Colorado Agriscience Curriculum s1
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Ag Education II Colorado Agriscience Curriculum
Section: Intro to Agribusiness II
Unit: Understanding Entrepreneurial Concepts
Lesson Title: Introduction to Agriculture Entrepreneurship
Colorado Ag Standard 10.2 The student will understand entrepreneurial concepts Education Competency 2-1 Introduction to Agriculture Entrepreneurship Standards and Competencies
Colorado Model English Standard 2.2 Conveying technical information in a written form appropriate Content to the audience. Standard(s): English Standard 2.6 Students are writing in various specialized fields such as career and academic interest areas.
Student Learning Objective 1 What is the definition of entrepreneur? Objectives: Objective 2 What is the entrepreneurial process?
Objective 3 Who makes a good entrepreneur?
Time: This lesson will take 50 minutes to complete.
Resource(s): Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Second Edition, Glencoe, 2000
Instructions, Tools, Italicized words are instructions to the teacher; normal style text is suggested script. Equipment, and Supplies:
Interest Approach: Got Weekend!!!
Prepare for the class by finding out what there is to do on the weekends for students.
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 1 Ask students to raise their hand if they stayed home on Friday night?
Then ask how many stayed home because they had nothing to do?
With many students not having anything to do on weekend, an opportunity for entrepreneurship occurs. Start the students with a brainstorming activity to find possible things to do on weekends. Show power point slide.
When you see the word on the screen please write the first thing you think of on a piece of paper.
Show the slide with the word Entertainment. Show the slide with the word Cars. Show the slide with the word Games.
Go around the room and have each student go to the board and write their list their thoughts under each word. Have them put check marks next to other people thought that are similar.
Now that you have all came up with your own ideas you are going to go to the board and write down what came to your mind when the words appeared. If the word is already there you can just put a check beside it. Any questions?
Give direction as to how you want the process to work.
After they have listed their thought on the board, start narrowing activities to the ones that have more than one student.
Now eliminate activities that cannot be done in your community.
Now you should have a list of Entertainment, Cars and Games that students are interested in and possible activities they could do on the weekends.
Ask the students what they have just completed?
Elicit responses?
Actually you have just completed the first Step in an Entrepreneur process, “brainstorming for opportunity.”
Objective 1: Objective 1: What is the definition of entrepreneur?
Show Slide with Definition of entrepreneur. Explain what an entrepreneur is.
I. What is an entrepreneur?
A. It is someone who organizes a system to create a product or service in order to gain profit.
B. The entrepeneur is the driving force that recognizes: 1. The opportunity 2. Pulls the resource to develop the opportunity 3. Create a company to execute the opportunity in the market place.
Objective 2: What is the entrepreneurial process? Objective 2:
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 2 Show the slides that show the entrepreneurial process. Explain each individual step.
I. Components of the entrepreneurial process.
A. Entrepreneur - It all begins with a person that sees the opportunity and acts on it.
B. Environment- One needs to look at the area where the business will be located. There are four things to evaluate in the environment. Nature of the environment (fast changing, competitive, uncertain or stable) resources, supportive government and sufficient customers.
II. Components of the entrepreneurial process, continued.
A. The Opportunity- An idea or opportunity only has value if there are customers ready and willing to buy.
B. Start Up Resources- Resources that need to be evaluated and addressed are capitol, labor, legal and financial advice, facilities, equipment and most important customers.
C. The New Venture Organization- The last step is to implement the business plan into action to form a new business.
Objective 3: Objective 3: Who makes a good entrepreneur?
Show slides that have the characteristics of entrepreneur. Discuss the individual characteristics. Show slide with US statistics about entrepreneur. Discuss the relationship of statistics with characteristics of Entrepreneur.
I. Who makes a good entrepreneur?
A. Distinctive Traits and Qualities of Entrepreneurs 1. Independent- Want to set their own agenda and schedules 2. Self Demanding- Have high expectation of themselves 3. Self Confident- Believe in themselves and act accordingly 4. Risk Taking- Take on risk but are not reckless 5. Restless- once goal is achieved they look for new challenges 6. Action Oriented- They are doers not spectators. They make decision and act on them. 7. Persistent- Willing to work until the job is done. 8. Creative- Continually look for new ways to solve old problems 9. Responsible- Take responsibilities for their decisions and action. 10. Inquisitive- Want to know as much as possible about venture. 11. Goal Oriented- Decide where they want to be and work to get there.
