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" In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town
In-House Energy and Environmental Management:
History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses
Ecocampus Group - University of Bordeaux 1
Abstract systematically recognised as a key priority. However, several worldwide networks co-operate to disseminate its Since the mid 90s an increasing number of university main goals: the most active are Copernicus in Europe (§ campuses have shown interest in Energy and 1.3) and the AUSLF ii in North-America (§ 2.3.3). The Environmental Management issues. This growing Talloires Declaration set up a list of commitments concern is probably a result of declarations or charters aiming to encourage the universities to pay close issued from both official and non-governmental attention to the Sustainable Development issues, international organisations. In European countries, particularly in teaching and Research and Development action in this field has generally arisen from local activities. initiatives; however, in a few countries, a more systematic assessment, including a series of complete 1.2 The KYOTO Declaration energy audits, has been made in partnership with the Adopted by participants of the Ninth IAU iii Round national energy and environment agencies. In other Table in Kyoto, Japan (1993) the Kyoto Declaration in countries around the world, including the USA, both its opening statement underlines the need …" to urge situations can be found. Although most initiatives are to universities world-wide to seek, establish and be found in the northern hemisphere, a limited number of disseminate a clearer understanding of Sustainable actions may be pointed out in the southern hemisphere, Development …". The delegates’ commitments are such as in Australia and South Africa. The Declarations partly shown hereafter: or Charters (Talloires, Kyoto, Copernicus, EUE-95, ...) statement # 3 : To emphasise the ethical obligation are briefly reviewed in section 1. A few significant case- of the present generation to overcome those studies are presented in sections 2, 3 and 4, in non-EU practices of resource utilisation and those and EU countries, and France respectively. In the widespread disparities which lie at the root of conclusion, it is suggested that, in order to optimise environmental unsustainability ... student training, all universities pay the greatest attention statement # 4 : To enhance the capacity of the to environmental programmes, as was the case for university to teach and undertake research and information technology in the 80s. This goal could be action in society in sustainable development made more attainable thanks to specially tailored Energy principles … & Environmental In-House Management on campuses. statement # 6 : To encourage universities to review their own operations to reflect best sustainable 1 Introduction development practices … These statements obviously remain important issues The definition of the Sustainable Development as given today. They have no need to be updated …. just to be by the Bruntland report: "development which meets the systematically implemented, the last one in particular. needs of the present without compromising the needs of As part of the Kyoto Declaration, then not limited to future generations", is commonly recognised very general statements, an Action Plan for Individual worldwide. It is the main origin of several declarations Universities was proposed reminding each of them “to or charters issued in the last decade. These declarations, promote sustainable consumption practices in its own having received serious support from official and/or operation…” . non-governmental international organisations are obviously well acknowledged by many decision- 1.3 The COPERNICUS Charter makers. However, with regards to the environmental About 500 universities or equivalent HE institutions management of universities and higher education (HE) from 39 countries are members of the CRE iv institution campuses, they are a long way from being (Association of European Universities). The CRE translated into effective measures. created the COPERNICUS network in its 1988 Krakow (Poland) meeting to promote and implement an 1.1 The Talloires Declaration i Eastern/Western Europe partnership concerning The Talloires Declaration (see end note IAU), now Sustainable Development, an RDD area allowing signed by about 260 HE institutions in more than 40 perfect consensus. Named after the famous scientist, countries, was voted in a meeting of the University the COPERNICUS network aims "… to foster a more Presidents for a Sustainable Future, in October 1990 in holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the French town of Talloires. It is probably the oldest environmental problems by drawing on the traditional initiative in this area and the related topics are not " In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town strength of universities as generators and (providers) of support teaching and research activities has also knowledge…" (1). However, it was not until 1997 that grown as energy use has grown. the CRE board voted the COPERNICUS Charter, in a The needs for the development of new research and spirit very similar to both the Kyoto and Talloires development programs are not being addressed in Declaration. The related “Principles of Action” may be all countries around the world. This is due in part to summarised by a few keywords as follow: artificially low energy prices and a lack of public Institutional commitment awareness about the uncertainty