Part 2 a & P Midterm Review: Find the Answers in the Textbook Or Your Notes

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Part 2 a & P Midterm Review: Find the Answers in the Textbook Or Your Notes

Part 2 A & P Midterm Review: Find the answers in the textbook or your notes… ***Do not bring this to class as with Part 1…You should study at home where it is quiet, taking breaks often…CRAMMING ONLY SCRAMBLES UP THE MATERIAL!!!

____ 75. The protein that provides a water repellant and toughening quality to the skin is/are: a. collagen c. keratin b. melanin d. fibroblasts ____ 76. The three major layers of the skin are: a. dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous c. corneum, lucideum, and granulosum b. epidermis, dermis, and adipose d. nerve receptors ____ 77. Which of the following statements best describe melanocytes? a. they protect from uv light c. they have a wide range of color from yellow to black b. they produce protein d. only answers b and c are correct ____ 78. Which of the following factors do not affect the aging and appearance of our skin as an adult? a. wind c. chemicals b. sun d. they all affect our skin as an adult ____ 79. In embryos, the skeleton is primarily made of ______, but in the adult most of the skeleton is ______. a. bone, hyaline cartilage c. hyaline cartilage, bone b. bone, elastic cartilage d. none of the above ____ 80. Single vertebrae are separated by ______, which cushion the vertebrae and absorb shocks. a. bony pad c. fatty pads b. ligaments d. intervertebral disks ____ 81. The ______bones form the lateral portion of the eye orbits, are lateral to the nose, and articulate with the maxillae. a. maxillae c. inferior conchae b. palatine bones d. zygomatic bones ____ 82. The ___ bone is inferior to the mandible, superior to the larynx and does not articulate directly with any other bone. a. nasal c. clavicle b. lacrimal d. hyoid ____ 83. The coxal bones (ossa coxae) make up the: a. hip and thigh c. vertebral column and sacrum b. pectoral girdle d. pelvic girdle ____ 84. The true ribs: a. refer to the first 5 pairs of ribs c. lack sternal attachment b. attach directly to sternum by costal d. none of the above cartilages ____ 85. What are the names of the two types of bone tissue? a. compact and long c. cartilage and irregular b. flat and tall d. compact and spongy ____ 86. Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton? a. vertebra c. sternum b. frontal bone d. clavicle ____ 87. Which of the following is NOT a function of bone? a. support c. storage b. movement d. Breakdown of proteins into amino acids ____ 88. The bones that make up the forehead are known as the ______bones. a. maxillae c. temporal b. zygomatic d. frontal ____ 89. Which of the following bones are found in the axial skeleton? a. skull, vertebral column, pelvic and c. pectoral and pelvic girdles pectoral girdles b. skull, vertebral column, ribcage d. none of them ____ 90. The only freely moveable bone in the skull is the: a. occipital c. frontal b. temporal d. mandible ____ 91. The cell type which is responsible for basic bone formation is the: a. fibroblast c. osteocyte b. osteoblast d. osteoclast ____ 92. The foramen magnum is found in the ______bone. a. temporal c. parietal b. sphenoid d. occipital ____ 93. The anatomical term for the "breast bone" is the: a. sacrum c. clavicle b. patella d. sternum ____ 94. True ribs are attached to the ______vertebrae. a. sacral c. cervical b. lumbar d. thoracic ____ 95. Which of the following joints permits the greatest degree of movement? a. hinge c. sutural b. condyloid d. ball and socket ____ 96. The bones of the skull and the ribs are classified as examples of: a. flat bones c. long bones b. irregular bones d. short bones ____ 97. Spaces found within some bones of the skull that decrease the weight of the bone are called: a. meatuses c. orbits b. sinuses d. foramina ____ 98. Which of the following statements about cervical vertebrae is FALSE? a. there are 8 cervical vertebrae c. vertebra # 1 is called the atlas b. they articulate with the occipital bone d. none of he above superiorly ____ 99. Which of the following is NOT a cranial bone? a. frontal c. temporal b. maxilla d. occipital ____ 100. How many bones make up the cranium? a. 4 c. 8 b. 6 d. 10 ____ 101. Together the clavicle and scapula bones form the: a. pelvis c. pelvic girdle b. pectoral girdle d. shoulder blade ____ 102. Which of the following is not a bone of the upper extremities? a. humerus c. ulna b. radius d. clavicle ____ 103. A joint found at the ends of long bones that is moveable and contains a joint cavity would be: a. epithelial joint c. synarthritic joint b. articular joint d. synovial joint ____ 104. The elbow joint would be considered a type of: a. saddle c. plane b. pivot d. hinge

____ 105. Which of the following is defined as a highly movable joint? a. diarthrosis c. amphiarthrosis b. syndesmosis d. synchondrosis ____ 106. Joints can be classified in one of two ways. Functional joints are classified according to: a. the type of cartilage that holds them c. the amount of movement that can occur at together the joint b. whether or not they contain a joint cavity d. none of the above ____ 107. The condition that causes a gradual weakening and decrease in bone mass is called: a. osteoarthritis c. osteochondrosis b. osteoporosis d. none of the above ____ 108. The first "long bones" that develop in a very young fetus are formed of ______. a. hyaline cartilage c. compact bone b. spongy bone d. none of the above ____ 109. Which of the following is NOT considered an abnormal spinal curvature condition? a. kyphosis c. scoliosis b. lordosis d. rheumatoid arthritis ____ 110. Which spinal curvature resembles ‘hunchback’: a. scoliosis c. lordosis b. kyphosis d. rheumatoid arthritis ____ 111. Which spinal curvature has an S shape to one side mostly: a. scoliosis c. lordosis b. kyphosis d. rheumatoid arthritis ____ 112. How many lumbar vertebrae do we have: a. 3 c. 6 b. 5 d. 7 ____ 113. How many Thoracic vertebrae do we have: a. 7 c. 12 b. 10 d. 14 ____ 114. A fibrous, flattened, sheet-like tendon is known as a. fascia c. aponeurosis b. a tendon sheath d. a broad ligament ____ 115. The connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibers is a. epimysium c. endomysium b. perimysium d. elastin ____ 116. Muscles that are involved in chewing are attached to the a. maxilla c. mandible b. zygomatic bone d. none of them ____ 117. The muscle that compresses the cheeks inward when it contracts is the a. orbicularis oris c. platysma b. epicranius d. buccinator ____ 118. The muscles that flex, extend, and rotate the head include all of the following except a. pectoralis minor c. sternocleidomastoid b. splenius capitus d. none seem correct ____ 119. The muscle that abducts the upper arm and can both flex and extend the humerus is the a. biceps brachii c. deltoid b. triceps brachii d. soleus ____ 120. The insertion of the sternocleidomastoid is the a. anterior surface of sternum c. occipital bone b. mastoid process of temporal bone d. ischium of pelvis ____ 121. Branched nerve fibers that convey impulses toward the cell body of a neuron are called ___ a. axons c. dendrites b. axon collaterals d. axon hillocks ____ 122. Which term does not belong with the others? a. brain c. cns b. spinal cord d. pns ____ 123. Nerves impulses always travel away from the soma to the brain through _____ fibers. a. neuron c. nerve b. dendrite d. axon ____ 124. The ------nervous system of PNS is voluntary and the ------system is involuntary a. autonomic, peripheral c. somatic, autonomic b. somatic, perimeter d. somatic, automated ____ 125. The ______of a neuron is always located within the cell body region. a. dendrites c. nucleus b. axon d. myelin sheaths

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