The Neural Foundations of Major Depression
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The Neural Foundations of Major Depression:
Classical Approaches and New Frontiers
J. Paul Hamilton, Daniella J. Furman, & Ian H. Gotlib
Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Running Head: Neural Foundations of Depression
Preparation of this chapter was supported by NIMH Grants MH59259 and MH74849 to Ian H.
Gotlib. Neural Foundations of Depression 2
The Neural Foundations of Major Depression:
Classical Approaches and New Frontiers
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is among the most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders.
Recent estimates indicate that almost 20% of the American population, or more than 30 million adults, will experience a clinically significant episode of depression during their lifetime (Kessler
& Wang, 2009). Moreover, depression is frequently comorbid with other mental and physical difficulties, including anxiety disorders, cardiac problems, and smoking (e.g., Friedland &
Carney, 2009). Depression also has significant economic and social costs. Kessler et al. (2006), for example, estimated that the annual salary-equivalent costs of depression-related lost productivity in the United States exceed $36 billion. Given the high prevalence, comorbidity, and costs of depression, it is not surprising that the World Health Organization Global Burden of
Disease Study ranked this disorder as the single most burdensome disease world-wide (Murray
& Lopez, 1996). Finally, it is important to note that depression is a highly recurrent disorder.
More than 75% of depressed patients have more than one depressive episode, often relapsing within two years of recovery from a depressive episode (Boland & Keller, 2009). Indeed, between one-half and two-thirds of people who have ever been clinically depressed will be in an episode in any given year over the remainder of their lives (Kessler & Wang, 2009).
Although MDD is primarily a disorder of emotion and its regulation, it is important to recognize that this disorder can be characterized by a full constellation of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, including sad mood and/or a loss of interest or pleasure in almost all daily activities, weight loss or gain, sleep disturbance, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, suicidal ideation, and concentration difficulties. In addition to these symptoms used to derive a formal diagnosis of MDD, investigators have also documented that depressed individuals exhibit enhanced processing of negative material and diminished processing of Neural Foundations of Depression 3 positive information, as well as blunted responsivity to rewarding stimuli (see Gotlib &
Joormann, 2010).
In attempting to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the development and maintenance of these symptoms, over the past two decades investigators have used neuroimaging techniques to examine the neural substrates of MDD. In this review we present findings from this body of research, identifying the major brain regions or structures that have been implicated in depression and discussing their relation, when possible, to specific DSM symptoms of MDD. We focus in this paper on the structures that have received the most significant empirical attention: the amygdala, the hippocampus, the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sACC), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the ventral striatum (VS) (see
Figure 1). For each of these structures we present a brief overview of the general functions associated with the structure, and then discuss findings of studies relating both volumetric and functional anomalies of the structure to MDD. In this context, we describe the types of tasks that have been used in the scanner to examine differences between depressed and nondepressed individuals in their patterns of neural activation in these structures.
For each structure we also present the results of studies that have examined the relation between changes in functional or structural characteristics with recovery, or remission, of depression, either naturally or as a result of a specific intervention. Results from these studies, and from investigations of individuals at elevated risk for MDD, are important in helping us understand the temporal relation between depression and neural functional and/or structural anomalies. Following this presentation, we summarize the current state of our understanding of neural aspects of depression based on our review of this literature. We then describe what we believe are three important (and necessary) directions for future research: conducting systems- level investigations of the neural foundations of MDD, examining the neural functioning of individuals at elevated risk for depression in order to gain a clearer understanding of the causal Neural Foundations of Depression 4 relation between neural anomalies and MDD, and assessing the effects of manipulating the level of activation in these neural structures on the course of depression. Before we begin our discussion, we should note that there are many dozens of studies that may be relevant to each of the points that we make; clearly, we cannot be exhaustive in our review of this literature.
Instead, we cite representative studies and, where appropriate, existing reviews of relevant literatures.
Brain Structure and Function: Associations with Depression
The Amygdala
The amygdala is a small, complex structure situated in the medial temporal lobe immediately adjacent to the anterior boundary of the hippocampus. Nuclei of the amygdala receive afferent projections from diverse regions of the brain, including the thalamus and hypothalamus, the cingulate, temporal, and insular cortices, and several midbrain structures.
Efferent fibers project back to the thalamus, hypothalamus, and “limbic” cortical regions, in addition to brainstem nuclei and the striatum. Because of this pattern of connectivity, historically the amygdala has been thought to integrate information from the senses and viscera, particularly in the service of detecting and mobilizing responses to signs of threat in the environment. Consistent with this formulation, stimulation of the amygdala in animals has been found to increase plasma corticosterone and autonomic signs of fear and anxiety (see Davis,
1992). These findings are complemented by studies of amygdala lesions in humans, which have been found to result in decreased perception of emotionally-significant stimuli, disrupted emotionality, and reduced fear learning (e.g., Anderson & Phelps, 2001; Bechara et al., 1995).
