6So When They Met Together, They Asked Him, Lord, Are You at This Time Going to Restore

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6So When They Met Together, They Asked Him, Lord, Are You at This Time Going to Restore

THE CENTER FOCUS Center Presbyterian Church 255 Center Church Road McMurray, PA 15317 Phone: 724 -941-9050 Fax: 724 -941-4189 www.center-church.org [email protected]

Acts 1:6-11 (NIV) 6So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." Acts 2:1-11 (NIV) 1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. 5Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 9Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!"

The day of Pentecost has roots back to the Jewish tradition as the Feast of Weeks that honored the giving of the first fruits from the Spring harvest and was celebrated 50 days after Passover. Dating back to the first century, Pentecost, or as it's called in some traditions, Whitsunday, is the 50th day after Easter. In the Christian THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 tradition we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church as our Counselor and Guide. For many it is regarded as the birthday of the Church, when God breathed life into the disciples of Jesus, and they were empowered with the Spirit to spread the Good News fearlessly near and far. (CONTINUED . . . . )

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 So have you ever considered the effect of the Holy Spirit in your life? Perhaps the following illustrations might help you capture the truth of the power of the Holy Spirit, and the effect God, the Holy Spirit, has upon your faith journey. Please consider the following as you pray and meditate on the scriptures above: First: "Several years ago engineers building a new bridge over the East River in New York, discovered that the wrecked hull of a ship, sunk many years before, lay right where the center piers were to be built. Powerful machinery was brought in to remove the ship, but it would not budge. Then one of the engineers had an unusual idea ~ why not have the tide raise the ship!! Some strong cables were attached to the hull when the tide was low. The other ends were fastened to the barge above. As the tide came in, the barge gradually lifted the sunken ship. It was then towed out into the ocean and sunk at a spot that would not cause future problems." God's Holy Spirit is like the tide, it comes quietly, it comes in slowly, but it comes to us with enough power so that we might do the job God has called, led each of us to do. There is a power, a force and for many an untapped force in each of our lives, that is the Holy Spirit. Many times it is not dramatic, it does not cause us to do dramatic things, but it is there to give us the power to live the kind of lives, to be the kind of people that God intended us to be.

Second: You have probably been in a restaurant where the waitress has asked, "Can I warm up your coffee for you?" The cup may be half-full and cold after sitting on the table for a while. When she pours the new coffee in, she refills and warms up the cup. Maybe you are spiritually cold and empty. It doesn't have to stay that way. Quit trying to live in your own power and strength. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit right now.

Third: Power can be used in at least two ways: it can be unleashed, or it can be harnessed. The energy in ten gallons of gasoline, for instance, can be released explosively by dropping a lighted match into the can. Or it can be channeled through the engine of a car in a controlled burn and used to transport a person 350 miles. Explosions are spectacular, but controlled burns have lasting effect, staying power. The Holy Spirit works both ways. At Pentecost, he exploded on the scene; His presence was like "tongues of fire" (Acts 2:3). Thousands were affected by one burst of God's power. But He also works through the church ~ the institution God began to tap the Holy Spirit's power for the long haul. Through worship, fellowship, and service, Christians are provided with staying power.

May the power of the Holy Spirit come anew, fill and refresh you during this holy season of Pentecost.

DR JOE [email protected]


We rejoice in the birth of . . . Londyn Ida Peters-Gill, daughter of Nikki Peters & Les Gill. Proud aunt & uncle are Norma & Bill Adams Our condolences are extended to . . . The family & friends of Jessie Anna Gunn Rodgers, who passed away on April 9th at the age of 100. Mrs. Rodgers was a member of Center for 59 years, serving as superintendent of the nursery dept. for 28 years.


1 Mark Swaney 19 Anna Jane Gove 3 Michelle Helfer Niki Lester (11th) William Woerner (91st) 22 Erin Golden 4 Lillian Julian Steve Worthington Phyllis Lauch 24 Morgan Boyer (16th) Amy Spangenberg (14th) Anthony Dami 7 Peg Rychcik Alex Graysay Brooklyn Scarff (7th) 25 Matt Cowler (15th) 8 Peg Burke 29 Ray Kohler Virginia Stehulak 30 Cathy Krajewski 12 Mary Ann Petz Denise Peterson 14 Jane McClure 31 Dan DeLuca (18th) 17 Erik Hilborn (16th)

