Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU
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Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU
September 6, 2016 Dear Alumnus:
Please join us for Homecoming! The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association is hosting a welcome reception and luncheon buffet catered by Hickory Park at the College of Veterinary Medicine on Saturday, October 29, followed by the ISU vs. Kansas State football game. Attendees will receive an announcement of the luncheon and game times as soon possible, but no later than October 19th. Tours of the Veterinary Medical Center Small Animal Clinic will begin at 9:30 a.m. In conjunction with Homecoming, the VMAA is sponsoring a fundraiser to support the Frank K. Ramsey Alumni Room. Dr. Ramsey, a former head of the Department of Pathology and chairman of the building committee, worked tirelessly for the CVM Endowment Fund after retiring. One of his dreams was to provide a comfortable meeting place for students, faculty and above all, alumni. The VMAA has supported the Alumni Room ever since. Profits from the sale of VMAA sweatshirts will continue this support for the Frank K. Ramsey Alumni Room. Iowa State University recognizes many outstanding alumni award recipients during Homecoming. The Stange Awardees honored this year are Dr. Michael Conzemius, DVM ‘90, Dr. Vincent Meador, DVM ‘81, and Dr. Donald O’Connor, DVM ’76. The Switzer Award recipient is James Stein, DVM ’75. The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association Outstanding Service Award will be presented to Joann Kinyon, MS ’74. We purchased a block of 150 football tickets, which will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Due to the demand for football tickets, please order as soon as possible. After these tickets are sold, we will try to purchase more tickets but cannot guarantee that seats will be available. We require advance orders, due October 11th, for the luncheon and mum corsages. After this deadline or if you have questions, please call Marta Burkgren, VMAA, at 515-233-5183. We cannot sell corsages or luncheon tickets on Homecoming day. Sweatshirts, corsages, football and luncheon tickets can be picked up in the Fish Tank Lobby at the College beginning at 9:30 a.m. Free parking is available in Lot 96 south of the main entrance to the College. Parking passes will be sent two weeks before Homecoming. Free shuttle buses will be available for transportation to the football game. Football tickets for all alumni are sold at a discount of $30 off the regular ticket price. VMAA members and their guests receive an additional $10 discount per ticket because the VMAA subsidizes the Homecoming event. If you join the VMAA when you order your tickets, you will receive the additional discount. A membership form is included for your use. Please call Marta Burkgren if you are not sure of your membership status. Please plan to spend Homecoming with us. We hope you will join your classmates, friends and their families for a day of fun in Cyclone Country!
Sincerely, Dr. Laurie Meythaler-Mullins, President Dr. Kathy Mullin, Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Lorraine Hoffman, Past-President Dr. Tom Ulrickson, Board Member Dr. Alan Farnsworth, Vice-President Dr. Mark Brinkman, Board Member Order Form Veterinary Medical Alumni Association Iowa State University Homecoming October 29, 2016 Quantity: Cost:
______Homecoming football tickets @ $35.00 each ______Non-members and their guests save $30 per ticket! OR ______Homecoming football tickets @ $25.00 each ______VMAA members and their guests save $40 per ticket! You must enclose your paid membership to receive the additional discount.
______Homecoming luncheon tickets @ $15.00 each ______
______Homecoming corsage @ $13.00 each ______
Total ______
Please make checks payable to VMAA@ISU.
Name: ______
Address: ______
State/City/Zip: ______
Year of Graduation: ______Phone Number:______
E-mail Address:______Return this form and your check to allow for receipt no later than October 11, 2016. Please call to check on ticket availability if you decide you need tickets after this date.
Mail to: Veterinary Medical Alumni Association @ ISU PO Box 1726 Ames, Iowa 50010
Note: Your football tickets, luncheon tickets, and/or corsage will be available for you to pick up at the College of Veterinary Medicine between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on October 29.
Important: Parking is available in Lot 96 southwest of the main entrance to the College of Veterinary Medicine. You will be admitted for free when you indicate to the lot attendants that you are with the College of Veterinary Medicine Homecoming Event. Because this area is now identified as paid public parking for football games, the ISU Department of Public Safety cannot guarantee that free parking will be available after 1 ½ hours before game time.
Questions? Call Marta Burkgren, VMAA, at (515) 233-5183 or send email to [email protected], or check the alumni section of the web site at
Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at Iowa State In conjunction with Homecoming, the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association is sponsoring a fundraiser, with profits from the sale of sweatshirts going to support the Frank K. Ramsey Alumni Room at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine. The sweatshirts are red with the logo pictured above embroidered on the upper left chest. Sweatshirts will be shipped after November 1 or can be picked up at Homecoming. VMAA members can purchase sweatshirts for $30. Non-members can purchase sweatshirts for $45. Non-members received a membership form with this letter and can join now in order to receive the member price.
Number Ordered: Price: Small _____ x _____ = _____ Medium _____ x _____ = _____ Large _____ x _____ = _____ X Large _____ x _____ = _____ 2XL _____ x _____ = _____ 3XL _____ x _____ = _____ Plus Shipping and Handling* _____
Total _____ *Shipping and handling. Do not include shipping and handling if you are picking up in person. $9 per sweatshirt to IA, IL, KS, MN, MO, NE, SD, WI. $13 per sweatshirt to all other states. _____ *Check here if you will be attending Homecoming and will pick up your sweatshirt.
Please make checks payable to VMAA@ISU.
Name: ______
Address: ______
State/City/Zip: ______
Phone Number: ______E-mail Address: ______Return this form and your check to allow for receipt no later than October 11, 2016. Mail to: Veterinary Medical Alumni Association @ ISU PO Box 1726 Ames, Iowa 50010 Questions? Call Marta Burkgren, VMAA, at (515) 233-5183 or send email to vmaaisu@iastate. The Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at Iowa State is a 501c(7) organization. Please consult your tax professional regarding tax deductions. Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU P.O. Box 1726 Ames, IA 50010-1726 515-233-5183 [email protected]
Dues for 2016 are $40.00. Please make checks payable to VMAA at ISU. Please note that dues are individual only.
Please provide us with the following information for our records, including any corrections. The address should be the location where you prefer to receive your VMAA at ISU mailings. Please note that the information is only for alumni activities, including reunions, and will not be sold to other organizations.
Please print:
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/State/Zip: ______
Class Year: ______Phone: ______
E-mail Address: ______Please print
I prefer to receive mailings by (please check one): [ ] Mail [ ] Email
Return this form and your check for $40 to:
Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU P.O. Box 1726 Ames, IA 50010-1726