ENGL 101 - Composition Final Presentation Group Rubric (90 Pts.) Group______

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ENGL 101 - Composition Final Presentation Group Rubric (90 Pts.) Group______

Name______Points 1

ENGL 101 - Composition Final Presentation Group Rubric (90 pts.) Group______For your final presentation, you will be graded both as a group and as an individual. Additionally, you will grade all members of your group including yourself. Below is the rubric for your group grade. On the back is the rubric for your individual grade.

Possible point value 11-15 points 8-10 points 4-7 points 0-3 points All members of the group All members share, but Most members share, but Only one or two members Performing as a group share equally in the some have noticeably a few seem to carry most carry the presentation presentation. smaller/larger parts. of the load. while the others watch. The information is clearly The information is The information is The information is not Information is relevant to connected to the connected to the somewhat connected to clearly connected to the the topic of sustainability presentation topic. (The presentation topic, but the presentation topic, presentation topic, and presentation is focused & the audience must infer but the audience must the audience must work organized) some of the connection. infer much of the hard to find the (The presentation is connection. (The connection. (The mostly focused & presentation is only presentation is neither organized) somewhat focused & focused nor organized). organized) Uses at least 7-9 quality Most sources (at least 5-6) Only 3-4 sources are of Two or fewer sources are Supporting claims with academic sources as used as evidence are academic quality and/or of academic quality quality academic evidence for claims made quality academic sources conclusions drawn distort and/or conclusions drawn evidence and draws ethical & conclusions drawn are the evidence in the distort the evidence in the conclusions based on this arrived at ethically based sources in an unethical sources in an unethical evidence. on the evidence offered. manner. manner.  Uses a  Uses a visual aid that  Uses a visual aid that  Uses no visual aid to Engages audience clear visual aid that mostly supports the claims only minimally supports support the claims made. supports the claims made. made. the claims made.  No attempt is made to  Successfull  A good attempt is  Only a minor generate audience y generates audience made to generate attempt is made to participation during the participation during the audience participation generate audience presentation. presentation. during the presentation. participation during the presentation. Is at least 15 minutes, but Is at least 13 minutes, but Is at least 11 minutes, but Is at least 9 minutes, but Timing no longer than 20 no longer than 20 no longer than 20 no longer than 20 minutes in duration. minutes in duration. minutes in duration. minutes in duration. Works Cited is accurate Works Cited contains Works Cited contains 4-6 Works Cited contains more Works Cited (only 1-2 errors) and fewer than 4 errors and is errors and is missing no than 6 errors and is complete. complete. more than 1 item missing 2 or more items.

Adapted from the original created by Kellie Fischer Name______Points 2

ENGL 101 - Composition Final Presentation Individual Rubric (90 Points) Group______

Possible point value 11-15 points 8-10 points 4-7 points 0-3 points Speaks clearly and audibly Speaks clearly and audibly Speaker is hard to hear Speaker is hard to hear Speaker’s staging - voice throughout the throughout most of the and/or understand and/or understand presentation. Uses and presentation. Uses and throughout part of the throughout the pronounces words chosen pronounces words chosen presentation. Uses and presentation. Uses and correctly. (NOTE: This is with only 2 or 3 errors. pronounces words chosen pronounces many words NOT about having an with only 4 or 5 errors. chosen incorrectly. accent associated with having English as a second language.) Makes eye contact with all Makes eye contact with Makes eye contact Does not make eye Speaker’s staging – parts of the room at most parts of the room at primarily with the contact at all. Seems audience awareness various intervals during various intervals during instructor or group unaware of the audience. the presentation, reacts the presentation, reacts members during the appropriately to audience appropriately to some presentation, seems to be facial and postural audience facial and unaware of audience responses, and answers postural responses, and facial and postural audience questions. answers most questions. responses, and answers few questions. Speaker is dressed in an Speaker is dressed in an Speaker’s dress is too Speaker’s dress and Speaker’s staging - appropriate manner and appropriate manner and casual, or he/she posture are both too presence stands/sits with attentive stands/sits with attentive stands/sits with casual for a presentation. posture even when it is posture when it is his/her inattentive posture during not his/her turn to speak. turn to speak, but not the presentation. while others are speaking. Speaker’s portion of the Speaker’s portion of the Speaker’s portion of the Speaker’s portion of the Covers material material to be covered is material to be covered is material to be covered is material to be covered is clear, complete, relates mostly clear and only partially clear and/or unclear and incomplete; (This is worth 3 times the to the topic, is relevant, complete; relates to the incomplete; relates only does not relate to the other sections on this and clearly shows the high topic, either directly or minimally to the topic, book, either directly or side, so total here is 45 level of expertise the indirectly; is relevant for either directly or indirectly; or is not possible points) speaker has attained the most part; and shows indirectly; is only relevant; and shows the during his/her research the moderate level of minimally relevant; and lack of expertise attained process. expertise attained during shows the minimal level of during his/her research his/her research process. expertise attained during process. his/her research process.

Adapted from the original created by Kellie Fischer

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