MAY ANNIVERSARIES 9 Tony & Laura Zuloaga (13th) 18 Anthony & Sheryl Christina (42nd) 19 Steve & Dona Worthington (20th) 22 Angelo & Jessica Quarture 27 Tony & Jennifer Billanti (15th) “MANY THANKS for all the tender loving kindness 30 David & Denise Shanholtz (23rd) shown to us recently. The meals, visits, calls, cards and 31 Bob & Jane McClure (52nd) prayers all were greatly appreciated, and helped a great deal with my recovery.” ~ Martha & Bob Latimore

Rose Chiki has a new address!! “THE ENTIRE RODGERS FAMILY is deeply grateful for all that everyone at Center Church did for us last Rose has relocated to a care facility near her week. Everything went so smoothly on Saturday for daughter in Maryland. She would love to hear from Jessie’s funeral and luncheon. It evidenced the faithful her friends at Center. Her mailing address is: and dedicated work of all who helped make it possible.”

Rose Chiki Rejoice in the Good News that Easter Brings. Greetings from Marian Oskin & daughter, Pat ~ Country Meadows of Frederick “I’m enjoying all the wonderful cards from my friends at 5957 Quinn Orchard Road Apt. N-113 Center ~ reading about the church remodeling, winter trips to Frederick, MD 21704 the south & prayer list up-dates. I’m glad winter is over & can get out a bit. Thank you for thinking of me.”

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 Let’s Keep Our Center Church Family In our Thoughts and Prayers . . . For Praise and Thanksgiving Celebrating Dr. Joe’s 30th Year of Ordination

For Health, Healing, Care and Concern Randy Boyer Ongoing chemotherapy Bob Dehls Health concerns Cindy Marcin Serious health issues Ramona Perryman Health issues Peterson Family Health and medical issues Matthew Scouvart Health concerns

For our Shut-Ins & Care Facility Residents Rose Chiki Ken & Genelle Chuska Paul Fickenscher Arlene & George Hill Elizabeth Holbert Anne Hultz Martha Latimore Marian Oskin Marcy Pew

For Men & Women in Uniform Serving Our Country Around the World

CPT Brian Gavazzi Serving in Afghanistan (Friend of the Hutchison Family) Jonathan MacKeith Harding Stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia (Grandson of Chris MacKeith) Pray Also For Our Extended Church Family Norma Adams niece, Londyn Ida Peters-Gill Rebecca Agostoni’s brother-in-law The Rev. Donald Austin, pastor of Chartiers Hill Church Becky Boyer’s parents, Bob & Gail Baker Chris Cowler’s friend, Cathy Luzier Mitchell Day Carol Foley’s friend, Joan Pohlman Barbara & Bill Gorke, friends of Center Norma Hartman’s son-in-law, Gary Postrech The Haudenshield’s friends & family, Tom Mezyk, Pat & Carla Hayes friends, the Otricelli family Mel Putz and Barbara Smithson Newt Heston’s nephew, Gabriel Mercado Janet Jones’ father, Lee Tresino Cathy Krajewski’s sister-in-law, Marlene Black Barry & Michelle Miller’s nephew, Drew Miller Marlene Mincin’s husband, David Marlene Mincin’s friend, Carol Curry Pastor Pierre of New Testament Church in Haiti Steve Perryman’s sister-in-law, Mary Wynne Perryman Friend of Jen Isager Purvis, Sarah Wehling Louise Quarture Pam & Lynn Rossero’s friends, Lynley Van Allen & Pam & Lynn Rossero’s son & wife, Garrett & Nicole Debbie Gooden Dr. Joe’s cousin, Kevin Rychcik The Schriver’s friends, Donald Reno & Jim Kearney Haifa Sibert’s daughter, Marty Pride Virginia Smith’s brother, Dick Bolger Mario Zini, friend of the Swaney family Ed & Loretta Warsow, friends of Center Dan Zajdel’s parents, Walter & Gerry These lists are used by many in their daily prayers. Dr. Rychcik understands visitation as among the highest priorities of life and ministry at Center Presbyterian Church and continues to develop our ministries to shut-ins, nursing homes, and special needs. Please contact the church office to add or remove names of your friends and loved ones and to advise us of any changes in

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 the status of those listed. These lists are used by many in their daily prayers. To notify us about concerns call the office at 724-941-9050 or use a prayer request card found in the attendance pad.

