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Harlan County Schools Curriculum Guide Arts and Humanities Grade 4
Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit One How would our 1 Open Response Read the text of “The Awakening” by Joseph AH-04-3.1.1 world be different On Purposes of Purposes Students will identify how music fulfills a if there were no music of Music variety of purposes. music? C:\Documents and Settings\jlee\My Documents\The Awakening Lyrics.doc DOK 2 Martin. Weeks Do all human 1-2 Purposes of music (different roles of music) beings have a Listen to the music. What is Joseph Martin trying Ceremonial - music created or performed for natural desire for Multiple Choice to say? How does his message relate to the rituals or celebrations (e.g., patriotic music, music? purposes of music? music for worship) Recreational - music for entertainment (e.g., How does music Students will copy music terms and definitions in music for play such as game songs, music make your life Arts and Humanities journals and provide a musical for dances and social events, music for better? physical activities, music as a hobby) example for each purpose. Artistic Expression - music created with the How is music the intent to express or communicate one’s Listen to different types of music. Students decide universal emotions, feelings, ideas, experience (e.g., the purpose and justify response. music created and performed in a concert language? setting for an audience) Divide students into groups. Place the three How does music different purposes of music in a hat for random help us create a drawing. Each group draws a musical purpose memory? from hat and then plans the music for an event around that purpose. How is music a storyteller?
How is the universal idea of beauty reflected in music?
In what ways have technology influenced artistic expression? Which is more lasting, aesthetics or function?
What do you think Henry David Thoreau means when he says, “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit Two AH-04-3.2.1 How has dance 1 Open Response Students will copy dance terms and definitions in Students will identify how dance fulfills a evolved through On Dance Arts and Humanities journals and provide a dance Purposes variety of purposes. time? Purposes example for each purpose. of Dance DOK 2 How can dance Week Purposes of dance: (different roles of pass on tradition C:\Documents and 3 dance) and culture? Settings\jlee\My Documents\Dance with a Purpose ORQ 4th.doc Ceremonial - dances created or performed for rituals or celebrations (e.g., dances How is dance a of Native Americans and West Africans language? to celebrate life events such as harvest, ritual dances associated with worship) How and what can Recreational - dancing for Multiple Choice we communicate entertainment, to support recreational activities (e.g., ballroom, line dancing, through dance? aerobic dance, dance as a hobby) Artistic Expression - dance created with What impact does the intent to express or communicate culture and society emotion, feelings, ideas, (e.g., ballet, tap have on the role dance, modern dance, dance created of dance in that and performed in a concert and/or culture or society? theatrical setting for an audience) Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit Three AH-04-3.3.1 What role has 1 Open Response Students will copy drama terms and definitions in Students will identify how drama/theatre drama played in On Drama Arts and Humanities journals and provide a drama Purposes fulfills a variety of purposes. human history? Purposes example for each purpose. of Drama DOK 2 Why have people Multiple Choice Week Purposes of drama: (different roles of from the earliest 4 drama) of times until now Sharing the human experience- to express created drama? or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, information through dramatic How does drama works (e.g. storytelling, role playing, across time and narrative works) place help people Passing on tradition and culture- to express share the human or communicate feelings, ideas, information (e.g., narrative, storytelling, experience? folktales, myths and legends) Recreational: drama for entertainment (e.g., How does drama drama/theatre as a hobby) help pass on Artistic Expression - drama created with the tradition and intent to express or communicate culture? emotion, feelings, ideas, information (e.g., dramatic works created and What role does performed by actors in a threatrical the audience play setting for an audience) in a drama fulfilling its purpose?
