Beginning/Intermediate Dance

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Beginning/Intermediate Dance

Beginning/Intermediate Dance Classroom Guidelines and Expectations Spring 2016: Mrs. South

A. Participation and dress requirements for dance class: (35% of grade) 1. Every student is expected to dress out properly and participate daily. 2. If you do not dress out properly, you will still participate. 3. Each day of dance class has 8 dress out/participation points which can be earned by:

Dressing out

Top Non-revealing (not low cut) dance top/leotard to the waist. This should be form fitting so that in case we have movement, such as bending over or going upside down, that the shirt will not fly up. Beginning dance may wear a non form-fitting shirt over their form-fitting top if they choose.

Bottom Jazz pants, leggings, gauchos, Bermuda shorts, or bike shorts (mid-thigh or longer)

Hair Needs to be in ponytail/bun/braid with bangs pulled back in bobby pins for the ENTIRE CLASS.

Your Choice Points you will earn Dress out, hair back (the entire time) and Earn ALL 8 Points participate Dress out, but hair NOT all back NO Points Do not dress out, but participate in NO Points school clothes Do not dress out OR participate in class NO Points Have an injury (the severity of the injury determines the need to dress out and partially participate; see your teacher Earn ALL 8 Points if… before class if you have an injury) The *You bring a note from home about only way you will be permitted to sit illness or injury to make-up points. out during class is if you have an *During class you will need to fill out injury AND a note from a parent. If an injury makeup form the injury is longer than a week, then a Dr.’s note is needed.

We follow PE no dress procedures for dance. Besides losing their points, the first time a student does not completely dress out for any quarter, it is a warning. The second time there is a contact home to parents. The third and beyond it is a referral to the office.

1 Items Acceptable Dress for Dance Class Items NOT Acceptable for Dance Class Dance shoes only Socks (because you may slip) or street shoes Leotard/leotard top (camisole) that Baggy Sweatpants or jeans, Boxer Shorts, completely covers your midsection when baggy athletic shorts, sheer leggings (triple your body is inverted (upside-down). check!!!), or sophies Spandex bike shorts (mid-thigh or longer), Sports bras (unless under leotard), crop tops, Bermuda cotton shorts, leggings, or dance or loose-fitting tops pants that are cut at the ankle bones T-Shirts over dance clothes Jewelry (unless they are small earrings) Hair is pulled back in a ponytail/bun/ braid Pants that cover the feet, socks, or street shoes off of your face, bangs secured with bobby (you can slip and hurt yourself/others) pins Bottled water with name and cap only Gum, food, or drinks other than bottled water Please note that if a student has items on that are NON acceptable, they will not receive their points for the day. (This includes chewing gum and bringing in non water beverages.)

An additional 2 points will be added to your participation by having your DANCE BINDER and a WRITING UTENSIL.

Daily, you will have a total of 10 points.

B. Absences You Miss a Day of Dance Class Excused Unexcused Parents must call within 24 hours of the absence at 812-7703. For field trip, your Parent/Guardian did not call in your absence names must appear on the field trip within 24 hours of the absence. excuse list. Get make-up assignments from Mrs. South’s. These can be found under If your absence is not excused, you cannot make “makeup work” and the instructions are up missed participation points. listed there. Turn in all make-up work within a week If a student has exceeded 2 unexcused absences, of the day you were absent to receive the parent/guardian will be contacted. full credit (10 points earned per day)

C. Tardies You are tardy to dance class Excused Unexcused Tardy: not in your designated roll call line 5 Must have a pass from a teacher or minutes after the last bell has rung... attendance office Only half points can be earned for the day.

2 D. Lockers/Locks: All students need to bring a COMBINATION lock and will be given a locker to place their belongings in; they may not bring them into the dance room. Chandler High School is not responsible for any items that are left out of the lockers.

E. Dance Notebook: Notebooks will be checked and graded for points. Only notebooks/pages that are done correctly will receive points.