of future energy Environmental ethics supplies. Compounding this problem is the fact that Education of university employees research results are published in a multitude of Programmes in environmental education obscure journals, often in a language foreign to the Interdisciplinarity researcher. Hence, results from existing programs Dissemination of knowledge are not quickly distributed to others around the Networking world. Furthermore, specific details about Partnerships experimental set-ups and assumptions are often buried in unpublished reports and theses that can Continuing education programmes take years to discover. Technology transfer Our students are not receiving the best training More than a half of CRE members (281 in mid-2000) because of limited, out-of-date texts, bad examples in have now endorsed the Copernicus Charter, thereby campus buildings and isolation from others around committing themselves to: the world who are interested in efficient building incorporate an environmental perspective into all design and protection of the environment. university education; Such statements, and a few success stories presented at stimulate and co-ordinate multidisciplinary and this Conference, encouraged the participants to vote the collaborative projects, specialised courses and EUE-95 Declaration Statement v. workshops in different areas of the environmental sciences for teachers, students and professionals; 2 Case studies in non-EU Countries prepare basic interdisciplinary textbooks and to ensure their dissemination and use within the 2.1 Australia university, economic and political community. K. Walker (2), has presented some specifications of the Unfortunately, the number of HE institutions that really UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) approach to give a key priority to such recommendations, in the Sustainability. As part of the resulting R-D activities, the management of their own activities is not yet as many as UTS “Model of Change” was discussed by J.C. Van hoped for! Weeden at the ESMU99 Conference. In order to identify the way the whole university is committed, that model 1.4 The ENERGY-UNIVERSITY-ENVIRONMENT outlines four levels. In Level 1 “Institutional Practices”, (EUE-95) Declaration Statement the physical operations are regarded as the easiest level The "EUE-95" Workshop, hosted by the University of to change possibly through a ISO 14000 framework. Bordeaux (France) in March 1995, was mainly With Level 2 “Teaching and Learning, and Research”, a supported by the European Commission Directorate first obstacle is met : in spite of being largely concerned General for Environment. About 50 participants from 12 with the near and long range future, the environmental countries recognised that in most of their workplaces, challenge is to “make links between these activities both the management of natural resources, including energy within departments and between them”. Both Levels 1 & and/or water use, is usually based on a "Laissez-Faire" 2 are, however, possibly combined, although it may be policy. That appeared to be an unwise, unfair and one source of conflict. With Level 3, “University unaffordable situation. As far as we know, EUE-95 was Management”, the first step is to demonstrate to the top- the first international meeting of scientists having manager (Rector, Chancellor, Dean,..) the benefits previously defined or prepared to define programmes th attached to any recognised Declaration … and to ensure and/or actions that comply with the 6 statement of the a constant support for the committees or task forces Kyoto Declaration. In order to keep the scientific created as a result. One of the obvious “Level 3” community informed, all participants analysed the main commitments, identified as Level 4, is to define and reasons for progressing from the present standard implement a strategy that includes “the use of powerful "Laissez-faire" Policy : outside advisory bodies” and particularly the “critical The financial cost associated with the daily mass” of staff and students. operation of equipment to support our teaching or 2.2 South-Africa research activity continues to grow as more electronics are added to our laboratories and as The Africampus Southern Africa network initiated in more computers are added to our offices. The 1997 by Pr. J. DELPORT, as a special R-D Programme environmental degradation associated with the of the University of Pretoria, offered their introductory power production for the operation of heating, statement as “Helping each other to develop cooling (including cooling water for science environmentally sound energy efficient faculties and equipment such as lasers, etc.) and lighting to services through improved co-operation within our " In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town institutions” (3). The rules of the Africampus SA here: firstly, a design guide, including new technology network make an explicit reference to the EUE-95 for a high-efficiency fume hood has been produced and Declaration Statement (§1.4). The first important secondly, the design of a new campus with a strong Africampus event was, in 1998, the vote of the “ Energy emphasis on Green strategies, that is now planned in UC Policy of the University of Pretoria “ (EPUP) by the Merced (California Central Valley) to be built in the near board of UP trustees, a “ … general plan of action that future. highlights the commitment of the entire University community towards achieving a defined level of energy (d) Other case-studies efficiency and management... “ (4). The present paper It is impossible to