What did Shakespeare mean when he said, that the Purpose of theatre is “to hold the mirror up to Nature.”? Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit Four AH-04-3.3.1 What role has 1 Open Response Students will copy visual arts terms and definitions Students will identify how drama/theatre Visual Arts played On Visual Arts in Arts and Humanities journals and provide visual Purposes fulfills a variety of purposes. in human history? Purposes arts examples for each purpose. of Visual DOK 2 Art Why do human Multiple Choice Purposes of drama/theatre: (different roles beings create Week of art) works of art? 5 Ceremonial – ritual, celebration, artworks created to support worship ceremonies (e.g., How does Visual ceremonial masks) Art help people Artistic expression – artwork to express or across time and communicate emotion, ideas, feelings place share the (e.g., for self-expression, to decorate human or beautify objects) experience? Narrative – Artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences, or communicate ideas or information, art to How do the Visual document important or historical events Arts pass on the (e.g., Native American totem poles, cave and traditions and wall paintings) cultures of a Functional – artistic objects used in particular group of everyday life (e.g., pottery, quilts, baskets.) people or a period of time? Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit Five AH-04-1.1.1 How are the 3 Open Response Students will identify or describe the use elements of music Questions KET Music Toolkit appropriate activities and Structure of elements of music in a variety of music. infinite? lesson plans. in Music DOK 2 How can each Students will copy music terms, symbols and Weeks Elements of music: musical definitions in Arts and Humanities journals and 6-9 Rhythm - time signature (2/4, 3/4, 4/4), bar composition that is Multiple Choice provide examples for each term and symbol. lines, rhythmic durations (whole, half, quarter, created be unique eighth notes and rests), measure when all use the Creating and Students will Orff, Boomwhackers and/or other Tempo - steady beat, slow, fast same elements? performing pitched percussion instruments to create and Melody - shape, direction (pitches move up, opportunities perform original and previously composed music. down, by step, by skip, stay the same), treble What role does clef sign, pitch notation (notes from middle C silence play in the Students will analyze various genres of music for to F at top of treble clef staff), high notes vs. low notes (pitches) creation of musical Critique the use of musical elements. Harmony - parts (notes performed together to sound? create harmony), major/minor (aurally); unison Presentations Students will discuss how the use of musical (non-harmony) How does an elements can communicate different ideas and Form - call and response, two-part (AB), three- understanding of Response Journal emotions in a variety of music. part (ABA), round, verse/chorus, repeat signs the elements of Timbre (tone color) - recognize different music increase the qualities of musical sounds, orchestral listener’s instruments by family - brass, woodwind, understanding and string, percussion, how instrument sounds are appreciation of the produced, human voices (high voices, low voices) music? Dynamics - soft (piano - p), medium soft (mezzo piano - mp), medium loud (mezzo forte By what standards - mf), loud (forte - f) should a musical composition be AH-04-1.1.2 determined a Students will identify and describe various masterpiece? Who styles of music (spirituals, game songs, folk decides? songs, work songs, lullabies, patriotic, bluegrass).
Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit 6 1 Open Response AH-04-1.2.1 How does an Questions KET Dance Toolkit appropriate activities and Structure Students will identify or describe the use understanding of lesson plans. in Dance of elements of dance in a variety of the elements of dances. dance increase the C:\Documents and Students will copy dance terms and definitions in Weeks DOK 2 audience’s Settings\jlee\My Documents\DanceArts and ORQ.docHumanities journals and provide examples 10-11 understanding and Multiple Choice for each. Elements of dance: appreciation of the Space – direction of dance movements dance? Presentation Students will create and perform dances using the (forward, backward, right, left, up, down), elements of dance. pathway (straight, curved, zigzag), levels By what standards (high, middle, low), shape (individual and should a dance be group shapes) determined a Time (tempo) – dance movements that masterpiece? Who Critique follow a steady beat or move faster or decides? slower Force – dance movements that use more or less energy (e.g., energy - C:\Documents and sharp/smooth, weight - heavy/light, flow- Settings\jlee\My Documents\Dance Critique.doc free/bound) Dance Form - call and response, AB, ABA, choreography
AH-04-1.2.2 Students will describe how dance uses space, time, force and various locomotor and nonlocomotor movements to communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings. DOK 2
Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit 7 How do elements 1 Open Response AH-04-1.3.1 of drama help Questions Structure Students will identify or describe the use of increase KET Drama Toolkit appropriate activities and in Drama elements of drama in dramatic works. understanding of Multiple Choice lessons plans. DOK 2 the dramatic Weeks work? Presentation 12-13 Students will copy drama terms and definitions in Elements of drama: Is verbal or non- Critique Arts and Humanities journals and provide examples Literary elements – Script, Story line (plot), verbal for each. Character, Story organization (beginning, communication middle, end), Setting, Dialogue, Monologue, the more powerful Students will create and perform a variety of plays Conflict communicator? and dramatic works using the elements of drama. Technical elements – Scenery (set), Costumes, Props, Sound and Music, Make- How do the up technical and Performance elements: performance Acting (how speaking, moving help to elements of drama create characters) help us “read Speaking – vocal expression, projection, speaking style, diction between the lines”? Nonverbal expression – gestures, facial expression, movement How does an understanding of the elements of AH-04-1.3.2 Students will identify, describe or explain relationships drama increase among characters and settings as related to a script, a the audience’s scenario or a classroom dramatization understanding and appreciation of the drama? AH-04-1.3.3 Students will identify and describe a variety of creative By what standards dramatics (improvisation, mimicry, pantomime, role should a dramatic playing and storytelling). work be determined a masterpiece? Who decides?
Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit 8 AH-04-1.4.1 How are the 3 Open Response KET Visual Arts Toolkit appropriate activities and Students will identify or describe the use of elements of art Questions lesson plans. Structures elements of art and principles of design in and the principles in Visual works of art. of design infinite? Multiple Choice Students will analyze the use of the elements of art Arts DOK 2 and principles of design in a variety of art prints Elements of art: How can each Project from different artists, time periods, and cultures. 14-17 Line, Shape, Form, Texture and Color work of art be (primary and secondary hues) and unique when all Presentation Students will create works of art using various tools color schemes/groups (warm, cool, use the same and media. neutral - black, white, gray, sometimes elements and Critique brown/beige as earth tones) principles? Students will create a collage for each elements of art and each principles of design. Principles of design: How do artists discover the tools C:\Documents and Students will create a still life from a significant Organization of visual compositions: and the media Settings\jlee\My Documents\Howmemory. to CritiqueThey will a Work use of this Art.doc work of art as a Emphasis (focal point), Pattern, that they use to springboard for their personal narrative. Balance (symmetry), Contrast (e.g., black/white, rough/smooth) create works of art? Students will create a landscape from cut paper illustrating a Kentucky scene. AH-04-1.4.2 How is the subject C:\Documents and Students will identify or describe how an of an artwork to Settings\jlee\My Documents\SeeingStudents iswill Believing.doc complete a self-portrait in a medium artist uses various media and processes. DOK 2 an artist like the of their choice. main character in Media (plural) / medium (singular): (used to a story to an produce artworks) author? Two-dimensional- crayon, pencil, paint, fabric, yarn, paper How does an Three-dimensional - clay, papier-mâché understanding of the elements of Art processes: art and the Two-dimensional - drawing, painting, fiber principles of art (e.g., fabric printing, stamping), collage design increase Three-dimensional - pottery, sculpture, fiber art (e.g., constructing with fiber, weaving, the viewer’s quilting) understanding and Subject matter: (e.g. landscape, portrait, still appreciation of the life) artwork?
By what standards should a work of art be determined a masterpiece? Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit 9 What can we learn 1 Open Response AH-04-2.1.1 about the Native Questions The Arts Students will identify how music has been a American people of the part of cultures and periods throughout by studying their Multiple Choice C:\Documents and Settings\jlee\My Documents\Native American Music and Dance Notes.doc Native history. various art forms? American DOK 2 Presentation Culture Cultures: What is the Native American, relationship Week Similarities and differences in the use of between their C:\Documents and Settings\jlee\My Documents\Native American Resource Sheet.doc 18 music) (e.g., ceremonial purposes) and environment and the use of elements of music among Native American cultures (musical instruments, e.g., art? Native American – rattles, drums, flutes; polyrhythm in West African music not in What role did the C:\Documents and Native American arts play in the Settings\jlee\My Documents\Native Americans1revised.ppt daily lives of the AH-04-2.2.1 Native Americans? Students will listen to and perform music of the Students will identify how dance has been Native American culture. a part of cultures and periods throughout history. Students will view and perform dances from the DOK 2 Native American culture.
Cultures: Students will read and perform stories and legends Native American, from the Native American Culture. Similarities and differences in the use of dance (e.g., purposes: harvest and Students will create stories, myths, and legends in hunting dances in Native American and the style of Native American drama. West African cultures), use of elements of dance among cultures Students will view and analyze Native American works of visual art. AH-04-2.3.1 Students will identify how drama has been a Students will participate in a gallery walk of Native part of cultures and time periods throughout American artifacts. history. DOK 2 Cultures: Native American, (The use of storytelling, myths, legends, folktales in these cultures)
AH-04-2.4.1 Students will identify how visual art has been a part of cultures and time periods throughout history. DOK 2
Cultures: Native American, Native American includes period in North America before European settlement
Similarities and differences in the use of art (e.g., purposes for creating art, folk art) and elements of art and principles of design among cultures (e.g., how line, color, pattern, etc. are used in artworks), media in relation to these cultures (e.g., wood, fiber) Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit Ten What can we learn 2 Open Response KET Arts Toolkits appropriate activities and AH-04-2.1.1 about the people Questions lesson plans. The Arts Students will identify how music has been a of Colonial of part of cultures and periods throughout America by Multiple Choice Students will sing and play music of the Colonial Colonial history. studying their period. America DOK 2 various art forms? Presentation Periods: Students will dance a variety of square and folk Weeks Colonial American (e.g. work songs, How do the arts of Project dances from the Colonial period. 19-21 game songs, patriotic music, lullaby, folk Colonial America music) help us better Critique Students will create a play in the style of the understand dramatic works of the Colonial Period. European influences in American music, ourselves as similarities between the music in the Americans? Students will complete a comparison activity that American colonies and the cities of Why is it denotes the similarities and differences between Europe (The influence of Europe was important for you the art of Europe and the art of Colonial America. very strong in the colonies due to the to know about the movement of settlers from Europe to arts of Colonial Students will complete a “Colonial Kids” unit America.) America? complete with game songs, dances, soap- sculptures, construction paper quilt patterns and AH-04-2.2.1 How can the arts cross-stitch samplers. Students will identify how dance has been of Colonial a part of cultures and periods throughout America help history. Americans feel a DOK 2 sense of “place”? Periods: Colonial American (European What is the influences on American dance, e.g., relationship social dances, square dancing, folk between their dances) environment and Colonial American art forms? AH-04-2.3.1 Students will identify how drama has been a part of cultures and time periods throughout history. DOK 2
Periods: Colonial American - European influence on American drama/theatre, plays from England (The influence of Europe was very strong in the colonies due to the movement of settlers from Europe to America.)
AH-04-2.4.1 Students will identify how visual art has been a part of cultures and time periods throughout history. DOK 2 Periods: Colonial American European influences in American visual art, similarities between the visual art in the American colonies and the cities of Europe (The influence of Europe was very strong in the colonies due to the movement of settlers from Europe to America.)
Essential Assessments Activities and Resources Time Line Core Content and Implied Skills Questions (Unpack the standards)
Unit What can we learn 1 Open Response Eleven AH-04-2.1.1 about the Questions Students will identify how music has been a Appalachian C:\Documents and The Arts of Settings\jlee\My Documents\Appalachian Culture.ppt part of cultures and periods throughout people by studying Multiple Choice Appalachia history. their various art forms? Presentation Week DOK 2 22-23 Cultures: Traditional Appalachian What is the Critique C:\Documents and relationship Settings\jlee\My Documents\Appalachian Folk Song Handout.doc between their See Appalachian Music Unit in KET Music Toolkit environment and for additional resources. Similarities and differences in the use of Appalachian art forms? Students will create a classroom quilt. music) (e.g., ceremonial purposes) and the use of What role did the elements of music among arts play in the cultures) Appalachian – daily lives of the dulcimer, fiddle, banjo, early Appalachian guitar settlers?
AH-04-2.2.1 Students will identify how dance has been a part of cultures and periods throughout history. DOK 2
Cultures: Traditional Appalachian
Similarities and differences in the use of dance use of elements of dance among cultures
AH-04-2.3.1 Students will identify how drama has been a part of cultures and time periods throughout history. DOK 2 Cultures: Traditional Appalachian (The use of storytelling, myths, legends, folktales in these cultures)
AH-04-2.4.1 Students will identify how visual art has been a part of cultures and time periods throughout history. DOK 2
Cultures: Traditional Appalachian
Similarities and differences in the use of art (e.g., purposes for creating art, folk art) and elements of art and principles of design among cultures (e.g., how line, color, pattern, etc. are used in artworks), media in relation to these cultures (e.g., wood, fiber)