Algebra II Class Syllabus
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Algebra II Class Syllabus 2016-2017 Mrs. Choiniere Welcome! My instructional philosophy is built on the strong belief that mathematics is a critical part of functioning life as well as intellectual development. Although everyone who endures this course will not become engineers or math professors, I expect that he or she will greatly benefit from challenges and accomplishments experienced in my class. Math concepts are best explored using combinations of individual contemplation, guided practice, group exploration, and class discovery. Students will be encouraged to become self-directed learners, to think at higher levels, and to participate daily through math discussion.
Classroom Expectations In order to be successful in my Algebra II class, it is imperative that you come to class prepared with necessary materials and ready to participate. I expect students to take responsibility for his or her actions and maintain high respect for oneself, peers, and all adults inside and outside of my classroom. Here are some other expectations: The tardy policy will be enforced at all times. Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. All handouts, materials, and homework submissions should be taken care of on your way into class. Class will persist from bell to bell; packing up early or standing will not be an option. Students are responsible for putting desks back in original rows and picking up their materials and/or trash before exiting the classroom. All work for this class will be done in pencil, unless otherwise directed. Students will not put their heads down or sleep in class. If this happens, the student will stand. If this behavior persists, a referral will be written. Cell phones should never be used in class and should remain powered off. All cell phones will be collected on test days and held in the front of the classroom under teacher supervision. ***All policies and procedures outlined in the G-PHS Student Handbook will be followed at all times.
Materials Pencils Highlighters (at least 1) Notebook OR loose leaf paper for taking notes 3 ring binder to organize notes and handouts (at least 1 inch) Scientific calculator (TI-30X IIS, TI-30XS Multiview, etc. –these calculators have the , , buttons) o OPTIONAL: a graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, TI-84 Plus, etc. are good investments for upper-level maths and college) Grading Policy Nine Weeks Grades will be determined as follows: 40% Daily Work (Bell Ringers, homework, quizzes, etc.) 40% Major Tests (Major projects) 20% Nine Weeks Tests
Daily Work - Bell Ringers: Upon arrival to class, students will complete the day’s bell ringer, which will be posted on the front board. Bell Ringer Journals will be collected on test days to be graded. - Homework given in this class will be meaningful and ensure mathematical progress if done honestly. These assignments can be expected on a regular basis and are to be submitted at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. Students should show work to receive full credit. - Quizzes will be given on a weekly or every other week basis to assess student growth and may contain questions from previous homework assignments. Tests Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will be announced in advance and may contain information from units previously covered. By Math Department policy, if a student does not pass a unit test, he or she may have an opportunity to attend tutoring, complete extra review work, and retest after school within 5 days of receiving the failing grade. It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements with the teacher. A cumulative test will also be given at the conclusion of each nine week period.
Late Work/Makeup Policy When you are absent, you are responsible for making up all work missed, including Bell Ringers and journal entries. You must check the “Missed Work” bin for any handouts distributed during class, and refer to the class calendar for specific details on topics covered and homework assigned. If you miss a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to meet with me to schedule a time for you to make up the assignment. If an assignment is not turned in on the specified due date at the beginning of class, the student may not receive full credit. In the case of an excused absence, the student is awarded a day for each day’s absence to submit the make-up work and earn full credit before a reduction is taken.
Tutorials Regardless of the grades you make, if there is ever a concept with which you struggle, I strongly encourage spending some time in tutoring. I am available to help before and after school most days. You are welcome to attend any math teacher’s tutorials which are available Mon.-Fri. before and after school.
Student Success Initiative At the end of the first 6 weeks grading period (and each 3 week grading period subsequently) students who are failing their math course are required to attend tutorials. If a student misses multiple tutorials, Saturday School may be assigned.
Math Club: Our school has a very active math club in which students are challenged in several competitions including the Texas State Math League, SAT contests, and the American Math Exam. Involvement does not require time outside the regular school day. College bound students are strongly encouraged to join the club (small charge), though any student who joins has the opportunity to earn bonus points pending test score results.
Communication Students: It is permissible and encouraged to communicate with me via email ([email protected]), only under the condition that your email is professional and directly related to my course. Please provide your name and your reason for contacting me in the subject line; example: “John Doe- Pythagorean Theorem help”
Parents/Guardians: As you know, you will have access to your child’s grades in Skyward. You can expect grades to be updated frequently along with my teacher webpage, which may be accessed through the Gregory-Portland High School webpage by clicking on “Staff Directory” ”Teachers and Departments,” and then the hyperlink of my name. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email, my teacher webpage, or by calling my work number (361) 777-4251 ext. 6226. I am extremely eager to begin a new a school year and have your child in my Algebra II class. I look forward to meeting you at some point throughout the year!
1st Semester 2nd Semester Foundations of Functions Square Root Functions, Equations and Inequalities Linear Relations and Functions Polynomial Functions (theorems) Equations and Inequalities Rational Equations and Inequalities Inverse and Composite Functions Exponential Functions, Equations & Inequalities Systems of Equations & Inequalities Logarithmic Functions, Equations & Inequalities Polynomial Operations Conic Sections Complex Numbers Trigonometry Quadratic Functions, Equations and Inequalities Final Review Algebra II A. Choiniere 2016-2017
The policies and procedures listed in the course syllabus for Mrs. Choiniere’s Algebra II class and the G-PHS Student Handbook are designed to optimize the learning environment and ensure success throughout the school year.
Please read the statement below, sign in the appropriate space, and provide the listed contact information.
This document should be removed from the syllabus and returned no later than Wednesday, August 31, 2015.
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