Bridgeton St Francis-In-The-East
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Bridgeton St Francis-in-the-East Church of Scotland Parish Magazine
Church: 26 Queen Mary Street, Glasgow, G40 3BB, Tel. 556 2830 Minister: Rev. Howard Hudson, Tel. 587 8667 Session Clerk: Mr James Gibson, Tel. 013552 41377 Church House: 22 Queen Mary Street, Bridgeton Scottish Charity SCO12535
We have a dream of a church that is full of people of all ages including the young, from the district and beyond, enthusiastic, willing to play their part, keen to know the Lord, praising and thanking God from the very bottom of their hearts, willing to share their love, caring for others, both inside the church and outside it.
We have a dream of a church that is hungry to be led by God, to serve the Lord, study the Bible, grow in faith, communicate clearly, worship, spread the gospel in the community, pray, and live in fellowship with each other.
We have a dream of a church made up of tolerant people between whom there are no barriers of class, colour or creed, age, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, criticism, wealth or poverty, appearance, health, sex, status or position.
We have a dream of a church that is inclusive and open to everyone, no matter who they are or what they might have done, whether they are like us or not, and that is open to ways of working in the community.
We have a dream of a church that has a heart for the community, our neighbours, pleasing God, other people’s needs, friendship, mission here at home and abroad, and has the courage to take the flack for being Christians. We have a dream of a church in which God’s Spirit is present, is really believed in, and is working in us to fulfil our commitment to Christ, leading us, always near, felt, transforming us more and more into the people God wants us to be.
We have a dream of a church that is excited and passionate about Jesus, the gospel, praising and worshipping God, prayer, evangelism, reading the Bible, full of hope for the present and the future.
This is our dream for Bridgeton, St. Francis-in-the-East Church. Will you share it with us? Will you help us make it a reality?
- Your Kirk Session
2 Message from the Manse
Dear Friends,
I began my last message from the manse saying “By the end of the month (that was June), if everything goes according to plan, the annexe being built onto our church building should be finished and Church House should be moving into it.” Well, Church House has now moved in, a little later than expected, but at time of writing, the work on our church building is still continuing. Hopefully, though, by the time you read this, all the work inside our church building and the new Church House will be completed. It’s taken a lot longer than we were told that it would and has tested the patience of many in our church, but God has been with us, and I’m sure that all the hassle will be worth it in the end – as long as we now work together with God and each other to take the opportunities that God gives us to make a difference in people’s lives.
To help us to do that, we will be welcoming in September, a YAV. I know what you’re thinking. “What’s a YAV?” A Young Adult Volunteer from the Presbyterian Church of the USA. Olivia Marenco from Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church, Greeneville, Tennessee will be with us for almost a year, helping with our Sunday School, Young Frankies, and with Church House, as well as with some new things that we will be trying like Messy Church – church with a difference for all the family to which children of all ages are welcome as long as they bring an adult with them. And, yes, we will still be having our usual activities as well, including our Sunday Service at 11am.
Olivia is 22, and I think I’m right in saying (but I may be wrong!) that this will be her first time outside the USA. So this will be quite an experience for her – and she doesn’t speak Glaswegian! So please make her welcome, and don’t speak too fast so hopefully she can make out what you’re saying. After all, George Bernard Shaw said that “Britain and America are two countries divided by a common language.” For example, pants in America means trousers!
3 Olivia is not joining us as a paid member of staff but a volunteer, a fellow Christian, a sister in Christ. Having a Christian from yet another part of the world amongst us, I’m sure, will be a good experience for us and for her as we get to know each other and share together in God’s work together as members of God’s family, His church. And hopefully it will help us all feel even more part of something much bigger, God’s worldwide family, His church. For God’s people, God’s family, come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes, from all kinds of different backgrounds and cultures and languages, and yet through trusting Jesus we are all one in Christ and so should be one with each other.
And in a world where all too many people are divided by race and colour and language this can be a powerful witness of the difference Jesus makes to us and how God wants us to be – one in Christ and one with each other. So please welcome Olivia into our church family and into our community and take the time to get to know her and for her to get to know you, always remembering that she will only be with us for just under a year. Yours in His love,
MINISTER’S MENTIONS I will be on holiday from Monday 17th October till Sunday 23rd October when John Campbell will be back to take our morning service. If you need the help of a minister while I am on holiday, please phone Rev. Peter Davidge at 07765 096599.
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE INNER EAST END CHURCHES? If you would like to write something for the next issue of the Inner East End Churches Parish magazine (deadline is 13th November 2016), then please email Michelle MacLeod at
4 [email protected] or phone the church on 0141- 556-2830. Looking forward to hearing from you!
