For the Bytown District Council Meeting
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IN ATTENDANCE District Executive Associations / Leagues Chairman John Crawford Canterbury Denis Marchand Alternate Chair Dave Best Ottawa Centre Eric Lay Director Competitive Hockey Richard Seguin Ottawa Junior 67’s Anna Murphy-Dow Referee-in-Chief Bruce Gray Ottawa Sting Chris Cullen Registrar John Messier Ottawa West Mark Arnold / Norm Sharpe Treasurer John Messier Ottawa East Daniel Danis Director of Risk and Safety Allen Deering SouthEnd Ed Neeson Ice Coordinator Bruce Muise W.E.H.L. Bruce Taylor Coach Mentor vacant Director at Large Janet Shelaga a/w Guest Tom Meagher, past RIC Director at Large Paul Kreller Clinic Coordinator vacant BMHL Director of Development vacant abs = absent Secretary John Crawford a/w = absent with regrets sent
Welcome by the Chair 1. John Crawford welcomed everyone to the ninth meeting of the 2009-2010 season and the AGM of the Bytown District Council. John personally thanked each person in attendance for their many hours of dedicated volunteer work over the past season. He noted that Tom Meagher was a guest of the District that evening. Later, during the presentations, Tom was presented with the OMDHA Volunteer of the Year Award and a District presentation for his many years of volunteer work, and in particular for his work as the District RIC.
Risk and Safety 2. Allen’s report is attached.
Page 1 of 13 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting and AGM of 25 May 2009 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
CONSTITUTION 3. There were two Constitution amendments put forth, as summarized below. The full motion, discussion, and voting details for each are in the AGM attachments of these Minutes. All motions were carried.
a. Rules and Regulations, Appendix 4, Annual Player Movement Within the District. To provide the contents for this annex. b. Rules and Regulations, Appendix 7, Police Record Check (PRC) Process. To provide the contents for this annex.
BUDGET 4. John Messier presented the Budget proposal for the operations of District B for the 2010-11 season, a copy of which is in the AGM attachments to these Minutes. .
MOTION: That the Budget be accepted as presented. Moved by: Daniel Danis Seconded by: Richard Seguin CARRIED
ELECTIONS 5. On behalf of the District Council, Dave Best conducted the Elections. Each position was nominated and voted on; voting details for each position are in the AGM attachments of these Minutes. The results are as shown below:
Chair: Norm Sharpe Alternate Chair: Paul Kreller (for one year, to fill the second year of Dave Best’s tenure) Registrar: John Messier Director of Risk and Safety: Allen Deering Director at Large: Dave Best Ice Director: Rob Wolfe / Ed Neeson
ADJOURNMENT 6. Motion to adjourn was moved at 8:30 p.m. MOVED BY: Dave Best SECONDED BY: Richard Seguin CARRIED
Next Meeting: 7 p.m. Mon 7 June 2009 Agenda: 1) general meeting 2) to review ODMHA Motions prior to AGM
Page 2 of 13 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting and AGM of 25 May 2009 Monthly Reports Attached:
Risk and Safety
AGM Attachments:
Agenda Constitution Amendments Budget Proposal for 2010-2011 Season Elections and Appointments
Page 3 of 13 Minutes of Bytown District Council Meeting and AGM of 25 May 2009 RISK & SAFETY & HOUSE LEAGUE DISCIPLINE REPORT
Who would think that we would be talking minor hockey at this time of the year especially with this heat wave we’re presently experiencing.
I will keep this report somewhat short and will be sending a more detailed report to the house league presidents shortly.
This past season has not been one of my best due to computer and health issues, I did respond to all of my emails but not necessarily to all in a timely manner due to computer problems, hopefully this did not present any problems for those concerned. Regarding Risk& Safety it was relatively quiet with exception of a couple of issues.
As far as Discipline goes as no surprise to anyone the Midgets were the division that gave us the most headaches all other divisions appeared to be down from the previous season.
More this past season compared to other there appeared to be a lot a lot of Referee calls over turned by the Referee in Chief than in the past, this presented a problem when it game to preparing accurate reports in so much as the GIR was late or not amended to reflect the changes, in some case’s it was a referee nightmare to keep a log of all infraction that incurred on the ice especially in the later part of the season in the midget division.
