Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association

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Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association


1 KENTUCKY OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2 BYLAWS 3 (REVISED 6/2013) 4 Additional Revision 9/2013 5 Additional Revision 05/2015 6Article I - Name

7Section I: This Association shall be known as the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association.

8Section II: This Association is a divisional society of the American Osteopathic Association and shall be 9subject to American Osteopathic Association, and also of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association, 10now in effect or as hereafter adopted.

11Article II - Purpose

12Section I: The purpose of this Association shall be to promote and improve high standards of osteopathic 13medicine through education and advocacy.

14Article III – Membership

15Section I: Membership in the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association, a nonprofit voluntary 16organization, shall be considered a privilege and not a right. Final authority concerning membership 17privileges rests with the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association.

18The members of this Association shall consist of the present members and others as shall be selected in 19the manner described by the bylaws and classified as:

20  Active members 21  Honorary members 22  Life members 23  Associate members 24  Student members 25  Resident and intern members 26  Out-of-State members 27  Retired members 28 29Section II: Membership Requirements

30Active membership shall be a graduate from a college or university of osteopathic medicine accredited 31by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation and licensed to practice medicine in Kentucky.

32Honorary membership may be bestowed by the Board of Trustees on anyone who has rendered 33outstanding service to the profession at the state or national levels, upon official recommendation. 34Honorary members may have voice but no vote in the business matters of the Kentucky Osteopathic 35Medical Association (KOMA).

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36Life membership may be granted by the Board of Trustees to any regular member who has reached the 37age of 70, or who has completed 40 years of practice, and has been a member in good standing in the 38osteopathic medical Associations, with 10 consecutive years immediately preceding the time of the 39award as a member in good standing of this Association. Life members shall have the privileges and 40duties of regular members but shall not be required to pay dues or assessments.

41Associate membership may be granted by specific action of the Board of Trustees. Associate members 42shall have neither voice nor vote, and may not hold office. The associate member will receive 43publications of the Association and may attend the state convention at the regular member fee. 44Associate membership dues shall be set by the Board of Trustees.

45Osteopathic medical students may be granted membership upon application and by specific action of 46the Board of Trustees. Student members may have voice but no vote nor hold office. Students shall 47have representation on the Board of Trustees as delineated in these bylaws.

48Residents and interns may be granted membership upon application and by specific action of the Board 49of Trustees. Residents and Interns may have voice and vote but may not hold office. Resident and 50Interns shall have representation on the Board of Trustees as delineated in these bylaws.

51Out-of-State membership shall be granted to a graduate of a college or university accredited by the 52Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation, and licensed to practice medicine in a state outside 53of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Out-of-State member must be an active or life member in good 54standing with his/her AOA-affiliated state society. Out-of-State members shall have no voice or vote, 55and may not hold office. Out-of-State members shall receive publications of the Association, and may 56attend the annual state convention at the regular member fee. Out-of-State members who practice in 57the Commonwealth of Kentucky will be considered as active members.

58Section III: Application for Membership

59Applicants for Membership shall complete application provided by the Association. Applicants shall 60provide the information called for by those forms fully and completely, stating their qualifications. The 61completed applications shall include a signed agreement the applicant, if accepted, will abide by the by- 62laws, Rules and Regulations of the Association. The Executive Director shall determine that the applicant 63holds a valid unrestricted license to practice osteopathic medicine. The Board of Trustees shall then vote 64on the acceptance of the membership application at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

65Section IV: Resignation

66Any member desiring to resign his/her membership in this Association shall present his/her resignation 67in writing to the secretary. The resignation shall then be presented to the Board of Trustees for action, 68but no member’s resignation shall be accepted until his/her financial and other obligations to the 69Association are fulfilled to the satisfaction of this Board.


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71Article IV – Dues

72Section I: The annual dues for all membership categories of this Association shall be established by the 73Board of Trustees, and payable on January 1 of each calendar year.

74Section II: New members transferring into the Commonwealth of Kentucky after July shall have prorated 75dues for that portion of the year remaining until January 1 of the following year.

76Section III: Non-payment of dues for any year shall prohibit that person from attending any business 77meeting of the Association and shall be considered grounds for termination of membership in the 78Association.

79Section IV: The dues shall be used to meet the budgeted needs of the Association and dispersed 80according to such rules or procedures as are adopted and approved by the membership of this 81Association upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.

82Article V – Code of Ethics

83Section I: The Code of Ethics to be used by this Association shall be the same Code of Ethics as adopted 84by the American Osteopathic Association.

85Article VI – Disciplinary Action

86Section I: Any violation of the Code of Ethics of this Association shall be reported to the Board of 87Trustees.

88Section II: Suspension of Membership

89If a member’s license to practice medicine and/or surgery has been suspended, restricted or revoked, 90that physician will be suspended from membership in this Association. Such suspension shall be 91concurrent with the suspension of license. If a member has been adjudged guilty of a felony, 92membership shall be revoked automatically.

93Section III: Reinstatements

94In any case involving revocation of Membership or privileges or refusal to renew Membership on 95grounds other than that of non-payment of dues and/or assessments, a reinstatement shall be possible 96only upon submission of a new application and full proceedings ordinarily connected with a new 97application. A member who has been suspended has the right to appeal to the Board of Trustees.

98Final authority concerning Membership privileges rests with the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky 99Osteopathic Medical Association.