In addition to a well-documented role in fear conditioning (see LeDoux, 2003), there is considerable support for the involvement of the amygdala in the encoding of long-term emotional memories. In a seminal study with humans, Cahill et al. (1996) measured glucose Neural Foundations of Depression 5 metabolism using positron emission tomography (PET) as participants viewed emotionally arousing film clips and again as the same individuals viewed emotionally neutral clips. Several weeks later, participants were asked to recall as many of these film clips as possible. The number of recalled films was found to be positively correlated with the relative level of glucose metabolism in the right amygdala; importantly, this relation was obtained only for the emotional films. Investigators using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have extended this finding by relating moment-to-moment changes in amygdala activation to subsequent recall of emotional stimuli (Canli et al., 2000).
Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated reasonably consistent associations between exposure to emotionally salient material and amygdala activation. Meta-analyses of this work have shown that this association is present for both positively and negatively valenced material, and is particularly robust when investigators use visual, gustatory, or olfactory stimuli
(Costafreda et al., 2008). Interestingly, the amygdala also activates in response to neutral but unpredictable stimuli, such as the presentation of an irregular pattern of tones (Herry et al.,
2007), leading researchers to posit that the amygdala functions in a much broader context than was originally believed. In fact, investigators have hypothesized that the amygdala operates at the level of a generalized self-relevance detection system (Sander et al., 2003), mediating vigilance, attentional resources, and behavioral responses in the face of a constantly changing stream of often ambiguous environmental cues.
Studies of differences in amygdala volume between samples of depressed and nondepressed individuals have yielded inconsistent results. Whereas some investigators have reported decreased amygdala volume in depression (e.g., Hastings et al., 2004), others have found increased amygdala volume in this disorder (e.g., Bremner et al., 2000). In attempting to account for these discrepant findings, we conducted a meta-analysis of studies examining the relation of amygdala volume and MDD, focusing on such characteristics as gender composition Neural Foundations of Depression 6 and medication status of the samples and chronicity of disorder. We found that whereas in unmedicated samples depression is associated with decreased amygdala volume, in medicated samples depressed individuals are characterized by increased amygdala volume (Hamilton et al., 2008). The decrease in amygdala volume in unmedicated depression may be due to increased stress-induced glucocorticoid responding in MDD which, itself, can lead to overstimulation and subsequent excitotoxic damage in glucocorticoid-receptor rich structures like the amygdala (Sapolsky, 1996). Similarly, the observed increase in amygdala volume in medicated depression may be due to the documented capacity of antidepressant medications to promote growth of new neurons in structures like the amygdala, in which neurogenesis is possible (Perera et al., 2007).
Investigations of amygdala activity in depression, both in response to affective stimuli and during wakeful resting state, have consistently shown aberrant amygdala functioning.
Studies using techniques like PET and single-photon computed emission tomography (SPECT), which measure regional brain blood flow and/or metabolism (both of which are widely used estimates of regional brain activity) have documented increased tonic amygdala activity in MDD
(e.g., Drevets et al., 1992) that has been found to normalize following various types of treatments, including antidepressant drugs (Drevets et al., 2002) and partial sleep deprivation
(Clark et al., 2006). Consistent with this work, lower levels of amygdala activity in depressed individuals prior to treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a procedure in which brief magnetic pulses are applied to and stimulate specific regions of the brain, predicted better therapeutic response (Nadeau et al., 2002).
Studies using fMRI have reported increased amygdala responsivity in MDD under a wide range of affectively negative conditions, including anticipating viewing aversive pictures (Abler et al., 2007), and anticipating and experiencing heat pain applied to the arm (Strigo et al., 2008).
Similarly, Hamilton and Gotlib (2008) reported that individuals diagnosed with MDD were Neural Foundations of Depression 7 characterized by greater amygdala activation in response to viewing negative pictures that they recognized a week later than to negative pictures that they did not subsequently recognize.
Moreover, in samples of depressed participants amygdala hyper-responsivity has been found to correlate positively with both severity of depressive symptoms (Hamilton & Gotlib, 2008) and level of ruminative responding (Siegle et al., 2002). Interestingly, unlike baseline amygdala activity in MDD, amygdala hyper-reactivity has been found to persist following remission of depression (Hooley et al., 2009; Ramel et al., 2007). Given this discrepancy, it may be that whereas high tonic levels of amygdala activity characterize the depressed state, heightened amygdala reactivity is a stable ‘trait’ that may play a role both in placing individuals at risk for the development of MDD and in increasing the likelihood of relapse among remitted depressed persons.