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 Sunday, 2 nd Saturday, 15 th 5th Sunday of Easter RELAY FOR LIFE P.T. High School 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services th YOUTH SUNDAY Sunday, 16 th Fellowship Hour 7 Sunday of Easter 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Service rd Monday, 3 CENTER HERITAGE SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. Mary Martha Circle at church Fellowship Hour

th Wednesday, 5 Wednesday, 19 th Noon Ruth Circle meets at church 7:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting 6:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Dinner 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting Sunday, 23 rd Saturday, 8 th PENTECOST 6:00 p.m. Center Church Bowling League 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Banquet at the Foleys’ Communicants Join the Church Fellowship Hour Sunday,9 th th 6th Sunday of Easter Wednesday, 26 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 7:00 p.m. Trustee Meeting MOTHER’S DAY Sunday, 30 th Fellowship Hour 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Wednesday, 12 th Fellowship Hour 7:30 p.m. Rachel Circle at home of Jean Roach Friday, 14 th 9:00 a.m. Food Pantry Distribution St. Benedict’s Church

Center Presbyterian Church Music in Ministry Schedule

Sun. May 2...... (Youth Sunday)...... Youth Bells Sun. May 9...... (Mother’s Day)...... Children’s Choir Sun. May 16...... Ascension of the Lord (Center Heritage Sunday) Sun. May 23...... Pentecost/Holy Communion Sun. May 30...... Trinity Sunday ...... Chancel Bells (Presbyterian Heritage Sunday/Memorial Day Weekend)

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 Dear Center Church Friends,

Well, you sure can keep a secret. What a surprise! Thank you all so much for the wonderful celebration of my 30th year of ordination. Time goes by so fast. I was really surprised by Norma Adams’ announcement Sunday morning, and I was intrigued by her hat and clapping hands. What a delightful present. The picture of our newly renovated sanctuary is beautiful, and you can see it hanging proudly in my office. I will always enjoy it. Of course the cake, or should I say the two cakes, were beautifully decorated and delicious. The messages of congratulations mean a lot to Peg and me. I will always remember the celebration of my 30th year of ordination. May God continue to bless you all, Center Church family, with His generous great graces.

Fondly in Jesus’ name,

Dr. Joe

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 We are always looking for persons to serve as LITURGISTS at the 11 a.m. Sunday services. Scriptures & prayers are always available early in the week if you would like to prepare beforehand. If you are willing to serve your church for just an hour a week, please contact Amy Davis, 724-745-9048, or [email protected]. Many dates are open so we can accommodate your schedule.


Elders greeting in May are Nola & Bruce Yeager, Amy Davis. Counters this month will be Gail Travis and Bruce Yeager. Hosts for the Fellowship Time following the 11 a.m. service will be: May 2 Greeting Elders May 9 Karen Ardan’s Deacon Team #3 May 16 Mary Martha Circle/PW May 23 C.S.I. Class May 30 Seekers Class

The Worship Committee would like to thank everyone who had any part in celebrating the Lenten season with us this year. If you volunteered to serve Communion, to be a reader or liturgist, to bake muffins, to buy juice, to host fellowship hours, to set up or clean up, or to help in any way, we really appreciated your hands and hearts. You all helped to get us ready for Easter. Thank You!

We are children of God from many journeys centered on one faith, believing we are called to attract others to the challenges and the victory of life in Jesus. ~ CPC Mission Statement 2004


SATURDAY ONE GREAT HOUR MAY 15 ~ 10:00 A.M. OF SHARING TO SUNDAY MAY 16 ~ 8:00 A.M. Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep (John 21:15-19) Come and join our Center Church Team at the RELAY FOR LIFE at Peters Township High School Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Stadium. We’ve had a team from Center for many your generous hearts!! You did make it One years and it is a great time for all involved. Bring your whole family down and enjoy the festivities. GREAT Hour of Sharing. We have collected There are many ways you can get involved: $1,858.71 and it will be used by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program 1. The theme for our tent will be the movie and the Self Development of People. ‘TOY STORY.” If anyone has any old Toy Thank you for your love of Jesus and caring for Story items they can donate for the day, that his flock! would be great. 2. We need donations of non-perishable snack ~ Chris MacKeith food and bottled water for the event. 3. Sign up sheet for walkers is in the Gathering Place. The Membership Committee will be starting to look at 4. Need volunteers to chaperone the kids the church rolls. Bucky Yatsko will be working with overnight ~ also sign-up sheet for that. Bob Kelly and Laurel Isager to examine the current 5. Donations can be made by writing a check to membership list and contacting non-active members. CPC with memo to “Relay for Life.” You can This committee will gladly accept any information you also go to relayforlife.org & make a donation may have regarding these members. online by selecting the Center Church team. 6. If anyone is interested in raising money as a participant, contact Laura Zuloaga at 724- 344-5771 or email at [email protected].