present all the operations that are now will not introduce Africampus in great detail, since being carried out around the world, although the good several sessions of the DUE 2001 conference are news is that many exist. However, it may be useful to devoted to describing and analysing its main results. A introduce a recent survey by Leith Sharp (9), that brief presentation is given in (5). includes interviews done in the framework of the Australian Monash University CHURCHILL 2.3 North America Fellowship. Both North-American and European case- (a) AULSF vi studies are analysed in this survey. The diversity of AULSF is the North-American contact in the US for the situations encountered and the common trends are universities and HE Institutions that have endorsed the obviously identified. From that report, Case-Studies # 3 Talloires Declaration (see §1.1). “The Declaration”, the and # 6, are shown below as examples of opposite AULSF Bulletin published 3 times a year shows cases- situations : standard energy management (# 3) and studies from both Canada and the US. optimised training of students to environment-safe (b) Canada technologies (# 6) respectively. Concerning for example Dalhousie University (Nova Case study 3 - University of Buffalo (UB) Scotia – Canada), Ramon P. Cote (6) (see end-note vii) “ … Since 1982, UB has implemented over 300 energy recalls that “.. The University adopted an environmental conservation projects ranging from lighting retrofits, policy in 1994, now under review by the Senate modifying heating, cooling and ventilation systems. In Committee to ensure that it is consistent with the 1997, UB undertook a further $17 retrofit program, Talloires Declaration …”. UQAM, similarly, is now which (…) has since resulted in a $3 million saving launching its own In-House Environmental Programme. p.a.. Combined, all energy conservation initiatives have (c) The USA saved upwards of $70million in the last 17 years ... ” Launched in the early 90s, the State of Texas LoanStar Case Study 6 - Middlebury College Environmental Programme is probably one of the most successful and Education, the Campus as a Learning Laboratory most well-known examples to have stimulated new (Private College Population - 2200 students, 500 staff) initiatives. Aiming to significantly reduce energy “In order to better prepare students for the challenges of expenses, it has boosted a lot of energy audits. Presented the future, a shift in paradigm has taken place in by J. HABERL (7), at the EUE-95 Bordeaux Workshop, Middlebury College’s environmental studies program as one of a small number of success stories, the Texas and is gradually also occurring within even the most A&M University College Station case-study traditional colleges and universities. The foremost shift demonstrated an excellent result: the actual energy in educational paradigm has been away from the savings jumped up to 120 % of those expected from the pedantic emphasis exclusively on book learning and audit. towards an education that includes experiential learning. (c) LNBLvii studies It has moved away from a focus on individual The US “Purchase Power” Program, that includes both excellence and disciplines towards interdisciplinary energy purchases, energy-efficiency services and shared- team success, from single objects to relationships; from savings performance contracts for energy retrofits is individual parts to the whole; and from structure or final another key initiative. Concerning the US universities, it product to the process” … “ An example where students has been recently estimated by J.P. HARRIS (8), that and faculty influence operations through course work, energy savings from government purchasing (at all levels where staff become educators as part of a whole system of government in the US) of around US$ 1 B/year can learning process, where the forests and the campus are be achieved by 2010. To achieve this goal, several types used by students and staff as a combination of research, of action are being investigated, obviously based on education and as managing landscapes which become systematic energy and environment audits. In a first shared learning laboratories resulting in positive program, a partnership between the UC Berkeley outcome rather than conflicts.” "Buildings Applications Team" and the university- oriented group APPA (Association of Physical Plant 3 Case studies in EU Countries Administrators) now being explored, J.P. HARRIS (X), aims to implement technology transfer from the well- 3.1 The ECOCAMPUS Collaboration known LNBL-UC Berkeley R-D programs to actions on Mainly decided locally, several initiatives were boosted energy-efficient laboratory facilities. Among many other within the scientific community by an increased concern, examples that have been investigated in the past 2-3 probably related to the UN Conference of Rio de Janeiro years , two related to different issues may be mentioned (1992), for Sustainable Development issues. One of these " In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town was the "Energy-University-Environment" Workshop demonstrative examples show how the initiative has organised by the University of Bordeaux 1 (March 1995) made possible the following savings : hosting about 50 scientists and academic staff members Technical University Vienna : 55,000 Euro (retrofit from all over the world. They decided to adopt the EUE- of the air conditioning system ) 95 Declaration Statement (§1.4). The following year, University of Economics, Vienna : 100,000 Euro some of them submitted proposals to the European (re- negotiating the energy