Second 9 Weeks 6Th Grade S

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Second 9 Weeks 6Th Grade S

second 9 weeks 6th grade S.S. benchmark test

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

“The gods shook like beaten dogs, hiding in the far corners of heaven. [The goddess] Ishtar screamed and wailed: ‘The days of old have turned to stone: We have decided evil things in our assembly! Why did we decide those evil things in our assembly? Why did we decide to destroy our people? We have only just now created our beloved humans; we now destroy them in the sea!’ All the gods wept and wailed along with her. All the gods sat trembling and wept.” —Shin-eqi-unninni, Gilgamesh, Tablet 11

____ 1. What “evil thing” did the gods decide in their assembly? a. to tremble and weep c. to hide b. to destroy their people d. to turn to stone

____ 2. What words tell you that the gods were afraid? a. wept, trembled c. wailed, wept b. destroy, evil d. created, hiding

____ 3. How did the gods decide to destroy their people? a. by wailing and weeping c. in the sea b. by turning them to stone d. in the sky

____ 4. A meeting in which the gods make decisions is called a. a congress. c. the sea. b. the far corners of heaven. d. an assembly. ____ 5. Artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers made up this group. a. lower class c. business class b. middle class d. upper class ____ 6. Which tools might indicate that a society hunted animals? a. spear, bow and arrow c. scraping tools b. sharp-edged tools d. all of the above

____ 7. Which tools would be useful for catching fish? a. bone harpoon and fishhook c. bow and arrow b. bone needles d. both A and B ____ 8. The ____ rebelled against the Assyrians. a. Babylonians c. Sumerians b. Chaldeans d. Hittites

“Less than a generation back the origin of Greek civilization, and with it the sources of all great culture that has ever been, were wrapped in an impenetrable mist. . . . One man had faith, accompanied by works, and in Dr. Schliemann the science of classical antiquity found its Columbus. Armed with the spade, he brought to light from beneath the mounds of the ages a real Troy; at Tiryns and Mycenae he laid bare the palace and the tombs and treasures of Homeric Kings. A new world opened to investigation, and the discoveries of its first explorer were followed up successfully by Dr. Tsountas and others on Greek soil. The eyes of observers were opened, and the traces of this prehistoric civilization began to make their appearance far beyond the limits of Greece itself.” —Sir Arthur Evans, archaeologist, as quoted in The Discoverers

____ 9. What tool did Dr. Schliemann use to make his discoveries? a. sonar c. a spade b. satellite imaging d. a wrench

____ 10. What did Evans indicate was Dr. Schliemann’s greatest contribution? a. He opened the eyes of other observers. b. He discovered valuable treasures. c. He discovered palaces and tombs. d. He inspired Dr. Tsountas.

“They came to the mountain on the fifth day. . . . When the men in front reached the summit and caught sight of the sea there was great shouting. Xenophon and the rearguard heard it and thought that there were some more enemies attacking in the front. . . . Xenophon mounted his horse . . . and rode forward to give support, and, quite soon, they heard the soldiers shouting out, ‘The sea! The sea!’. . . . Then certainly they all began to run, the rearguard and all, and drove on the baggage animals and the horses at full speed; and when they had all got to the top, the soldiers, with tears in their eyes, embraced each other and their generals and captains.” —Xenophon, as quoted in The Discoverers

____ 11. Why did Xenophon ride forward when he heard the shouting? a. to punish those who were shouting b. to help his soldiers fight off the enemy c. he always rode in the front d. to see the sea

____ 12. How did the soldiers feel about seeing the sea? a. happy c. angry b. frightened d. sad

____ 13. What can you infer from the soldiers’ reaction to seeing the sea? a. They had never seen the sea before. b. They wanted to go swimming. c. They were getting close to home. d. They would face another battle soon.

“. . . Athenians suffered further hardship [from the plague] owing to the crowding into the city of people from the country districts; and this affected the new arrivals especially. For since no houses were available for them, and they had to live in huts that were stifling in the hot season, they perished in wild disorder. Bodies of dying men lay one upon another and half-dead people rolled about in the streets and, in their longing for water, near all the fountains. The temples, too, in which they had quartered themselves were full of the corpses of those who had died in them; for the calamity which weighed upon them was so overpowering that men, not knowing what was to become of them, became careless of all law. . . .” —Thucydides, as quoted in Eyewitness to History

____ 14. Why did people become careless of the law? a. They hated the government. b. They blamed the government for the plague. c. Those who suffered from the plague tended to be criminals. d. They didn’t know what was to become of them.