While hyper-reactivity of the amygdala has been found reliably in response to negative stimuli in depression, it is important to note that this pattern has also been observed as depressed individuals respond to various positive affective stimuli, such as positive, self- descriptive adjectives (Siegle et al., 2002) and happy faces (Sheline et al., 2001). Further complicating our understanding of amygdala functioning in the pathophysiology of MDD, researchers have noted that increased response in this structure to affectively valenced stimuli correlates positively with therapeutic response to cognitive-behavioral therapy (Siegle et al.,
2006) and with symptom improvement at eight-month follow-up (Canli et al., 2005). More recent formulations of amygdala function as part of a personal saliency network (Seeley et al., 2007) may help reconcile these apparently contradictory findings. Thus, in depression, the amygdala may be tuned to respond to negative stimuli because of their congruence with depressed mood, and with positive stimuli as a function of their representation of a desired mood state. Moreover, while the increased amygdala-driven impact of affective stimuli may worsen current mood, the Neural Foundations of Depression 8 salient distress caused by this negative mood may help to mobilize adaptive, motivational resources that predict subsequent improvement in depressive symptoms.
The Hippocampus
The hippocampus is a long, heterogeneous structure nested within the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The hippocampus plays an important role in episodic memory, that is, in the formation of new memories about experienced events (Preston & Wagner, 2007). In this context, the hippocampus is involved in the detection of novel events, places, and stimuli
(Kumaran & Maguire, 2009). In fact, some researchers view the hippocampus as part of a larger
MTL system that is responsible for general declarative memory (Eichenbaum, 2000). More relevant to its role in depression, however, scientists increasingly have implicated the hippocampus in the inhibition of responses to negative emotional stimuli (Goldstein et al., 2007) and in the regulation of the stress response. Indeed, the hippocampus contains high levels of glucocorticoid receptors. An excess of glucocorticoids produced by the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis can be particularly deleterious to hippocampal neurons (Sapolsky 2000) and can reduce hippocampal neurogenesis (Gould & Tanapat, 1999). Indeed, recent evidence indicates that people who have experienced significant traumatic stress are characterized by reduced hippocampal volume (Bremner et al., 2003b).
With respect to MDD, the results of early research examining hippocampal volume in this disorder were equivocal. More recent meta-analyses, however, have not only documented a reduction of hippocampal volume in MDD, but have demonstrated further that this decrease in hippocampal volume is correlated with the duration of depressive illness (Videbech & Ravnkilde,
2004). At this point, however, the nature of the relation between smaller hippocampal volume and depressive chronicity is unclear. It may be, for example, that prolonged duration of depression leads progressively to atrophy of the hippocampus; alternatively, decreased Neural Foundations of Depression 9 hippocampal volume may contribute to a longer course of illness, or both depression and hippocampal volume reduction may be due to a third factor. In beginning to examine this question, Frodl et al. (2004) assessed hippocampal volume in depressed and never-disordered persons both at intake and at a one-year follow-up assessment. Consistent with the formulation that decreased hippocampal volume predicts longer course of illness, they found no difference over the year in hippocampal volume change between MDD and control subjects; they did find, however, that depressed persons who did not recover between intake and follow-up had smaller hippocampal volumes at intake than did depressed persons who were remitted at follow-up.
Similarly, as we discuss in greater detail later in this chapter, in our laboratory we have scanned young girls who have a maternal history of recurrent depression but who have not themselves yet experienced a diagnosable episode of MDD. We recently reported that girls at high risk for depression had smaller hippocampal volume than did their low-risk counterparts (Chen et al.,
2010), suggesting that decreased hippocampal volume is present in high-risk individuals before the onset of a depressive episode.
Several investigators have now also used PET and similar procedures to examine baseline bloodflow or metabolism in the hippocampus in samples of depressed individuals. In general, these researchers have reported greater activation in the hippocampus in depressed than in nondepressed individuals (e.g., Seminowicz et al., 2004). Moreover, greater severity of depression has been found to be associated with more activation in the hippocampus (Hornig et al., 1997). Although less consistent, studies of change in hippocampal activation in response to treatment of depression have found decreases in hippocampal activity following treatment
(Aihara et al., 2007). Importantly, higher levels of hippocampal activation before treatment have been found to predict greater treatment efficacy (Ebert et al., 1994).
