Date. .27 10 Section 13.1 Incorporation of Schedules...... 27 11 Section 13.2 Severability...... 27 12 Section 13.3 Effective Date...... 27 13List of Schedules...... 29 14List of Attachments...... 30 15 Part I. City of Jacksonville. 16 Section 1.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 17 From the estimated revenues set forth on Schedule A, there are 18hereby appropriated the sums set forth on Schedule A-1, Schedule A- 192, Schedule A-3 and Schedule B for the indicated purposes of the 20City of Jacksonville. The estimated revenues and appropriations 21provided therein, together with the other applicable provisions of 22this ordinance, shall constitute the annual budget and 23appropriations for the City of Jacksonville for its fiscal year 24beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 2010, which 25budget is hereby adopted and approved by the Council pursuant to s. 2614.02 of the Charter, as amended. Furthermore, the funds in the 27accounts listed in Schedule AF shall be available for expenditure 28as set forth in s. 106.309 during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. 29 Section 1.2 Restricted Application of Revenues to Fund 30Appropriations.

1 5 1 As required by law and prior ordinance of the Council, the 2following revenues as set forth on Schedule A shall be applied to 3and appropriated only for the purposes specified below as set forth 4on Schedules A and B and Schedule A-1, Schedule A-2 and Schedule 5A-3: 6 Ad valorem tax revenues-General Services District. The 7following sums of ad valorem tax revenues to be assessed, levied 8and collected by the City within the General Services District are 9specifically appropriated only for the following purposes, as set 10forth in the General-Fund General Services District portion of the 11budget: 12 $23,775,954 for indigent care to the State of Florida - 13Disproportionate Share Program in the amounts per the Agreement 14approved by Ordinance 98-952-E, as amended. 15 The remaining ad valorem tax revenues derived from a levy for 16general services purposes shall be a part of the general revenues 17of the General Fund General-Services District. 18 Section 1.3 Special Provisions. 19 (a) Public Service Grants. 20 The appropriations for non-governmental organizations made on 21Schedule A-2 are subject to the provisions of Chapter 118, 22Ordinance Code. The appropriations made herein shall be awarded as 23grants-in-aid to the miscellaneous agencies, and shall not require 24additional legislation for distribution of funds. These grants 25shall be administered by City departments as designated in this 26ordinance. The appropriation made to the Cultural Council of 27Greater Jacksonville, Inc., (Cultural Council) shall be disbursed 28directly to the Cultural Council and distributed by the Cultural 29Council to the various art organizations. A list of art 30organizations receiving an appropriation shall be provided to the 31City Council, and each of such receiving organizations shall be

1 6 1recipients within the meaning of and subject to Chapter 118, 2Ordinance Code. The Public Service Grant appropriation amount from 3the Special Alcohol Rehabilitation Trust Fund shown on Schedule A-2 4of this budget is an estimated cap amount only, and entitlement to 5receive such appropriation shall be subject to actual receipt by 6the City and subject to disbursement as set forth in Section 7110.317, Ordinance Code. The Public Service Grant Appropriations 8made in Schedule A-2, which are shown in the budget under a 9departmental heading, shall be used only for the purpose of the 10listed Public Service Grant Appropriations and may not be 11transferred or reallocated for any other utilization within the 12respective department. 13 The Public Service Grant to Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. 14found in Schedule A-2 shall be subject to the condition that to the 15extent actual revenues from Court fines or costs taken together 16with this Public Service Grant exceed budgeted and projected 17revenues from those sources, then in that event, any surplus shall 18be returned to the City of Jacksonville. 19 (b) Departmental Capital Outlay. 20 Except as otherwise specifically provided on Schedule B, the 21appropriations to each organizational unit for capital outlay are 22appropriated for acquisition of office furniture and equipment and 23for other support of departmental operations. Additional and/or 24replacement furniture or equipment shall be acquired from such 25appropriations only upon written approval by the City Comptroller 26after certification from the Chief of Procurement that no such 27furniture or equipment as requested is available from any other 28source in the City. 29 30 31

