Proposed Schedule for AACDP Program

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Proposed Schedule for AACDP Program

Sunday April 29, 2007 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Annual AACDP Pre-Conference Session Plan to arrive on Saturday so you don’t miss any of Sunday’s exciting sessions Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, CO

Held in conjunction with the National Oral Health Conference: Advancing Access & Taking Action for the Nation’s Oral Health, April 30-May 2, 2007. Sponsored by the American Association of Public Health Dentistry and the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

Last year, the AACDP Sunday pre-conference session featured the only panel that addressed the Alaska Dental Therapist initiative. This year, an equally dynamic and informative program has been planned that will feature two nationally recognized speakers, Dr. Burton Edelstein of the Columbia University School of Dentistry and chair of the Children’s Dental Health Project, one of the nation’s foremost dental public health experts in the public policy arena, and Dr. Barbara Steinberg, Drexel University, who is especially known for her excellent presentations concerning women’s oral health issues. A panel from several Denver/Colorado area programs will discuss how a local health department, a nonprofit agency, a foundation and a former health department octogenarian dental director with members of the local dental society are all working successfully to address access to dental care in Denver and across Colorado. Other topics include capitalizing on medical-dental partnerships and updates concerning federal dental initiatives for Head Start, putting an updated version of the Seal America manual on the internet, early childhood oral health, and rapid oral HIV testing in safety net dental clinics. This is shaping up to be one of our best ever pre-conference sessions. And finally, for those who didn’t get enough last year, AACDP will cosponsor a session during this year’s National Oral Health Conference titled “Advancing Access to Oral Health Services: An Update on Recent Initiatives” addressing various programs and proposals including the Alaska Dental Therapist effort, the ADHA program and other avenues.

Don’t miss this one opportunity of the year to network with colleagues from local, state, and federal government, foundations, academia, and all types of local dental programs. Find out what others working in local programs are doing to address the same problems you’re experiencing and where they get their funds. REGISTRATION MATERIALS at AACDP AGENDA Sunday, April 29, 2007 Denver Marriott Tech Center

8:00-8:30 Registration, Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:45 Introductions/Housekeeping Description of Day

8:45- 9:30 HRSA Health Disparities Collaborative Oral Health Pilot: A Model for Perinatal Oral Health and Prevention/Treatment of Early Childhood Caries Jay Anderson, DMD, MHSA Chief Dental Officer, Division of Clinical Quality, Bureau of Primary Health Care, Health Resources & Services Administration

9:30-11:30 Women’s Oral Health Issues Barbara Steinberg, DDS Clinical Professor of Surgery, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45- 12:30 Federal Updates and HRSA Initiatives Head Start Dental Sealants Rapid Oral HIV Tests Mark Nehring & John Rossetti, Health Resources and Services Administration, & Katrina Holt, National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center

12:30-2:00 Lunch and Introductions

2:00- 3:30 Denver, Colorado Dental Programs Speakers will describe local programs include foundation funding, rural program, mobile program, community health center, others.

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:00 Working with Policy Makers to Enhance Local Dental Program Capacity Burton Edelstein, DDS, MPH Chair, Children’s Dental Health Project; Professor of Dentistry & Health Policy Management, Columbia University, New York, NY Contact the Marriott Tech Center immediately to reserve your room. Be sure to mention the National Oral Health conference to get the conference rate of $139 before March 30. Call 1-888-238-1491 or visit today!

To register go to and check the box for the AACDP Symposium on Sunday, April 29. The registration fee for Sunday only is $75.00, which includes breakfast, lunch and CEUs. The American Association for Community Dental Programs (AACDP)

Annual Meeting and Symposium Denver Marriott Tech Center Sunday, April 29, 2007

A limited number of partial stipends may be available to assist with your expenses. First priority will be given to those who attend the full Sunday session and stay through Wednesday. You must attend the Sunday AACDP meeting to be eligible. Application for Travel Support AACDP/National Oral Health Conference April 29, 2007





Dates you plan to be in attendance: ______to ______(Applicants are requested to take advantage of as much of the National Oral Health Conference as possible)

Anticipated Expenses: Hotel ______Transportation ______Registration ______Meals ______TOTAL ______

Agency contribution______Personal contribution______Amount Requested from AACDP ______

What is the minimum amount you need from AACDP in order to attend? $______Please fax to AACDP (513)621-0288 by April 10. For information call Jackie at 513-621-0248 ext. 105

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