As we noted above, the hippocampus is a functionally heterogeneous structure that has been implicated both in memory and in the regulation of the stress response. Not surprisingly, Neural Foundations of Depression 10 therefore, investigators have reported anomalous hippocampal activity in MDD in response to both cognitive and affective challenges. Compared with nondepressed controls, depressed individuals have been found reliably to exhibit lower levels of hippocampal activation during performance of hippocampus-dependent cognitive tasks, including declarative memory encoding of a paragraph (Bremner et al., 2004), explicit learning of cues predicting subsequent reward (Kumar et al., 2008), and navigation of a virtual water maze to find a hidden platform
(Cornwell et al., 2010). Similarly, investigators have also found lower levels of hippocampal activation in response to affective challenges in depressed individuals, regardless of stimulus valence. For example, depressed individuals have been found to be characterized by attenuated hippocampal response during viewing of positive picture-caption pairs (Kumari et al.,
2003) and of positive social stimuli (Fu et al., 2007). Similarly, investigators using pictures portraying negative scenes have found reduced hippocampal activation in depression (Lee et al., 2007).
The Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex
The sACC, including Brodmann’s Area (BA) 25 and the ventral portion of BA 24 immediately rostral to it, has extensive connections with the amygdala, periaqueductal gray, mediodorsal and anterior thalamic nuclei, nucleus accumbens, and VS. Because of its unique interconnectivity with subcortical and limbic structures, this partition of the cingulate cortex is hypothesized to be involved in both affective processes and visceromotor control (Johansen-
Berg et al., 2008; Vogt, 2005).
Investigators examining neural aspects of emotional functioning have often associated the sACC with the induction of negative mood (e.g., Damasio et al., 2000). Liotti et al. (2000), for example, asked participants to generate short autobiographical scripts detailing a recent event in which they felt sad or anxious. During subsequent PET scanning, participants were Neural Foundations of Depression 11 shown their scripts, with the expectation that the participants’ original mood states would be reconstituted. Liotti et al. reported increased regional blood flow within the sACC only as a function of participants’ sadness, suggesting that the relation between sACC and negative mood is specific to this state. In fact, this specificity is partially supported by a meta-analysis of a wide range of emotion provocation studies, including those using visual, auditory, and memory recall methods to induce fear, anger, sadness, happiness, and disgust (Phan et al., 2002). The results of this meta-analysis indicate that the subgenual or subcallosal gyrus is activated significantly more frequently during sadness than during the experience of any other emotion. The association between sad mood and sACC appears to be particularly pronounced when autobiographical or self-relevant stimuli are used as part of the mood induction procedure.
Interestingly, work in our laboratory has shown that the sACC is activated when participants try to recall positive autobiographical memories after, but not before, a sad mood induction (Cooney et al., 2007), suggesting a more complex role for the sACC in affective processing and regulation.
Although several investigators have reported decreased volume of the sACC in depressed individuals (e.g., Wagner et al., 2008), other researchers have failed to replicate this finding (e.g., Pizzagalli et al., 2004). More recent MRI studies have conducted finer-grained analyses of sACC volume, differentiating areas within this structure at the levels of both cytoarchitecture and white-matter projections (Johansen-Berg et al., 2008). Importantly, the results of these investigations may account for the discrepant findings described above. More specifically, these studies have documented marked reductions in the volume of the posterior
(BA 25), but not of the anterior (BA 24), extents of the sACC in depressed individuals. These findings underscore the importance of differentiating the anterior and posterior extents of the sACC, and may have significant implications for studies of functional activations in this structure. Neural Foundations of Depression 12
Investigators examining regional blood flow and metabolism have also reported inconsistent findings concerning baseline sACC activity in MDD. Whereas some researchers have reported increased sACC activation in depression (Mayberg et al., 2005), others have documented decreased sACC activity in this disorder (Drevets et al., 1997). Drevets et al.
(1997) posited that volumetric reductions in the sACC in MDD could account for observed decreases in activation in this structure. In fact, Drevets et al. argued that, on a per-unit-volume basis, sACC activity was actually increased in MDD. Although initially speculative, this formulation has now been supported by a clear majority of studies examining treatment response in MDD; these investigations have documented decreases in sACC activity following recovery from depression (e.g., Mayberg et al., 2005). Underscoring the functional significance of reduced sACC activation in depressed individuals following treatment, investigators have shown this reduction in sACC activation to be associated both with lower scores on the
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Clark et al., 2006) and with lower scores on factors assessing symptoms of anxiety and tension (Brody et al., 2001). Finally, and consistent with these findings, studies using symptom provocation paradigms, which reinstate depressive symptomatology through either neurochemical (e.g., serotonin depletion) or behavioral (e.g., sad mood induction) means, have found that as depressive symptoms increase, so does sACC activation (Hasler et al., 2008).
