Absent: Rick Timmer, Seth Sundstrom, and Iris Shaffer

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Absent: Rick Timmer, Seth Sundstrom, and Iris Shaffer

ADMIN TEAM MEETING SYNOD OF THE HEARTLAND April 14, 8:00 a.m. Conference Call

Present: Evan Vermeer, Ivan Wiersema, Denny Brand, Charlotte Foreman, Craig Rottman, Christa Mooi, Tom Smith, John Sikkink, Dale Assink, Alicia Beaver, Chris Godfredsen, Jim Koopman, Bob Cleveringa and Pam Kimpson.

Absent: Rick Timmer, Seth Sundstrom, and Iris Shaffer.

Evan Vermeer called the meeting to order.

Devotions: John Sikkink opened the meeting with prayer and devotions from II Timothy 2:1-10 in the absence of Rick Timmer. Paul being transformed into a disciple of Christ instructed Timothy to become transformed in Christ, aiming for a goal. Aiming for a goal is important in every area of life because our aim determines direction. What are we aiming for? What direction does God want us to go? Paul instructed Timothy to invest in other reliable people who would continue the transforming process, making disciples will make more disciples. Who discipled you in the process? Who are you discipling? What will it take to aim and reach the goal of transforming others: 1. Dedication of a soldier, 2. Discipline of an athlete, and 3. Diligence of a farmer. The goal is reached because we are focused and determined to be transformed, so that we can transform others into disciples, and those we disciple will disciple others and the movement will multiply.

President’s Report given by Evan Vermeer. I believe that 2013 was a year of major change in the Reformed Church in America. We wrapped up Our Call, which was a ten-year program that will have lasting effects on our denomination. We found new ways to reach out to communities and individual with the soul saving gospel. We also found new ways to support and revitalize our current congregations and ministers. In addition, we developed programs to coordinate with our brothers and sisters in the CRC to further the Kingdom.

As we move forward with the new vision of Transformed and Transforming, we are seeing major changes in staffing and structure which will dramatically affect the way we as a denomination “do business”, that is the business of furthering Christ’s Kingdom. I believe this is a major challenge to all of us. We must live our own lives as “transformed” if we are to be used as a transforming agent by Him. This places each of us personally in a situation where we must evaluate our own walk with Jesus and how others see us walking with Him. This calls us to a new level of seeking the Holy Spirit and listening to that still, small voice in our life.

A big part of this life of transformation is leaving behind our personal desires and looking for serving others. We cannot be bound up in problems in our own churches driven by these personal desires. If we are to focus only on the Kingdom of god, we must put aside our petty differences and focus on the main goal of bringing lost souls into a relationship with Jesus. We absolutely must “walk our talk”. I am excited to see several of the Classes getting on board in this new direction. I hear of complete over haul of classis structure, deep discussions on how we do kingdom work differently. These discussions bathed in prayer can only lead us to better work for Him.

Our Synod staff is also very much on board with the new direction. We are blessed with staff that have committed their lives to serving God and us. Please pray for them daily as change is never easy and new directions often are hard to follow.

I am excited to be your voting delegate at General Synod in June. I look forward to a time of worship, praise and a promising future for the RCA. Please pray for unity, purity and peace for the GS time.

Moving forward lead by the Holy Spirit and committed to where God is leading us, is what Transformed and Transforming is about. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we cannot doubt that God will lead if we truly seek Him. My prayer is that every church in the Synod of the Heartland is moved by that Spirit to greater things for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Evan Vermeer, President

Comments on Evan’s report: The Grand Rapids office, along with the Synod office and classes, are on board with Transformed and Transforming. All are looking at staffing, resourcing, changes, and new directions. Concern for the individual church was expressed. A lot of that is our responsibility. We need to help churches catch the vision. We have a number of churches that are dying in the Synod. Need to focus on Kingdom work, not what we personally want. General Synod concern – hoping we can focus on the future and Transformed and Transforming and not get lost in other things, taking our focus of mission. Please pray for the process.

John thanked Evan for his leadership in his local church, the denominational level, and as our Synod President.