100Article VII – Board of Trustees

101Section I: The Board of Trustees of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association shall consist of the 102President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past President, three (3)

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103Trustee Members, one resident/intern representative from a postdoctoral training program within the 104Commonwealth of Kentucky, and one student member from the COCA approved college of osteopathic 105medicine within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

106Section II: The term of office shall be the following: Officers will serve for a term of two years. 107Each Trustee shall serve for a term of three years. Terms will be staggered so no two Trustees’ terms 108shall end on the same year.

109Section III: Ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees shall include the Osteopathic Representative(s) 110to the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure AND the Dean of University of Pikeville School of 111Osteopathic Medicine.

112Section IV: A quorum for business of the Board of Trustees shall consist of 50% of the voting members of 113Board of Trustees.

114SECTION V: All members of the Board of Trustees are expected to attend 50% of all scheduled meetings. 115Persons not complying with this attendance policy will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees for 116corrective action.

117Section VI: Code of Conduct: Members of the Board of Trustees will abide by the Kentucky Osteopathic 118Medical Association code of conduct.

119Article VIII –Duties of the Officers

120Section I: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Trustees and 121shall perform such other duties as generally pertained to the office of President.

122SECTION II: The President may appoint Committees as are authorized by the Board of Trustees.

123Section III: The President-elect must have been a member of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical 124Association for three (3) years and have held the office of Vice President or Board of Trustees.

125Section IV: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President-elect, should that individual be 126unable to fulfill the position and any duties assigned by the President.

127Section V: The Secretary shall be responsible for all minutes and business communications associated 128with the Association.

129Section VI: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial matters of the Association.

130Article IX – Duties of the Board of Trustees

131Section I: The Trustee shall act as a representative voice of osteopathic physicians in the Commonwealth 132of Kentucky to the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association.

133Section II: The Board of Trustees shall authorize and supervise all expenditures of this Association.

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134Section III: The Board of Trustees shall exercise general supervision over the affairs and business of the 135Association and shall meet at such time and place as their duties require.

136Section IV: The Board of Trustees may assist in maintaining the legal rights and privileges of the 137members when expedient, and when such action may lead to the general good of the profession.

138Section V: In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees, an eligible member of the Association 139shall be selected by the Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days to fill the unexpired term.

140Article X – Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the AOA House of Delegates

141Section I: Delegates and alternate delegates to the House of Delegates of the American Osteopathic 142Association shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at least ninety (90) days before the annual meeting 143of the American Osteopathic Association House of Delegates.

144Section II: Delegates and Alternate Delegates must be members in good standing.

145Article XI – Elections

146Section I: Election of officers, Trustees, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the House of Delegates of 147the American Osteopathic Association shall occur at the Annual Scientific Seminar and Business 148Meeting.

149Section II: Election to office shall be at a majority vote of the active and life membership present at the 150annual business meeting.

151Section III: Notification of the Annual Business Meeting and elections of officers will be no later than 30 152days prior to the scheduled event.

153Article XII – Executive Director

154Section I: An Executive Director shall be employed by the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association on 155a part-time or full-time basis as needed.

156Section II: The Executive Director shall serve under the direct supervision of the President and the Board 157of Trustees and shall perform such duties usual to the position and as outlined in an approved contract.


159This Association shall have the following:


161Three (3) available Past Presidents of this Association and the current President-elect shall act as a 162Nominating Committee, and shall meet at the call of its Chairman, the most immediate Past President, 163sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association. It shall 164nominate candidates for each office to be filled at the next Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Osteopathic

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165Medical Association. The Nominating Committee shall choose its nominees by majority vote of its 166members and shall report its nominations to the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association through the 167office of the Past President at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky 168Osteopathic Medical Association.

169Additional nominations for any and all offices (with the exception of the President) of this Association of 170the American Osteopathic Association may be made from the floor of the Annual Meeting of the 171Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association.


173The Financial Committee shall be made up of one Officer, the Treasurer, one member of the Trustees, 174and at least one member of the Association who does not sit on the Board. The Financial Committee 175shall meet within 30 days of the year-end to review financial reports, audits and reviews. Financial 176Committee shall review tax filing prior to IRS filing deadline.


178The President may appoint Ad Hoc Committees as are authorized by the Board of Trustees.

179Article XIV– Annual Meeting

180Section I: For the purpose of business activity, a quorum for the annual meeting of this Association shall 181consist of those members present at the Annual Meeting.

182Section II: The Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Osteopathic Medical Association shall be in conjunction 183with the annual scientific seminar. Notification of the scientific seminar and business meeting will occur 184no less than 30 days prior to the scheduled event.

185Article XV – Rules of Order

186Section I: The meetings of this Association shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, except 187in such instances as are specifically provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.

188Article XVI– Assets

189Section I: The Board of Trustees shall have complete control of the management of all assets of this 190Association. They shall have the power to make loans to students in any of the osteopathic colleges. 191They are expressly authorized to those who agree to practice osteopathic medicine in the 192Commonwealth of Kentucky. Any loans will be on terms and conditions as delineated by the Board of 193Trustees.

194Section II: The Board of Trustees shall have the power to accept gifts of money, property, or any other 195things of value on behalf of this Association and shall be empowered to invest funds or property thus 196received or the proceeds of any property thus received, as in the honest exercise of their judgment they 197determine to be safe and proper investments.

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198Article XVII– Amendments

199Section I: Bylaws of this Association may be amended by a majority vote at any regular or called 200meeting, a quorum being present; provided that the proposed amendments be filed with the Secretary 201at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

202Article XVIII – Dissolution of the Association

203Section I: Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed to an organization or 204organizations in the state of Kentucky that provides education to osteopathic physicians, students or the 205public, and that qualifies within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or 206corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


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