Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514

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Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514

Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514 Core Latin Language - Additional Latin Language

Headword Further details Meaning

Stage1 filius filii, m. son hortus horti, m. garden in + acc (also used as prefix with verbs) into, onto in + abl (also used as prefix with verbs) in, on laboro laborare, laboravi work mater matris, f. mother pater patris, m. father sedeo sedere, sedi sit servus servi, m. slave sum esse, fui be via viae, f. street, road, way

Stage 2 amicus amici, m. friend ancilla ancillae, f. slave-girl, maid cena cenae, f. dinner, meal cibus cibi, m. food dominus domini, m. master dormio dormire, dormivi sleep intro intrare, intravi enter laetus laeta, laetum happy laudo laudare, laudavi praise quoque indecl. also, too saluto salutare, salutavi greet

Stage 3 ad + acc (also used as prefix with verbs) to, towards, at clamo clamare, clamavi shout et indecl. and exspecto exspectare, exspectavi wait for ianua ianuae, f. door iratus irata, iratum angry magnus magna, magnum big, large, great non indecl. not porto portare, portavi carry respondeo respondere, respondi reply rideo ridere, risi laugh, smile taberna tabernae, f. shop, inn video videre, vidi see

1 Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514 Core Latin Language - Additional Latin Language

Stage 4 cur? indecl. why? e, ex + abl (also used as prefix with verbs) from, out of ego me (acc.), mihi (dat.) I, me habeo habere, habui have inquit say, said pecunia pecuniae, f. money perterritus perterrita, perterritum terrified quaero quaerere, quaesivi search for, look for, ask quis? quid? who? what? reddo reddere, reddidi give back, restore sed indecl. but tu te (acc.), tibi (dat.) you (singular) voco vocare, vocavi call

Stage 5 ambulo ambulare, ambulavi walk audio audire, audivi hear, listen to curro currere, cucurri run femina feminae, f. woman hodie indecl. today iuvenis iuvenis (m.) young; young man meus mea, meum my multus multa, multum much, many peto petere, petivi make for, attack, seek, beg, ask for puella puellae, f. girl senex senis (m.) old; old man specto spectare, spectavi look at, watch sto stare, steti stand ubi indecl. where, when, where? urbs urbis, f. city venio venire, veni come

Stage 6 festino festinare, festinavi hurry fortis forte brave olim indecl. once, some time ago parvus parva, parvum small per + acc through, along postquam indecl. after, when quod indecl. because scribo scribere, scripsi write subito indecl. suddenly supero superare, superavi overcome, overpower tum indecl. then

2 Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514 Core Latin Language - Additional Latin Language

Stage 7 conspicio conspicere, conspexi catch sight of, notice cum + abl (as prefix con-) with facio facere, feci make, do heri indecl. yesterday ingens ingentis huge intellego intellegere, intellexi understand, realise narro narrare, narravi tell, relate neco necare, necavi kill nihil indecl. nothing omnis omne all, every paro parare, paravi prepare prope + acc near rogo rogare, rogavi ask, ask for tamen indecl. however terreo terrere, terrui frighten

Stage 8 consumo consumere, consumpsi eat duco ducere, duxi lead, take eam eas (pl.) her, them eum eos (pl.) him, them ferox ferocis fierce, ferocious hic haec, hoc this porta portae, f. gate puer pueri, m. boy pugno pugnare, pugnavi fight saepe indecl. often statim indecl. at once, immediately

Stage 9 celer celere quick, fast do dare, dedi give fero ferre, tuli bring, carry homo hominis, m. man, human being ille illa, illud that, he, she, it maneo manere, mansi remain, stay medius media, medium middle, middle of mox indecl. soon pulcher pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, handsome trado tradere, tradidi hand over

Stage 10 accipio accipere, accepi accept, take in, receive habito habitare, habitavi live nos nos (acc.), nobis (dat.) we, us quam indecl. than, how … ? how … ! semper indecl. always solus sola, solum alone, lonely, only, on one's own taceo tacere, tacui be silent, be quiet uxor uxoris, f. wife vos vos (acc.), vobis (dat.) you (plural)

3 Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514 Core Latin Language - Additional Latin Language

Stage 11 capio capere, cepi take, catch, capture civis civis, m.f. citizen credo credere, credidi + dat believe, trust, have faith in de + abl (also used as prefix with verbs) from, down from; about eo ire, i(v)i go lego legere, legi read, choose minime indecl. very little, least, no noster nostra, nostrum our nunc indecl. now primus prima, primum first stultus stulta, stultum stupid, foolish vir viri, m. man

Stage 12 epistula epistulae, f. letter fugio fugere, fugi run away, flee iam indecl. now, already mitto mittere, misi send tandem indecl. at last, finally terra terrae, f. ground, land timeo timere, timui fear, be afraid unus una, unum one duo duae, duo two tres tria three

Stage 13 advenio advenire, adveni arrive dico dicere, dixi say nolo nolle, nolui not want, refuse novus nova, novum new nullus nulla, nullum not any, no possum posse, potui can, be able traho trahere, traxi drag, draw, pull volo velle, volui want

Stage 14 deus dei, m. god difficilis difficile difficult domina dominae, f. mistress donum doni, n. gift, present maritus mariti, m. husband num ... ? indecl. surely not? quamquam indecl. although -que indecl. and

4 Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 1 Latin Units 9511 and 9514 Core Latin Language - Additional Latin Language

Stage 15 alius alia, aliud other, another, else aqua aquae, f. water debeo debere, debui owe, ought, should, must etiam indecl. also, even lente indecl. slowly qui quae, quod who, which redeo redire, redii go back, come back, return teneo tenere, tenui hold

Stage 16 bonus bona, bonum good deinde indecl. then inter + acc among, between nonne? indecl. surely? pono ponere, posui put, place, put up simulac, simulatque as soon as verto vertere, verti turn

Stage 17 appropinquo appropinquare, appropinquavi approach, come near to bene indecl. well facilis facile easy itaque indecl. and so, therefore numquam indecl. never pauci paucae, pauca few, a few

Stage 18 caput capitis, n. head dea deae, f. goddess discedo discedere, discessi depart, leave nam indecl. for pars partis, f. part

Stage 19 amo amare, amavi love, like filia filiae, f. daughter iter itineris, n. journey, route, way vivo vivere, vixi live, be alive vox vocis, f. voice, shout

Stage 20 crudelis crudele cruel domus domus, f. home libero liberare, liberavi free, set free mors mortis, f. death quattuor indecl. four quinque indecl. five sex indecl. six septem indecl. seven octo indecl. eight novem indecl. nine decem indecl. ten


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