PLC Release Time Subcommittee Meeting Draft Stakeholder Survey Questions 1-16-10

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PLC Release Time Subcommittee Meeting Draft Stakeholder Survey Questions 1-16-10

PLC Release Time Committee: November 16, 2010 Parent/Teacher/Administrator Survey Questions

Are you a:  Teacher  Administrator  Parent

Are you a parent and/or a teacher of  Elementary  Middle School  High School

If school was to dismiss 1 hour early a week, would you require additional childcare?

Could you accommodate the student day beginning:  5 minutes early  10 minutes early  15 minutes early  5 minutes late  10 minutes late  15 minutes late

If after-school enrichment type programs were available for 1 hour a week, would you be willing to pay a nominal fee of $2.00 - $8.00 for that hour?

Would you be interested in putting extra time  at the beginning of the day?  at the end of the day?  at a combination of the beginning/ending of the day?

Would you support a late start or early dismissal?

Does a flex schedule impact your family?

If it does:  would you want the school to offer an activity during this hour?  would you be willing to pay an “activity” fee?  would your family need before or after school care?

Can you think of a different schedule option?

Is there interest in flipping elementary/middle/high school schedules?

Which grade level best describes your child(ren)?

Would you favor. . .  early start?  late release?  split?

Are you in favor of Professional Learning Communities (PLC)? Which is your primary concern?  Homework  Childcare  Activities  Class time?

Where does your child go after school?  Home on the bus with a parent at home  Home on the bus without a parent at home  Aftercare program  Other (please explain)

If school were to let out at 1:45 pm (elementary) and 2:30 pm (middle & high school) on Wednesday, where will your child go after school?  Home on the bus with a parent at home?  Home on the bus without a parent at home?  Aftercare program  Other (please explain)

On a scale of 1-5 (1 being not at all, 5 being greatly), how would an early release day affect your overall family schedule?  1 – Not at all  2 – somewhat  3 – neutral  4 – minor adjustment  5 – a major problem

In addition to an early release time on Wednesday, how would a 7:45 am high school/middle school start time and an 8:30 am elementary school start time affect your overall family schedule?  1 – not at all  2 – somewhat  3 – neutral  4 – minor adjustment  5 – a major problem

Are you in favor of an early release time on Wednesday of each week to allow teachers to meet for PLC?  Yes  No

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