1 7 1 (c) Carryovers. 2 Departmental capital outlay carryovers will be as specified on 3Schedule AF except that there will be no carryovers in accounts of 4less than $1,000. 5 (d) Federal Public Service Grants. 6 The appropriations for non-governmental organizations made on 7Schedule A-3 are subject to the provisions of Chapter 126, 8Ordinance Code. However, any appropriation which is not covered by 9Chapter 126, Ordinance Code, (Procurement Code), or for which 10Chapter 126 is waived, shall comply with Chapter 118, Ordinance 11Code, (Miscellaneous Appropriations). The appropriations made 12herein shall be awarded as grants-in-aid to the miscellaneous 13agencies. These grants shall be administered by the Housing and 14Neighborhood Department. 15 (e) State and Federal Grant Program 16 (1) No match Recurring Grants. The Grants attached 17hereto as Schedule B1-A require no City match. These Grants 18represent continuing or recurring grants which the City applies for 19annually and for which the City anticipates securing. The Council 20hereby approves the list of recurring Grants in Schedule B1-A and 21approves the appropriation and position budget upon receiving the 22grant award contract and subsequent MBRC approval of the Budget 23Revision form for each grant. Additional ten percent (10%) 24appropriation. There is also appropriated from and to such 25accounts, for the purposes stated herein, an additional ten percent 26(10%) of the grant funds, to the extent the same becomes available 27during the term of the grant, and during any permissible extension 28of the grant term. The Director of Finance is authorized to make 29such necessary accounting adjustments, without further Council 30action, to reflect actual grant revenues received.

1 8 1 (2) Continuation Grant/City Match required and approved. 2The Grants attached hereto as Schedule B1-B are continuation grants 3which require a City match. The City match is approved in this 4budget. The Council approves the list of continuation grants in 5Schedule B1-B and approves the appropriation and position budget 6upon receiving the grant award contract and subsequent MBRC 7approval of the Budget Revision form for each grant. Additional ten 8percent (10%) appropriation. There is also appropriated from and 9to such accounts, for the purposes stated herein, an additional ten 10percent (10%) of the grant funds, to the extent the same becomes 11available during the term of the grant, and during any permissible 12extension of the grant term. The Director of Finance is authorized 13to make such necessary accounting adjustments, without further 14Council action, to reflect actual grant revenues received. 15 (3) The City’s budget shall include participation in 16Miscellaneous Federal Grant Programs as identified in Schedule B1-C 17attached hereto, and those other federal programs as may be 18separately approved during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. 19 Section 1.4 Employees Authorized; Allocation. 20 (a) Employees Generally. Notwithstanding any provisions to 21the contrary contained in s. 106.401, Ordinance Code, the number of 22full-time employees authorized to be employed by the City at any 23one time shall not exceed 8,007 classified positions. A total of 2419 positions (see Schedule B-2) are redlined and shall be 25eliminated when vacant and the number of authorized positions shall 26be reduced accordingly. 27 (b) Position Reallocations and Grant Positions. 28 (1) The employee allocation made in subsection (a) of 29this section is a unitary cap and general allocation for all City 30forces. However, the Mayor shall provide to the Council Auditor a

1 9 1copy of written documentation of the reallocation of any of such 2positions within this unitary cap. 3 (2) Whenever any person who is a grant employee ceases 4to be an employee under the grant and the grant itself does not 5expire, that grant position shall not expire, but may be filled by 6another person under the terms and conditions of the grant. 7Whenever any grant expires, all of the grant positions authorized 8for the expired grant herein or in subsequent ordinances shall also 9expire. 10 Section 1.5 Temporary Employee Hours; Allocation. 11 Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in s. 12106.404, Ordinance Code, the Council hereby authorizes 1,276,905 13temporary employee hours. The Mayor shall provide the Council 14Auditor a copy of written documentation of the allocation of 15temporary employee hours. 16 Section 1.6 Projection of Forecasted General Fund Revenues 17and Expenditures. 18 As required by the provisions of Section 106.201, Ordinance 19Code, a projection of forecasted General Fund revenues and 20expenditures for the four years following the FY 2009-2010 budget 21proposal is on Schedule B-3. 22 Section 1.7 All Years Budget City Banking Fund. 23 There is hereby established an amended All Years Budget for 24the City’s Banking Fund of $450,829,084 as detailed on Schedule B- 254. The Technology Replacements funded by the Banking Fund are shown 26by project on Schedule B4-a. The Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Capital 27Improvement Projects Funded Via Banking Fund are shown on Schedule 28B4-b. The Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Vehicle Replacements are shown on 29Schedule B4-c. 30 31

1 10 1 Section 1.8 Capital Improvement Budget. 2 (a) The capital improvement projects attached hereto as 3Schedule A-1 represent the first year funding of the five year 4capital improvement program and are to be undertaken in the Fiscal 5Year 2009/2010. The Council hereby approves the subsequent 6appropriation of current funds identified as Pay Go – FIND Match 7whereby upon receiving the grant award contracts, grant funds and 8the associated match will be appropriated according to the 9provisions in Section 1.3(e) State and Federal Grants Program. The 10Council further approves and appropriates the list of Capital 11Improvement Projects designated to be funded by the Banking Fund on 12Schedule B-4, $1,847,636 from the remaining Pay Go balance, 13$9,500,000 from Downtown Economic Development Fund, $10,000,000 14from the Courthouse $15 Trust Fund, and $26,053,020 from the 15Reallocated Debt Proceeds/ Authorizations as set forth on Schedule 16A-1 to fund the capital projects in the 2009-2010 Capital 17Improvement Program. Capital Projects funded by Stormwater fees 18and anticipated debt proceeds are also identified. Funding to be 19provided from the Tree Mitigation fund and Historic Preservation 20fund will require subsequent appropriation of the Council. 21 Section 1.9 Septic Tanks. 22 In compliance with the guidelines described in Sections 23751.106 and 751.107, Ordinance Code, there are hereby identified in 24Schedule B-5, the up to date Septic Tank Failure Areas and the 25budget for the Septic Tank Phase Out Program. 26 Part II. JEA 27 Section 2.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 28 From the estimated total revenues and fund balances set forth 29on Schedule C and Schedule D, there are hereby appropriated the sum 30expenditures set forth on Schedule C and Schedule D for the 31indicated purposes of JEA. There is appropriated to the City the