There are still openings on the Chancel Flower schedule. Please contact the office or Rebecca Agostoni at 724- 348-7830 if you are interested in sponsoring the Chancel flowers. The cost of the two arrangements is $50.00. After worship, you may take the flowers home, IT’S GRADUATION TIME! designate a recipient in the church, or ask the Deacons to deliver them to someone from the congregation who The church office is collecting information on all might benefit from a little sunshine and well wishes. of our graduates: high school, college and post- college. If you have a graduate in your family, THE A/V MINISTRY is looking for people who would we’d like to have the name of the school from like to learn with us about the new sound/video system which they are graduating, degree, and plans for that will be installed in our renovated sanctuary. the future or name of institution of continuing Questions or interest?? Please contact Matt Hinnebusch education. Please e-mail or call the office. E- or Bob Latimore. mail addresses can be found on the back of the bulletin.


On Sunday, April 11th we welcomed the following families into our family of faith and service at Center Presbyterian Church.

JAYNE CULVER JAN ROTH 105 Highvue Drive 247 King Richard Drive Venetia, PA 15367 McMurray, PA 15317 724-941-4138 724-941-6149

SCOTT & SUSAN PALFREYMAN BETH & ERIC WELLS Daughter SAMANTHA Son LUCAS 112 Marion Drive 145 Longvue Drive McMurray, PA 15317 McMurray, PA 15317 724-941-5414 412-680-9865

May will be a busy month for the Center Church Christian Preschool! We will begin by honoring our mothers with a Tea, for Mother’s Day, in the dining room. The children will make blueberry muffins for their moms and sing a few songs. This event is always a hit with the parents and the children love to do it. We have also scheduled two field trips to Round Hill Farm in Elizabeth, PA. The children will get to experience a working farm complete with baby animals. On May 27th we will have our school picnic ~ please stop by for a hotdog and a romp in our “Bubble Bounce!” Our graduation ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 29th in the newly renovated sanctuary. I am so excited to share our beautiful new space with our preschool families. Our four year old classes recently participated in “Project Linus,” a program to give quilts to babies who are hospitalized. Each of our children made a quilt square and the Linus group quilted them together. Look for more information in the Almanac ~ photo and article soon. Our “Summers Best Two Weeks” camp will begin on June 1st and run through June 10th. The themes this year will be “Going Green” and “Little Hands Helping Hearts.” Our projects will center on reaching out to our community. All children ages 3-6 are invited to join our camp program ~ they don’t need to be currently enrolled in our preschool to participate. Registration forms are available by contacting Bonnie Kline at 724-263-2385. ~ Bonnie Kline, Preschool Director

CENTER CHURCH PRESCHOOL HAS A NEW WEBSITE With all the positive changes and additions going on at Center Church, the preschool committee felt it was a good time to jump on board with a new form of outreach to the community, to let them know about all the wonderful things that are happening in our the classrooms, read up on current preschool events and alert them of upcoming classes and registrations. With that in mind, we invite you to visit us at our new website WWW.CENTERCHURCHPRESCHOOL.COM ~ Maureen Smith

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 SPRING GATHERING on Saturday, April 24th at Presbyterian SeniorCare was attended by Ruth Ann Burke, Peg Burke, Hope Packard, Anna Jane Gove and Chris MacKeith from Center Church. It was a good meeting with lots of interesting things to share.

During 2009, 24 active Presbyterian Women Congregations in Washington Presbytery (of which Center Church is one) contributed the following: 1. General Mission offering to PW Churchwide (&PCUSA Mission) was $11,597. 2. Birthday Offering collected & distributed was $2,102.79. 3. Thank Offering distributed was $8,116.01. 4. 2009 PW Synod Mission (Palm Project) offering was $1,847. 5. Special PW 20th Anniversary offering to provide scholarships for women in Ethiopia to attend the Bible School was $507. 6. 25 Prayer Shawls were made for the Chartiers Creek Work Camp families. These contributions do not include PW Congregations support (cash or goods) given directly to other mission causes or ministries.

On Sunday, May 9th ~ MOTHER’S DAY ~ Presbyterian Women will present a small potted flower to all Mothers following worship. Our thanks to Norma Hartman for taking care of this project.


2010 PW SYNOD GATHERING June 17-19, 2010 Waynesburg University Registration Deadline: May 22, 2010

Mary Martha 1st Monday 11:30 a.m. Rachel 2nd Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Ruth 1st Wednesday Noon

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 YOU ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 6TH Only one Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. OPEN HOUSE RECEPTION 12:30 - 2:30 P.M. Center Presbyterian Church

Come join us in celebrating our new Sanctuary, Chapel and The Gathering Place

Our vision is the new facility will become a mission tool for all who encounter the various ministries of our church; encouraging them through the use of our facility to build faith and spirituality through Christian worship and education, as well as opportunities for service and community outreach, while experiencing the joy of fellowship.