FUNERALS 03/06/16 Mrs Annie Marshall 27/06/16 Mrs Ina Noble
FLOWERS Many thanks to all who have contributed in any way to the church’s Flower Fund. Your donations are always appreciated. If there is anyone else who would like to put flowers in the church, perhaps in memory of someone or an anniversary, etc, please speak to either Rita McKenna or Sharon Miller. Donations are as follows:
JUNE “For Ian” from the Smith Family “In Memory of Dad” from Elaine “For Mum & Dad” from Willie & Sandra
JULY “For John, We All Miss You” from the McPherson Family “In Memory of my Sister Margaret” From May Cross “In Memory of Davie” from Betty Glassford “For Dad” from Sandra “In Memory of my Brother Robert” from Isobel
5 AUGUST “For Bill” from Rita “For Margaret” from Margaret “For Tommy & James” from Rita
CHURCH HOUSE Charity Number SC039112 Duke of Edinburgh Group participated in their practise expedition in Aberfoyle during the summer holidays, they had mixed weather, didn’t enjoy the midgies but worked hard to get through the 2 days.
Summer Programme included sessions in Churchy and out in the parks. The young people loved their visits to Cunningar Loop, Pollock Country Park, Mugdock Park, Campsie Glen, Bowling, Cinema, North Wheel at Glasgow Green, Blair Drummond Safari Park and Air Space.
The Primary 6/7 group got the opportunity for an outdoor residential in Dalguise. They did fantastic participating in various activities that challenged them, for some of the young people this was their first time away without family. They had a great time and are already asking when is the next one!
And Finally we have moved into our new building, you cannot wipe the smiles of our faces. The young people tested out the new building on Wednesday 10th August, they gave it their seal of approval. The building is bright and beautiful and now the hard work begins……..
A reminder of our groups: Monday 7.00pm – 8.30pm Primary 6 & 7 Wednesday 9.30am – 1.00pm Parent & Toddlers Wednesday 1.00pm – 2.30pm Parent & Toddlers Wednesday 3.30pm – 5.00pm Primary 1, 2, 3 Wednesday 5.30pm – 7.30pm Duke of Edinburgh Group Thursday 4.00pm – 5.30pm Primary 1, 2, 3 Thursday 6.00pm – 7.30pm Primary 4 & 5
6 Thank you to all the people who help and support our work with the young people, it is much appreciated and valued, please keep up the good work. Also the financial support we receive from other Churches enables us to give more opportunity to young people. - Angela Molloy CHURCH OF SCOTLAND Stewardship and Finance Department
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I write to thank you most sincerely for supporting the worship, mission and service of the Church through the money you give in your offerings. It is important that you should know what happens to this money and this letter intends to explain how your congregation’s Ministries and Mission Contribution will be used to enable the work of the Church in 2016.
Total Contributions to Ministries and Mission for 2016 £21,912
Ministries (85.3%)
£18,691 of your total contribution will go towards the costs of providing over 1,000 parish ministers and other parish workers in communities throughout Scotland and in the Presbytery of England. This contribution also assists with the costs of recruitment and training.
The 2016 cost of a parish minister at the top of the stipend scale is £41,507 (stipend + employer’s NI and pension contributions). If your contribution to Ministries is above this figure, then your church is meeting the full cost of your ministry and supporting other congregations. If it is less than £41,507, your congregation is being supported by other congregations.
Mission (14.7%)
£3,221 of your total contribution will be used to support the Church’s work in: resourcing congregations for Christian 7 education and outreach; providing social care services in Christ’s name to further the caring work of the Church to people in need; accompanying partners around the world on our shared Christian journey; contributing the Church’s opinion in public debate and on issues affecting Scotland and the World; providing central day-to-day service work in administrative, financial and legal matters; and in planning the General Assembly and ensuring the Moderator represents the Church. As you will see, the contributions your church makes ensure a very diverse ministry is maintained and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in many ways and places. Many churches have made additional Ministries and Mission contributions throughout the past year and these have been gratefully received.
- Archie McDowall (Deputy Treasurer – Congregational Finance)
MESSY CHURCH As mentioned in “Message from the Manse”, we would like to start Messy Church – church with a difference for families. Fun, food, and bible-themed crafts, games and celebration. But to be able to do this we need people to make this possible. And the great thing is whatever skills you have can be of use.
So if you can make tea and coffee, or prepare food, or welcome people at the door, or help people with arts and crafts, or games, or spend time listening to people, or pray, or come with your children/grandchildren/nephews/nieces, or help set up, or clear up, you can be of help.
