Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend AGENDA

1. To receive Apologies for Absence

2. To receive declarations of interest

3. To receive declarations of lobbying

4. Minutes – to receive and approve for signature the minutes of the meetings held on 14th September and 5th October 2011

5. Chairman's Announcements - to receive announcements.

6. Officer’s Report

7. Public Session

8. Planning Applications – consider and agree responses 8.1. TM/10/01585/FL – Land North West of Spitfire – Amended design for erection of a residential development comprising 14 apartments with associated access, car parking and landscaping arrangements at Parcel E, Central Area, Kings Hill 8.2. TM/11/02192/LDP - 3 Hays, Kings Hill – Lawful Development Certificate Proposed: extension of bedroom into loft space with rear dormer – for information 8.3. TM/11/02662/FL - 54 Braeburn Way - Single storey rear extension 8.4. TM/11/02706/FL – 3 Laxton Walk – convert part of garage to living space (Retrospective) 8.5. TM/11/02710/FL - 3 Cobham Drive, Single storey rear extension 8.6. TM/11/02732/NMA - Housing Parcels A And B Off Queen Street And Fortune Way- Non material amendment for alteration to locations, position of PV Solar panels and amended landscaping and boundary treatment on planning permission TM/10/01583/RM (Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline Planning permission TM/97/01183/OA proposing full details for appearance, layout, scale, access and landscaping for a residential development comprising 39 dwellings) – for information 8.7. TM/11/02765/RD – Control Tower - Details of Trolley Stores and Travel Plan submitted pursuant to conditions 4 and 46 of planning permission TM/10/03425/FL Control Tower 8.8. TM/11/02772/FL - 36 Meteor Road, Side and rear single storey extensions 8.9. TM/11/02825/NMA - Control Tower, Kings Hill, Control Tower Alexander Grove - Alterations to landscaping scheme, alterations to general layout of hard landscaping, revisions to layout of entrance to surgery from approved under planning permission TM/10/03425/FL - for information 8.10. TM/11/02826/RD - Control Tower, Alexander Grove - Partial discharge of condition 45 of TM/10/03425/FL being details of hard surfacing, bollards and cycle hoops 8.11. TM/11/02879/NMA - Areas C And D Land Adjoining Asda - Non Material Amendment Application: Minor adjustments to unit design, details and position of integrated PV solar panels to units to approved under planning permission TM10/01583/RM – for information Page 1 of 4 Planning 09/11/11 8.12. TM/11/02860/FL – 10 Saxon Close – Single storey rear and singe/two storey side extensions. 8.13. TM/11/02891/RD – Waitrose Ltd, Fortune Way, Kings Hill

9. Ratify responses to Planning Applications due to previous meeting inquorate 9.1. TM/11/02192/LDP – 3 Hayes Walk, Lawful Development Certificate Proposed: extension of bedroom into loft space with rear dormer - noted. 9.2. TM/11/02265/FL - 1 Oslin Walk, Front Porch – no objections 9.3. TM/11/02388/RM - Area 64, Reserved Matter Application for approval of timetable and details of bunding/landscaping of Greenways and Pedestrian/Cycleway links pursuant to condition 1 of planning permission TM/11/00160/RM (Reserved Matter Application including siting, design and external appearance of residential buildings and landscaping for 71 units, pursuant to planning permission TM/05/00163/FL and outline permission TM/02/03429/OAEA (Additional 92,900 square metres B1 Business floorspace, residential development, public open space, sports, leisure and recreation facilities and associated infrastructure at Kings Hill and adjoining land at Heath Farm, East Malling) – no objections 9.4. TM/11/02446/FL – 13 Lapins Lane, First Floor side, First floor side, two storey rear and single storey front extensions (re-submission of application TM/11/01193/FL) - no objections 9.5. TM/11/02488 – 20 Victoria Drive - Group of 3 Oak trees are causing excessive shading to rear garden, proposal is to crown lift up to 5m, thin canopy by 15% and remove deadwood – no objections 9.6. TM/11/02535/RD – David Lloyd Leisure, Details of noise emissions from the operation of the CHP submitted pursuant to condition 3 of TM/11/01804/FL (installation of an external CHP (combined heat and power) unit to provide electrical power and heating water to the existing leisure centre) - no objections

10. Applications for comment received after Agenda has been submitted

11. Planning Approvals 11.1. TM/11/01729/FL – 12 Monarch Terrace, Kings Hill 11.2. TM/11/01804/FL – David Lloyd Leisure, Kings Hill 11.3. TM/11/01839/FL – 19 Woodford Grove, Kings Hill 11.4. TM/11/01956/FL – 11 Garden Way, Kings Hill 11.5. TM/11/02446/FL – 13 Lapins Lane, Kings Hill 11.6. TM/11/02265/FL – 1 Oslin Walk, Kings Hill 11.7. TM/11/02266/FL – 131 Discovery Drive, Kings Hill 11.8. TM/11/02424/TPOC – 14A Meteor Road, Kings Hill 11.9. TM/11/02488/TRD – 20 Victoria Drive, Kings Hill 11.10 TM/11/09/3231/R5 – Blaise Farm Composting Facility .