1 11 1sum of $99,187,938 from revenues of JEA, calculated as provided in 2§ 21.07, of the Charter, as amended. JEA is hereby authorized to 3withdraw and expend the accumulated balance sheet fund balances 4available in its Transmission and Distribution Self Insurance Fund 5for capital expenditures incurred in connection with a hurricane or 6other extraordinary, non-recurring events. JEA is also authorized 7to withdraw and expend the accumulated balance sheet fund balances 8available in its Electric System and Water and Sewer System 9Revenue, Rate Stabilization, Renewal and Replacement Bond Proceeds, 10General Reserve Fund, and Debt Service Reserve Funds and Accounts 11for the retirement, defeasance or purchase of outstanding Electric 12System, Water and Sewer System, Bulk Power Supply System and St. 13Johns River Power Park System debt provided these payments are 14reflected as payments against the current year’s budget and that 15total revenues are adjusted accordingly. The estimated total 16revenues, fund balances and appropriations provided therein, 17together with the other applicable provisions of this ordinance, 18shall constitute the annual budget and appropriations for JEA for 19its fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 202010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by the Council 21pursuant to §§ 14.02 and 21.07 of the Charter, as amended. 22 Section 2.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 23 JEA is authorized to allocate, allot and transfer within, but 24not between (unless less than $50,000 cumulative), the sums herein 25appropriated for more specific purposes within each of the total 26sums specified on Schedules C and Schedule D and to transfer from 27time to time, without Council approval, appropriated funds from one 28of the purposes for which funds are appropriated by this Part II to 29another of such purposes, if, in the discretion of JEA, such 30transfer is necessary to carry out all of the purposes for which 31funds are hereby appropriated, subject to applicable law; provided,

1 12 1that JEA shall pay over to the Board of Pension Trustees, in 2addition to any other contribution to the pension funds required by 3law, the employer's contribution required by Section 9.4, which 4shall be paid as often as funds therefor are available. Once 5cumulative transfers between Schedule C and Schedule D exceed 6$50,000, City Council approval must be obtained. There shall be 7provided to the Council Auditor, within twenty-four hours after 8Board approval, a copy of the written documentation of all proposed 9additional appropriations of funds. There shall also be provided 10to the Council Auditor at the end of each quarter a copy or a 11summary of the written documentation of all transfers made between 12approved budget line items. The number of full-time employees 13either authorized or employed at any one time shall not exceed 142,158. The Council authorizes 249,000 temporary employee hours. 15 Section 2.3 Fuel Recovery Charge. 16 The status of the Fuel Recovery Charge activity will be 17reported to the City Council quarterly, within the Quarterly 18Summary Financial Report. 19 Part III. Water Sewer Expansion Authority (WSEA) 20 Section 3.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 21 From the estimated total revenues and authorized capital for 22grant development set forth on Schedule E, there are hereby 23appropriated the sum appropriations set forth on Schedule F for the 24indicated purposes of WSEA pursuant to § 26 of the Charter. The 25estimated total revenues and appropriations provided therein, 26together with the other applicable provisions of this ordinance, 27shall constitute the annual budget and appropriations for WSEA for 28its fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 292010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by the Council 30pursuant to § 14.02 and § 26 of the Charter, as amended. 31