supply tariffs) Commission (under the DGXVII THERMIE University of Vienna : 60,000 Euro Programme) aiming to merge identified and possibly (implementation of measures listed from an energy new actions. Known as the ECOCAMPUS European audit) collaboration (10), the proposal assigned four main goals University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna : 7,500 to the co-proposers: (i) Creation of a European Euro (accurate assessment of the needs for Network of Environmentally Safe University Campuses technical equipment) and Research laboratories (ii) Inventory of Energy- The savings potential is really high, totalling about 7 Efficient and Safe Technologies (iii) Definition of a Million Euro annually or 20% of the annual bill, this Specific methodology (iv) Feasibility studies. These amount being enough to pay the salary of 150 assistant Feasibility studies were implemented in countries professors! showing very different specifications. 5 of them are EU c- Trends and Perspectives countries, 2 being Central European countries with Finally, as shown in the final report of the project obvious discrepancies in terms of economy and standard ”Energy Efficient Universities“ completed in 1999: ” of living for example. However another major difference Energy efficiency at universities must not be reduced to is related to the weather conditions: very cold and long a matter of costs and consumption - this would clearly winters in Finland and Poland, mild winters in Denmark, be not enough. Energy efficiency at universities has to France and Portugal and quite hot summers in Greece become tangible for all those involved and has to be and Romania. The main results are given in the conceived as a social task.”. Perfectly operated, the “ECOCAMPUS: a "Practice-What-You-Preach"” initiative has preached its main goals and stimulating Report. A shorter version is also available (10). results significant enough to decide the government to continue the project. A new step is the next "Energy 3.2. Austria Efficient University 2001” Conference presenting both a - General Presentation the present situation and the future programme of Particular attention should be paid to the Austrian actions (see end note viii : EVA). Government's action dating back to 1996. It started the initiative ”Energy Efficient Universities“ and 3.3 The OPET Copernicus Action viii commissioned the Austrian Energy Agency EVA to Since its creation 12 years ago, the role and functions of manage the project in close co-operation with all Copernicus have gradually changed. For example, the universities. A brief presentation of the initiative is Protection of the Environment, identified by the available (11). Here only updated data, trends and acronym ESMU (Environmental Systems Management results are shown. for Universities) proposed by scientists of the Initially, it was simply notified that the efficient use of University of Lund (Sweden) is now becoming a energy and other resources would contribute to a specific sector. The first EMSU conference ix was reduction of operating expenses and thus increase the organised in Lund in 1999 mainly focusing on “… the financial scope of the universities. Everybody agreed role of environmental management and environmental with this statement. However, no work was done in this management systems in promotion of sustainable area before the initiative, a perfect demonstration of a universities … the term “environmental management” Voluntary Policy that however needs EVA acting as a (being) defined in the broadest possible sense (covering) catalyst. EVA has been very successful, particularly in the core areas of the university community, research and promoting a key statement : “… In addition to teaching, as well as the supporting functions of the economic and ecological aspects, the project also physical infrastructure and university outreach efforts involved social-political factors. The project offers the with the rest of society to understand, develop and opportunity to combine theory and practice. Scientific support sustainable societies ...“. ESMU 99 gave special know-how might be put into practice by the efficient use focus to important issues that are not often regarded of energy at one's own workplace ..”. from a strict energy point-of-view i.e. Greening of b - A few facts and figures procurement, Energy and/or Water Efficiency, Greening In 1997, the 18 Austrian universities (210,000 students) of transportation, Waste minimisation and management, consumed about 250 GWh for heating and 170 GWh for Dematerialization of Physical Operations of electricity; the cost per student is close to 150 Euros. Universities, Experience sharing on working with The total bills (heating: 13.5 Million Euro, electricity stakeholders (employees, students, contractors, research 21.5 Million Euro) are, on average, higher than those partners, etc.)x. for the rest of the buildings owned and operated by the Another move occurred recently (May 2000) when the “ government (representing 14.7 % of the area, the Copernicus: Low Energy University “ network, was university bills show a high 23.6 %). Other establishedxi by the European Commission (under DG TREN) as one of its Office of Promotion of Energy " In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town
