Frettenham - 42 Buxton Road - 20060180 - 29 March 2006

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Frettenham - 42 Buxton Road - 20060180 - 29 March 2006

Planning Committee


PARISH Frettenham


APPLICATION NO: 20060180 TG REF: 623993 317705

LOCATION OF SITE 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham


APPLICANT Mr and Mrs Fagg, 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham, Norwich, NR12 7NJ


Date Received: 6 February 2006 8 Week Expiry Date: 3 April 2006


1.1 The application seeks planning permission for a dwelling on land that forms part of the existing garden on the northern side of 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham.

1.2 The application as originally submitted was for outline permission. Floor plans were subsequently submitted to convert the application from an outline to a full planning application. The current application includes the building’s external appearance, means of access, siting, landscaping and design.

1.3 The proposal is for a three bedroom dwelling in a similar style of chalet bungalow as No.40 and 42 with a gable fronted design. The proposed materials would be of a similar nature to the neighbouring properties.

1.4 The proposed access is near the northwest corner of the site onto Buxton Road.


1.1 Frettenham Parish Council:

Comments that the entrance should be between the new dwelling and the existing No.42 as it is felt that this will be a safer entrance along this particular part of Buxton Road, which has problems with speeding.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

1.2 Highway Authority:

Requests following amendments:

Either: Move the access to the opposite end of the plot to a point where a visibility splay of 90m can be achieved looking in both directions from a 2m setback. This would be at the point where the telegraph pole is currently located and it may need to be re-located as part of this proposal.

Or: Remove means of access from this application and ask the applicant to contact John Shaw direct to resolve this point as a reserved matter.

1.3 Building Control Manager:

No adverse comments.

1.4 Policy Unit:

• No local housing needs survey has been carried out in Frettenham but there will be a need for affordable housing for local people. Preference would be for a 2/3 bedroom bungalow to meet the housing need for local families.

• There are two potential exception sites in Frettenham and the proposed site is not one of these sites.

• A Housing Association have indicated that they would not be interested in being involved in managing a property such as the one proposed by this application.

• An alternative option is for the owner to manage the property and rent it at local reference rents. This would place the onus on the Local Authority to monitor the lettings and ensure that the property remained affordable in perpetuity. Other examples of this situation have been as part of bigger developments including open market sale, therefore it may not work financially for the owners in this case.

• A further option would be for the owners to sell the property at a discount of open market value (80% or more). The Local Authority would need to monitor the re-sales to ensure that the property remains affordable in perpetuity. There would need to be an agreement with the owners to ensure that an independent valuation is carried out every time the property is sold and the Local Authority would need to have nomination rights to this property. It is unclear how this could be monitored effectively unless an agreement was signed between the owner and the Local Authority.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee


1.5 Site notice:

Expiry date 15 February 2006.

1.6 Advertisement:

Expiry date 14 March 2006

1.7 Neighbour notification:

The Willows, Frettenham Road. 40 and 44 Buxton Road.

Expiry date 9 March 2006


1.8 Jackie and John Pollitt, The Old House, 44 Buxton Road, Frettenham.

Object for the following reasons:

• The development is outside the settlement zone and it is not an agricultural proposal. It would set a precedent which would affect the rural nature of the village.

• The development would not enhance the rural nature of this part of the village as the majority of the properties are old and attractive and in keeping with the rural environment, which is one of the few unspoilt areas in the village.

• The new dwelling would be too close to 44 Buxton Road with overlooking windows and doors which would impinge on privacy. The plot size is not in keeping with others in the area and would result in a linear ‘estate’.

• The proposed access is too close to the access at 44 Buxton Road and would increase the risk of accidents on a dangerous piece of road due to a dangerous bend and excessive speed.

• The proposal would not enhance home security as suggested in the applicants’ application.