Complementing the research described above showing increased tonic activation of the sACC in depression, studies using fMRI to examine sACC function have found an increased phasic sACC response to affective stimuli in depressed individuals. This pattern has been reported both during passive viewing of happy and of sad faces (Gotlib et al., 2005) and during viewing of positive picture-caption pairs (Kumari et al., 2003). Importantly, this elevated sACC responding to affective stimuli has been shown not only to normalize following successful pharmacotherapy for MDD (Keedwell et al., 2009), but further, to predict symptom change as a Neural Foundations of Depression 13 result of cognitive-behavioral therapy; that is, lower sACC activation in response to affective stimuli predicted better outcome in depressed patients (Siegle et al., 2006).
The Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
The DLPFC, comprising BA 9 and BA 46, is highly interconnected with motor and premotor cortices, medial prefrontal cortex, and the basal ganglia. It is commonly associated with executive control processes. Studies examining the function of the DLPFC suggest a role for this cortical region in the representation of current task demands, and in the attention, sensory processing, and behaviors required to match these demands, especially when the course of action is ambiguous or changing (see Miller & Cohen, 2001). Consistent with this formulation, investigators have found that the DLPFC is involved in successful performance on the Stroop task. More specifically, this area is recruited when participants must suppress their prepotent word-reading responses in order to attend to the colors of the words; greater activation of the DLPFC is associated with lower Stroop interference (MacDonald et al., 2000).
Successful performance on many cognitive tasks also involves the ability to maintain information in working memory. Interestingly, research in primates has demonstrated that neurons in the DLPFC become, and remain, activated during the delay period of delayed match- to-sample tasks (see Goldman-Rakic, 1995), a finding corroborated by a meta-analysis of human neuroimaging studies (Wager & Smith, 2003). The DLPFC, then, is critical in executive control of cognitive function.
Importantly, the DLPFC has also been implicated in the regulation of emotion.
Investigators have found increased activation in the DLPFC when individuals attempt to reduce or modulate the negative impact of various types of stimuli (e.g., see Ochsner & Gross, 2008), also reflected by increased coupling between DLPFC and amygdala during efforts to regulate emotion (Banks et al., 2007). Further, and perhaps not surprising given cortical-limbic patterns Neural Foundations of Depression 14 of neural connectivity, Quirk et al. (2003) demonstrated that stimulation of regions medial to, and interconnected with, the DLFPC decreases the responsiveness of amygdala output neurons.
With respect to depression, studies of resting-state brain perfusion and metabolism have shown reliably lower levels of DLPFC activation in individuals who are diagnosed with MDD than in healthy controls (e.g., Biver et al., 1994). This diminished DLPFC activity appears to be specific to the state of depression; investigators have documented that DLPFC activation normalizes following both spontaneous recovery of depression (Bench et al., 1995) and successful pharmacotherapy for MDD (Kennedy et al., 2001). Moreover, decreases in baseline
DLPFC activity have been reinstated in remitted depressed individuals who relapse in response to tryptophan (Bremner et al., 1997) and catecholamine (Bremner et al., 2003a) depletion procedures. Consistent with these findings, pre-treatment levels of resting DLPFC activity have been found to predict better therapeutic outcome in MDD following TMS applied over the left
DLPFC (Baeken et al., 2009).
Studies examining correlations between resting DLPFC activity and clinical variables in
MDD indicate that level of baseline functioning of DLPFC is related to cognitive aspects of depression, including negative cognitive biases and impaired regulation of affective processing.
Using PET with depressed individuals, Dunn et al. (2002) found DLPFC activity to be inversely correlated with the “negative cognitions” cluster of the Beck Depression Inventory; moreover, improvement in the “cognitive disturbance" factor of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression was found to be associated with greater metabolic DLPFC activation following treatment of depression (Brody et al., 2001).
In addition to these investigations of baseline DLPFC activity, researchers have used fMRI to examine patterns of DLPFC activation in depressed individuals under different experimental conditions. The results of these studies point to decreased DLPFC response as Neural Foundations of Depression 15 depressed persons attempt to regulate their affect. For example, Fales et al. (2008) reported that depressed individuals exhibited reduced levels of DLPFC activation as they tried to ignore fear-related stimuli; importantly, this decrease normalized with pharmacotherapy (Fales et al.,
2009). Similarly, Hooley et al. (2005) found an absence of DLPFC response to maternal criticism in depressed persons that, in the presence of an increase in amygdala activation, they interpreted as a failure of these individuals to regulate their affective response to their mothers’ negative comments.
The Ventral Striatum
The VS spans a region of the basal ganglia including the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the ventromedial caudate, and the rostroventral putamen. The VS receives projections from multiple limbic and paralimbic regions including the amygdala, hippocampus, orbitofrontal cortex, ventromedial prefronal cortex, insula, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as from the thalamus and dopaminergic midbrain. Like the dorsal striatum, the VS projects principally to the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, the main output nodes of the basal ganglia.