GSC Report – Tom Smith There is a summary of GSC report from their recent meeting online. Everyone should watch the 7- minute video introducing Transformed and Transforming. Christa Mooi has been elected moderator of the GSC. General Synod meeting is in Pella in June. Task force on Aging structures – when congregations can’t support a facility anymore. How do we keep our footprint in the cities and small towns? The Task Force will be visiting several areas in the denomination during their study. The proposed 2015 General Synod assessment is $53.27. It has been raised to fund several things involved with the Transformed and Transforming startup. How will Transformed and Transforming be measured? Christa is working on that and has been studying how to write ends policies. They hope to have something for General Synod.

Synod Coordinator’s Report – John Sikkink From “Our Call” to “Transformed and Transforming” Last week, Tom DeVries shared with the General Synod Council and Synod Executives (the Guiding Coalition for Our Call) thoughts on how we move from Our Call to Transformed and Transforming.

We agreed to change the denominational guiding coalition to become a group that will be called the “Interchange Partnership”.

A transformation team is different than a transitioning team.

Tom shared, and I agree, that a transformation RCA/Synod/Classis is more than a transitioning process. “Transformation” is an on-going process in visioning. “Transitioning” is a current state in which we are functioning while we are working to launch Transformed and Transforming. Getting to transformational is an operational necessity if we are going to live into the new future conceived by Transformed and Transforming.

How do we begin to transition into a transformational future?

I envision each person, each church, and each classis having a process of how they would respond to the following three questions: 1. What, through discernment, does God want me/us to achieve? 2. What, through discernment does God want me/us to preserve? 3. What, through discernment, does God want me/us to avoid?

We would then have a synod-wide gathering to gain clarity on how we move forward.

After this gathering we would evaluate our classis and synod support systems (i.e. both staff and structure) on how we might most effectively resource each classis in carrying out Transformed and Transforming.

Main objective as to how we work in the next year. Synod staff is making the same commitment as denominational staff to Transformed and Transforming, looking at how we need to change in order to best move forward. Christa - Looking at how to best structure, what is our role, how do we equip to operate effectively. The current staff model was put together in 2002. The Admin Team and staffing structure was changed at that time. We need Admin Team members that are active and engaged at the classis level. Each Synod will have their own plan. Suggested it be fluid so if it’s not working, it can be changed.

MMSC to move forward with the proposal that has been put before us and actively work toward making it happen. We are looking at having this gathering November 14-15, 2014.

Transformed and Transforming – Dale Assink Dale provided a written report updating how each classis is currently seeking input concerning how Transformed and Transforming will impact their classis. In addition, Dale in referring to the motion earlier approved by this team, shared three insights: 1. as the Synod of the Heartland Staff and Admin Team members work together, we need to make sure each classis executive team buys in to the Transformed and Transforming vision as well as the process we are pursuing in this motion, 2. the importance to design a guideline to be used by each classis executive team in their discernment process, and 3. make the guideline very simple.

This will be a monumental task and needs to be kept simple enough that churches do it. We need to work at defining the process, questions, and expectations. Dale will draft this document, with input from each of our classes.

Youth Report – Bob Cleveringa It is exciting to watch Transformed and Transforming move ahead with the next generation talk. Working with GS staff, to keep next generation in front of them. Focus on how to engage young people and have them be a part of the church leadership. Tying Transformed and Transforming and Sticky Faith together. Middle School Retreat was held in April with 342 attending. Northwestern College students did a great job. Pam and Bob have been working on Sticky Faith networks , sharing best practices and how to move ahead. RMH registration is 2669 with more coming in Looking at insurance coverage at camp and with vendors used, per the recommendation for the Synod Finance Team.

Financials Finance team met, reviewed, and approved all financials from 2013 and the 2014 budgets. The setting of the 2015 budget has been delayed so we can have the accurate membership numbers and help us align with classis budgets. Budget work will be done this summer.

MMSC to approve the work of the finance team and to move forward with a new process for budgeting.

Nominations The officers, Dale, John, and Alicia met. It was felt in light of all the changes going on and how we might restructure staff and the Admin Team, we leave the current officers in place for 2014. That includes Evan Vermeer as President; Rick Timmer as Vice President, and Ivan Wiersema as Past President.

MMSC to affirm the decision to keep the officers the same for this transitioning year.

All of our work is up for transition. How can we be transformational instead of transitioning? Classis boundaries are also up for grabs.

Executive Session Steering Teams have been meeting and affirm the direction and leadership of staff. Open to be change. Youth and discipleship will become more incorporated with Transformed and Transforming.

Christa Mooi closed with prayer.

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