1 Cropwell Bishop Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting 12th January 2016 7.30pm -The Old School (The meeting started at 7.30pm and finished at 9.00pm)

Present: Cllrs. C. Bryan, J. Gelsthorpe, J. Greenwood, C. Rickells, B. Stanley, J. Wroughton & A. Wilson - Chairman

In Attendance: Mrs J. Towndrow (Clerk), Cllr. G. Moore RBC, PCSO J. Heaps & 2 Local Residents


Apologies Approved

270. Cllr. Jones & Cllr. R. Butler of N.C.C.

Declarations of Interest & Confirmation of Agenda

271. DOI – Cllr. B. Stanley Agenda Item 7a) The Agenda was confirmed.

272. Standing Orders were suspended at 7.36pm to allow the order of business to be amended to enable attendees to speak to the meeting.

Parishioners’ Question Time & Policing Report

There were no Parishioners’ questions.

PCSO J. Heaps reported the December Crime figures. 1/12/2015 – Suspicious persons reported – Skylark Hill, Cropwell Bishop 6/12/2015 – Theft of vehicle number plates- Main Street Cropwell Butler 12/12/2015 – Theft of motorbike – Hardigate Road Cropwell Butler 13/12/2015 – Vehicle nuisance, vehicles racing – Nottingham Road Cropwell Bishop 17/12/2-15 – Untaxed vehicle seized by the police – The Malting Cropwell Bishop

PCSO Heaps also reported on problems at the A46/Nottingham Road roundabout with cars using the area on Sunday evenings for racing and drifting. Two weeks prior to the meeting 8 vehicles details, number plates etc. were taken and last week 15 vehicles were reported. The police were coming back to this area on Sunday 17th to repeat the procedure.

PCSO Heaps reported to the meeting that following an appeal he has won his case in will be staying on the Rushcliffe patch for the next two years.

273. Standing Orders reinstated at 7.42pm

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

274. Resolved: That the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1st December 2015, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman”.


275. M.247 1/12/15 – Memorial Hall Re-Build Complete: An e-mail was sent to the Memorial Hall Trustees as requested to advise them on how they may proceed. An e-mail of acknowledgement was returned from the Trustees.

276. M.254 1/12/15 – Green Space Grant/Awards for All To Note: Streetscape did not supply any other Outdoor Gym Equipment so the grant application to Awards for All went ahead with the original quote from Streetscape. 2 The clerk completed the Awards for All Application together with the Streetscape Grant Application team. The application has been submitted and a confirmation of receipt received from Awards for All. The Parish Council should hear in the next 6-8 weeks if the grant has been successful. Awards for All may request further information from the clerk during this time.

277. M.261 1/12/15 – Marshall Road Footpath Complete: The works to Marshall Road Footpath have been completed. Cllr. Bryan requested the clerk write to the Highways division at N.C.C. to thank the team who worked hard on the job. Throughout the works the team consistently kept a high standard of workmanship, whilst minimising their working area, allowing both pedestrians and vehicle movements to continue around their clearly marked area.

278. M.262 – The Cabin Area To Note: The Clerk wrote to Mr. Heaselden to request he review the area outside The Cabin to tidy it up as it looks an unsightly entrance to the village. As yet Mr. Heaselden has not responded. It was reported that there were teams of work in this area all day on Tuesday 5th January 2016 measuring up in this area.

279. M.264 – Incident on Nottingham Road To Note: PC Scott Redgate at Cotgrave has agreed to do some speed watch in this area in January 2016 following this incident.

Planning Matters & Applications

280. RBC Grant Permission: 15/01875/FUL – Ground floor and first floor rear extensions; raise roof height of part of dwelling incorporating 2x dormer windows on front elevations and 2x dormer windows on rear elevation; covered area at rear. 13 Colston Road, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3BJ – NOTED

281. RBC Grant Permission: 15/02258/FUL – First Floor Extension. 20 Church Street, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3DB – NOTED

282. RBC: 15/02700/VAR – Amendments to scheme approved under 14/02660/FUL – reduction in extent of scheme including omission of car wash building and amendment to proposed materials. LMP Service Station Limited Fossway Service Station, Nottingham Road, Cropwell Bishop. RESOLVED: “No Objection”

283. RBC 15/02840/FUL – Two storey dwelling and detached garage – 14 Cropwell Butler Road, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3DD RESOLVED: “No Objection”


284. a) Financial Statement up to 31 st December 2015 It was: RESOLVED: “To approve the financial statement.”

