“CII-SR Kaizen Competition 2015” – 10th Edition for Operators & Supervisors (Manufacturing, Process & Service Sector only) 15-16 October 2015 : Hotel Hilton, Chennai

Guidelines for filling in Kaizen

1. Kaizen Category - Highlight through colour coding as for sample highlighted in the enclosed sheet using standard colour (yellow) the category of Kaizen. If a Kaizen could be related with one or more category, then colour coding may be done accordingly

2. Kaizen Title – Indicate the Kaizen Theme clearly. Examples are

 To reduce transportation time  To reduce internal rejection  To improve yield etc…

3. Company – To fill in details of company name

4. MM/YY – To fill in appropriate month and year of the kaizen completed and documented

5. S No – The Serial No of the Kaizen

6. Problem/Present Status – Describe through a brief abstract the problem/present status or even indicate through bar diagram the problem status

7. Real Root Cause Identification – Conduct Why-Why analysis to find out the real root cause of the problem

8. Root Cause – Mention the Real Root cause of the problem

9. Idea to eliminate root cause – The idea mooted by operator to be mentioned

10.Countermeasure – The action plan attempted to eliminate the Root cause, which will be exactly opposite to root cause

11.Before Improvement – Paste appropriate photographs to show the before status

12.After Improvement – Paste appropriate photograph to show the status post implementation of countermeasure

1 13.Implemented area – Indicate the area where the countermeasure has been implemented

14.Implemented By – Name of person/team who implemented the Kaizen

15.Result/Benefit – Indicate the qualitative and quantitative savings that the kaizen has yielded

16.Standardization – Act of standardization according to the nature of corrective action taken. Example :

 FMEA updated  Control Plan updated  Drawings modified  Monitoring system revised  History card updated  Maintenance chart updated etc  Training frequency updated etc

17.Horizontal deployment of Kaizen – To indicate the potential areas of replicating the Kaizen and if so replicated the no of places and total benefit


 All photos to be taken from same direction and from same location, with clear date and time

 The company logo can be pasted in the area next to “Kaizen Sheet”.