 Brought with you every day to class  Only Used for Dance Work  A 3-ring binder, not just a folder/divider with pockets  Contains blank notebook paper for assignments and notes  Pencil or Pen for each day (remember to bring 2)  A 3-ring pencil holder or bag that attaches to the notebook  On the cover of the notebook include:  First and last name  All pages of the notebook must include:  Highlighted numbers in upper right hand corner

F. Parent/Guardian Signed Grade Checks (5% of total grade) Students need to print out their grade from a computer for dance class and have their parents sign and date it. Grades are found on Infinite Campus. Those who are having problems signing on must go see the school media center for help. *Must be printed within 5 days prior to the due dates. *All Grade Checks are due on the following Fridays at the beginning of class:

January 29th February 26th April 8th May 6th

G. Intermediate/Beginning Dance Concert:

BEGINNING DANCE STUDENTS Performing in the dance concert is an option at the beginning level. All beginning students who are interested in performing will be placed in groups with others who wish to perform. The dances will be worked on during class so you will be grouped with others from the same dance class. Those who wish not to perform will complete a dance and be responsible for all of the same in-class requirements. Students participating in the concert will not have to do a choreography assignment that other students who are not in the concert have to complete. Students and parents will fill out a dance concert contract if participating.

INTERMEDIATE DANCE STUDENTS Performing in the concert is MANDATORY and will count as 50% of your participation grade. Both dress rehearsals and performances must be attended completely. If a student fails to attend either dress rehearsal they will NOT be allowed to perform and will lose their grade. The grade cannot be made up. Please check the dress rehearsal/performance dates/times and tell Ms. South if there’s a conflict no later than January 8th if there are issues.

3 DRESS Rehearsals Date/Time:

Monday, May 2nd 2:30-5:00

1. Be at the back door (faces west) of the Chandler Center for the Arts right after school and wait to be let in. 2. Have a ride ready at 5:00 at the same doors.

CONCERT Dates/Times

Tuesday, May 3rd 5:30-8:30 Wednesday, May 4th: 5:30-8:30 Thursday, May 5th: 5:30-8:30

 5:30: Call Time (the time you must be there.) If you are not there on time, you will be pulled from the performance. a. Be at the back door (faces west) of the Chandler Center for the Arts and wait to be let in  7:00: Performance  8:00-8:30: Clean up  8:15-8:30: Have a ride ready at the back doors (faces west) of the Center for the Arts.

Tickets Tickets go on sale the evening of each performance 30 minutes prior to the concert in the Foyer of the Chandler Center for the Arts. Tickets are $5.00. Children 10 and under are free.

H. Requirements for All Students Performing in Concert: MANDATORY 1. A skin colored LEOTARD camisole ITEMS THAT MAY BE NEEDED DEPENDING ON THE DANCE 1. Nude, footless tights or nylons: They are needed if you are a wearing a dress or a costume where your knees show. 2. Black jazz pants: These are needed if you’re in finale (intermediate dance class) or if your group chooses only a top and needs bottoms 3. Black leggings: These may be needed if you’re group chooses only a top and needs some sort of bottoms I. Concert Critique You are required to see another dance concert THIS SEMESTER (not your own performance) at a high school, college, studio, or professional level. You will then fill out the critique form (which is attached to the course guidelines), attach a program or ticket stub and turn it in.  Show must be from this semester  Is due by April 29th

I. Dance Letter a. 200 hours

4 b. Teacher Signature within a week of completed work c. Dance Club, Performances, Committee Work, and helping with anything dance related outside of class time

J. Student Expectations 1. If you become injured during class, rehearsal, performance, or dance field trip, you are expected to remain in that position until a student or witness notifies the teacher. 2. Have a positive attitude and an open-mind. 3. Have and show respect for your fellow students and teachers. 4. Participate the entire class time and give your best effort. 5. Complete assignments on time, no late work is accepted. 6. Do all make-up work, including showings and tests, during Buren’s/South’s posted office hours. They will NOT be done during class time. 7. Maintain responsibility for yourself and your grade, there is no extra credit.

K. Modazz Auditions Informational meeting Tuesday, April 19th: 2:30-3:00 CCA Dance Room Auditions Wednesday, April 27th: 2:30-4:00 Thursday, April 28th: 2:30- no later than 6:00

L. Dance Banquet Thursday, May 12th. Tickets will be pro-sold. More info will come later in the semester.

M. Cell Phones Cell phones either need to be locked up in a student’s locker OR they may bring it into class and it will be kept in a separate area of the room in a bin. There may be times when cell phones are used in class for various assignments. Those times will be announced in class. If students have a phone out for any purpose during class when it has not been approved, the cell phone may be taken away. Parents may come to the main office at the end of the school day to collect the phone.