____ 15. Why did new arrivals to Athens live in huts? a. Huts were the cheapest form of housing. b. No houses were available for them. c. They preferred living in huts. d. Everyone in Athens lived in huts. ____ 16. Who became popular by giving land to landless farmers? a. Xerxes c. Peisistratus b. Solon d. Agamemnon ____ 17. Spartan men could return to their homes when they were a. 20. c. 40. b. 30. d. 60.

Herodotus’s History

Xerxes addresses the Persians: “I have found out a way whereby we may at once win glory, and likewise get possession of a land which is as large and as rich as our own . . . while at the same time we obtain satisfaction and revenge. . . . My intent is to . . . march an army through Europe against Greece, that thereby I may obtain vengeance from the Athenians from the wrongs committed by them against the Persians and against my father.” —Herodotus The Persian Wars, Book VII

____ 18. If Xerxes’ plan is successful, what will he gain? a. possession of a rich land c. glory b. satisfaction and revenge d. all of the above

“‘. . . I may and must pray to the gods that my departure hence be a fortunate one; so I offer this prayer and may it be granted.’ With these words he [Socrates] raised the cup to his lips and very cheerfully drained it. Up to that time most of us had been able to restrain our tears fairly well, but when we . . . saw that he had drunk the poison, we could do so no longer. . . . It was not for him that I wept, but for my own misfortune in being deprived of such a friend. . . . Such was the end . . . of our friend, who was, as we may say, of all of his time whom we have known, the best and wisest and most righteous man.” —Plato, as quoted in Eyewitness to History

____ 19. What did Plato feel for Socrates? a. deep hatred c. mild hatred b. deep admiration d. mild admiration

“Alexander made a reconnaissance in person of the enemy’s strength and dispositions and, despite the eagerness of most of his generals, he decided against a night attack. Instead, he retired to his tent to devise his strategy. He ordered his troops to be well fed and then to rest. Darius, on the other hand, mindful of Alexander’s unpredictable manoeuvres, ordered his army to stand to throughout the night in readiness for a surprise attack. It is certain that the alertness of one side and the fatigue of the other played at least some part in the outcome of the battle next day.” —Anthony Livesey, Great Commanders and Their Battles

____ 20. Who was most tired the next day? a. Darius’s army c. Alexander b. Alexander’s army d. Alexander’s generals ____ 21. Who thought that governments should be headed by philosopher-kings? a. Alexander the Great c. Aristophanes b. Plato d. Jason ____ 22. The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and goddesses by performing a. acrobatics. c. tragedies. b. rituals. d. dances. ____ 23. Herodotus wrote a. the Odyssey. c. the Book of the Dead. b. the History of the Persian Wars. d. Antigone.

“Throughout the city [the Jewish] people were dying of hunger in large numbers, and enduring indescribable sufferings [from the Roman siege]. . . . Gaping with hunger, like mad dogs, lawless gangs went staggering and reeling through the streets, battering upon the doors like drunkards, and so bewildered that they broke into the same house two or three times in an hour. Need drove the starving to gnaw at anything. Refuse which even animals would reject was collected and turned into food. In the end they were eating belts and shoes, and the leather stripped off their shields. Tufts of withered grass were devoured and sold in little bundles for four drachmas.” —Josephus, as quoted in Eyewitness to History

____ 24. Given the context of the passage, what can you infer about four drachmas? a. it was a lot of money b. it was a tiny amount of money c. most people could afford four drachmas d. four drachmas equaled about two dollars

“The creation of a mosaic was a complicated procedure that called for careful timing and teamwork. . . . Walls were painted with resin or tar before being covered with the first of three layers of plaster. . . . A sketch of the projected work was then made on the plaster to serve as a guide for the various artisans. The outermost layer of plaster, in which the pieces, or tesserae, of the mosaic would be set, was spread on only enough area to contain a day’s work. Some of the tesserae—small, carefully cut fragments of colored glass, marble, and semiprecious stones—were pressed into the wet plaster so that they projected at a slight angle. The stones thereby better reflected light and imbued the finished mosaic with a shimmering life of its own.” —Empires Besieged: Time Frame A.D. 200–600

____ 25. Tesserae of semiprecious stones were set into the plaster at an angle in order to a. fit into a particular space. c. reflect light better. b. create an imperfection. d. keep them from being stolen. ____ 26. How did Roman statues differ from Greek statues? a. Roman statues looked perfect. b. Roman statues were made of concrete. c. Roman statues were of animals. d. Roman statues were more realistic.

