Taking Sides - Chapter 2 Lesson Plan s1
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North Dorchester Middle School Standard Lesson Plan Format During Reading Taking Sides: Chapter 5/6
Name: Cook School: North Dorchester MS Date: Subject: Language Arts Grade: 6th Certification: Time: Unannounced: # of Students:
SC Objective with 1.E.3.a-j Use strategies to make meaning from text (during reading) Assessment Limits Lesson Objective: SWBAT use active reading strategies (predicting and making inference) in order to better understand chapters 5/6 of Taking Sides. Formative Constant questioning by instructor. Assessment: Warm-Up: Chapter 6; page 32 How could he lift a TV onto his shoulder and saunter, whistling, out of a house in broad daylight? He probably picked it up for a couple of dollars at a yard sale. AM Saunter means ______. a. walk b. run c. skip d. sprint Answer – a. walk
Chapter 6; page 33 He relished the thought that he and Vicky were reading the same geography book. PM Relish means ______. a. feared b. enjoyed c. panicked d. believed Answer – b. enjoyed Explicit Instruction: 1-warm-up 2-review objective 3-Summarize previous chapters using Plot Diagram 4-Begin reading chapter 5 of Taking Sides 4-Set in chunks, read aloud, check predictions, purpose for reading 5-Teacher Model opening chunk of text using the question and prediction strategies; turn-and-talk 6-Gradual Release of Reading 7-Independent Reading Purpose – Read to find out what Lincoln’s friend, Tony is like. Direct Instruction – “I Do” MODEL 1st Portion of Text: I will read the story aloud to the students, in order to capture the setting and mood in the short story. Periodically I will stop to summarize the events of the story discuss and clarify the information. Students will follow along and participate in the discussion. (Page 23 – middle of Page 24 “...cigarettes glowed”) Inference – What is Lincoln’s old neighborhood like? Prediction – Make a prediction on why Tony wanted Lincoln to hurry back down to the Mission District. Purpose – I will read to find out what Lincoln and Tony does today. Guided Practice – 2nd Portion of Text: “We Do” Page 24 “Lincoln stepped back…”– end of Page 25 Critical Thinking – In what way is Tony’s family different than Lincoln’s? Question – I wonder why ______. Visualize – What do you imagine? Purpose – I will read to find out (let students create their own purpose). 3rd Portion of Text: Page 26 – rest of Page 27 (end of chapter). Inference – What type of friend is Tony? Prediction – Make a prediction for chapter 6. Purpose – Read to find out what Tony and Lincoln have a conflict about.
Beginning Chapter 6 4th Portion of Text: Page 28 – middle of Page 29 (…she rounded the corner.”) Critical Thinking – Why is Lincoln unsure about confronting the guy about his television? Prediction – Make a prediction on what Lincoln will do. Purpose – Read to find out (let students determine their own purpose).
5th Portion of Text: Rest of Page 29 – bottom of Page 30 Inference – Make an inference on the realization Lincoln is making in his mind on Page 30, Paragraph 9 (Lincoln really didn’t care … by a motorcycle.) Prediction – Make a prediction on whether the store owner will believe Lincoln and Tony wanting forks. Purpose – Read to find out (let students determine their own purpose). You DO 6th Portion of Text: Page 31 – middle of Page 32 (…with white people.”) Inference – Make an inference on how Tony is feeling towards Lincoln. Prediction – Make a prediction on Lincoln and Tony’s friendship Purpose – Read to find out (let students determine their own purpose).
7th Portion of Text: Middle of Page 32 (Lincoln wanted to…” –end of Page 33 Inference – Make an inference on Tony’s feelings towards Franklin. Prediction – Make a prediction on the happenings in chapter 7
Summary/Closure: Today you have finished Chapters 5/6 of Taking Sides. - You found out Lincoln and Tony Differentiated HIGHLY ABLE: Instruction: - Students will independently fill in Study Guide as they are reading. . After reading: Discuss Chapter 5/6 and write a summary of both chapters. Give chapters 5/6 a title which ties in with the reading. STRUGGLING LEARNERS: - Individual assistance as appropriate (this may be accomplished by sitting by students/helping one-on-one with reading and writing) - Repeating/restating directions - Small group/buddy/pairs - Modified directions