Technologies (OPET). It is now officially recognised as different campuses between 2001 and 2003. Data from “ … a partner of industry, governments, international four sites have been analysed : two Public Universities, organisations and other associations in a common effort located in West and South France, the third site is an to raise awareness of environmental issues and Engineering Department from a private Polytechnics in sustainability (proposing) … to co-operate on the best the North West Paris area and the last one, located in ways to promote sustainable development and the the Bordeaux Region, investigates student environment as issues both within their institutions and accommodation and catering facilities. All this data, in their relations with outside partners like business, including previous results from the campus of the governments and international organisations …”. University of Bordeaux, represent a very significant Among many other initiatives resulting from the first sample, and as far as we know, the largest sample in OPET Copernicus Conference (CCC2000), organised a Europe. Concerning about 100 000 students and related year ago in Krakow, COPERNICUS has designed an academic staff, altogether the 5 campuses consume 75 excellent datasheet to be completed by the university’s GWh of electricity and 2 million m3 of water, also management. This is not only a perfect tool for those generating tons of miscellaneous (municipal-like and/or who wish to start a preliminary audit, it also intends to industrial and/or toxic) wastes. A more complete enable useful comparisons, in a hopefully near future, version is given elsewhere (11). when signed by a significant number of HE institutions. Obviously aiming to optimise both the demand of Like the Austrian EVA, in close partnership with the electricity and water, the analysis also includes a rough IAU, COPERNICUS is preparing itself to play a key estimate of the energy and water conservation potential catalyst role in the framework of the review and and a preliminary assessment of the “Why-How” assessment of Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 ("Education, possible solutions for safer programmes of protection of Public Awareness Raising and Training") particularly in the environment. areas regarding the Rio+10 process in view of the 2002 Earth Summit II. 5 Conclusion
4 Case studies in France Like all the other case-studies briefly shown here, the ECOCAMPUS motto may be summarised in a very few The first studies that were started in late 80s at the words : “PRActice-What-You-Preach !” (and its University of Bordeaux 1 did not have any result, acronym as PRAW-UP). In a very similar way, it is remaining completely unsuccessful! At that time, none stated by L. SHARP (9) : “… Most people who wonder of the managers with decision-making power was really about the role of universities in preserving the planet concerned. On the contrary, 10 years later, most arrive at the fundamental conclusion : universities need decision-makers understand the surprising challenge to become living, learning laboratories, where the that supports the EUE-95 Declaration (see § 1.4) : facts, distinctions between the teachers, operators and evidence and action programmes concerning the learners would blur to optimise the emergence of the Protection of the Environment rely on data collected and learning organisation …”. Unfortunately, no statistics analysed in Higher Education Institutions. The main have as yet demonstrated a significant difference purpose of the ECOCAMPUS (*) initiative is to between the “teachers & operators” in the whole stock demonstrate the benefits resulting from a more coherent of universities or HE institutions and the rest of the “What-We-Preach”/“What-We-Do” attitude. As part of population. Surprisingly, the financial savings are not the feasibility studies (goal iv of the ECOCAMPUS yet strong enough to accelerate a more aware Proposal), a triple goal has been assigned to the EWW behaviour; while climate change issues remain only field of measurements and analysis - (i) energy, excellent topics for lectures, seminars or workshops. including electricity, supply and demand (E) - (ii) water There is no need to have a vision in a “Crystal Ball” to demand (W) - (iii) waste generation and management imagine a booster in the future : the growth of energy (W). The EWW methodology, a key piece of the and water demand in emerging countries and the related ECOCAMPUS paradigm, is definitely a very efficient price shock or increased environmental constraints are choice as long as both top managers or decision-makers still to come. It would be wonderful for the whole … and academic staff are convinced that it is necessary planet, any other way being of course quite to shift from the common “Laissez-Faire” to a unaffordable, that such a situation be managed in a Win- Voluntary Policy. Most of the work is done as part of Win strategy, for example in the framework of those hands-on experiments of students enrolled in a diploma “Actions Implemented Jointly” (AIJ) proposed by the (engineer’s degree) in Energy Efficiency Engineering. UNCC Conferences since Kyoto. The bad news is that In a partnership with Ademe (French Energy and nobody knows if/when it will be available! And the Environment Agency), the present study is just the first hopeful good news is the strong signal that is certainly step of a more ambitious programme, aiming to install to come when one university will decide to pay greater in the mid-term the ECOCAMPUS initiative as a attention to environmental programmes as almost all did standard managing rule across all French university and in the 80s with computer sciences. This is a big HE institution campuses. In a second, intermediate step, challenge, possibly the one permitting a Southern Pilot Operations are to be performed in about a dozen Hemisphere University to be a sure winner!