When will it be? Outwith school hours at a time when people are able to help. How often will it be? As often or as seldom as we have the people to make it happen.
8 So if you could help to make this happen or want to find out more, please talk to Helen Knight or Howard Hudson.
”I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 REGNAL CIRCLE Monday night is Regnal night! The Regnal starts up again on Monday 5th September at 7.30pm to which all men are welcome. The Sidlaw Regnal in Dundee organised a very interesting trip to Kirriemuir where we visited the house where J.M.Barrie, author, playwright and creator of the much loved character Peter Pan, was born in 1860. Don’t forget the Parish Grouping Beetle Drive on Monday 12th September at 7.30pm here in our church hall to which everyone is invited. Tickets are available from Robert for £3 which includes prizes and a buffet. - Robert Humphries
GUILD The Guild will be meeting from 1.30pm till 3pm on Tuesdays from 4th October. You are very welcome to join us, enjoy one of our many interesting speakers and stay for tea/coffee, biscuits and a blether. I’ve included our syllabus for the rest of this year below – if you would like a hard copy of the 2016/2017 syllabus, please let me know.
4 Oct Opening Meeting (Rev. Howard Hudson) 11 Oct The Home Front Women during war (Maureen McRobb) 18 Oct Guild Project—Haiti (Ross McFarlane) 25 Oct Halloween 1 Nov Local Police 8 Nov The happiest days of my life (John Phillips) 15 Nov Rehearsal for Guild Week 20 Nov Guild Week Sunday Service 22 Nov Holiday Pictures (Duncan McGhie) 29 Nov Look good, feel good (Denise Winton) 9 6 Dec Christmas Quiz 12 Dec Christmas Panto 19 Dec Carols by Candlelight at 7.00pm We look forward to seeing you soon.
- Edith Watt FOOD BANK The Food Bank has been running all summer thanks to our willing team of volunteers. We are open on Thursdays from 11am-1pm. The numbers of people using the Food Bank fluctuate from week to week but at the end of July, we had provided food parcels for more than 673 adults and 344 children. We are very grateful to receive any food donations to top up our supplies but at the moment, we are short of toiletries to include in the parcels. Thank you for your support. - Betty Arbuckle & Nancy Humphries
CHURCH LIBRARY The Church Library is open each Sunday, just next to the piano in the main hall, for everyone to use. A wide range of Christian books are available for borrowing, including books on Christian history, biographies, practical books to help you pray, or read your Bible, as well as theology books for anyone wanting to study that bit deeper. Don’t forget we also have some videos and tapes available, and that there’s something there for everyone including children. Just make a note in the book of anything you take, and enjoy your book. Remember the library is there for you.
CAN YOU HELP? We currently need someone to be our Church and Society rep and someone to be our Mission and Discipleship Council liaison
10 person. If you would be interested in finding out more about either of these opportunities, please talk to Howard Hudson.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 HARVEST 2016 We will be holding a Harvest Supper for all of us in our church hall on Saturday 15th October at 7pm. Then our Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be on Sunday 16th October at 11am and there are two ways that you can give a harvest gift, either by putting a cash donation in a Lodging House Mission envelope which we will supply or by bringing something for the harvest display. The church will be open from 12noon till 1pm on Saturday 15th October to receive your harvest gifts and for setting up our harvest display. After the Harvest Service we will need people to stay behind to help distribute the gifts, and it is hoped that many people, including all our members with cars, will stay behind to help. The Kirk Session has decided that the gifts will once again be distributed to those in our church who are housebound or in hospital or eventide homes and to the Lodging House Mission. As each year we receive so much for our harvest display, including more perishables than we really need, it would be very much appreciated if gifts for the harvest display were either in tins or breakfast cereal, soup cereal, biscuits, dried fruit, rice, sugar, tea, coffee or fruit juice. That way what we don’t need for those in our church who are ill, housebound, in hospital or eventide homes, can go to the Lodging House Mission.
If you would like to help plan our Harvest Service, please let Howard know now!
11 RETIRING OFFERING The retiring offering after our communion service on Sunday, 30th October will be for a Scottish Bible Society project. Further details will be available nearer the time. Please give generously. TEATIME! TEATIME! is a monthly ‘pay- what-you-feel’ community dinner for all those living, working and studying in Bridgeton & surrounding areas.
The dinner was initiated by The East Ate in association with Glasgow NE Food-bank to provide access to fresh and nutritious food in a communal setting. By collaborating with chefs from Real Food, Real Folk, the dinners have provided access to exciting food options which are not readily available in the area.