1 13 1 Section 3.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 2 WSEA is authorized to allocate, allot and transfer within, but 3not transfer funds to capital projects, the sums herein 4appropriated for more specific purposes within each of the total 5sums specified on Schedule F without Council approval. There shall 6be provided to the Council Auditor, within twenty-four hours after 7WSEA Board approval, a copy of the written documentation of all 8proposed additional appropriations of funds. There shall also be 9provided to the Council Auditor at the end of each quarter a copy 10or a summary of the written documentation of all transfers made 11between approved budget line items. 12 Section 3.3 Function of WSEA. 13 WSEA will be subject to an annual audit, and must prepare and 14submit its budget for the ensuing year by July 1 to the City 15Council for review and approval. This initial budget submittal will 16be funded by JEA and the City. Thereafter the Agency shall function 17as a clearing-house and/or single point of contact for the 18implementation of voluntary water and sewer expansion and 19activities related thereto, whereby property owners within existing 20developed neighborhoods of JEA's Duval County service territory may 21voluntarily request and signify their desire for water and/or sewer 22infrastructure expansion, by signing a letter of intent to make 23payment of the sewer tap charge, sewer capacity fee and capital 24costs of infrastructure installation and water and sewer rates to 25be established by the Agency, the water pollution control charge, 26water meter tap fee and water capital recovery fee, sewer capacity 27recovery fee and all other applicable capital costs, the payment of 28which will be over time up to but no more than 30 years, through 29monthly billings, commencing upon connection. The Agency shall draw 30from JEA and other City agencies for expertise in areas such as 31engineering, construction, financing, communications, operations

1 14 1and maintenance and billing, in an effort to create efficiencies, 2minimize staff and maximize financial economies of scale. The 3number of full-time employees either authorized or employed at any 4one time shall not exceed 3. The Council authorizes 2,080 5temporary employee hours. 6 Part IV. Jacksonville Aviation Authority 7 Section 4.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 8 From the estimated operating, tax and other revenues set forth 9on Schedule G and Schedule H, there are hereby appropriated the 10sums set forth on Schedule G and Schedule H for the indicated 11purposes of the Jacksonville Aviation Authority. The estimated 12revenues and appropriations provided therein, together with the 13other applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute the 14annual budget and appropriations for the Jacksonville Aviation 15Authority for its fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending 16September 30, 2010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by 17the Council pursuant to Section 5 of the Charter, as amended, and 18Chapter 2001-39, Laws of Florida, as amended. 19 Section 4.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 20 In accordance with Article 4, Section 5 of the Charter of the 21City of Jacksonville, Schedule G and Schedule H are appropriated on 22a line-by-line basis. No transfers between line items shall be 23made without prior approval of City Council; except that the 24Jacksonville Aviation Authority shall pay over to the Board of 25Pension Trustees, in addition to any other contribution to the 26pension funds required by law, the employer’s contribution required 27by Section 9.4, which shall be paid as often as funds are 28available. The number of full-time employees authorized at any one 29time shall not exceed 251. The Council authorizes 107,840 temporary 30employee hours. 31

1 15 1 Part V. Jacksonville Port Authority 2 Section 5.1 Estimated Revenues: Appropriations. 3 From the estimated operating, tax and other revenues set forth 4on Schedule I and Schedule J, there are hereby appropriated the 5sums set forth on Schedule I and Schedule J for the indicated 6purposes of the Jacksonville Port Authority. The estimated revenues 7and appropriations provided therein, together with the other 8applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute the 9annual budget and appropriations for the Jacksonville Port 10Authority for its fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending 11September 30, 2010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by 12the Council pursuant to Section 5 of the Charter, as amended, and 13Chapter 2001-39, Laws of Florida, as amended. 14 Section 5.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 15 The Jacksonville Port Authority is authorized to allocate, 16allot and transfer within, but not between (unless less than 17$50,000 cumulative), the sums herein appropriated for more specific 18purposes within each of the total sums specified on Schedule I and 19Schedule J and to transfer from time to time, without Council 20approval, appropriated funds from one of the purposes for which 21funds are appropriated by this Part V to another of such purposes, 22if, in the discretion of the Jacksonville Port Authority, such 23transfer is necessary to carry out all of the purposes for which 24funds are hereby appropriated, subject to applicable law; provided 25that the Jacksonville Port Authority shall pay over to the Board of 26Pension Trustees, in addition to any other contribution to the 27pension funds required by law, the employer’s contribution required 28by Section 9.4, which shall be paid as often as funds are 29available. Once cumulative transfers between Schedule I and 30Schedule J exceed $50,000, City Council approval must be obtained. 31There shall be provided to the Council Auditor, within twenty-four