Cellular recordings conducted by Schultz (1998) and others identified large numbers of dopaminergic neurons in the monkey substantia nigra that released dopamine into the VS when the animal received an unexpected reward. Once the monkey had been repeatedly exposed to cue-reward pairings, however, the cells released dopamine only when the monkey saw cues predicting future rewards or resembling reward-predicting stimuli. This temporal transfer of activation, along with the depression of neuronal firing when an anticipated reward fails to occur
(“error signal”), is posited to facilitate an important part of reward-based learning.
Neuroimaging studies have now extended these findings to humans (see Haber &
Knutson, 2009). Increased activity in the VS, and especially in the NAcc, has been found in Neural Foundations of Depression 16 response to the anticipation or to the receipt of rewarding stimuli ranging from pleasant tastes
(O’Doherty et al., 2002) to monetary gains (Knutson et al., 2001) and social approval (Izuma et al., 2009). Indeed, a meta-analysis of PET and fMRI studies revealed that more than 60% of studies investigating responses to positive stimuli or happiness report activations within the basal ganglia (Phan et al., 2002). Moreover, the extent of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the VS has been found to be positively correlated with the level of pleasure experienced during exposure to chill-inducing music (Blood & Zatorre, 2001), suggesting that the degree of VS activation is related to the intensity of an experienced reward. Similarly, Drevets et al. (2001) reported that the level of dopamine release in the VS is related to subjective levels of pleasure or euphoria. Finally, levels of VS activation have been found to be related to such individual differences as preference for immediate versus delayed reward (Hariri et al., 2006) and susceptibility to pathological gambling (Reuter et al., 2005).
Findings from other studies suggest that the VS plays a more general role in motivating behavior. For example, research studying rats have found that the NAcc mediates willingness to exert effort in pursuit of rewards; more specifically, interfering with dopamine neurotransmission in the NAcc reduces the likelihood that rats will work for a preferred food (Salamone et al.,
2006). Furthermore, although reported less consistently than are its associations with reward valuation and prediction, the VS has been found to be activated during both receipt (Becerra et al., 2001) and anticipation (Jensen et al., 2003) of aversive stimulation, suggesting that this region responds to salient, rather than exclusively to positive or reward-cuing, environmental events. Together, results from these lines of research suggest that a properly functioning VS responds to predictors of both positive and negative outcomes by activating the behavioral responses needed to approach desirable elements in the environment and avoid undesirable elements. Neural Foundations of Depression 17
The lack of a clear anatomical definition of the VS precludes volumetric analysis of this region per se. A small number of volumetric analyses of the nucleus accumbens, however, have been conducted on depressed and never-disordered samples. Although Pizzagalli et al. (2009) reported in an MR-based volumetric study that there were no differences in accumbens volume between depressed and nondepressed participants, an arguably more sensitive study of post- mortem brain tissue did yield significant reduction in accumbens volume in MDD individuals
(Baumann et al., 1999).
Recently, investigators have induced depressive relapse in formerly depressed individuals through catecholamine depletion, one of which is the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Moreover, this depletion was found to lead to an increase in VS activity, which was likely due to a decrease in dopamine-mediated inhibition of the VS (Hasler et al., 2008). Similarly, depressive relapse following tryptophan depletion has been found to be associated with increased VS activity (Neumeister et al., 2004). Complementing these studies, Segawa et al. (2006) found a decrease in VS activity following successful treatment of depression using electroconvulsive therapy.
Finally, a number of investigators have reported reduced VS response to reward in depression, predominantly to rewarding outcomes. This reduced striatal response has been noted across positively valenced modalities including monetary rewards (Knutson et al., 2008), praise (Steele et al., 2007), and amphetamine stimulation (Tremblay et al., 2005). Importantly, this reduction in VS responding to reward has also been found in remitted depressed individuals
(McCabe et al., 2009), indicating that it may be a vulnerability factor for the development of
Neural Aspects of Depression: Current Status and Future Directions
Current Status Neural Foundations of Depression 18
Overall, our review of the roles of the amygdala, hippocampus, sACC, VS, and DLPFC in depression provides a broad neural-level conceptualization of MDD in which limbic and perilimbic structures are over-active and dorsal cortical structures are under-responsive.
