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BOKU Application Form for Exchange Students 2005/2006 SOCRATES/ERASMUS CEEPUS Bilateral Exchange please leave blank

Please type on a computer or complete in BLOCK capitals (with a black pen) so that the form can be easily copied and read: STUDENT’S PERSONAL DATA

Family name: Citizenship(s):

First name(s): Date of school-leaving Certificate (high school): . (MM.YY) Date of birth: . . (DD.MM.YYYY)

Sex: Name of (high) school: The school-leaving certificate is the final diploma you get from your high school (e.g. A-level, baccalauréat, maturità, bachillerato, Abitur) Current address : valid until . . Permanent address (if different): (DD.MM.YYYY) Street: Street: ZIP Code: City: postcode: City: Country: Country: Tel.: Fax: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: E-mail: Person to contact in the case of emerg ency: Family name: First name(s): Relationship: E-Mail: Tel. (private): Tel. (work):

HOME UNIVERSITY Name of Institution: Erasmus-contact person: (name, department, phone- and fax-number, e-mail-address):

Degree presently pursued: Number of higher education study years prior to my departure abroad:

ATTENDED HIGH SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES Name of the School or University attended from – to qualification attained (MM.YY) (e.g. BSc) from . to . from . to . from . to . I have already been studying abroad?: YES NO If yes, when and at which institution?: If you have already been studying in Austria, please indicate your „Matrikelnummer“:

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 1 - Family name: First name(s):

TYPE OF STUDY ACTIVITIES PLANNED AT BOKU participate in the regular course program research project thesis-, dissertation work, etc. other, please specify: If you want to do a research project or work on a thesis/dissertation at BOKU please search for a tutor or a project and tell the Centre for International Relations. We will kindly assist you at your search.

INTENDED AREA OF STUDY Forestry (BSc) Forest Science (MSc) Wood and Fibre Technology (BSc) Wood Technology and Management (MSc) Management of Environment and Bio Resources Management of Natural Resources (MSc) (BSc) Environmental Engineering (MSc) Environmental Engineering (BSc) Water Management (MSc) Food Science and Biotechnology (BSc) Land Management and Civil Engineering (MSc) Agro Sciences (BSc) Food Science and Food Technology (MSc) Landscape Architecture and Planning (BSc) Biotechnology (MSc) Food Science and Biotechnology (BSc) Agronomics and Food Economy (MSc) Applied Plant Sciences (MSc) Animal Sciences (MSc) Organic Farming (MSc) Agro Biology (MSc) Landscape Architecture and Planning (MSc) Phytomedizin (MSc) Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management (MSc) Mountain Forestry (MSc) Mountain Risk Engineering (MSc) Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering (MSc) Horticultural Sciences (MSc)

To register for a course in the right column (with „MSc“) you need an acquired bachelors degree. (Please enclose a copy of the certificate to your application.) If that is not the case, please choose one of the (bachelor-) degrees in the left column.

INTENDED PERIOD OF STUDY AT BOKU October 1 – July 2 October 1 – February 5 February 27 – July 2 (full academic year) (wintersemester) (summersemester)

other (please specify): Principally, exchange students are required to stay for the full semester (or academic year). Exceptions can only be made if communicated and agreed upon in advance.

LANGUAGE ABILITY Mother tongue: Language of instruction at home institution (if different): Other languages My level in this language is: I have sufficient During my stay I would knowledge to follow like to attend classes in: beginner intermediate advanced lectures: German

I would like to take part in the two-week German Intensive Language Course (€ 235): YES NO (limited number of participants! date: 19.. – 30.09..05 for the 1st semester and 13. – 24.02.06 for the 2nd semester; Application with Maurely Velazquez: [email protected])

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 2 - STAY IN VIENNA expected date of arrival: . . (DD.MM.YYYY) expected date of departure: . . (DD.MM.YYYY) I am applying for a room in a student residence (housing form): YES NO I have a private place to stay in Vienna: YES NO I would like to have a “buddy” during my stay in Vienna: YES NO A “buddy” is a voluntary student who will help you with practical matters once you have arrived in Vienna.

BESTÄTIGUNG ÜBER NOMINIERUNG UND DEUTSCH- BZW. SPRACHKENNTNISSE Frau / Herr ist als ERASMUS-Student/in nominiert und verfügt aufgrund des Studiums an der (Heimatuniversität) über die notwendigen fachlichen Qualifikationen. Bitte ankreuzen: Sie / Er verfügt über jene Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift und über den Gebrauch der deutschen Sprache in dem Umfang, wie es für das Verständnis der einschlägigen Texte und für die Ablegung von Prüfungen erforderlich ist. Da der Studierende eine der englischen Spezialisierungen im Bereich des Magisterstudiums (bitte ankreuzen) Horticultural Sciences Mountain Forestry Mountain Risk Engineering Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering ausgewählt hat, ist vom Nachweis der Deutschkenntnisse abzusehen. Für Doktoratstudierende wird kein Nachweis der Deutschkenntnisse gefordert.

______Unterschrift (Auslandsbüro – ERASMUS-Koordinator)) Institutsstempel CERTIFICATION OF NOMINATION AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE (GERMAN) LANGUAGE Ms. / Mr has been nominated as an ERASMUS-student and has the necessary qualifications resulting from studies at (home university) Please tick relevant box: She / He has reached the required level of knowledge of the German language such as necessary for auditing lectures and taking examinations thereupon. As the student has selected one of the following specialisations at Master level (please tick relevant box): Horticultural Sciences Mountain Forestry Mountain Risk Engineering Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering she / he is not required to submit any proof of the German language. For doctoral students a knowledge of the German language is not necessary

______Signature (International Office – ERASMUS-Coordinator) Official stamp of institute T STATEMENT The Centre for International Relations publishes the names, home institutions and e-mail addresses of the exchange students on its website. Do you agree to have your name added to the list? YES NO SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT I hereby declare that all information provided on this application form and on the enclosures are correct. I understand that admission to the BOKU as a guest/exchange student is for maximum one year only and does not constitute admission to any regular degree programme.

______Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Name of the student Signature

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 3 - LEARNING AGREEMENT 2005/2006

Please type on a computer or complete in BLOCK capitals (with a black pen) so that the form can be easily copied and read:


Name of student: Home institution: Country:

DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME AT BOKU (To search for courses please check the website:

Course number Course title Number of ECTS credits

If necessary, continue the list on another “learning agreement” form

______Date (DD.MM.YYYY) Student’s signature:

SENDING INSTITUTION: We confirm that the proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Programme responsible: Date: ______Signature and official stamp of institution

BOKU – UNIVERSITY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND APPLIED LIFE SCIENCES VIENNA: We confirm that the proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Programme responsible: Date. ______Signature and official stamp of institution Request for Remission of Tuition Fee According to § 92 university law 2002 (UG 2002) BOKU Registration number

To the rectorate of BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 4 - Family and first name of the applicant:


Address for service (ZIP code, city, street, street number):

I request the remission of tuition fee Please check appropriate 

because I will attend the coming studies or practical period within the scope of a transnational EU-, national or university mobility programme in Austria (§ 92 Abs. 1 Z 1 UG 2002): Name of the programme: Code of the programme: ERASMUS Beginning of your stay abroad: End of your stay abroad:

State semester and year (z.B. SS 2002):

because I will attend the coming studies or practical period within the scope of a transnational EU-, national or university mobility programme abroad (§ 92 Abs. 1 Z 1 UG 2002): Name of the programme: Code of the programme:

Host country: Beginning of your stay abroad: End of your stay abroad:

State semester and year (z.B. SS 2002):

I note that the payment of the student union fee (ÖH-Beitrag) is absolutely necessary in order to be registered at the university. I further note that after my return I will have to provide evidence of the actual studies or practical period abroad. Otherwise I have to pay in arrears the tuition fee for the regarding semester. A CONTINUATION OF THE STUDIES IN PROXIMATE SEMESTER IS ONLY POSSIBLE AFTER ADDUCTION OF THE PROOF. because of an university partnership which allows a mutual remission of tuition fee (§ 92 Abs. 1 / 3 UG 2002) between the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences and the following higher education institution:

because I shall attend in the coming studies period compulsory studies abroad (§ 92 Abs. 1 Z 1 UG 2002): Name of the programme: Code of the programme:

Host country: Beginning of your stay abroad: End of your stay abroad:

State semester and year (z.B. SS 2002):

because I am a refugee in the sense of article 1 of the convention of the legal status of refugees from July 28th 1951 (BGBl.Nr. 55/1955) bin (§92 Abs. 1 Z 4 UG 2002) because I am the holder of a handicapped ID Please note that the remission of the tuition fee applies only to the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. If you pursue a study programme at another Austrian university you have to file a separate application. However, the reasons for the remission do not have to be identical to those of University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.

______Date, Signature

Note for the applicant

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 5 - To be submitted: - on application after § 92 Abs. 1 Z 1 UG 2002: proof of the mobility programme (e.g.. award of scholarship or university place) - on application after § 92 Abs. 1 Z 3 UG 2002: the therefore required proof - on application after § 92 Abs. 1 Z 4 UG 2002: valid passport, proof of the status as a conventional refugee - handicapped ID of the federal social welfare office (Bundessozialamt) including the proof of a level of disability of more than 50 % (original and photo copy)

All documents and proofs need to be submitted in original or a certified transcription by court or notarally. Furthermore, foreign-language certificates have to be attached by an officially certified german translation.

To be filled out by the University (BOKU)

Zutreffendes bitte ankreuzen 

Für das ______-Semester 20___/___ Für das Studienjahr 20___/___ bis auf weiteres bis auf weiteres

wird der Erlass des Studienbeitrages genehmigt genehmigt nicht genehmigt

Für die Vizerektorin für Lehre und Internationale Angelegenheiten:

Mobilitätsprogramm eingegeben am: ______

Erlagschein für ______

Erhalten am: ______Unterschrift:______

Expediert am: ______Unterschrift: ______Datum, Unterschrift

06fcb1b66bef78df1cd6b7e6f1a452ab.doc - 6 - ENCLOSURES AND CONTACT ADRESS AT BOKU Please return the completed form (6 pages) along with

a photo copy of all 6 pages of the completed application form your academic transcript (an official list of courses you have attended so far) your housing form (if applicable) one passport-sized photograph a copy of your passport to

UNIVERSITÄT FÜR BODENKULTUR WIEN ZENTRUM FÜR INTERNATIONALE BEZIEHUNGEN WOLFGANG SÜNDER PETER JORDAN-STRASSE 82A A-1190 WIEN AUSTRIA FAX: +43 1 47654 2606 APPLICATION DEADLINES In accordance with the BOKU academic year, applications must be received by the following deadlines:

June 30 for entry in the winter semester

November 30 for entry in the summer semester

After receipt of your application forms (including all enclosures) you will receive  a confirmation e-mail with some basic information as well as  a certification of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the studies department (Studiendekanat). You will need this certificate of admission as well as a valid passport and one passport-sized photo in order to enrol at our university.

Upon arrival in Vienna, the Centre for International Relations will provide you with  all necessary information you need for admission and  Information regarding excursions and further important information for your stay in Vienna.

CONTACT PERSON In case you have any questions concerning your NARMEE-stay in Vienna please contact our

ERASMUS-Co-ordinator WOLFGANG SÜNDER Tel.: +43 1 47654 2602 [email protected]

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