1 16 1hours after Board approval, a copy of the written documentation of 2all proposed additional appropriations of funds. There shall also 3be provided to the Council Auditor at the end of each quarter a 4copy or a summary of the written documentation of all transfers 5made between approved budget line items. The number of full-time 6employees authorized at any one time shall not exceed 165. The 7Council authorizes 2,844 temporary employee hours. 8 Part VI. Jacksonville Transportation Authority 9 Section 6.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 10 From the estimated revenues and fund balances set forth on 11Schedules O and Q there are hereby appropriated the sums set forth 12on Schedules P and R for the indicated purposes of the Mass Transit 13Division and the Engineering Division of the Jacksonville 14Transportation Authority. The estimated revenues, fund balances 15and appropriations provided therein, together with the other 16applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute the 17annual budgets and appropriations for the Jacksonville 18Transportation Authority for its fiscal year beginning October 1, 192009 and ending September 30, 2010, which budgets are hereby 20adopted and approved by the Council pursuant to Section 14.02 of 21the Charter, as amended, and Section 349.041, Florida Statutes. 22The Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall accept as proof of 23senior citizen eligibility any valid senior citizen picture I.D. 24card containing the holder's date of birth and shall permit all 25persons sixty years of age or older to ride free at all times. 26 Section 6.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 27 The Jacksonville Transportation Authority is authorized to 28allocate and allot the sums herein appropriated for more specific 29purposes, within each of the total sums specified on Schedules P 30and R, except for the Fund Balance Reserve Accounts specified on 31Schedule P, and to transfer from time to time, without Council

1 17 1approval, appropriated funds from one of the purposes for which 2funds are appropriated by this Part VI to another of such purposes, 3if, in the discretion of the Authority, such transfer is necessary 4to carry out all of the purposes for which funds are hereby 5appropriated, subject to applicable law. There shall be provided 6to the Council Auditor, within twenty-four hours after Board 7approval, a copy of the written documentation of all proposed 8additional appropriations of funds. There shall also be provided 9to the Council Auditor at the end of each quarter a copy or a 10summary of the written documentation of all transfers made between 11approved budget line items. The number of full-time employees 12authorized at any one time shall not exceed 189. The Council 13authorizes 95,920 temporary employee hours. 14 Part VII. Police and Fire Pension Fund 15 Section 7.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 16 From estimated revenues and fund balances set forth on 17Schedule AB, there are hereby appropriated the sums set forth on 18Schedule AC. The estimated revenues, fund balances and 19appropriations provided therein, together with the other applicable 20provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute the annual budget 21and appropriations for the Police and Fire Pension Fund for its 22fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 232010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by the Council 24pursuant to Section 25 of the Settlement Agreement dated March 5, 252001. 26 Section 7.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 27 The Police and Fire Pension Fund is authorized to allocate and 28allot the sums herein appropriated for more specific purposes 29within each of the total sums specified on Schedule AC, except for 30reserved funds, and to transfer from time to time, without Council 31approval, appropriated funds from one of the purposes for which

1 18 1funds are appropriated by this Part VII to another of such 2purposes. There shall be provided to the Council Auditor, within 3twenty-four hours after Board approval, a copy of the written 4documentation of all proposed additional appropriations of funds. 5There shall also be provided to the Council Auditor at the end of 6each quarter a copy or a summary of the written documentation of 7all transfers made between approved budget line items. 8 Part VIII. Downtown Vision Business Improvement District 9 Section 8.1 Estimated Revenues; Appropriations. 10 From estimated revenues and fund balances set forth on 11Schedule AD, there are hereby appropriated the sums set forth on 12Schedule AE. The estimated revenues, fund balances and 13appropriations provided therein, together with the other applicable 14provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute the annual budget 15and appropriations for the Business Improvement District Fund for 16its fiscal year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 172010, which budget is hereby adopted and approved by the Council 18pursuant to Ordinance 2005-785-E. 19 Section 8.2 Allocations, Allotments and Transfers. 20 The Business Improvement District Fund is authorized to 21allocate and allot the sums herein appropriated for more specific 22purposes within each of the total sums specified on Schedule AE, 23except for reserved funds, and to transfer from time to time, 24without Council approval, appropriated funds from one of the 25purposes for which funds are appropriated by this Part VIII to 26another of such purposes. There shall be provided to the Council 27Auditor, within twenty-four hours after Board approval, a copy of 28the written documentation of all proposed additional appropriations 29of funds. There shall also be provided to the Council Auditor at 30the end of each quarter a copy or a summary of the written

1 19 1documentation of all transfers made between approved budget line 2items. 3 Section 8.3 Approval of Non-ad valorem Assessment. 4 In accordance with sections 2 and 3 of Ordinance 2005-785-E, 5the Council hereby establishes the 2009 non-ad valorem assessment 6for the Downtown Business Improvement District, first established 7in Ordinance 1999-1175-E. Said assessment on all non-exempt 8commercial property in the Downtown Business Improvement District 9shall be equal to the value of 1.1 mills on each property, 10providing anticipated revenue of $950,000. 11 Section 8.4 Annual Public Hearing with Jacksonville 12Economic Development Commission. 13 In addition to any other required public hearing, Downtown 14Vision, Inc.’s annual public hearing regarding the Downtown 15Business Improvement District’s 2009-2010 budget shall be held at a 16regularly scheduled Jacksonville Economic Development Commission 17meeting. 18 Part IX. General Provisions 19 Section 9.1 Budget Restrictions. 20 The appropriations made and the budgets adopted by Parts I 21through VIII, inclusive, of this ordinance are subject to the 22limitations provided in this Part. The provisions of Chapter 106, 23Ordinance Code, shall apply to this ordinance and its execution as 24fully as if set forth herein, except such provisions thereof as may 25have been modified, made inapplicable or applied in a different 26fashion than therein applied by specific language contained herein. 27 Section 9.2 Capital Projects. 28 Residual funding remaining in any capital project expenditure 29line at the completion of any project, as certified by the Director 30of Public Works, shall be transferred to the Fund's fund balance 31for subsequent appropriation by Council; funds which originated