• The local school will have a reduced annual intake of children and the annual quota has already been filled for the next two years.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

1.9 Gerald Round, 46 Buxton Road, Frettenham

Object as the development is outside of the settlement zone and is not agricultural in nature. It would set a precedent for infill development which would be at the expense of the rural nature of the village. The development would not enhance the rural nature of this location, which is one of the few unspoilt areas of the village.

1.10 B R Tyrell, 2 Cedar Cottages, Church Road, Frettenham

The proposed site is out of the village development building line. Although the speed limit has been restricted to 30 mph, traffic consistently passes well in excess of this limit at this location and is a safety issue. It is very close to the blind bend and the crossroad. If approved, recommend implementing a traffic calming system.


1.11 PPS 1 – Delivering Sustainable Development:

Sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system.

5.2 PPS7 – Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

Sets out the Government’s policy in rural area including country towns and villages and the wider, largely undeveloped countryside up to the fringes of large urban areas.

Broadland District Local Plan (adopted 2000)

The site is located outside the defined development boundary.

5.3 Policy GS1:

Outside of the development boundaries, development proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the Plan.

5.4 Policy GS3:

Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature conservation, agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

5.5 Policy ENV1:

Seeks to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the countryside, for its own sake and as the landscape setting of villages and other urban areas.

5.6 Policy ENV2:

For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout, energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking into account the existing character of the surroundings.

5.7 Policy HOU5:

Outside of the development boundaries, planning permission for new residential development will not normally be given. However, permission may be given for dwellings connected with agriculture, forestry, organised recreation or tourist facilities or the expansion of existing institutions, subject to criteria.

5.8 Policy HOU18:

In exceptional cases, the District Council may be prepared to permit development for affordable housing on land which would not normally be considered as suitable for housing in the local plan, provided it can be demonstrated to meet specified criteria.

5.9 Policy TRA4:

Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. In appropriate cases, a traffic impact study will be required.

Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit Version (incorporating proposed modifications)

The site is located outside of the defined settlement limit

5.10 Policy (RD)GS1

Outside of the settlement limits new developments will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the plan, or in the case of villages with a defined settlement limit, a parish plan has been prepared and adopted as supplementary planning guidance in accordance with this policy.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

5.11 Policy (RD)GS4:

Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature conservation, agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services.

5.12 Policy (RD)ENV1:

The environmental assets of the district, including the character and appearance of the countryside and towns, villages and urban areas, will be protected and their enhancement sought.

5.13 Policy (RD)ENV2:

For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout, energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking into account the existing character of the surroundings.

5.14 Policy (RD)HOU6:

Outside the settlement limits planning permission for new residential development will not be permitted. Planning permission will be given for dwellings connected with agriculture, forestry etc., subject to criteria.

5.15 Policy (RD)HOU17:

In exceptional cases, development for affordable housing will be permitted on land which would not normally be considered as suitable for housing in the local plan, provided it can be demonstrated to meet specified criteria.

5.16 Policy (RD)TRA11:

Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network.


6.1 The site is approximately 450m northwest of the development boundary of Frettenham and is characterised by open countryside with some buildings scattered at low density along Buxton Road and Church Road.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

6.2 42 Buxton Road is one of four dwellings on Buxton Road and is positioned centrally within its residential curtilage which extends 90m along Buxton Road. The site forms part of the northwest section of this residential curtilage between 42 and 44 Buxton Road.

6.3 The site is level and lawned but set higher than the road with a hedge along the boundary. There is a close boarded fence which is approximately 1.8m high on the northwest boundary, separating the site from 44 Buxton Road. The northeast boundary has a large hedge and several small trees which separates the site from a large field to the rear of the dwellings along Buxton Road. On the opposite side of the road to the site, The Willows is to the northwest and a field is to the southwest although screened from the site by a hedge and trees.

6.4 42 Buxton Road is a large red brick chalet bungalow with a red tiled hipped roof and three gables facing the road. 40 Buxton Road is a similar style dwelling and 44 Buxton Road is a two storey red brick dwelling with a hipped roof.


7.1 20021668 (1) Side extension including dormers in roof (2) Flat roof rear extension. Approved February 2003.