12. KCC Mineral and Waste Sites Development Framework 12.1. To receive and discuss documents for the Minerals Plan Supplementary Options Consultation and the Sustainability Appraisal and agree actions. 12.2. To report consultation period from 24/10/11 - 15/12/11 and agree response 12.3. Minerals and Waste Development Framework Stakeholder Meetings – to agree attendees

13. Circulation of T&MBC Green "B" Lists to Members. To receive notification of planning applications.

14. Area 2 Planning Committee 14.1. Minutes received for meeting held on 03/08/11 14.2. Agenda received for meeting held on 26/10/11


15. Winter Plans for 2011/12 15.1. To agree lead councillor to progress this project 15.2. To receive updated KHS Winter Plan 2011 and agree actions

Page 2 of 4 Planning 09/11/11 15.3. To receive LPT snow treatment plan 15.4. To receive list of roads regarding residents’ responses for salt bins to be placed on private land owned by residents or management companies on Kings Hill. 15.5. To receive list of adopted roads not included on the KHS snow plough route and agree additional roads for snow plough clearance. Agree actions. 15.6. To agree locations/roads for additional salt bins and agree actions 15.7. To discuss and agree that installed salt bins will be placed permanently at agreed locations and agree actions 15.8. To receive update on MAP initiative to purchase salt bins in bulk for local Parishes 15.9. To receive estimated cost from internet searches to purchase salt bins and agree supplier 15.10 To agree colour, size and number salt bins to be installed . 15.11 To discuss and agree funding for purchasing salt bins . 15.12 To discuss logistics for placing of salt bins at agreed locations . 15.13 To discuss logistics for filling and refilling salt bins and agree actions . 15.14 To discuss and agree locations for two salt bags from KHS . 15.15 To receive email from Kate Reed Wood Resident’s Association asking to be included in . the Parish Council’s winter plan and agree response 15.16 To report on meeting with KHS held on 09/11/11 and agree actions .

16. Speed monitoring on Kings Hill 16.1. To receive update on speed limit changes and Speed Indicator Devices (SIDS)

17. Parking on Kings Hill 17.1. Road markings in Alexander Grove / Milton Lane – to receive update 17.2. Holly Way - to report complaint received from resident and agree response 17.3. Richmond Avenue – to report complaint received from resident and agree response

18. Installation of Satellite Dishes 18.1. To report complaint received from resident and agree response

19. Budget 2012-13 19.1. To ratify amended budget due to previous meeting inquorate 19.2. To report from FC Meeting on 19/10/11 and agree actions

20. To report meetings held with Representatives of Planning and Transportation Committee since the last Planning and Transportation Committee meeting – see appendix 1

21. To report future meetings - see appendix 2

22. Matters for information- all other correspondence received, together with responses, other information pertaining to the work of the council – see appendix 3

23. Correspondence - see appendix 4

24. Date for Next Meeting - 14/12/11

25. Questions from Councillors and future agenda items

Helen Munro - Clerk, Kings Hill Parish Council The Kings Hill Community Centre, 70 Gibson Drive, Kings Hill, ME19 4LG 01732 870382 [email protected]

Page 3 of 4 Planning 09/11/11 Dated 3rd November 2011

APPENDIX 1 To report meetings held with Representatives of Planning and Transportation Committee since the last Planning and Transportation Committee meeting 1. 24/10/11 – JPCTCG Meeting – Cllr Woodcock attended 2. 19/10/11 – TMBC Rail Forum held – none attended 3. 12/10/11 – Blaise Farm Liaison Committee – Cllr Barker to attend 4. 07/10/11 - Southeastern stakeholder Forum, Gillingham – none attended

APPENDIX 2 To report future meetings with representatives of KHPC 1. Meeting with LBT regarding the Heritage Centre/Pod - TBC 2. Symposium on Neighbourhood Planning – 09/11/11 – to confirm attendees

APPENDIX 3 Matters for information - all other correspondence received, together with responses, other information pertaining to the work of the council 1. Bus services – September monthly update received 2. TMBC Property Naming received for Waitrose Ltd, Fortune Way 3. Agenda received for JPCTCG Meeting on 24/10/11 4. LPT’s approved list of available road names for Kings Hill 5. NES - Blaise Facility Improvements presentation held on 12/10/11 6. NALC – Guide – How to respond to planning applications – manual 7. LPT’s response regarding metal pipes along Tower View – ref email 8. Speeding article in the Chronicle 13/10/11 9. KCC – Planning Application Committee Meeting 11/10/11 – Blaise Farm Report received 10. Cost effective Vehicle Activated Speed Signs from Messagemaker Display 11. Oast to Coast – Autumn 2011 12. KCC Planning Portal Report – 25/10/11 – to receive comments and agree actions 13. 21/10/11 - NALC DIS 770 – to report various planning matters 14. Southeastern Stakeholder Newsletter October to November 2011 15. KCC Press release from Mr Bryan Sweetland, Cabinet Member on 17/10/11 regarding KHS Winter Preparations.

APPENDIX 4 Correspondence 1. Email from resident regarding usefulness of the metal bar as a seat in the Discovery Drive Bus Shelter recently installed and agree response

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