1 20 1from Discretionary Council Projects, or from the Special Council 2Reserve, shall be returned to those accounts of origin. 3 Section 9.3 Auto Allowance Restriction. 4 Employees of the City of Jacksonville or its independent 5agencies, who receive an auto allowance, shall not be granted a 6City or agency gas credit card or be reimbursed for auto related 7expenses or be paid auto mileage for intra-county travel. 8 Section 9.4 Pension Contributions. 9 The employer's contribution to the pension funds as a 10percentage of covered payroll is hereby set as follows: 11 (a) for the 1937 City Employees Pension Fund, the percentage 12shall be 13.50%. 13 (b) for the 1937 Police and Fire Pension Fund, the percentage 14shall be 49.60%. 15 (c) for the Corrections Officer’s Pension Fund, the 16percentage shall be 31.78%. 17 PART X. Waivers. 18 Section 10.1 Jacksonville Children’s Commission, Waiver of 19Section 51.102, Ordinance Code. 20 The requirements of Section 51.102, Ordinance Code, requiring 21that the Jacksonville Children’s Commission be funded in the amount 22set forth therein, is hereby waived. The Jacksonville Children’s 23Commission shall be funded in fiscal year 2009-2010 as set forth 24herein. 25 Section 10.2 Emergency Reserve Policy and Fund, Waiver of 26Section 106.107, Ordinance Code. 27 The requirements of Section 106.107, Ordinance Code, requiring 28all interest earned in the Emergency Reserve Fund in Fiscal Year 292008-2009 and after shall accrue and remain within the Emergency 30Reserve, is hereby waived.

1 21 1 Section 10.3 Unit Cost Measures, Waiver of Section 106.219, 2Ordinance Code. 3 The provision of Section 106.219, Ordinance Code, requiring 4unit cost measures and service quality measures is hereby waived. 5 Section 10.4 Chapter 126, Ordinance Code Waiver in regard 6to the SMG Management Contract and providing for utilization by SMG 7of the SMG Management Procurement Policies. 8 SMG manages certain City owned public assembly facilities (as 9defined in an Amended and Restated Agreement between the City of 10Jacksonville and SMG Management of Public Assembly Facilities, 11dated effective October 1, 2002, as amended from time to time, 12herein, “Agreement”). To effect guidelines acceptable to both 13parties to the Agreement, the City Council hereby determines that, 14to the extent that funding is available in the accounts established 15for the budget related to the Agreement and SMG has received the 16necessary approvals for expenditures from said accounts from the 17City’s Authorized Representative under the Agreement, said City 18Authorized Representative is authorized to approve SMG’s continued 19utilization of SMG’s competitive procurement policies for the 20purchase of capital expenditures in the amount of $100,000 or less 21and non-capital extraordinary repair and maintenance projects in 22the amount of $500,000 or less. Upon said approval by the City’s 23Authorized Representative, the funds required shall carry-forward 24and shall not lapse, with appropriate notice from the City’s 25Authorized Representative to the City’s Accounting Division. For 26purchases made by SMG above these $100,000/$500,000 thresholds, the 27City’s Authorized Representative shall require SMG’s utilization of 28the City Procurement Division’s policies (as same are reflected in 29City Code Chapter 126). The provisions of this Section 2 shall in 30no way modify the Agreement’s requirement that all purchases by SMG 31are fully accountable to the City pursuant to the Agreement. The