( " In-House Energy and Environmental Management:History and Case-Studies from Worldwide University Campuses " DUE Conference April 2001 Cape Town
REFERENCES programme, liaison with industry) of University Bordeaux 1 (1) “Sustainable Universities and the Environment in an (e-mail : [email protected]) Integrating Europe” CCC2000 (International Krakow COPERNICUS Conference) July 2000- Contact person: Co-Author: Jacques Roturier, now Professor Emeritus, Dr. Hans-Peter Winkelmann ([email protected]) holds a PhD degree in Nuclear Physics from the Faculty http:// of Sciences - University of Bordeaux. He was the former (2) Walker K. « Sustainability at the University of Director of the post-graduate degree in Energy Technology, Sydney ” « The Declaration » Vol 3, N° 3 Efficiency Engineering, having also created the ([email protected] - see endnote vii) see also Van EcoCampus group. Weeden J.C.” Vision of a Sustainable University” (e-mail : [email protected]) ESMU99 Conference (see endnote ix) (3) AfriCampus Proposal (June99) – “Energy For both of them the postal address is: Management on Campus” DELPORT GJ. private Ecocampus – University of Bordeaux 1 – F33 405 communication TALENCE-Cedex (4) Calmeyer J.E., Delport G.J.: “The Comprehensive Energy Policy of the University of Pretoria”, Centre for Presenter: Jacques Roturier New Electricity Studies, University of Pretoria, March 1998 (Website (5) Dintchev OD, Calmeyer JE, Delport GJ: The Role of South African Universities and Technikons in Efficient Usage of Electricity in Their Campuses (Graz Conference 1998) (6) Ramond P. Cote ” Community Matters at Dalhousie University” , «The Declaration» Vol 3, # 3 (see endnote vii) (7) Haberl J. EUE-95 Workshop (University of Bordeaux 1 - March 1995) (8) Harris J.P. 2000 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy efficiency in Buildings (Asilomar–California) and private communication (for the federal program see website: and for the activities focused on state and local government, see website : (9) “The Monash University Churchill Fellowship to study overseas: Building Institutional Commitment to Campus Environmental Sustainability” Sharp, L. (Churchill Fellow1998) (e-mail: [email protected]) (10) Roturier, J. et al. ECOCAMPUS: a "Practice-What- You-Preach" European collaboration» Contract STR 1006–96 FR (Thermie Programme - Project Manager: Samouilidis, J.) and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education -Special Issue "Sustainability and University Life" ed. by M Ahlberg and W. L.Filho, Peter Lang Scientific Publishers (1998) (11) Roturier, J. et al. “Environmental Management Policies in the HE Sector : Quantified Aspects from 5 Case-Studies in France under the ECOCAMPUS initiative” ECEEE Summer Study Cannes-Mandelieu (France) June 2001 (12) “Energy Efficient Universities - How to proceed in the future Conference” Sept. 98, Graz (AUSTRIA) and Benke, G. “Energy Efficiency for Austrian Universities” CCC2000 Conference (see Ref. 1 and endnote viii)
Principal Author: Patrick Faucher holds a PhD degree in Experimental Physics from the University of Bordeaux 1. He is presently assistant to the Director of the post-graduate degree in Energy Efficiency Engineering (selection of students, management of the i The text is available from both IAU and AULSF websites (see end notes iii and vi respectively ) ii AULSF Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future iii IAU : International Association of Universities. The full text of the Kyoto Declaration is available on Website : iv CRE Conférence des Recteurs Européens - 10, Conseil général - CH - 1211 Genève 4 [email protected] v the EUE-95 Declaration Statement is available from the authors (see also the ECOCAMPUS website vi AULSF Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (e-mail : [email protected]) – 2100 L Street NW – Washington DC 20037 (USA) (Website: vii LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (UC Berkeley) viii Energieverwertungsagentur E.V.A. 1060 Wien, Otto-Bauer-Gasse 6 Contactperson : Georg Benke email: [email protected] Conference "Energy Efficient University 2001" (May 2001 – Salzburg-Austria) (see website : ix ESMU 99 Contactperson: Dagmara Nawrocka (International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics - Lund University ) (e-mail : [email protected]) x ESMU 2001, the second ESMU Conference is scheduled at Rhodes University Grahamstown (South Africa). Contactperson: Lesley Futter e-mail: [email protected], Rhodes University Website: xi More exactly, the project management organisation BEO (European Research Centre at Juelich - Germany) is the OPET-coordinator, Copernicus being a subcontractor.