Before closing I would like to thank John Crawford for his contribution to minor hockey over the years him and I go back a long way and it has not been a bed of roses by any means especially with the meager of District 6,7,8 and other issues that I care not to mention at this time. Thanks John, hopefully you enjoy your retirement from minor hockey. You will be missed.
As for me, if it is the wish of the people in attendance I would like to return for another term. This will probably be my last.
Respectively Submitted,
I Welcome by the Chairperson
II Amendments to the Bytown District Constitution
III District Budget for 2010-11
IV Elections
V Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
VI Presentations
VII Adjournment . Next mtg: 7:00 p.m. Mon 7 June 2010, ODMHA Meeting Room to review ODMHA / ODHA AGM Motions AGM - CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS
Proposed Amdts to the ODMHA Bytown District Constitution for the District’s 2010 AGM, May 25, 2010.
1. Appendix 7, Police Record Check (PRC) Process
Background: shown below is an extract of the Minutes from the Feb 2010 Bytown District Council mtg:
Police Record Checks – the ODMHA Director of Risk and Safety recommends these be done every two to three years. This item was initially raised at the Dec 2006 meeting Bytown District Council by Paul Kreller, then President Canterbury MHA. Subsequently, there was a motion that was approved at the Feb 2007 meeting, shown below in italics:
Police Record Checks: Motion to establish the required frequency of Police Record Checks in the new Bytown District:
“District B requires that all volunteers complete a Police Record Check (PRC) as part of the overall screening process. Effective with the 2006-2007 Hockey season, District B Associations are required to ensure that individual volunteers submit their Police Records Check (PRC) upon their initial application and a minimum of every five years thereafter provided they have continuous service. If there is a break in the individual’s volunteer service within the District of one season or more the individual will be required to resubmit.”
MOVED BY: Paul Kreller SECONDED BY: Doug Johnson CARRIED Note: This needs to be incorporated into the Bytown Constitution. Item closed.
Proposal: That the following item be approved for Appendix 7:
“District B requires that all volunteers complete a Police Record Check (PRC) as part of the overall screening process. Effective with the 2010-2011 Hockey season, District B Associations are required to ensure that individual volunteers submit their Police Records Check (PRC) upon their initial application and a minimum of every five years thereafter provided they have continuous service. If there is a break in the individual’s volunteer service within the District of one season or more the individual will be required to resubmit.”
MOVED BY: _____Paul Kreller______
SECONDED BY: _____Allen Deering______
Proposed Amdts to the ODMHA Bytown District Constitution for the District’s 2010 AGM, May 25, 2010.
2. Appendix 4 - Annual Player Movement Within the District
Background: shown below is an extract of ODMHA Rules and Regulations paragraph 5.0
e) Within the ODMHA, there are 3 kinds of residence changes: i. Inter-Branch Moves – to be documented as laid out in paragraph d) above. ii. Inter-District Moves – to be documented as laid out in paragraph f) below. iii. Intra-District Moves – to be documented as laid out in District regulations and procedures. This proposed amendment covers para 5, sub-para e, sub-sub-para iii of ODMHA Rules and Regulations
Proposal: That the following item be approved as Appendix 4: 1. District B and its member associations require evidence of residency at the time of registration, and all documentation must be provided to the Receiving Association before the player can participate in play. 2. At the time of registration, the following documentation must be provided: a. Guardianship details, including Court Order(s), if applicable (where custody is shared, ODMHA Rules and Regulations, Paragraph 5.0). b. Documentation showing a valid address in the new Association, e. g. a copy of the Residential bill of sale or rental agreement, a copy of a utility bill (with proof that the person named on the utility bill is the person granted custody or guardianship of the player). c. Proof of school registration. 3. This policy only deals with Intra (within) District moves: a. All intra-district residence changes: i. Must be completed by October 15 of the current season. Should this cause undue hardship, financially or otherwise, a special exception can be made on this date restriction with the approval of both the Receiving and Sending Associations, allowing the player to join the gaining association for the current season; ii. Must be accompanied by a District B Declaration of Residency form, duly signed and documented; within which a statement for Member of Good Standing certifies that the player involved has no outstanding debts or suspensions with the sending Association; iii. For all moves, where a person other than the parent of a player has an enforceable Court Order that grants custody or guardianship of the player, and is signed and dated a minimum of 90 days prior to the player registering for the current season, then the residence of the player shall be that of the