____ 27. Who was the Roman god of the underworld? a. Mars c. Vulcan b. Venus d. Pluto

____ 28. What were the Greek and Roman names for the goddess of love? a. Aphrodite and Juno c. Venus and Artemis b. Aphrodite and Venus d. Aphrodite and Diana ____ 29. The poet Horace wrote satires that a. realistically portrayed peasant life. b. expressed strong emotions. c. poked fun at human weaknesses. d. were performed in theaters. ____ 30. What happened when the last Severan emperor died? a. Julius Caesar became dictator. b. Army leaders fought for control. c. Rome enjoyed a period of peace. d. The economy prospered.

In the morning he keeps his couch; at the second hour he calls for his shoes and walks three miles, exercising mind as well as body. If he has friends with him, the time is passed in conversation on the noblest of themes, otherwise a book is read aloud. . . .Afterward he enters his carriage, taking with him either his wife—who is a pattern lady—or one of his friends. . . .After riding seven miles he walks another mile, then resumes his seat, or betakes himself to his room and his pen; for he composes, both in Latin and Greek, the most scholarly lyrics [poems]. They have a wonderful grace, wonderful sweetness and wonderful humor. . . .After his bath he lies down and waits a little while before taking food, listening in the meantime to the reading of some light and pleasant book. . . .Then dinner is served, the table being as bright as it is modest, and the silver plain and old-fashioned. —Pliny the Younger Letters, III.1: The Life of a Refined Roman Gentleman

____ 31. How many miles does this gentleman walk each day? a. three miles c. seven miles b. four miles d. one mile ____ 32. The first civilizations arose ____ because the conditions for farming were good. a. in the mountains c. in river valleys b. near the sea d. in the desert ____ 33. The Sumerians built a temple called a ____ to honor their chief god. a. scribe c. Gilgamesh b. cradle d. ziggurat ____ 34. Babylon became rich from trade because it was located on a major trade route between the Mediterranean Sea and the a. Red Sea. c. Tigris River. b. Euphrates River. d. Persian Gulf.

____ 35. Which mountain people captured Babylon in 539 B.C.? a. the Hittites c. the Chaldeans b. the Persians d. the Assyrians ____ 36. The ____ civilization was the first to arise in ancient Greece. a. Phoenician c. Mycenaean b. Dorian d. Minoan ____ 37. In what way did a boy’s life in Athens differ from a boy’s life in Sparta? a. Athenian boys went to school; Spartan boys served in the military. b. Athenian boys studied combat; Spartan boys played sports. c. Athenian boys lived in barracks; Spartan boys lived at home. d. Athenian boys became citizens at 30; Spartan boys became citizens at 18. ____ 38. What angered the subjects of the Persian Empire and caused them to rebel? a. high taxes b. the king’s sons plotting to take over the throne c. a drought d. a war ____ 39. After he compared 158 governments to find the best one, ____ wrote the book Politics. a. Plato c. Thucydides b. Aristotle d. Herodotus ____ 40. ____ is considered to be the “father of history.” a. Herodotus c. Aristotle b. Thucydides d. Plato ____ 41. A Germanic people, the ____, settled the area known today as France. a. Franks c. Celts b. Angles d. Saxons

____ 42. Based on the pattern in the chart, what would the number 30 look like? a. c.

b. d. ____ 43. Mesopotamia’s climate was a. temperate. c. hot and dry. b. always cold. d. tropical. ____ 44. Skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery are called a. priests. c. scribes. b. artisans. d. heroes. ____ 45. Who wrote a legal code that covered most areas of daily life? a. Hammurabi c. Nebuchadnezzar b. Gilgamesh d. Nineveh ____ 46. People who study and write about the human past are called a. scribes. c. astronomers. b. historians. d. nomads. ____ 47. The Sumerian writing system was called a. Sargon. c. cuneiform. b. Cyrillian. d. hieroglyphics. ____ 48. A group of traveling merchants is called a a. fleet. c. flotilla. b. gaggle. d. caravan. ____ 49. ____ study artifacts and fossils to help them understand the past. a. Astronomers c. Historiographers b. Anthropologists d. Archaeologists ____ 50. Which of these are Sumerian inventions? a. plow c. wheel b. sailboat d. all of the above ____ 51. Taming an animal or plant for use by humans is called a. enslavement. c. domestication. b. attachment. d. encampment. ____ 52. Which of the following were members of the upper class? a. kings and priests c. merchants and traders b. artisans d. scribes ____ 53. The few Sumerians who learned how to write often became ____, holding high positions in society. a. artisans c. heads of households b. scribes d. merchants ____ 54. The Babylonian king Hammurabi is best known for his a. scientific inventions. c. law code. b. mathematical ideas. d. writing skills.