For the first dinner 60 local people & volunteers had a chance to together experience a 3 course meal designed by Ox & Finch chefs – Aurelien Mourez & Sandy Browning. The meal featured a French inspired menu, using local produce, including edible flowers & herbs from The East Ate’s growing space at Urban Edge, as well as hand manufactured ginger ale made as part of the group’s Brigtoun Soda Lab project.
The next TEATIME! community dinner will take place at 7pm on Thursday 15th September, at Bridgeton, St. Francis-in-the- East. All welcome!
ROLL KEEPERS REPORT 12 We have 77 members on the Church Roll. One of our members, Annie Marshall, died on 26th May 2016. She will be sadly missed. 41 members communicated at the June communion.
- Betty Glassford (Roll Keeper)
NOTICEBOARD Please remember Remember to Please remember to let the minister keep looking at to look at our know about any our church notice table of FREE of our members boards near the LITERATURE who are seriously lane door, above near the front ill or in hospital. the hall piano, door of the He will never and in the church and take know about it corridor between from it anything unless someone the kitchen and you want. tells him. session house. Please remember If you have an email address, please to CLOSE ALL let Howard know at DOORS behind hhudson@churchofscotland. you when you come into church DATES FOR A very BIG THANK YOU to all whoto keep in the YOUR donate tea, coffee, etc. It is greatly heat. appreciated. DIARY If you want to see the minister Tuesday 6th The People’s Communion – our annual on a Sunday, September service of rededication for everyone in our Visit our church website: please see him church and Church House near the start of a www.bridgetonstfrancis.orgafter the service. new session with Rev. Hilary McDougall. Church House, 22 OrQueen our facebookMary Street page: at 7.30pm.If you are housebound and Monday 12th Parish Grouping Beetle Drive – come would like to September and enjoy the fun, laughter and excitement receive a tape of withIf our you neighbouring like to put any churches information in our on church our Sunday hallthe at website Prizes foror facebookthe winners, page buffet service each for everyonepleaseThere – tellallis a forBarbara SUGGESTION only £3!Jennings BOX on the table at the front doorweek, of please let Sunday 2nd October The theParish church. Grouping If you haveHarvest any Servicehelpfulyour elder here know. suggestions to do with our church,We can supply a please13 put them in the box. Alltape recorder if suggestions will be carefullyyou don’t have considered. one. in our church at 6.30pm.
Saturday 15th Our church’s Harvest weekend. October & (see ‘Harvest 2016’ for more details) Sunday 16th October Wednesday 9th – Priority Areas Consultation, Gartmore Friday 11th House, just outside Glasgow. If you want to November find out more or book a place, please see Howard. Friday 11th Remembrance at the Cross – Bridgeton’s November annual Act of Remembrance from 10.40am at Bridgeton Cross.
WEEKLY EVENTS EVERY SUNDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY Service 11.00am See the Minister 1.00pm Crèche 11.00am Unlock the Bible 7.30pm Young Frankies 11.00am EVERY MONDAY EVERY THURSDAY Men’s Regnal 7.30pm Food Bank 11am-1pm
Sep 4th May Livingstone Jane Gartland Sep 11th Margaret Miller May Cross Sep 18th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries Sep 25th May Livingstone Jane Gartland
Oct 2nd Margaret Miller May Cross Oct 9th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries Oct 16th May Livingstone Jane Gartland Oct 23rd Margaret Miller May Cross Oct 30th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Nov 6th May Livingstone Jane Gartland 14 Nov 13th Margaret Miller May Cross Nov 20th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries Nov 27th May Livingstone Jane Gartland
Dec 4th Margaret Miller May Cross More helpers needed for the crèche rota. If you can help, please speak to Betty Glassford. Thank you. DATES TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 6 People’s Communion in Church House 7.30pm 12 Parish Grouping Beetle Drive 7.30pm 15 Kirk Session 1.30pm
OCTOBER 2 Parish Grouping Harvest Service 6.30pm 6 Congregational Board 7.00pm 15 Church open to receive harvest gifts 12noon 15 Harvest Supper 7.00pm 16 Harvest Thanksgiving Service 11.00am 30 Communion Services 11am and 6.30pm
NOVEMBER 11 Act of Remembrance at Bridgeton Cross 10.40am 13 Remembrance Sunday Service 10.50am 17 Congregational Board 7.00pm
Anyone wishing to submit material for the magazine should either hand it to the editor or email to:
The deadline for the Winter 2016 magazine will be
Sunday 13th 15November 2016