person granted custody or guardianship of the player. b. Should an association not follow these procedures and the player is found guilty of not providing the proper documentation, the association will face the District B Disciplinary and Appeals Committee, and may be levied administrative charges in an amount determined by that Committee. c. Should it be determined that the player has provided false information or documentation, then the player shall face disciplinary action which may include suspension for the remainder of the current season. d. For hockey purposes, District B does not consider that a player boarding in a rented room(s) or boarding house, out of his home association/district/zone, has established that as his residence. MOVED BY: _John Messier District B Registrar SECONDED BY: ______Chris Cullen______CARRIED / DEFEATED District B DECLARATION OF RESIDENCE (To be completed if you are registering in a different area than the past season Within District B) Hockey Canada Regulation F.3 requires that a player register in the area wherein his/her parents(s)/legal guardian(s) reside, and because your child resides at a different address from last year and registered for hockey in a different area last year from where he/she now is required to register, we ask that you supply the information requested below. This form must be submitted at the time of registering your child with the new association. A PLAYER MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN ON-ICE ACTIVITIES OR REGISTER UNLESS THIS INFORMATION IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE NEW REGISTERING ASSOCIATION/TEAM Player Information Player Name Player DOB
New Address
Postal Code Telephone Number Date moved to new address I/We hereby declare that the above named player is our son/daughter and the above noted address is where he/she habitually resides. HC regulation f.4(b). Parents (full or 50% custody, both parents to sign )
Mother’s Signature Father’s Signature OR I/We hereby declare that I/We are the legal guardian(s) of the above named player and that the above named player resides with me/us at the above address. Guardian (Please supply copy of Court Appointed Guardianship document) (if applicable) Mother’s Signature Father’s Signature New Association Certification Name of New Association (Supply a copy of a Utility Bill, or Bill of Sale/Lease for new residence) Verified Past Season Information Association last season Level and Category
Old Address Postal Code Declaration of member in Good Standing The above mentioned player was previously registered in our Association and has, in our opinion, officially moved permanent residence. He is hereby granted permission to transfer to the new association. This member leaves our association Member has been moved in the HC database In District with no outstanding debt. moves Previous Association President District B Registrar Past president must forward this document to the District Registrar Member must use the documents at: Out of and: District and follow the applicable rules as set at: moves If you are viewing a web document, the above links are live and will take you to the applicable documents Date: Competitive Request House League Request
Player Name Date of Birth Address Telephone No Address City Postal code
Home Association
I request a transfer for the above player to the ______Minor Hockey Association in District B for the 20__ - 20__ season. The rationale for the transfer request is as follows:
Parent or Guardian Name Signature
Receiving Association Space is available President Name Signature Agree Oppose Comments
Home Association President Name Signature Agree Oppose Comments
For competitive transfers only Competitive Receiving Assoc. Space is available President Name Signature Agree Oppose Comments
Competitive Home Association President Name Signature Agree Oppose Comments
District B Chairman and Registrar District Chair Signature Agree Oppose Comments District B Registrar Member shared in database Budget proposal for the operations of District B For the 2010/2011 season As prepared by John Messier, Treasurer Operations This is the fourth season for Bytown District and the budget is in good shape.
Because all of Bytown member Associations have now paid their assessments and there are no monies owing, the District operations account is healthy. As a result, the Bytown annual assessment for the 2010/2011 season will remain at $1.00 per player. I have included this calculation in the player table at the bottom of this report.
The $800.00 RIC Honorarium remains in the books as an annual expense. It has not yet been disbursed but the cheque is awaiting signature. The $2,000.00 Provincial team sponsorship will also remain and once again, there is a $1,000 carry over from the past season.
Web site maintenance remains on the books however, there presently is no web site and there seems to be no movement on this subject, a decision will have to be made at the executive level on whether a commercial option should be looked at to administer this item. I have left this item on the books for $1,000.00 and request an option for a possible increase to $2000.00 depending on the cost of a commercial option.
Ice payments for clinics was not used this year however, I suggest that we keep approximately $1000 dollars in reserve for this matter.