1 22 1City hereby waives any conflicting provision of Part 2 and Part 3, 2Chapter 126 (Procurement Code), Ordinance Code, relating to SMG’s 3procurement of materials, equipment and services for the operation 4and maintenance of the City’s Public Assembly Facilities pursuant 5to the Agreement. 6 Part XI. Miscellaneous Provisions 7 Section 11.1 Jacksonville Children’s Commission 8Comprehensive Budget Transfer Powers. 9 The Jacksonville Children’s Commission’s total FY 2009/10 10budget of $55,033,094, comprised of federal, state, City and 11private funding, is herein appropriated, with the provision that 12the Jacksonville Children’s Commission must return to City Council 13to obtain the Council’s approval for any individual grants that are 14not within plus or minus 10% of the amount received as listed on 15Schedule M. In accordance with the Mayor’s transfer policy the 16Jacksonville Children’s Commission is authorized to transfer, 17through a transfer directive, expenditures from one line item to 18another, provided that the Jacksonville Children’s Commission does 19not transfer appropriations from children’s programs. Any transfers 20from children’s programs shall require City Council approval. In 21addition, within the listing of funding provided by the 22Jacksonville Children’s Commission to agencies for children’s 23programs, incorporated herein as part of Schedule A-2, Public 24Service Grants, the Jacksonville Children’s Commission shall not be 25permitted to transfer funds from one agency to another without City 26Council approval. There shall be provided to the Council Auditor, 27within twenty-four hours after Commission approval, a copy of the 28written documentation of all proposed additional appropriations of 29funds. There shall also be provided to the Council Auditor at the 30end of each quarter a copy or a summary of the written

1 23 1documentation of all transfers made between approved budget line 2items. 3 Section 11.2 Public Works Charge Back Limitations. 4 No charge back shall be charged to any City Council 5appropriations from bonded discretionary District Council funds. 6In order to properly allocate all costs related to all other 7capital projects, all requests for project management and/or design 8services anticipated to exceed $5,000 per project shall be 9accompanied by an identified funding source and project number. 10 Prior to implementation of the $5,000 Charge Back limitation, 11the Department shall establish a rate structure, per person hourly 12rate and tracking mechanism including detailed hourly time sheets 13broken down by project. Furthermore, the department shall forecast 14the cost of the average project for a conceptual design, including 15drawing and cost estimates. Additionally, the department shall 16report to the Finance Committee at the mid-year budget review, the 17break down of the use of public works charge back by department and 18make a recommendation for full-time employment for planning and 19design engineers for each department. 20 Section 11.3 Food and Beverage appropriation pursuant to 21Section 106.203(b), Ordinance Code. 22 The Food and Beverage appropriation is attached hereto as 23Attachment A. The Municipal Purpose for each index appropriation 24is on file with the Council Secretary. 25 Part XII. Jacksonville Journey 26 Section 12.1 Jacksonville Journey Oversight Committee Created. 27 (a) Established. The Jacksonville Journey Oversight 28Committee, a citizen committee whose purpose is to oversee and 29evaluate the effectiveness of funds expended and the programs 30expending such funds in support of the Jacksonville Journey, has 31been established in Executive Order 2007-14.

1 24 1 (b) Membership; terms. The Jacksonville Journey Oversight 2Committee is composed of nine members appointed jointly by the 3Mayor and Council President and confirmed by the Council. The 4members shall serve staggered four year terms, except that three 5appointees’ first full term shall be for two years and three 6appointees first full term shall be for three years. No member 7shall serve more than two full terms. 8 (c) Organization; administrative support. The Chair of the 9Jacksonville Journey Oversight Committee shall be appointed and 10confirmed as such, and shall be one of the members with an initial 11full term of two years. The Mayor’s Office shall provide 12administrative support to the committee. The committee shall be 13subject to the provisions of Chapter 50 (Boards and Commissions) 14Ordinance Code. 15 (d) Mission and Responsibilities. The Jacksonville Journey 16Oversight Committee shall: 17 (1) In concert with the City’s grant making agencies, 18establish the short, intermediate, and long term, measurement and 19reporting systems for Jacksonville Journey funds. 20 (2) Issue an annual community-wide report card on the 21progress of funded Jacksonville Journey programs. 22 (3) Make annual recommendations on programs to be funded 23based on each program’s prior year’s performance. 24 (4) Continue the data gathering and public policy 25innovation initiated by the Jacksonville Journey for further 26refinement and consideration of the program. 27 (5) Advocate for the investment of new public and 28private dollars as well as state and federal policy initiatives to 29ensure a safer city. 30 Section 12.2 Jacksonville Journey, Summary of Appropriations. 31 Attached hereto as Schedule AG, is the Summary of

1 25 1Appropriations which constitute the 2009-2010 funding of the 2Jacksonville Journey, which such appropriations are contained in 3the other schedules attached hereto. 4 Section 12.3 Transfers prohibited. 5 No funds identified and summarized as being appropriated in 6Schedule AG shall be transferred between the component programs 7identified in Schedule AG, without further approval of the Council. 8 Section 12.4 Sub fund and appropriations lapse. 9 All operating funds appropriated in support of the 10Jacksonville Journey, with the exception of CIP funds and funds 11appropriated to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, shall be 12accounted for in a separate sub fund. All of these appropriated 13funds, with the exception of CIP funds, shall lapse at the 14conclusion of the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year. 15 Section 12.5 Sweep of unencumbered balances. 16 All unencumbered balances in the Jacksonville Journey Sub Fund 17shall be swept into the General Fund at the conclusion of the 2009- 182010 Fiscal Year. 19 Section 12.6 Children’s Commission and Public Service Grant 20Appropriations. 21 All Jacksonville Journey appropriations made to the 22Jacksonville Children’s Commission and to the Public Service Grant 23Council shall be used only as grants to third party service 24providers, and shall not be used for the operation of Jacksonville 25Children’s Commission programming. 26 Section 12.7 Mayoral reports 27 The Mayor, or designee, shall provide monthly written status 28reports to the Finance Committee, with a copy to the Council 29Auditor, on Jacksonville Journey implementation. 30 Section 12.8 Neighborhood Action Plans. 31 The Jacksonville Journey Program shall use for its reference