Although this simplified neural characterization is currently the dominant neural formulation of
MDD, it is far from comprehensive and leaves unaddressed several important issues. For example, there are not always clear links between anomalies in neural function or structure and specific DSM symptoms of depression. Although findings from a small number of studies suggest associations between abnormalities in the VS and loss of pleasure or anhedonia (e.g.,
Pizzagalli et al., 2009) and anergia or fatigue (Salamone et al., 2006), between DLPFC dysfunction and psychomotor retardation (Videbech et al., 2002), and between amygdala reactivity and sad mood (Furman et al., in press), we still have only a rudimentary and speculative conception of how the specific diagnostic symptoms of MDD map onto brain structures and activations. Moreover, we do not yet have a model, informed by neurophysiological data, for understanding the various subtypes of depression that may warrant different therapeutic approaches. It is likely that these gaps in the literature persist, at least in part, because of our limited characterization of the neural-systems-level properties of MDD.
Moreover, our knowledge of neural cause and effect in MDD, as well as of the neuroanatomical manifestations of risk for the development of this disorder, is also lacking. In the final section of this chapter, therefore, we discuss the importance of these issues in terms of future directions in the field, and describe recent work that has attempted to address these deficits in understanding the neural foundations of MDD.
Future Directions
System-level/network models. Much of the research examining the neural basis of MDD either has taken a whole-brain exploratory approach or has investigated the role of a single neural region in the pathophysiology of MDD. It is important to recognize that there is Neural Foundations of Depression 19 considerable agreement among clinical neuroscientists who study depression that MDD is a neural network-level disorder. Indeed, recent investigations have used methodological and analytic procedures and techniques that are capable of characterizing depression at a neural- network level.
Arguably the most influential network-level model of depression is that formulated by
Mayberg et al. (1999). This model posits that there is a reciprocal relation between cortical and limbic structures, and that in MDD, limbic activation is stronger than cortical activation, reflecting a decreased ability of depressed individuals to exert cognitive control over their negative affect.
This model has been supported by the results of research indicating that both induced sadness and MDD are characterized by elevated levels of limbic and paralimbic activity and reduced dorsal cortical activity (Mayberg et al., 1999), and by findings that this pattern of activation normalizes following pharmacotherapy for MDD (Kennedy et al., 2001). More recent research using functional connectivity techniques has been able to offer a more detailed picture of cortico-limbic relations in MDD. For example, researchers have demonstrated that under conditions of both affective stimulus processing and rest, individual diagnosed with MDD are characterized by decreased functional coupling between the amygdala and the rostral ACC
(Anand et al., 2005a) — a structure that we noted above is implicated in the regulation of affect
— and between the amygdala and the DLPFC (Dannlowski et al., 2009). Importantly, this anomalous cortico-limbic relation has been found to begin to normalize with pharmacotherapy for depression (Anand et al., 2005b).
Other network-level research has documented anomalous patterns of intra-limbic system activity in depression. For example, in our laboratory we have found increased functional connectivity between the amygdala and anterior hippocampus, and between the amygdala and
VS, in depressed individuals during successful encoding of negative, but not of neutral or positive stimuli (Hamilton & Gotlib, 2008). Similarly, other investigators have found in depressed Neural Foundations of Depression 20 persons increased functional contributions of limbic structures to the default-mode network, which subserves self-reflective and prospective processing. Most notably, perhaps, Greicius et al. (2007) reported abnormally high levels of functional connectivity between the sACC and the default mode network in patients diagnosed with MDD.
Further elucidating network-level neural models of MDD, investigators have recently begun to examine temporal patterns of neural activations in depressed participants. For example, using effective connectivity analyses capable of detecting temporal effects in functional neuroimaging data from depressed individuals, we found evidence of mutual excitation between sACC and other ventral prefrontal regions, and dampening of dorsal cortical activation by sACC and hippocampus (Hamilton et al., in press-b). From a different perspective, research examining neural changes resulting from deep-brain stimulation in MDD designed to decrease sACC activity has shown subsequent increases in dorsal cortical activity and decreases in ventral prefrontal activity (Mayberg et al., 2005). Interestingly, similar changes have been noted following successful NAcc stimulation in MDD (Schlaepfer et al., 2008).
Investigations of individuals at risk for depression. While it is clear from our review that we have made substantial progress in specifying a neural-level model of MDD, this model is far from comprehensive, and several crucial issues are not yet unresolved. For example, although we now have a consistent picture of the neural anomalies in individuals with MDD with respect to both baseline and reactivity conditions, we know much less about abnormalities in neural functioning over the longer ‘arc’ of depressive pathology, especially during the period of risk for the onset of a first depressive episode.