B. Statistics of Entrepreneur in the US 1. Forty Seven Percent are under the age of 35. Sixteen percent are under the age of 25 2. Forty percent have high school diploma or less
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 3 3. Twenty seven percent have some college training with 33 percent completing college degree 4. Sixty two percent have close relatives that owned a business 5. Most were influenced by a role model
Review/Summary: Show the review slide and have students record answers in notebooks.
What is the definition of entrepreneur?
An Entrepreneur is some one that recognizes an opportunity or need and sets a plan in motion to fulfill that need through a new business venture.
What is the entrepreneurial process?
Every entrepreneurial endeavor has to begin with the person that recognizes the need or opportunity. That person is the entrepreneur.
Once the entrepreneur has defined the opportunity or idea with commercial value.
The next step in the process is to look at the possible environment and evaluate its compatibility with the product.
Once the idea and environment have been evaluated you then look at the resources that are available to you to start a business. Financial and production resources need to be evaluated.
The last step in the entrepreneurial process is to develop a business plan and put it into motion.
Who makes a good entrepreneur? A good Entrepreneur is on that is persistent, creative, responsible, inquisitive and independent. Because they are starting a new business the must be organized, goal oriented and ready to assume risk. National statistics show, most are young and come from families that already have businesses.
After review is over and you feel the have a good understanding of what and entrepreneur is transition in to the Picasso Moment.
Application-- Picasso Moment Extended 1. Teach the unit. Classroom Activity: 2. Paint it
Give students a piece of paper.
If you were an artist painting a picture, how could you pictorially represent what an Entrepreneur is?
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 4 3. Gallery Walk
After fifteen minutes have them leave picture at the table or desk then walk around quietly and look at other student’s pictures.
4. Explain it
Pair students up and have them explain their panting explains what an entrepreneur is.
Application--FFA Have students participate in the ag sales career development event to learn some Activity: entrepreneurial concepts.
Application--SAE Select a business and fill out proficiency award. Activity:
Evaluation: See attached Test.
Evaluation Answer 1. True Key: 2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. Response should include: Self motivated, Goal oriented, Assumes risk, Organized, Action Oriented, Inquisitive and Creative.
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 5 Agriculture Entrepreneurship Unit Quiz
True or False
Answer the following question by marking a T for true or F for false next to the statement.
1. An Entrepreneur is someone that recognizes an opportunity that has a commercial value.
2. Organization is not a skill needed to be a good entrepreneur.
3. Entrepreneurs take on risk on after it has been evaluated and steps are in place to minimize it.
4. Most entrepreneurs in the US have not been involved with family businesses.
5. Customers are the most important resource for an entrepreneur.
Multiple Choice
Circle the most correct answer for the following questions.
6. What are three characteristic of a good entrepreneur? A. Motivated, Self reliant and Goal oriented B. Passive, Soft spoken and Cautious C. Passive, Self reliant and Goal oriented D. Goal oriented, Soft Spoken and Cautious
7. An entrepreneur recognizes ______? A. Finances B. Need for education C. Opportunity or need D. Change
8. Entrepreneurship process begins with what? A. Business plan B. Resource Evaluation C. Environmental evaluation D. Entrepreneur
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 6 9. A good entrepreneur will take on risk along as it is ______? A. calculated B. reckless C. uncalculated D. not evaluated
10. When looking for a good environment for new business a entrepreneur needs to evaluate? A. Resources, Favorable government and enough grocery stores B. Favorable Government, High Taxes and Customers C. Favorable Government, Customers and Resources D. Resources, Customers and New business tax
Short answer
In the space provide give a complete and well-written response.
11. In your own words describe what an entrepreneur is to you.
Unit 2 , Lesson 1: Introduction to agriculture entrepreneurship 7