____ 55. The type of leader who came to power in Greece around 600 B.C. was a. an ephor. c. a tyrant. b. a democrat. d. an oligarch. ____ 56. Sparta used ____ to control its citizens. a. the helots c. the government b. the military d. sports ____ 57. Spartan women were trained in a. cooking, cleaning, and combat. b. art, music, and poetry. c. sewing, swordplay, and trade. d. running, wrestling, and javelin throwing. second 9 weeks 6th grade S.S. benchmark test Answer Section


1. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Challenging REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.5.spi.17 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 20 2. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Challenging REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.5.spi.17 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 20 3. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.5.spi.17 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 20 4. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.5.spi.17 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 20 5. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.V.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.4.spi.5 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 20 6. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Challenging REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 11, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.D STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.5 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 11 7. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 11, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.D STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.5 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 11 8. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 28, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C STA: 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 28 9. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 118, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.D STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 118 10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 118, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 118 11. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 143, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 4. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 4, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 143 12. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 143, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 4. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 4, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 143 13. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Challenging REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 143, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 4. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 4, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 143 14. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 145, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 4. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 4, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 145 15. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 145, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 4. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 4, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 145 16. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 129, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.X.F STA: 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 129 17. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 127, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.IV.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 127 18. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 135, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 135 19. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 170, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 170 20. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 177, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.5.spi.11 | 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 177 21. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 171, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at STA: 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 171 22. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 156, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.17 NOT: 156 23. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 173, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 173 24. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 304, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 | 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 304 25. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 333, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.6 | 6.6.spi.1 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 333 26. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 303, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.B STA: 6.1.spi.1 NOT: 303 27. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 310, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.17 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 310 28. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 310, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.17 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 310 29. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 304, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 304 30. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 318, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C | NCSS.VI.D STA: 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 318 31. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 306, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 9, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 9, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 306 32. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 17, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.III.I STA: 6.1.spi.6 | 6.2.spi.4 | 6.5.spi.2 | 6.5.spi.12 NOT: 17 33. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 19, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.III.G STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 19 34. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 28, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.III.I STA: 6.2.spi.2 | 6.2.spi.4 NOT: 28 35. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 30, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C STA: 6.5.spi.6 | 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 30 36. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 118, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 118 37. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Challenging REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, pages 126 and 128, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.IV.C | NCSS.IV.E STA: 6.1.spi.1 NOT: 126, 128 38. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 137, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.B STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 NOT: 137 39. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 171, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.4.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 171 40. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 173, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 5, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.A | NCSS.I.C STA: 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 173 41. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 514, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 15, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 15, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C STA: 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 514 42. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.1.spi.7 | 6.5.spi.4 | 6.5.spi.5 | 6.5.spi.10 MSC: Document Based Question NOT: 20 43. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 18, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at STA: 6.1.spi.6 NOT: 18 44. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.V.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 20 45. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 23, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.4.spi.3 | 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 23 46. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 9, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.D STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.1.spi.2 NOT: 9 47. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.1.spi.7 | 6.5.spi.4 | 6.5.spi.5 | 6.5.spi.10 NOT: 20 48. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 30, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.1.spi.8 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 30 49. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 8, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.D STA: 6.1.spi.2 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 8 50. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 21, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C | NCSS.III.H STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.5 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 21 51. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 13, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.III.H STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.2.spi.3 NOT: 13 52. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.V.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.4.spi.5 NOT: 20 53. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.I.C | NCSS.V.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.4 | 6.5.spi.5 | 6.5.spi.10 | 6.5.spi.11 | 6.5.spi.12 | 6.6.spi.1 NOT: 20 54. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 23, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.X.F STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.4.spi.3 | 6.6.spi.2 NOT: 23 55. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 126, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.II.C | NCSS.VI.B STA: 6.5.spi.11 NOT: 126 56. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 126, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.V.D | NCSS.VI.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.12 NOT: 126 57. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Average REF: Learn more about this question in Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, page 127, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 4, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at NAT: NCSS.V.A STA: 6.1.spi.1 | 6.5.spi.11 NOT: 127

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