Although only a small number of studies have examined brain structure and volume as a function of level of risk for depression, they have yielded surprisingly consistent findings. In particular, investigators have implicated reduced hippocampal volume in risk for MDD. Three Neural Foundations of Depression 21 studies, two of which defined risk for MDD in terms of having a mother (Chen et al., 2010) or a twin (Baare et al., 2010) with depression and one of which defined risk for MDD as having high scores on a depression inventory (Dedovic et al., 2010), reported smaller hippocampal volume in high- than in low-risk individuals. Such studies do not address the question of whether environmental or genetic factors (or, of course, both) are driving the reduction in hippocampal volume in high-risk persons. In this context, de Geus et al. (2007) defined risk for depression as high self-reported levels of neuroticism and anxiety, and found that high-risk twins in monozygotic twin pairs who were discordant for risk for depression had smaller hippocampal volume than did their low-risk siblings. While these findings underscore the possibility that environmental factors can affect the volume of neural structures, it will be important for future work to assess whether putative environmental effects are due to direct effects of the environment on hormonal and neurotransmitter systems, or whether they may be mediated by changes in the expression of specific genes (Tsankova et al., 2010).
A small, related, body of literature documents aberrant neural responsivity to affective stimuli in individuals at risk for MDD. For example, two investigations have examined the neural functioning of young girls at elevated risk for MDD by virtue of having a depressed mother.
Seeley et al. (2007) found that high-risk girls responded to loss of reward with increased activation of the dorsal ACC, a region implicated in coding for the personal saliency of stimuli.
Interestingly, Gotlib et al. (2010) also found increased activation in dorsal ACC in high-risk girls, but as they were receiving punishment, suggesting that losing reward and being punished are functionally equivalent for girls at high familial risk for depression. Gotlib et al. found further that while they anticipated reward, young high-risk girls exhibited less activation than did their low- risk counterparts in the putamen and left insula.
Other investigators have found that individuals at high risk for developing MDD, both offspring of parents with major depression (Monk et al., 2008) and persons who report high Neural Foundations of Depression 22 levels of neuroticism (Chan et al., 2009), show elevated amygdala activation in response to viewing angry faces. In the study described earlier, de Geus et al. (2007) found greater amygdala activation in response to viewing angry faces in the high- than in the low-risk twins of monozygotic twin pairs discordant for risk for MDD. Although limited, these findings suggest that anomalies in neural structure and function precede the onset of depression in individuals at elevated risk for the development of MDD, and represent an important foundation on which to continue to explore this issue.
Manipulation of Neural Activation. Finally, based on the results of studies that have implicated activation in specific neural structures in the pathophysiology of MDD, investigators have begun to use new technologies to examine the clinical efficacy of modulating activity in these structures. In one such approach, deep-brain stimulation (DBS), localized neural activity is modulated in depressed individuals by implanting and activating electrical stimulation devices near critical neural regions. Investigators using this procedure have reported dramatic clinical effects in achieving remission of treatment refractory depression following both down-regulation of the sACC (Mayberg et al., 2005) and up-regulation of the NAcc (Schlaepfer et al., 2008).
Following in the spirit of this work, research groups have been developing techniques for helping individuals learn to manipulate regional brain activity endogenously. In these localized
‘neurofeedback’ methods, individuals are presented, virtually in real time, indices of their neural activation in a targeted brain structure or region. These indices can be used as training signals to teach people to modulate localized brain activity. Indeed, real-time neurofeedback paradigms have been effective in teaching people to modulate activity in regions subserving sensory-motor function (DeCharms et al., 2004) and affect (Caria et al., 2007).
Given the clinical effectiveness of DBS in the reduction of sACC activity (Mayberg et al.,
2005), we have examined in our laboratory the viability of using neurofeedback to train Neural Foundations of Depression 23 individuals to modulate activity in the sACC. In an initial proof-of-concept study, Hamilton et al.
(in press-a) demonstrated that healthy participants who were shown a neurofeedback signal from the sACC could learn to reduce activity in this structure; importantly, participants who were shown a sham neurofeedback signal (signals from other participants) could not learn to modulate activity in the sACC. Moreover, individuals who were presented with real neurofeedback in this study showed functional decoupling of the sACC from the default mode network. This latter finding is particularly encouraging in light of Greicius et al.’s (2007) findings that the sACC and default mode network are more strongly coupled functionally in depressed than in nondepressed individuals. Finally, given findings of elevated levels of limbic activation in individuals at high risk for depression, we have been evaluating the effectiveness of real-time neurofeedback in young girls at familial risk for MDD. Preliminary results of this protocol indicate that successful neurofeedback reduces biological reactivity to external stressors, measured with psychophysiological indicators one week later, in these girls. While it remains for future research to examine longer-term consequences of altering patterns of neural activation in depressed individuals and in people at elevated risk for this disorder, we believe that this approach to the study of neural function in depression nicely illustrates the promise that many of us believed would emerge when we began to examine neural aspects of MDD. Neural Foundations of Depression 24
Figure 1. Brain structures discussed in this chapter.
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