1 26 1and deliberations those Neighborhood Action Plans (NAP) that have 2been created since the year 2000. 3 Furthermore The Jacksonville Journey Oversight Committee shall 4also use said NAPs in its deliberations, and consider the use of 5appropriate NAP findings and recommendations in developing its 6recommendations regarding the implementation, progress, and 7improvement of the Jacksonville Journey Program. 8 Part XIII. Schedules Incorporated, Severability, Effective Date 9 Section 13.1 Incorporation of Schedules. 10 All Schedules and Attachments attached hereto are incorporated 11herein by this reference and made a part hereof. 12 Section 13.2 Severability. 13 If any part, section, subsection or other portion of this 14ordinance or any application thereof to any person or circumstances 15is declared to be void, unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, 16such part, section, subsection or other portion, or the proscribed 17application thereof, shall be severable and the remaining 18provisions of this ordinance and all applications thereof not 19having been declared void, unconstitutional or invalid shall remain 20in full force and effect. The Council declares that no invalid or 21proscribed provision of application was an inducement to the 22enactment of this ordinance and that it would have enacted this 23ordinance regardless of the invalid or proscribed provision or 24application. 25 Section 13.3 Effective Date. 26 This ordinance shall become effective upon signature by the 27Mayor or upon becoming effective without the Mayor's signature. 28 29 30 31

1 27 1Form Approved: 2

3____/s/ Margaret M. Sidman______4Office of General Counsel 5Legislation Prepared By: Margaret M. Sidman 6

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2 List of Schedules 3Schedule A City of Jacksonville Budgeted Revenue and 4 Appropriation Summary 5Schedule A-1 Capital Improvement Program, 1 year funding Source 6Schedule A-2 Public Service Grants 7Schedule A-3 Federal Public Service Grants 8Schedule AB Police and Fire Pension Fund Budget Estimated Revenues 9Schedule AC Police and Fire Pension Fund Budget Appropriations 10Schedule AD Downtown Vision Business Improvement District 11 Estimated Revenues 12Schedule AE Downtown Vision Business Improvement District 13 Appropriations 14Schedule AF Capital Outlay Projects Not Lapsed 15Schedule AG Jacksonville Journey Funding Recommendations 16Schedule B City of Jacksonville Appropriations by Division 17Schedule B1-A No Match Recurring Grants Schedule 18Schedule B1-B Continuation Grant / City Match Required Schedule 19Schedule B1-C Schedule of Miscellaneous Federal Grant Programs – 20 City Participation 21Schedule B-2 Positions, Redlined list 22Schedule B-3 General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Projections 23Schedule B-4 Banking Fund 24Schedule B4-a Technology Replacements 25Schedule B4-b FY 2009 Capital Improvement Projects Funded Via 26 Banking Fund 27Schedule B4-c FY 09/10 Vehicle Replacements 28Schedule B-5 Septic Tank (submitted later usually August) 29Schedule C JEA Operating Budget 30Schedule D JEA Capital Budget 31Schedule E Water and Sewer Expansion Authority Estimated Revenues

1 29 1Schedule F Water and Sewer Expansion Authority Appropriations 2Schedule G Jacksonville Aviation Authority Operating Budget 3Schedule H Jacksonville Aviation Authority Capital Budget 4Schedule I Jacksonville Port Authority Operating Budget 5Schedule J Jacksonville Port Authority Capital Budget 6Schedule K [Intentionally Omitted] 7Schedule L [Intentionally Omitted] 8Schedule M Jacksonville Children’s Commission Budget 9Schedule N [Intentionally Omitted] 10Schedule O Jacksonville Transportation Authority – Estimated 11 Operating Revenues 12Schedule P Jacksonville Transportation Authority – Operating 13 Appropriations 14Schedule Q Jacksonville Transportation Authority – Estimated 15 Capital Revenues 16Schedule R Jacksonville Transportation Authority – Capital 17 Appropriations. 18

19 List of Attachments 20Attachment A Food and Beverage Appropriation and Municipal Purpose

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