Other items like Registrar and Secretary expenses such as stamps, printing cartridges and paper are regular expenses which are reimbursed based on invoice submissions.
Ice fees As stated at the last District meeting, the ice fees for the 2009/2010 season will be set at $160.00. This will provide for a $0.43 cent per hour fee which will be recorded against the District surplus to pay for errors in payments and other fees unaccounted for. Actual ice costs are as follows: increase from 137.11 to 141.22 - a 3 % increase. This along with the introduction of HST sets 2010-2011 rate at 159.57
All overpayments by associations for the 2009.2010 season have been credited to each association and the final requests for payment have been. To date, I have only received the payment for Ottawa East., WEHL. Southend, OC, AAA have not yet paid. I still have to issue credit cheques to the associations that are receiving a credit.
As per last season, I propose that each association pay 5% of their ice bill in September/October so a cash flow can be established. I also propose that each association submit an additional 5% with their November payment. This will allow for mail delays caused by the Christmas season which nearly resulted in administration fees on a $200K+ invoice. This process worked very well this season, and helped us almost eliminate late fees which used to run between $3K to $5K per season.
BMHL The BMHL component of the budget is there only for accounting purpose. The fees are set by the league and are equally shared amongst the league Associations. Payment is made to the District Operations Account. This fee covers the cost of trophies and banners for the season end. Payments are made based on invoice submissions. The BMHL component has a balance of $3,429.70 in its budget. Budget proposal for the operations of District B For the 2010/2011 season As prepared by John Messier, Treasurer
Proposed expenses Referee in Chief $800.00 Honorarium $400.00 Paper, Cartridges Registrar 0 $500.00 Internet connection, Telephone line District must decide on the future of its website. However, it is a necessity in this day and age to have the information made available to the public. This amount may have to be increased if Web Maintenance $1000.00 the website has to be rebuilt
No clinics were held by Bytown District in the Clinics $1000.00 2007/2008 season Team sponsorships to provincial/National championships attendance $2000.00 Upon voting by the District Executive. Secretary $200.00 Paper/Cartridges 0 To be used for unplanned expenses resulting Chairman’s Fund $500.00 from District operations 0 0 $6,400.00 As stated above, with the present status of the operations account. I propose that Bytown district operate the 2009/2010 season without requesting additional assessment fees. The Bytown District operations account presently has $13K in its bank balance and there are no outstanding dues.
Following are the players on teams for the 2008/2009 season: Associations Actuals 2011 assessment if required Canterbury MHA 446 $446.00 Ottawa Centre MHA 430 $430.00 SouthEnd MHA 577 $577.00 Ottawa Sting MHA 325 $325.00 Ottawa West Golden Knights MHA 137 $137.00 Ottawa East MHA 325 $325.00 West End Hockey League MHA 971 $971.00 Ottawa Jr 67s AAA 68 $68.00 TOTAL 3279 $3279.00 ELECTIONS and APPOINTMENTS AT THE DISTRICT’S AGM, MAY 25, 2010
1. Chair
Nomination: ___Paul Kreller / Norm Sharpe______
Moved by: ___Allen Deering / Chris Cullen______
Voted in: Norm Sharpe
2. Director of Competitive Hockey
Nomination: ___Richard Seguin______
Moved by: ___Allen Deering______
3. Registrar
Nomination: ___John Messier______
Moved by: ___Richard Seguin______
4. Director of Risk and Safety
Nomination: ___Allen Deering______
Moved by: ___Ed Neeson______
Nomination: ______
Moved by: ______
Seconded by: ______2. Alternate Chair (position is for the second year of a two-year term as Dave Best stepped down)
Nomination: _____Paul Kreller______
Moved by: _____Allen Deering______
Acclaimed 3. Director at Large
Nomination: _____Dave Best______
Moved by: _____Allen Deering______
1. Ice Director
Nomination: ___Rob Wolfe / Ed Neeson____
Moved by: ___Paul Kreller / Denis Marchand
Decision: to retain both as co-chairs for the Ice Director position
2. Coach Mentor
Nomination: ______
Moved by: ______
Seconded by: ______
3. Clinic Coordinator
Nomination: ______
Moved by: ______
Seconded by: ______