Rain Forests Web Quest

Go to: http://www.rain-tree.com/schoolreports.htm (main page)

Click “Rain tree’s Rainforest Facts”

1. What percentage of the Earth’s land did rainforests once cover and what percentage do they cover today. ______

2. How many acres of land is lost every second? ______

3. What kind of equipment do loggers use? ______

4. Five centuries ago how many Indians were living in the Amazon Rainforest and how many exist there today? ______

Click “Rainforest Information” 1. Click the box “Rainforests” and write the two types of rainforests, as well as the differences between them.


Go back to the main page and click “Plant Based Drugs and Medicines”

1. How many chemical substances are derived from plants? ______

2. Go down to the following table and list four plants and their clinical use. ______

3. On the table find the drug Betulinic acid and click it. Explain what it is supposed to do, if it has shown positive results and what tree it comes from. ______

Go back to the main page and scroll down to “Current Events – what’s happening now” Then click “Current Events and News Articles”  Next click the news article titles “New project to protect poverty stricken communities in CAR Rainforests”

1. Summarize, in your own words, the main theme of this article.


 Next click the “Go Back” arrow.  On the left side of page click the box “New Game” then click “Next” 1. ______is the biggest threat to rainforests worldwide. (click “Next”) 2. Stop the ______by helping local people take ______. (click “Next”) 3. ______is often the first step to the ______of Rainforests. (click “Next”) 4. Click “Play” and see how well you do at this game.

Go back to the main page and scroll down to “Causes of rainforest destruction”

Click “Overall Causes of Deforestation” 1. List the eight direct causes of Deforestation.  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

2. Describe the image shown on the right side of the page – what is it showing us?


Go back to the main page “Causes of rainforest destruction”

Click on the second “Mining” title

1. Why are large mining companies being held responsible for serious social an environmental damage in the Brazilian Amazon? ______

Go back to the main page and scroll down to “Solutions to rainforest destruction”

Click “Sustainable Agriculture”

1. Define sustainability and then explain the importance of sustainable agriculture. ______

2. What is the Rainforest Alliance attempting to do for companies and consumers? Use examples from “Agriculture Program Mission” for more information. ______

(Write this section of Web quest on a separate piece of paper)

Go back to the main page and scroll down to “Indigenous People and Indian Tribes of the Rainforest”

1. Choose one of the tribes, as listed, and discuss: (a) Who they are and where do they live? (b) Briefly describe their culture, including how they live. (c) What are some of the issues facing their culture?

Go back to the main page and scroll down to “What can you do to help”

1. In a paragraph, discuss at least four ways that you can help protect the rainforests based on the information given from the web page.