N. Office Hours If you need to see Mrs. South, her scheduled office hours are at the following times:

TUESDAY/THURSDAY: 2:15-3:15 EVERY DAY at LUNCH: 11:45-12:15

Because of dance club and other school activities that may take place in the gym, Mrs. South may be in the Chandler Center for the Arts for office hours (instead of the foyer). Please always check ahead of time if you are planning on coming in so that you and Mrs. South can make sure you are going to the correct location and Mrs. South can bring any materials needed.

O. Grade Breakdown Final Exam Exemption Policy All students will take Final Exams. The exam is worth 20% of your total semester grade.

The semester is divided into three separate parts:

5 First Quarter: 40% Second Quarter: 40% Final Exam: 20%

First/Second Quarter-40% of Semester Grade has the following break down: a) Attendance/Participation/Dressing Out- 35% b) Showings- 20% c) Written Tests- 20% d) Written Assignments- 15% e) Parent/Guardian Signed Grade Checks-5% f) Peer Critique 5% (1st quarter) and Concert Critique (2nd quarter)

P. Late work You may turn in 1 late assignment a semester and it can only be 1 day late. All other late work will not be accepted. (Work done while you were absent is not considered “late” work.)

Q. Using online Most every handout given in class is available online. If a student loses a handout, they must use the website to print out another one. Exceptions will be made if the handout is not available on the website.

R. Remind 101 Students and Parents can sign up for Remind 101 text messages:

Beginning: Send a text message to: 81010 Under the message section type: @begdance15

Intermediate: Send a text message to: 81010 Under the message section type: @dancer2015

6 All critiques are due by April 29

Name ______Date ______Period______

Dance Critique Assignment

Directions: You are required to attend one professional, university, junior college, or high school dance performance. After you see the performance you have ONE week to complete this form, ATTACH THE TICKET and turn it in to your dance teacher.

3 Complete Sentences per answer

Name (or title) of performance______Place (location of performance) ______School or company performing ______Date of performance ______Time ______Cost ______

Please answer the following reflection questions after you have seen the dance performance:

1.) In your opinion, was the concert successful? Explain.


2.) What can you apply and use in your own performance in a concert?


3.) Describe the etiquette of the performers before and after the concert.



4.) Describe the overall type of music used. Was there a type that was overused? Why or why not?


5.) Describe the overall type of dance movements incorporated in the choreography. Was there any type that was overused? Why or why not?


6.) Please give two examples of different formations that you saw:

7.) Describe the last piece of the concert. Why do you think it was placed last?


8 Dear parent/guardian,

In order to maintain an understanding of what is expected of your child in this class, we have read the attached pages in class and ask that you also read them. (Please pay close attention to the dates surrounding the concert rehearsals and performances, as they are required for your child to participate in the concerts.)

It is essential for both the student and the parent/guardian to be aware of what is expected of the student in this class, so we can work together to provide a respectful environment where learning can occur for all students.

Please accept this invitation to contact us at anytime! We encourage parent communication and ask that you contact your student’s teacher if you have questions or concerns. Our contact information is below.

We are looking forward to a productive school year!!

______Kathie Buren Marie South 480-812-7989 480-812-7889 [email protected] [email protected]

Register to receive updates from Mrs. Buren's and Mrs. South’s websites!

Who: Parents and students How: Log onto the CUSD website and go to the upper right hand corner of screen and find "register" follow instructions from there. Note: You will need to register with each of your child’s teachers.

Use the website to: Check due dates on the calendar Find valuable information View current pictures of our dance concerts

9 This signature form is due back to your dance teacher on: Friday, January 8th (20pts in the assignment category)

Signing below states that you have read and understand the requirements and guidelines for this class. Your child will receive 20 points for turning this form in on time.

______Parent/guardian name PRINTED Parent/guardian’s Signature Date

______Student name PRINTED Student Signature Date

Additional Parent/guardian information:

Phone Numbers: a. Cell: ______

b. Home: ______

c. Work: ______

Preferred E-mail address:


We understand the amount of information you are receiving at this time may be overwhelming. Please feel free to leave any questions/concerns in the space provided below:









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