Proceedings of the Sutton City Council s1
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DATE: MARCH 14, 2016
Mayor Mau called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Mau informed the public about the location of the Open Meeting Act posted on the wall in the back of the Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public.
Roll Call: Present: Mayor Mau, Council Members, Nuss, Pedersen, Schelkopf. Absent: Plettner.
Notice of this meeting was given in advanced thereof by publication in the Clay County News on March 9, 2016, a copy of the proof of publication being attached to these minutes. Notice of meeting was simultaneously given to the Mayor and all members of the City Council. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advanced notice to the Mayor and all members of the City Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.
Departmental Reports: Kevin Finnegan reported that the Grader has been taken to Grand Island for repairs. After a closer inspection they found an oil/fuel leak and other items. Estimated additional cost around $9,000. Moved by Nuss and seconded by Pedersen to go ahead and get the grader fixed. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
City Administrator, Jeff Hofaker reported that a walk thru of the DLD Park will be Wednesday.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf that the consent agenda be approved for items 2A – 2F. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf that the minutes of the February 8th meeting be approved as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf that the treasurer’s report for the month of February be adopted as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf. Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf that the bills incurred for the month of February be approved for payment as presented. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Salaries $36.857.18 Federal Withholdings 7,994.42 A & L Electric Repairs at City Hall 116.80 Action Auto Supply Equipment r/m 958.42 Alan Brown Cell phone/4 wheeler 2,090.00 Amazon Police ipad mount/Fire office supply 225.25 American Legion Flag Flags 250.00 Ashley Overturf Meter deposit refund 200.00 Ask Supply Paper towels/Bowl cleaner 307.78 Baker & Taylor Library books 256.02 Barbee Vet Clinic Police dog control 22.50 BG’s Corner Fuel 70.85 Brown’s Store Supplies 115.78 BSN Sports Drag mats/rakes/striper/bleachers 2,940.67 Burton Enterprises Trash pickup 5,655.00 Capital Business Police copier rent 168.86 CEI Security & Sound Community Center/camera repair 1,941.42 Chief Supply Police, Fire uniforms 1,841.66 City Light & Water Utilities 4,457.58 City of Sutton – Petty Cash Petty cash refund 75.03 Clay County News Printing/publishing 600.43 CPI Fuel, tires 1,529.48 Danko Emergency Fire equipment 4,331.28 Dutton Lainson Light r/m 1,228.67 Eakes Office Plus Office supplies 532.45 Follett School Solutions Library books 550.00 Friesen Chevrolet GMC Power steering repair 175.94 Gale Group Library books 19.46 George’s 66 Service Fuel 727.02 George Bros. Propane Road r/m, Fire vehicle repairs 1,503.09 Hamilton Information Repair library computers 551.00 Hamilton Telecommunications Email services 20.75 Jackson Services Office rugs/towels 92.25 Jeff Hofaker Mileage, cell phone 189.90 Joan Aspegren Cleaning 450.00 Kids Reference Library books 103.69 LeRoy Griess Digging Grave opening 390.00 Michael Todd & Co. Snow blades 1,459.27 Moore Medical Ambulance supplies 1,452.98 Municipal Supply Water r/m 662.30 Mustang Inc Police, fire uniforms 1,009.07 NE Law Enforcement Train. Police training 145.00 Nebraska Public Health Water tests 84.00 NPPD Purchased Electricity 76,466.91 NMC Exchange Loader repairs 3,889.99 One Call Locates 7.56 Overhead Door Ambulance keypad 16.75 Paint & Paper Palace Pool paint 515.00 Plains Equipment Group John Deere Tractor seat 362.29 Platte Valley Ambulance pagers/police repairs 7,695.70 Quality Healthcare Clinic Police training 186.00 RR Management Com. Storm sewer encroachment 614.42 SourceGas Utilities 2,394.69 South Central PPD Wheeling charges 5,489.75 Superior iNet Internet services 123.57 Sutton Irrigation Vehicle r/m 46.08 Sutton Lumber Supplies 301.05 SVFD Vehicle r/m 392.57 Turfwerks Hydraulic wheel motor/repairs 2,411.39 Universal Hydraulics Fire – cylinder repair 765.50 Van Kirk Bros. Snow removal 2,122.50 Vander Hagg’s Inc. Rear & Axle shaft for dump truck 2,300.00 Verizon Wireless Cell phones 1,511.75 VISA Computer monitors/stand 333.95 Windfall Library books 99.66 Windstream Telephone 940.67 Woodward’s Disposal Construction debris 370.16
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf to approve the bill from JEO in the amount of $1,585.00. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Schelkopf to approve the bill from Triple R Seamless Cutters for the Concession stand in the amount of $3,308.00. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Schelkopf, Pedersen. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
In old business, Van Kirk Bros changeorder and Olsson Associates billing were once again tabled.
Discussion on an offer received from Van Kirk Sand & Gravel to purchase some ground by the DLD Park. City Attorney Don Bottorf explained that four things must happen before it is accepted. 1. Is it needed for City Business? 2. Are there any roads or alley’s involved? 3. Is the price fair and reasonable? 4. Advertise for 30 days of intent to sell to see if there are objections. Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to table the offer as more discussion needs to happen on the intent for the ground. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Pedersen and seconded by Schelkopf to table the purchase of a Gator for the DLD Park and look into it a little more. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to accept the bid from Smith Lawn Care for fertilizer at a price of $6,500 contingent that we may not need the 3rd application. Roll: AYES: Schelkopf, Pedersen, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Discussion on the current Ambulance rates concerning the Non-transport fees and non-collection. No action taken.
Moved by Pedersen and seconded by Schelkopf to go into executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss an LB 840 Application by Cornelio Trego dba A+ Concrete. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Schelkopf, Nuss. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Nuss and seconded by Pedersen to go out of executive session at 9:13 p.m. Roll: AYES: Nuss, Pedersen, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Pedersen and seconded by Nuss to deny the application due to the percentage of the loan and being only part time employees. Roll: AYES: Pedersen, Nuss, Schelkopf. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
There being no further business, it was moved by Schelkopf and seconded by Pedersen to adjourn the meeting. Roll: All ayes.
______Todd Mau, Mayor ATTEST:
______Sherrie Bartell, City Clerk/Treas.