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 Heritage Sunday Center Presbyterian Church May 16, 2010 We honor our members of 50 years or more: Anne Hultz Robert Blum Joanne Jones Peg Burke Martha Latimore Ruth Ann Burke Malcolm Moore Rose Chiki Virginia Moore Al Clingan Marian Oskin Janet Clingan Jean Roach Barbara Cushey Ike Roach Sam Cushey Ruth Robbins Chris Day Tom Robbins Reed Day *Joe Rodgers Paul Fickenscher Haifa Sibert Bill Fulton Byron Steele Dave Gove Seddon Stolze Anna Jane Gove Bob White Chuck Haudenshield Bucky Yatsko Bill Hickman Marian Yatsko Arlene Hill Esther Zacour George Hill Libby Holbert *Pastor Emeritus

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 Learning, Growing, Experiencing Together

Are you willing to donate your time to enrich the lives of others by sharing your expertise, interest, career specialty, or talent? As a fundraiser for Center Presbyterian Church building renovations, courses will be offered the evenings of September 7, 15, 21, 29 and October 5, 12, 20, 27. One class, one day, unless otherwise noted. The topics are dependent upon the wonderful human resources we have in our membership at Center Church. Think of the things you could share . . . . a cooking specialty, a unique travel experience, a “how to” lesson, a fun hobby, a musical performance, and this is only the beginning of endless possibilities. Then fill out the LEADER APPLICATION below. Please return it to the church office by JUNE 13, 2010. A Center Chautauqua Course Catalog will be provided this summer. Information about registration will be provided when the Course Catalog becomes available. ------LEADER APPLICATION – FALL 2010

Name Class Title

Preferred Chautauqua Day and Month Class Size Limit?

Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____

September _____ October _____

Chautauqua Class Description: (Continue on back of paper, if necessary.)

Will your class require meeting more than once? Are supplies included? If not, what extra cost should be indicated in the Catalog? Do you require special equipment, room needs, etc. for conducting the class?

THE CENTER FOCUS – MAY 2010 The Planning Coordination Committee invites you to be a member of the

Have you had enough of the Winter Chill? Do you enjoy getting out into the warm spring air? Are you yearning for the personal satisfaction that only creating beauty provides?

Then YOU should become a member of the “LANDSCAPE TEAM.”

The Planning Coordination Committee is forming a team of dedicated Green Thumbers to help with the planting and landscape work needed to regain the curb appeal that existed before demolition. The fun should start in May!

We don’t have to be content with those spindly little Big Box Store discount plants and shrubs. No Sir! We can use the do-it-yourself savings to acquire only the best that professional nurseries have to offer. By working together – We can make our church look great – Again!! Please Volunteer ~ It’s easy ~ Just call the Church office (724-941-9050) and ask Janet to: SIGN YOU UP AS A MEMBER OF THAT LANDSCAPE TEAM! Thanks, The Planning Coordination Committee

Looking for a hands-on Mission opportunity? You can make a difference right here at Center Church

The Trustees are also looking for some folks who might be interested in doing “indoor landscaping” in some of the areas not blessed by the touch of renovation. While our cleaning crew takes care of everyday cleaning, they are not contracted to take care of the little extras necessary to keep us looking our best. Right now we are asking for names to put on a contact list so when projects are developed we will have some folks to call. There is no commitment here, just a willingness to help out on an occasional basis. All of these projects will be scheduled at the convenience of our volunteers.


Dear Center Presbyterian Member:

Center Presbyterian Church is a rich tapestry of the experiences of her adults, children, and youth, in both triumphs and defeats, in the Peters Township community, Washington County, and the world at large. As we celebrate 182 years of ministry this year, we would like to recognize those who have been a part of the family for 50 years or more. In order to honor these special members of our family, the Worship Committee has designated the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, May 16, 2010, as Heritage Sunday.

As 50 year members, or more, we cordially invite you and your family and friends to this recognition of the part you continue to play in our tapestry of life. As honored guests at this service, we ask you to write down special thoughts or memories or “remember whens” to share with the congregation. Please give these statements to either Peg Rowe, Amy Davis or mail them to the church office. All 50 year members will be introduced during the service.

A special reception will be held in the new Gathering Place immediately following the service with time for renewing old friendships, and reminiscing over old photographs. Light refreshments will be served by the Presbyterian Women. If you have old photographs of the life of Center Church, we ask you to bring those with you so that everyone can share in the rich history of the church.

In Christ’s Love,

Peg Rowe 724-746-3829 Amy Davis 724-745-9048


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