285. b) Payments made up to 31 st December 2015 It was: RESOLVED: “To approve all payments as reproduced on payments document 108.”

286. c) Receipts & Payments Reports April-December 2015 It was: RESOLVED: “To approve the receipts and payments reports.”

287. d) To Consider Meeting Date for Precept and Budget Requirements 2016/17 It Was: Resolved: “To hold a meeting on Wednesday 20th January 2015 at 7.00pm at The Old School”

Correspondence for Action

288. a) To Consider Clean for the Queen – 4 th to 6 th March 2016 It Was: Resolved: “To run a litter pick on 5th March at 10.00pm starting from The Old School”. Action: “Clerk to do a poster for volunteers and put in the Cropwell News and Notice Boards.” 3

289. b) To Consider Rushcliffe Town & Planning Forum – 10 th February 2016 Subject Planning It Was: Resolved: “Cllrs. Wilson & Bryan together with the Clerk would attend”.

Memorial Hall Re-Build

290. The Parish Council are supportive of the idea of an online survey etc., put forward by Fern Charity Enterprises. However, until invited by the Trustees of the Memorial Hall to get involved with this project the Parish Council will take no further action.

Village Ranger/Lengthsman Inspections

291. There were no reports to consider.

The Old School

292. a) Entertainments, Activities & User Update Friday 15th January Cinema is Suffragette – 48 tickets sold so far. Friday 5th February Ready Steady 60’s – 63 tickets sold so far and looking like a sell-out. Cllr. Gelsthorpe raised the issue of the bar and being short staffed for this event. Cllrs. Marshall and Wroughton agreed to help on the bar of this event.

Cllr. Gelsthorpe reported there would be some good films coming up in the future weeks when the Oscars are done.

Entertainments Committee Meeting on the 19th January.

Highways & Footpaths Defects/Issues

293. a) A46 Roundabout Proposals Cllr. Moor reported that N.C.C. are refusing to allow the proposed tree in the centre of the roundabout. The plans put forward have been passed by one department at N.C.C. and awaiting the other department to approve them. A final decision should be known by the end of January 2016. All councillors liked the plans, ACTION: A Health & Safety policy is required for the people working on the roundabout to be drawn up under the terms of the Lengthsman agreement. Cllr. A. Wilson and Chris Keast to put this together,

294. Cats Eyes – Nottingham road Cllr. Gelsthorpe reported the cat’s eyes on Nottingham Road in the Samworth Farms area have become displaced. ACTION: Clerk to report this to Highways at N.C.C.

295. Brownhill Close Cllr. Bryan reported that the previous problematic puddle at the top of Brownhill Close had been resolved by the works undertaken last year.

296. Flooding at Barlows Close Cllr. Bryan raised the issue of the flooding at Barlows Close. The clerk reported that this had been reported to both Highways at N.C.C. and to Waterloo Housing. The responsibility in this area is to Waterloo Housing who have employed the services of Sodexo to keep these ditches and dykes free from debris and free from water. Waterloo Housing had informed the clerk they would be out to rectify the problems this week.

To Draw Competition Winner – December 2015 Edition Cropwell News

297. A Parishioner made the draw – Winner Geoff Roe 4 Councillors Reports

298. Cllr. Bryan requested it be recorded in the minutes that the green Bins were not emptied for 6 weeks between December and January. With having no tip to use now and the prices being increased for the green bins he felt that this was unfair and not a good enough service.

299. Cllr. Greenwood reported that there will be a Meeting to review the bus services on the 11th February at Cropwell Butler. The meeting is to be ran by N.C.C. who have invited Trent Barton along. Cllr. Greenwood informed the meeting that there may be an informal meeting between Cropwell Bishop and Butler before this meeting takes place.

300. Cllr. Bryan reported a noticeable increase in fly tipping in and around the area. Bags of rubbish had been dumped under the bridge at the A46 Nottingham Road roundabout. Fly tip to be reported to Streetwise for collection.

Correspondence for Information

301. Folder issued to Cllr. Marshall for circulation.

Date of Next Meeting

302. 2nd February 2016

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Chairman’s Signature…………………………………………………..Date………………