8.1 The main issue to be taken into account in the determination of this application is an assessment of the proposal against Local Plan policies.

8.2 The site lies outside of the Development Boundary in the Broadland District Local Plan and the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications), where new development proposals are generally resisted.

8.3 The area is characterised by open countryside with some buildings scattered at low density along Buxton Road and Church Road. If the proposal is granted, it will erode the character of the locality and set an unwelcome precedent for further infill development. This would have a significant detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the area and would be contrary to the objectives of the Local Plan.

8.4 The Ward Member stated that the property may be made available for affordable housing and the applicants have stated in their application that this would be acceptable. The applicants have subsequently been contacted to clarify whether they would be willing to agree to this should the proposal be approved. A response is yet to be received.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee

8.5 The Council’s Policy Unit has stated that affordable housing would be acceptable in this location in the form of a two or three bedroom bungalow. However, this site does not fulfil the criteria required by Policies HOU18 and (RD)HOU17 to permit development for affordable housing on land which would not normally be considered as suitable for housing in the Local Plan. In particular, these policies require that (i) the development can be demonstrated to meet a local need which cannot be accommodated in any other way and that the need arises in that particular locality (ii) the site is in or adjoining a development boundary (iii) the development is of a scale which respects the level of need identified for the settlement and (iv) the scheme is capable of proper management.

8.6 At a distance of 450m, the site is not adjacent to the development boundary. As there has not been a Housing Needs Survey in Frettenham, the need has not been identified in this area and there are two other proposed exception sites in Frettenham that may be able to accommodate local need. Furthermore, there are issues regarding the management and financial feasibility of a single unit. This demonstrates that the site does not fulfil the policy criteria to be considered for affordable housing.

8.7 It is noted that local residents have raised concerns regarding highway safety. However, provided that the access arrangements are amended in accordance with the Highway Authority’s recommendation, it is considered that there would be no threat to highway safety.

8.8 As the residents at 44 Buxton Road have objected to the potential effect on their privacy, the applicants have submitted amended plans to obscure glaze the northwest facing dormer window. Therefore it is considered that there would not be a significant effect on the privacy of the neighbour as there would be no overlooking windows at first floor level.

8.9 The application is reported to Committee at the request of the Ward Member.

RECOMMENDATION: REFUSE for the following reasons

This application has been considered against the Development Plan for the area, this being the Norfolk Structure Plan and the Broadland District Local Plan. The policies particularly relevant to the determination of this application are GS1, GS3, ENV1, ENV2, HOU5, and TRA4. Some weight has also been attributed to (RD)GS1, (RD)GS4, (RD)ENV1, (RD)ENV2, (RD)HOU6, and (RD)TRA11 of the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications).

Policies GS1, (RD)GS1, HOU5 and (RD)HOU6 do not allow new development outside of the development boundary unless they comply with a specific allocation or policy of the plan or are connected with certain uses. Policies ENV1 and (RD)ENV1 seek to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the countryside. Policies GS3, ENV2, (RD)GS4 and (RD)ENV2 do not permit development where it 20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006 Planning Committee would lead to development out of character and scale with its surroundings or where there would be unacceptable effects upon the character and appearance of the area.

The site lies outside of the development boundary for Frettenham in the Broadland District Local Plan and the Broadland District Local Plan Revised Deposit (including proposed modifications) and no satisfactory justification has been submitted in support of the proposed dwelling. Therefore the principle of residential development is contrary to Policies GS1, (RD)GS1, ENV1, (RD)ENV1, HOU5, and (RD)HOU6 and if permitted would lead to a significant intrusion into the countryside, which would detract from the locality. In addition, the proposal will set an unwelcome precedent for further infill development which will have a significant detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area and would be contrary to the objectives of the Local Plan.

The proposed development is not in accordance with the policies of the development plan and therefore represents an unacceptable form of development.

20060180 : 42 Buxton Road, Frettenham 29 March 2006

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