University Research Ethics Committees Working Group
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UK University Research Ethics Committees Forum Meeting held on Tuesday 29th October 2013, 11:00, at King’s College London
Attendees: Tony Agathangelou, Regents University Nicola Leighton, Keele University London Marice Lunny, King’s College London David Anderson-Ford, Brunel University Ann Macaskill, Sheffield Hallam Dan Butcher, King’s College London University Melanie Coulson, University of Jackie Maul, AREC Bedfordshire Liam McKervey, University of Bristol Bridget Egan, University of Winchester Bob Odle, University of Westminster Roger Bone, Canterbury Christ Church Nicole Palmer, University of Kent University Mitchell Parker, Aberyswth University Lorna Carter, CUREC University of James Patterson, King’s College London Oxford Gella Richards, Roehampton University Hazel Covill, Queen Mary, University of Sue Steel, University of East Anglia London Timothy Stibbs, AREC - UREC Sector Catherine Fieulleteau, King’s College Committee Chairman, Manchester London University Ann Gallagher, University of Surrey Zoe Stockdale, Loughborough University Richard Kwiatkowski, Cranfield Birgit Whitman, Chair, University of University Bristol 1. Introductions Those who had not previously attended were welcomed. The committee expressed their thanks to Lucy Caton for her invaluable help and support to the Forum. 2. Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2013 2.1. It was noted that the AREC University Sector subcommittee is called a Development Group 2.2. On the second page the word member should have a ‘s’. The minutes were amended. 3. Matters Arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda 3.1. There was nothing to report. 4. Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC) update 4.1. Framework Development It was reported that the Framework is ready to be launched. The Development Group would like to express their thanks to Andrew Rawnsley and UREC for their help with the Framework. It is envisaged that the Framework will be launched at the AREC annual conference. It was noted that the Framework does currently offer guidance for research that involves human participants, their data and or tissue. It does not currently address specific needs for the ethics review of studies that involve animals or other research such as ecological/environmental etc. It was noted that the current Framework should be considered as a first step and efforts will be made to expand 1 this once feedback from the initial roll out is available and additional resources have been identified. The topic of whether a university had to be a member of AREC to sign up to the Framework was raised. This matter is currently being discussed by the University Sector Development Group. The following issues were noted: I. Page 12. It was felt that the fourth point needed to be clarified to make it clear that research involving human participants should not commence without ethical approval. II. Page 16 under ‘Introduction’. Research on NHS staff or on NHS premises does no longer require review by a NHS REC; these studies can be reviewed by URECs. Plans for future action include a close collaboration between AREC, UKRIO and the UUK working group for the Concordat. This may also include alliances with other partners such as the HRA, R&D Directors and R&D Forums. This Framework is the first version and a pragmatic view should be adopted when using it for the first time in institutions. 4.2. AREC / HRA workshops
AREC have been working with the HRA to produce a series of workshops, aimed at students making an application to an NHS REC. To date, these have been held at The Open University, Bristol University and UCL. The final workshop in this series will take place on 25th November at University of Manchester. These have been very successful events and feedback has been excellent. Programme and booking form
4.3. AREC development The annual AREC conference ‘Integrating Research Ethics’ will be held on the 15th November 2013 at the America Square Conference Centre, London and everyone is encouraged to attend. It was highlighted that there is currently a lack of funding for AREC and it was suggested that corporate sponsorship might be considered. The committee felt that AREC would need to carefully consider these plans and there should be a clear distinction between AREC and the company. The committee felt that sponsors should not be allowed to use AREC in their marketing. It was noted that the AGM proposed to change the name of AREC to the Association of Research Ethics. An observation was made that unlike the European Science Foundation AREC only focuses on UK research ethics and integrity. It was suggested that AREC might want to consider a wider agenda and take a broader view of research ethics.
2 A comment was made that the topic of research integrity is raising the profile of research ethics. An area of the debate was the relationship between research ethics and integrity.
5. Watching Briefs 5.1 Human Tissue Act Following the consultation last year, both the HTA and HFEA are to retain their functions. There was a recommendation to merge the background support for both bodies, while they continue their primary functions. Some types of material (e.g. slides/blocks, bodily fluids) might be removed from the definition of relevant material in the future.
5.2 ARMA workshop ARMA held a workshop on research integrity. Russell Group The Russell Group held a research integrity workshop in September as a start to a workshop series. 5.3 What has been the major issue in your institution since the last meeting? There was nothing to report. 6. Any other business There were no items of any other business. There was agreement that the subject of training for members of URECs should be addressed at the meeting on 28thJanuary 2014. Anyone willing to contribute to this should contact the Chair ([email protected])
7. Part 2 Discussion session: Current ethics tools and training gap analysis.
Liam McKervey demonstrated the online research ethics application system currently in place at the University of Bristol.
8. Dates of Future Meetings: 11am on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at King’s College London 11am on Tuesday 24th June 2014 at King’s College London
To find out more information about: . UK URECs Forum please email [email protected]. . Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC) enquiries, please email [email protected]
It would be helpful if any changes in University REC contact information could be sent to all. 3 All minutes, presentations (with permission) and meeting dates are published on the Forum webpages hosted by King’s College London: